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This one is a surprise for you all my friends!
Our illustrator Jeff is back, and this is his first new artwork to beautify our beloved Sentai peril story!

It turned out that his schedule is now aligned with the Heroic Peril Studio’s so expect more from him in the future. That being said, we need balance so Neo’s equally-awesome vector art will also pop up for our adventure!

This one is for Patrangers, one of the most underrated Sentai teams out there in my opinion. Well, perhaps not FOR them since they’re the ones who will experience the horrors of the monstrous brothel house illicit ring organization. Keiichiro, Sakuya, and Tsukasa thought their special police training would protect them against The Boss’ vile operations, but then the LupinRangers went missing.

Experience the bloodcurdling grim underground brothel that threatened to devour the souls of young heroes who dared to cross paths with it, let alone defy it. It is ready to turn warriors of justice into a mortifying burlesque that mocked their courageous selves. The two Sentai teams thought they were fighting Gangler monsters, but this evil is beyond mere heists and criminals.

Will our heroes break the chains or will we chant All Cops Are Brothelsluts?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal friends:

Robert Terwillger


Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K




The spotlights will give us the show!


With their superhuman speed propelling them into the abandoned apartment, the Patrangers—Keiichiro, Sakuya, and Tsukasa—rushed with a sense of urgency. Their movements became a blur of vibrant colors as they tore through the air, determined to find their missing Lupinranger rivals.

Keiichiro held a small flashlight, its feeble beam casting eerie shadows on the peeling wallpaper. "This place gives me the creeps," he muttered, his voice tinged with unease. "I never thought we'd be searching for the Lupinrangers in such a decrepit location."

Tsukasa glanced at the rambling distress signal on her VS Changer. "Something isn't right," she said, her eyes darting around the hallway. "The Lupinrangers rarely reach out to us for help, especially in such urgency. And this symbol on the card they left behind... I've never seen anything like it."

As they reached the entrance, their figures barely discernible, a flicker of doubt flashed across Sakuya's face. He hesitated for a moment, questioning their motives. "Why should we even bother rescuing the Lupinrangers?" he pondered aloud, his voice laced with skepticism. "After all, they're just a bunch of thieves, our rivals."

Tsukasa turned toward him, her helmet glistened in the low light. Her voice filled with a similar gleaming conviction. "Sakuya, we may be rivals, but we're also allies. We fight for justice, and whatever has happened to the Lupinrangers must be connected to the monster we're facing," the heroine explained, her words firm and unwavering. "We need to investigate and ensure that justice prevails."

Keiichiro nodded, his resolve solidifying. "Tsukasa is right. We're the Patrangers, defenders of the innocent. Our duty is to protect and serve, regardless of our differences with the Lupinrangers," he affirmed, his voice brimming with determination.

“Perhaps you’re right.” Sakuya, with his sharp eyes scanning for any signs of danger, spoke up. "The chain on the card seems significant. It's as if the Lupinrangers are bound by something powerful, something beyond our understanding."

Keiichiro, ever the vigilant leader, focused his attention on the cellar hallway. "We need to search every inch of this place," he commanded, his voice resonating with authority. "The Lupinrangers must be here somewhere."

The Patrangers ventured cautiously through the dimly lit corridors. The floorboards creaked beneath their weight, amplifying the silence that enveloped the abandoned apartment. They examined each room, every nook and cranny, searching for any trace of their Lupinranger allies.

Time seemed to stretch as they combed through the halls, their steps measured and deliberate. Yet, the Lupinrangers remained elusive. Frustration crept into their hearts, mingling with their concern for their missing rivals.

Just as doubt began to cloud their minds, a glimmer of hope emerged. Keiichiro the Patren 1gou, his eyes scanning the dilapidated double doors at the end of the hallway, noticed a peculiar symbol etched upon them. His infrared vision revealed an evil alien gold coin emblem, hinting at something hidden beyond. "Guys, over here!" Keiichiro exclaimed, his voice filled with prospect. "I've found something."

