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UPDATE: I've added a SIXTH rediscovered sketch to this image set! It's not inherently NSFW, but... It's clearly questionable, to say the least!! Look's like Mamabito's neck might be her sweet spot~ Enjoy the bonus drawing, friends!

Hey, patrons! Sorry to keep y'all waiting even longer for the next page of Memories of Arcadia... It's coming along, but I could feel myself starting to burn out! I'm not about to let that happen, so to stay active, I took it upon myself to draw something... a little more fun~

I wanted to hold off on sharing a few of these NSFW sketches until the official reveal of Papabito... But I simply couldn't!! You guys have been waiting long enough! So, my very special NSFW patrons, it's time to confirm what a few of you might have already guessed:

Finn *is* Papabito!!

After meeting a young Mamabito on the train that fateful day, Finn decided he would aid the girl in her endeavor to enrich and beautify towns the world over. And, along the way, it looks like these two grew to be much closer than friends...

As one might also expect of me, and after discussing it with some friends, it's been decided that Papabito's also got a thing for his wife's feet! And now that we've all seen so much of them... Who can really blame the guy~?

I should also note that these sketches were all done at different times! The header image was drawn most recently; the images that follow were done before, and have been arranged chronologically, before Papabito's design was finalized. That said, I'm curious if anyone would like to see one or more of these drawings cleaned up and polished a little more! I'm especially fond of the two most recent ones myself! What do you guys think?

Alright, that's enough talking!! Thanks as always for your continued support, guys! It's really kept me and the wife afloat during these uncertain times! I couldn't be more grateful! You all take care of yourselves!!




These a spicy bois! They're good for sketches! I'd say if you could, they could be given the polished treatment! Love what you do, Chaz!


"I'm curious if anyone would like to see one or more of these drawings cleaned up and polished a little more!" Yes and please!