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Hey, Patreon! I've got our first look at this year's holiday picture, this time featuring the heroines of 7Eves, Hazel & Liv!

What's Jubilee, you ask? Well, in the world of 7Eves, holidays are just a little different! They're celebrated differently, have very different origins, and also have different names! Jubilee is the 7Eves analog to Christmas, a winter holiday where we recall the events of the last year, and share kindness and generosity with our loved ones with an exchange of gifts! Just look at Hazel's face! Looks like Liv must have gotten her the perfect gift~

I'll be working off and on on this piece for the remainder of the month leading up to Christmas, while also completing my test pages, and working on more thumbnails for Chapter 1! Whoo!! Busy busy! But it's gotta be done! No one's gonna tell this story but me!!

Until next time, take care, everyone, and thank you for your support!!



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