The trio reached the end of the hallway and pushed open the creaking double doors, revealing an expansive, abandoned banquet hall. Moonlight filtered through broken windows, casting an ethereal glow upon the dust-filled air. In the middle of the room, a lengthy table with tattered white cloth stretched out, surrounded by worn-out chairs.

Keiichiro's grip on his flashlight tightened as he cautiously stepped into the hall. "Keep your guard up, everyone. We don't know what we'll find here," he warned.

As they ventured deeper into the hall, their footsteps echoed, mingling with the hushed whispers of the past. The walls were adorned with faded paintings and cracked mirrors, reflecting distorted images of the Patrangers as they moved through the darkness. The grandeur of the once-luxurious chamber had given way to a scene of dereliction and decay.

The vast room stretched out before them, its walls adorned with tattered remnants of elegant wallpaper. Once opulent tables, now dilapidated and covered in layers of dust, stood as silent witnesses to the passage of time. The chairs, once plush and inviting, now twisted and warped, seemed to contort with an unnatural malice.

But it was the ornate decorations that were bone-chilling. Hung from the crumbling ceiling were grotesque ornaments, resembling the frozen, anguished faces of screaming people. Their eyes, hollow and lifeless, seemed to follow the Patrangers' every move.

But it was the presence of macabre equipment that sent a shiver down their spines. Instruments of torment, designed to break the spirit and dignity of their captives, were scattered throughout the room. Each one a testament to the malevolent imagination of their monstrous patrons.

A pall of darkness seemed to hover over the room, accentuating the sense of malevolence that permeated the air. Chains, like tendrils of despair, crisscrossed the hall, their rusted links echoing with the weight of countless agonies. Naughty equipment, instruments of pain and pleasure, lay scattered amidst the debris, a haunting reminder of the twisted activities that once took place within these walls.

Tsukasa's voice palpitated as the heroine surveyed the horrifying scene. "This... this place... it's like a macabre nightmare. What kind of evil devolves this beauty into this... this horror?"

Sakuya, his voice barely above a whisper, added, "Be on your guard, everyone. This place... it feels alive, as if it holds secrets that should never be unearthed."

As they cautiously moved further into the banquet hall, a suffocating silence engulfed them. The air grew heavy, each breath filled with the unseen whispers of forgotten souls. The flickering light from broken windows cast elongated shadows that danced along the decaying walls, their macabre movements seemingly choreographed by a malevolent force.

Keiichiro's eyes scanned the room, his voice laced with a mix of dread and determination. "We need to find the Lupinrangers quickly. I fear for what they might have endured."

Amidst the haunting decor, the holographic imagery played out a nightmarish performance. What they witnessed at the center of the grand stage froze them in fear. Eerie spotlights flickered to life, casting an ethereal glow across the platform, where holographic imagery danced in macabre fashion.

The holograms depicted the captured Lupinrangers, forced into becoming entertainers for a Gangler monster night club. Their expressions were filled with desperation, their bodies restrained by invisible chains. The Patrangers' hearts sank at the sight of their rivals' predicament.

The captured Lupinrangers, their bodies bound by chains, were subjected to acts of unimaginable degradation. LupinYellow, her voice trembling with anguish, spoke in a wavering tone. "P-Please... you have to save us... They're making us... perform..."

The holographic scene unfolded, each moment a calculated assault on the Lupinrangers' morale. Bound and vulnerable, they were forced to wear macabre attire adorned with sinister symbols. Their captors reveled in their humiliation, commanding them to engage in degrading acts that defied their very identities.

LupinBlue, his eyes filled with tears, was compelled to dance in a grotesque parody of allure. His movements were a twisted mix of grace and despair, his body language echoing his profound discomfort.

