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Hello again, Patreon! This page took quite some time to come together! Reason being, through your pledges, I was at last able to have enough money comfortably saved up to make my first big art production investment since starting this page:

I'm now the proud owner of a Wacom Cintiq!!

I've been using a Wacom Intuos 4 Medium for the last several years, but this is my first major upgrade! This new model is the Cintiq 16, so while it's still technically considered an entry-level model, it's still my very first graphics tablet with a screen! And it's been a weird learning curve to get over!! For starters, I no longer have my express keys, which is a bummer, but I'll learn my way around that. The biggest hurdle is, honestly, remembering how to draw directly onto the surface I'm looking at! You'd be surprised how tricky that can be to get back into after over a decade of having looked up at my computer screen! But I'm getting the hang of it! As always, I couldn't have done this without your support!

I haven't settled on any dialogue for this page yet, seeing as it's not meant to be a dialogue-intensive page to begin with. Still, the most important things of note here, are the train ticket, which will be included in the upcoming flats stage, and Mamabito's handwritten letter, which I could not write on my own! My handwriting is far too "me" and not very "Mamabito", so I enlisted the aid of my wife! Sara was happy to help me on this page, allowing Mamabito to write this heartfelt letter to--

Wait... Could it be..!?




When I opened this, I could only see the top two panels, and my mind immediately went to Caramelldansen. I am truly sorry for this information.