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Hey, Patreon! The flats for Page Sixteen are nearly finished!! I noticed I hadn't drawn Mamabito's wedding ring in a few panels here, but I made sure to get it in there! It's an important part of her design, after all~

There's still just a few spots I still need to throw some color onto! But I took a bit of extra time outside of this page to design another key element:

The train ticket!! This is meant to be the biggest surprise of this page, so I wanted to highlight it with a nice, clean, legible design! A good chunk of this ticket is gonna end up being cropped, unfortunately, but I was pretty pleased with the way it came out, and I wanted to make sure you guys got to see the full thing!

I anticipate that, with this update, this page is very near completion! So consider this the final update for Page Sixteen! Next update, we'll be seeing the completed page at last!! Thank you again, as always, for your continued support!!



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