And LupinRed, the once-heroic yet cunning team captain was shackled and exposed and forced into a submissive role, enduring acts of degradation that stripped him of his Sentai dignity. The torment inflicted upon the toned hero served as a cruel reminder of his powerlessness in the face of Lupinrangers’ monstrous captors.

The Lupinrangers' voices trembled with both fear and shame as they pleaded for release from their nightmarish ordeal. "Please... we never asked for this... We are not the prostitutes and helots they want us to be."

Tsukasa's heart shattered as she witnessed the Lupinrangers' suffering. Her voice shook with a mix of empathy and determination. "We won't let them break you. We'll find a way to put an end to their sadistic games."

Before they could fully process the scene, a horde of Porderman footsoldiers swarmed in, surrounding the Patrangers. They were met with wicked grins and mocking laughter from the Porderman, their grotesque faces twisted in delight.

Tsukasa, her voice dripping with wit, quipped, "Seems like we've attracted quite the fan club. I hope you brought autograph books!"

Keiichiro, a fire in his eyes, retorted, "Well, we do enjoy putting on a show. Let's give them a performance they won't forget!"

The Patrangers sprung into action, their movements a whirlwind of precision and skill. Blurred streaks of red, green, and pink clashed with the Porderman, their weapons slashing through the air. Despite being outnumbered, the Patrangers fought with unwavering determination and resourcefulness.

However, the Porderman's numbers were overwhelming, and the situation grew dire. Just as it seemed the tide would turn against the Patrangers, a monstrous figure emerged from the shadows—a muscular poacher-typed Gangler monster known as Badoreius. He groaned, “How amusing to see you attempt to save these thieves from their rightful punishment."

Keiichiro's voice seethed with anger. "Their crimes don't justify this sadistic torment. We won't let you hide behind your masks any longer!"

With a mighty crack of his whip, Badoreius aimed to break the Patrangers' defenses into oblivion. With a surge of power, the Sentai heroes unleashed their attacks, their weapons slashing through the air with a vengeance. But the villain, empowered by his monstrous nature, proved to be formidable adversary.

The battle became a frenzied dance of darkness and defiance. The heroic trio fought with every ounce of strength and resolve, their movements fluid and precise. Yet, with each strike, they found themselves repelled by Badoreius’ supernatural abilities.

But Patren 1gou refused to yield. He summoned the power of Keisatsu Boost, donning the Trigger Machine Crane armor, amplifying his strength and resolve. With a thunderous strike, Keiichiro smashed into Budanerus, sending him hurtling towards the walls behind the stage. The impact shattered the walls, revealing another hidden hallway—a secret passage that held untold secrets.

In a resounding impact, Keiichiro's mighty strike sent Badoreius crashing into the wall, revealing a secret passage bathed in an eerie light. Disembodied screams echoed from within, a chorus of tortured souls crying out for salvation. Without hesitation, Keiichiro, accompanied by his trusted comrades, Sakuya, the swift Green Patren 2gou, and Tsukasa, the determined Pink Patren 3gou, charged into the hallway, unaware of the peril that awaited them.

As they ventured deeper into the darkness, the atmosphere grew suffocating, the air heavy with an oppressive aura. It was as if the very walls whispered tales of suffering and despair. Unbeknownst to the Patrangers, an enigmatic card adorned with a skull symbol silently watched their every move, its malevolent presence casting a foreboding shadow.

Suddenly, a surge of unseen force seized the Patrangers, pulling them into the void. Their bodies tumbled through an otherworldly vortex, their senses overwhelmed by a dizzying whirlwind of colors and sensations. And in an instant, they found themselves trapped, confined within bondage-like shackles cages that clung to their forms with a vice-like grip.

Keiichiro, the embodiment of justice and unwavering determination, strained against his restraints, his eyes ablaze with defiance. "We won't be held captive by your wicked machinations!" he shouted, his voice filled with righteous fury.

Sakuya, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by a steely resolve, fought against the confining cage. "No cage can hold us back! We're the Patrangers, defenders of justice!"

