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Tallulah said it was going to be like a field trip, a weekend off in which they both would meet new people and do some research together. Epona thought they were going to a park, hike, get sweaty, swim, and, most certainly, fuck in public spaces (not necessarily in this order). One was wrong, and the other was lying. It wasn’t anything like that. They went to another university’s campus, located in their neighbor state, São Paulo. 

“You said it was going to be like a field trip, Tallulah, but I didn't expect you were referring to the academic side of it.” One of the students kept staring at her. Whenever she turned around, he’d open a green book he had. Epitaph of a Small Winner. She laughed. It was upside down.

“This won’t take long. I just need to hand some papers to my advisor and we’ll be on our way to the best party this city has to offer, I promise.”

She was bluffing.

“Campinas is not such a big city, you know… I doubt we’ll find good parties here, but hey, you are the one who studied here, so I’ll go wherever you take me... Tallulah?”


“Would you let me fuck you on the dance floor?”

Tallulah blushed. A chill ran down her spine when she felt Epona’s hand on her face.

“Epona… What are you doing?”, said Tallulah, feeling her girlfriend’s half boner touching her legs.

“I was hoping you would, you know, do something when we were in the bus. Except for the old lady next to the driver, it was just you and me there…”

“Epona, my advisor will arrive any moment now. I don’t think we should… Ah...” Tallulah felt her prehensile cock secretly unzip her own pants and reach for Epona’s cock.

Epona had a smile on her face. So did the student next to them.

“He-ey... Look who’s come out to play…”

* * *

Hello, hello! Quaraci here!

I guess we’ve got so much appreciation for Tallulah last month that I decided to bring her again. This is one of those paintings that I’ve been keeping, painting and repainting, waiting for the right moment to post. It’s not as explicit as some of what we’ve seen these last few months, but it has some playful erotic quality that I enjoy very much. I hope you do as well. =^___^=

It’s been a while since I’ve been trying to improve my internet bandwidth, but I had to wait until fiber optic finally became available in my neighborhood. The maximum bandwidth capacity we had in the market was 15Mbps (DSL), but now I switched to 200Mbps (fiber), which is a huge upgrade, especially when it comes to upload capacity. This means that streaming my painting process is not only possible, but actually quite fun to do (it was a mess with my prior internet bandwidth, unstable, and mostly low quality), so I’d like to invite you - if you like watching painting videos - to follow me at my Piczel stream. This way you’ll always receive a notice whenever I start a painting session. See you there! 






Wow, they're beautiful.


I'm not eloquent enough to express how jealous I am of anyone who can get a hug from their girlfriend's cock. Suffice it to say that this is an absolutely lovely picture, and not just from an erotic perspective


They make such a lovely couple. =^___^= I'm glad you like it, Someguy987!


You are, Ghostflame. =^___^= I always try to bring something besides the direct, sexual content of any given situation, and I'm glad when the final composition does the magic. Maybe I've been reading too much stuff from Manara lately... ;P #werealljealous