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Hey, Patreon! I've got some exciting stuff to share!! As you know, I still have every intention of continuing Mamabito's story, but for as long as I can remember, I've also wanted to see if I could still craft a comic that was more fetish-forward. Now that I've honed my comicking skills, I think I might have found the perfect device for just such a project!

Here's the rough plot synopsis:

HALLOWEEN NIGHT. A young college girl, Hazel Woods, has completely neglected to find a costume in time for the holiday, and is eager to find something to wear to a Halloween party on campus. Every store in town is completely sold through its stock by this point, and Hazel grows hopeless... until she stumbles upon a small hole-in-the-wall costume shop, filled with all manner of costumes and masks, completely devoid of any customers. The only other soul in the shop is another girl her age, a bored-looking goth girl called "Liv", who, without looking up from her phone, directs her only customer towards the fitting room in the back of the store.
Hazel gleefully selects multiple costumes and takes them all back to the fitting room, excited to try them all on. The only other thing present in the small room is a large ornate mirror, which takes up most of the wall in front of her. As Hazel begins to undress, she fails to notice the ghostly hands that slowly fade into existence, but only in the mirror's reflection, drawing towards her exposed skin.
As the floating hands reach her body, they begin tickling at her reflection, and, despite being completely invisible and incorporeal on the outside of the mirror, Hazel can feel their every touch. Worse, as she continues to put herself in more compromising positions by dressing and undressing, her own reflection seems to turn on her, ratting out her most vulnerable spots and exposing them for more hands to tease her...
Will Hazel be able to find a costume in time for the party before she laughs herself silly? Will Liv come to her aid? And does Liv even know that her workplace is housing a haunted mirror?

The first order of business was to find a simpler art style that would benefit the project in two ways:

  • Creating a style that can be drawn quickly for easier production
  • Finding a look that allows the characters to be immediately identifiable

I prioritized basic shapes as the building blocks for these characters, rather than relying on more realistic anatomy, so the drawings can come together faster. As you can see when I was figuring out the characters' proportions, I got a little lost in the "details", before remembering what I was actually setting out to do in the first place! It's hard to break old habits, but it's also necessary!

As you can probably guess, this project is still very, very early in development; I didn't even have a solid name for these two until earlier today! It's also far too early to say realistically if I could even have this finished in time for this Halloween... I'm going to go ahead and say "no" to that one, and instead focus my art on completing sketch requests, commissions, and working on more Mamabito content for the time being. But you guys will continue to be the exclusive audience for any and all development for this project! Please look out for updates and look forward to whatever may come of this!

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!


Meet my two newest characters! Hazel is a cheerful, optimistic college-age girl, and Liv works at a costume shop... but is secretly a witch!
The first thing I ever drew for this project, a small style experiment. Hm, this "proto Hazel" looks a little different in the mirror...
Figuring out Hazel's proportions and outfit. A bit too curvy, and reminiscent of my oldest OC, Kanasta. Not quite there yet!
The decision to give Hazel wedge sandals helped steer her design. You could say it was a *step* in the right direction!
Originally a side character, Liv started out as a bored sales clerk. Once she became a witch, she drove the plot forward!
Hazel needed to be lanky, with big hands and feet to make her exaggerated proportions fun to look at and to draw. They're definitely both!!
By the end of the story, Liv admits to Hazel that she's a real witch. Hazel finds that almost unbelievable... for interesting reasons! ♥


SoulCastle Productions

Aww, Liv and Hazel look so cute! I especially love Hazel's sandals and hoe they compliment her feet and toes!


I'd love to see this fleshed out more in the future! I love these new characters; they make a good odd couple pairing!