Tsukasa, the indomitable Pink Patren, her eyes shimmering with unwavering determination, joined the chorus of resistance. "We'll break free from your clutches, no matter what it takes! Our spirit is unbreakable!"

Their words, filled with unwavering resolve, echoed through the chamber, a defiant challenge to the forces that sought to bind them. But even with their unwavering determination, the strength of their captors proved insurmountable. The shackled cages held them firm, rendering their heroic powers useless.

Keiichiro's powered-up armor, once a symbol of his indomitable strength, splintered under the unrelenting pressure of the shackles, leaving him vulnerable and defenseless. The realization struck hard, momentarily dampening the flames of their courage.

They were prisoners, trapped in a realm of darkness and despair, their hopes for rescue fading into the abyss. The enigmatic card, bearing its sinister symbol, seemed to smirk in triumph, relishing in the success of its malevolent scheme.

As the Patrangers struggled against their confining cages, a sinister presence filled the chamber. The enigmatic card, once a mere symbol of darkness, now soared through the air, guided by an unseen force, until it landed securely in the outstretched hand of the monstrous brothel boss.

A twisted grin formed on the boss's grotesque face as he gloated over his captives. His voice dripped with malice as he detailed the degrading items and activities that awaited the Patrangers, promising a future of humiliation and servitude. His words echoed through the chamber, a chilling reminder that they were now owned by the brothel, just like their former adversaries, the LupinRangers.

The Patrangers, their spirits still aflame with defiance, vehemently rejected the boss's proposition. Their voices were filled with determination against the suffocating atmosphere. "We will never submit to your perverse desires!" Patranger Red shouted, his voice laced with unwavering resolve.

Sakuya, his eyes flashing with defiance, added, "Our purpose is to protect and serve!"

Tsukasa, her voice tinged with righteous fury, proclaimed, "Our duty is to fight for justice! We will never yield!"

The cages surrounding the Patrangers responded to his malevolent presence, their once-loose grip tightening and constricting with an unforgiving force.

The sensation of suffocation intensified, the cages mocking their very forms, constricting their necks and groins with a perverse intent. The air grew thin, each breath a struggle against the tightening grip of their confinement.

Keiichiro strained against the crushing weight of the cage. "No matter what you do to us, our spirits cannot be broken! We are the Patrangers, and we will fight until peace is restored!”

The Boss simply sneered. The atmosphere in the chamber grew increasingly suffocating as the sadistic villain closed in on the trapped Patrangers. His presence exuded a malevolent energy that seemed to penetrate the very fibers of their spandex-clad bodies. Each step he took toward them was ghastly, ominousness mingled with dread.

As he neared, the boss extended a gloved hand, his touch grazing their costumes with a sickening mix of lust and malice. The Patrangers winced, their bodies instinctively recoiling from his touch. The sensation sent a jolt of discomfort and unwelcome arousal.

Keiichiro gritted his teeth, his face contorted with a mix of anger and disgust. "You'll pay for this! We won't succumb to your sick desires!"

But their defiant words seemed impotent as the boss continued his perverse caresses. His touch, like a venomous serpent, slithered over their bodies, leaving a trail of discomfort in its wake. Each graze, each squeeze sent an unwelcome shudder through their toned bodies, eliciting involuntary moans that they fought desperately to suppress.

But the boss had more in store for them. With a malicious gleam in his eyes, he reached for a button on the metallic cage's choke collar, a device designed to amplify their suffering. As he pressed it, a sickening mechanical sound filled the chamber, and suddenly, a head cage sprung out from the confines of their metallic prisons.

The head cage clamped tightly around their helmets, locking them in place with an unforgiving grip. The Patrangers' minds were bombarded with a pulsating wave of energy, their thoughts jumbled and distorted as the evil gem on the forehead of the cage emitted a sickening glow.

