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Every inch of her body was still shivering. The half human, half octopod woman in front of her concealed her eight arms behind her upper body. She was on her elbows now.

“My name is Karlie... And yes, I am from the islands, but probably not those that you are thinking of. I’m from the south seas.”

“Karlie?”, Tallulah asked. Her voice was still raspy, and her tongue, salty. She tried to get on her feet, but she could not. She could still see the tip of one of Karlie’s arms moving around though, making a tiny spiral right above the wet sand.  “I’m Tallulah. I work as a marine biologist. Can you breathe normally here? I mean, most octopods can’t.”

She smiled. “I’m not an octopus, Tallulah, the marine biologist. I have lungs”, said Karlie, blowing a thin stream of air on Tallulah’s face. “But I can also do the same underwater”.

Tallulah smiled back. “Amazing…”

“When I met you, down there, I thought you could too. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’m fine now. I was careless”, answered Tallulah,

“You should always dive with a partner, you know, you folk from the continent. Knowing about the Sea has nothing to do with staying alive down there. Promise you’ll take care next time?”, she asked, raising her pinky. Tallulah laughed, then she did the same and said that it was a promise, of course. When they shook them, Karlie kissed Tallulah on the mouth.

“You’re full of surprises, Karlie from the southern islands…”, Tallulah answered, holding her friend with both arms, and giving her a passionate kiss. She could also feel Karlie’s hand waiting for dolphin dick to come out. “And you have a nice tongue too.”

Karlie bit her lip slightly. “That’s not my tongue”.

* * *

Hello there, fellow futa lovers!

I had originally envisioned, for our Tallulah series, a third and last painting of Tallulah and Iris, this one far away from the shore, but I thought that Karlie captured our attentions so much last month that I decided to share the spotlight with her. Besides, we could argue that she represents the (mythical) anthro futa category very well, which can work as a nice transition to the three delightful anthro futa months that await us, so why not release the kraken? As some of you noticed from our last streaming sessions, I’ve been painting and sketching equine anthros, some of them from the mythical subcategory (e.g., centaurs!), so I’m very excited with the possibilities that lie ahead.

Thank you all so much for the love and support! =^___^=






I could not mash the like button any harder than I did! Fantastic job!! And need to see more of this type of fantasy material :)


Yaaay! =^____^= I had the same feeling as I was painting it: we need to see more of this... And there's already more of Karlie on the way. =^___^= I'm glad you like it, Kyro!


Amazing work!


Thanks, Heretic013! Learning how to paint those octopod arms is still a work in progress, but it's hella fun! =^___^=