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Hello there, everyone! =^___^=

In our recent poll You've got time (part 2), mythical creatures made it to the top three most voted category. I admit I wasn't expecting this result (although I was expecting horses to be at the top of the list), so I got curious about which one of those you like the most. In principle, this poll isn't a part of our three months of anthro illustrations, but it sure will guide me towards future illustrations, polls, sketches and ideas. 

The list below is far from being exhaustive, but I tried to pick the ones that were either widely known, visually interesting, or both. It's a mix bag, so if you'd like me to consider a type of creature that wasn't listed, please let me know in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you: which mythical creatures would you like to see on canvas?



Honestly, I want the one you want to do most.


I promise I'll come back to this post and reveal my personal favorites when the poll is over. I really like to get everyone's input, but (mini spoiler ahead) I'm pretty sure I'd love to paint any of those options above (OK, I have mixed feelings about harpies or minotaurs, but those would be great challenges... There, I said it =^____^= ).