Keiichiro struggled against the tightening grip of the metallic cage, his muscles straining against the skeletal structure that held him captive. "Damn you! Release us now!"

But their attempts to break free proved futile as the cage tightened around their bodies, immobilizing them completely. The metallic restraints seemed to meld with their spandex-clad forms, rendering them helpless and at the mercy of their captor's twisted machinations.

As the brothel boss brought in the familiar faces of the enslaved LupinRangers, a sense of despair washed over the trapped Patrangers. The sight of their former allies, now reduced to mere shells of their former selves, filled them with a mixture of sorrow and indignation.

Kairi, the male LupinRed, Touma, the male LupinBlue, and Umika, the female LupinYellow, approached the captive Patrangers, their movements sluggish and disjointed. Their tattered spandex costumes clung to their bodies, soaked with sweat and the remnants of goop, a stark reminder of their enslavement.

The sight of the LupinRangers, their helmets now modified with grisly humiliating circular mouthguards that oozed white semen goop. It was a visual symbol of their transformation into mere entertainers, their heroic identities reduced to nothing more than tools for the brothel's amusement.

The LupinRangers reached out to caress their trapped counterparts, their touch a mocking gesture of humiliation. The Patrangers winced, their bodies instinctively recoiling from the touch of their former allies, now puppets in the brothel's grand performance.

Kairi's voice, fragmented and laden with sorrow, echoed in the chamber. "We... we were fools. We thought we could escape... but now... we are nothing."

Touma, his words a jumbled mess, muttered, "The brothel... it... it owns us. We are mere shadows... lost in its web."

Umika, her voice barely recognizable, spoke with a mix of adoration and resignation. "The brothel... it... it is everything. Our purpose... our existence. We... we worship it."

The words of the LupinRangers, once filled with determination and a desire for justice, now held only a faint echo of their former selves. Their minds, clouded and manipulated, had become mere vessels for the brothel's twisted desires. They had embraced their roles as entertainers, their individuality and purpose erased in the face of the brothel's overpowering influence.

The cries of Keiichiro, Sakuya, and Tsukasa filled the air as they desperately pleaded with their counterparts, the enslaved LupinRangers, to snap out of their slavery. Their voices were filled with a mixture of anguish, frustration, and a glimmer of hope. They believed that if they could reach their friends, remind them of their shared mission, they could break free from the clutches of the brothel and reclaim their heroic spirits.

A ravaging storm of pain and discomfort washed over Keiichiro, Sakuya, and Tsukasa as the LupinRangers' touches frighten the lives out of them. The sensations were agonizingly intimate, an invasion of their personal space that further stripped away their dignity.

Keiichiro winced as the LupinRed, once his trusted ally, moved with unnatural precision, his hand finding its mark on Patranger Red's groin. The touch was forceful and degrading, causing him to squirm in discomfort. "Stop... please... remember who you are," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.

Sakuya's eyes widened in disbelief as the LupinBlue, once his close friend, focused his attention on Sakuya's rear. The touch was invasive and humiliating, making Sakuya's face burn red with shame. "Touma, snap out of it! You’re a Sentai hero... remember your mission," he implored, his voice tinged with sadness.

Tsukasa, her breath catching in her throat, watched as the LupinYellow, once her confidante, approached with a predatory gaze. The touch that followed sent waves of discomfort through her body, robbing her of her sense of self. "Umika, please... remember the Lupinrangers... remember your spirit," Patren 3gou pleaded, her voice laced with desperation.

But the enslaved LupinRangers remained unresponsive, their actions driven solely by the twisted desires of the brothel. The gem on the cage's forehead pulsed with an eerie glow, draining the Patrangers of their heroic spirit with each passing moment.

Kairi, his voice filled with a mix of longing and resignation, stuttered, "W-we're owned now... Just like them... There's no... no escape..." His fingers grazed Keiichiro's firm chest, a cruel parody of the bond they once shared as fellow heroes.

