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Hello once again, Patreon! I've been... hyperfixating, to say the least!! Thinking non-stop about my new project, which now has an official title: SEVENEVES! That's pronounced as "seven eves", like Christmas Eve, or in this case, All Hallow's Eve! I'll confirm in a future update where that title actually comes from, but I've already said quite a bit about this project, and I should do better to not give away too much too soon!

... That said, you guys are my loyal supporters, and response to this project has been very enthusiastic so far! So, I'm treating this one a lot more "fast and loose", throwing designs down and running with them immediately. Of course, there's still plenty of stuff that's subject to change, i.e. all of it, potentially, but I feel it's important for you guys to see at least some of this stuff as soon as it comes to me!

Alright, that's enough for now! Enjoy these sketches, and the attached captions for details! Until next time, take care, and thank you for your continued support!!


Following the events of Chapter 1, Liv is now cursed to feel the ticklish sensations on Hazel's own body... Even if Hazel does it herself!
SEVENEVES! The title of our story! This whole story begins with a broken mirror! Appropriately, this title is a palindrome!
Following the events of Chapter 1, Liv is now cursed to feel the ticklish sensations on Hazel's own body... Even if Hazel does it herself!
Of course, Liv is equally as susceptible to being tickled as she always was! Although, as the two quickly discover...
Hazel, despite being afflicted with the same curse, doesn't feel those sensations... as long as she's the one dishing out the tickling!
I realized that while we've gotten a peek at Hazel's feet, we haven't seen Liv's yet! Plump, soft soles are hiding in those sneakers~
I couldn't resist showing off Hazel's soles, as well!! Much larger and more slender than Liv's, but no less lovely in their own right~
Guess what! New characters means new moms!! Here's the first pass at Renata Woods, Hazel's mother. She's got a bit of a hippie vibe!
Our first pass at Constance and Sybil, Liv's "parents"! Constance is a starseer, and Sybil is a diviner. Sybil is also Liv's birthmother!


Arrow the Sparrow

I'm liking this more and more as you keep posting, dude!

Jason Levine Artwork

I'm loving all this concept art and cute characters! I can tell you'll have a ton of fun making this story. I can't wait to see where you go with it ^__^!!