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EDIT: I accidentally screwed up the text on the plaque! It originally read "the town of Plumeria", but that's Mamabito's current home in New Horizons! Whoops!! It's been fixed!

Hello again, patrons!! I made a boo-boo with my last WIP for this page, as you may have noticed! It was only meant to go up for my Works-in-Progress and above patrons, naturally, but I accidentally shared it for all of you! That's my bad!! But now, at last, Page Twenty-Two is finally finished for all of you to see!

Looks like Mamabito has arrived in Arcadia during the fall, much like the current time this page is being shared! I thought it would be fun to change the season to reflect the passage of time that much more! So just how much has changed in twenty years? Not much, it seems... Or perhaps, in Mamabito's case, not enough!!

We're about three pages away from the end of this story! I'm hoping to get those last few pages out by New Year's! Wish me luck, guys! I couldn't keep doing this without you!! Thank you as always for your continued support!




Looking forward to the grand finale of this epic tale, but for the love of gods, take care of yourself~! ;w;


Agreed. This page looks like it must've taken ages to make! Please pace yourself if possible :).