Touma, his breath hitching with a mix of pleasure and despair, echoed Kairi's sentiment. "We... we were meant to be... heroes... But now... we're nothing... just... just toys for their amusement..." His hand trailed down Sakuya's abdomen, reveling in the shivers that ran through the Green Ranger's body.

Umika, her voice a whispered plea, added, "We... we used to fight... for justice... But now... we're trapped... trapped in this twisted game... and we can't... can't break free..." Her fingers danced along Tsukasa's exposed thigh, teasingly close to places that once held camaraderie and trust.

As the pain and humiliation intensified, Keiichiro, Sakuya, and Tsukasa felt a heaviness settle over them. They were locked in a battle not only against the physical restraints of the cage but also against the powerful grip of the brothel's influence. It was a battle that threatened to break their spirits and crush their hopes.

“Why do you waste your breath talking to empty dolls?” mocked The Boss who grinning hungrily in the darkness behind them. His glowing eyes revealed his demonic nature while his sharp fingers glimmered in the low light. He owned the place and soon, he would own the Sentai heroes forever.

Keiichiro, Sakuya, and Tsukasa's eyes widened in horror as they beheld the evil gem on the metallic choke collars adorning the LupinRangers. Within the gem, they could see the ethereal figures of the LupinRangers' Sentai spirits, their forms distorted and contorted with anguish. The spirits pounded relentlessly against the impenetrable surface of the gem, their desperate cries echoing in the minds of the trapped Patrangers.

Keiichiro's voice warbled with disbelief and outrage. "No... this can't be... They're harnessing their very spirits... using them as a source of power... How could the brothel... betray our Sentai legacy?"

The Patrangers watched helplessly as the gem pulsated with a malevolent energy, sapping the strength and will of the LupinRangers' Sentai spirits. Each agonized blow against the gem only seemed to fuel the brothel's power, amplifying its sinister influence over the trapped heroes.

As the LupinRangers continued to indulge in their sadistic play, their touch became more invasive, their actions a mockery of the bonds they once shared. Keiichiro, Sakuya, and Tsukasa could feel their resistance waning, their bodies responding despite their best efforts to fight back.

Tsukasa’s voice stuttered with a mix of despair and anger. "We can't... let this... break us... We have to... find a way... to free... them... ourselves..."

Sakuya clenched his fists, his voice firm. "We will never give in to your depravity. We will find a way to bring you down and put an end to this vile operation."

But the brothel boss only sneered, relishing in their defiance. "How noble of you, Green Patren. But you fail to realize the depth of your predicament. Your police badges mean nothing in this place. Here, I am the law."






The LupinRangers, their eyes glazed over and their movements mechanical, herded the trapped Patrangers through the narrow corridors of the brothel. The air was thick with a mix of fear and foreboding aura, as the Patrangers could hear the echoing cheers and jeers of the monsters waiting for them in the arena.

It was a sight of horror. The Patrangers could see another Sentai team in the arena shouting their signature roll call and heroic pose. Hiromu let his team, “Let’s morphin’! Red Buster!”

Ryuji shouted next to him, “Blue Buster!”

Yoko too. “Yellow Buster!”

Their latex-clad bodies glowed with their Go-Buster digital power. They were soon transformed into their Sentai forms, but unable to be warriors of justice. The shiny cursed materials had assimilated their skintight heroic costumes as a mockery of their former selves.

Hiromu, with vacant eyes visible from the open helmet visor, muttered, "Red Buster… Serve... brothel... please... patrons..."

Ryuji, her movements stiff and unnatural, whispered, "Blue… no purpose... please... patrons..."

Yoko, her voice hollow and devoid of emotion, droned, "Yellow… no escape... pleasure... latex prison..."

Their words held no conviction or purpose. They were but echoes of the heroes they once were, now trapped in a distorted reality where their sole existence was to cater to the whims of the brothel. Their past heroic personas had been shattered, replaced by a twisted acceptance of their fate.

Meanwhile, under the influence of the cage and the gem, the Patrangers' voices too were tainted. Their once passionate calls for justice were replaced with fragmented expressions of adoration for the brothel.

Keiichiro, his words strained and distorted, managed to utter, "Adore... brothel... power... control..."

Sakuya, his voice filled with a mix of pleasure and despair, exclaimed, "Pleasure... captivity... desires... fulfilled..."

Tsukasa, her words a mere shadow of her former conviction, whispered, "Bound... serve... brothel's whims..."

Patren 2gou stammered as he pushed himself to speak the truth, "We... we won't succumb to... their manipulations... We are... the protectors... of the innocent..."

Tsukasa, her voice filled with a mix of determination and despair, whispered, "We... we won't let... the darkness... consume us... We are... the officers... of bravery..."

Their words were feeble, just a squeaky gasp in the diabolical arena. They fought against the weight of the brothel's influence, struggling to hold onto their identities as the Patrangers. As they spoke, their bodies moved mechanically, attempting to recreate the heroic poses they once performed with pride. But there was a hollowness to their actions, a lack of conviction that betrayed their inner turmoil.

Meanwhile, the Go-Busters Sentai team, now herded back into the darkness, could only watch with vacant eyes as their counterparts struggled against their own impending fate. Their once mighty forms reduced to latex figures, they stood as lifeless witnesses to the Patrangers' futile resistance.

As the Patrangers struggled to maintain a semblance of resistance, their feeble attempts at the roll call were marred by the influence of the brothel. Their voices, once filled with conviction, now trembled with a mix of despair and twisted adoration.

Keiichiro's voice trembled as he called out, "We... we are the Patrangers! The enforcers of justice, defenders of the innocent, and... adored servants of the brothel..."

Sakuya, his voice filled with a mix of anguish and fascination, stammered, "We... we won't let the darkness... extinguish the flame of desire within us... We are... the tantalizing temptation that... enthralls the patrons of the brothel..."

Tsukasa, her voice filled with a strange mixture of defiance and surrender, whispered, "We... we embrace the allure of the forbidden, the intoxicating pleasures... We are... the submissive playthings of the brothel's wicked desires..."

Their words were a perverse reflection of their former heroic selves, tainted by the influence of the brothel's darkness. The audience, a sea of monstrous figures, roared with delight and whistled seductively, savoring the twisted spectacle before them.

As the Patrangers struck their poses, their movements were both captivating and disturbing. Their bodies contorted into provocative positions, their spandex-clad forms accentuating every curve and line. The audience, their monstrous gazes fixed upon the Patrangers, lusted for the forbidden pleasures that the heroes now represented.

Patranger Red, with a heavy heart, struck a pose that was once a symbol of justice and strength, but now held an air of tantalizing submission. His muscles strained against the fabric of his costume, his body a canvas for the audience's depraved desires.

Sakuya, his movements filled with a mix of vulnerability and allure, twisted his body in a way that showcased his flexibility and sensuality. His form-fitting costume hugged his every curve, a visual feast for the ravenous eyes of the monstrous spectators.

Tsukasa, her graceful movements now imbued with a hint of surrender, posed with an intoxicating blend of elegance and seduction. Her feminine power, once a symbol of empowerment, now fueling the dark desires that consumed the audience.

The audience, a chorus of monstrous roars and whistles, raved in the twisted display. Their perverse desires found satisfaction in the debasement of the once-mighty Patrangers, who now existed as mere puppets of the brothel's influence.

The applause and cheers from the monstrous onlookers, filled with twisted pleasure, were a painful reminder of the depth to which the Patrangers had fallen. They could feel their heroic spirits waning, overshadowed by the suffocating atmosphere of the brothel.

Perched on his golden throne, The Boss sat comfortably to witness the Patrangers’ perverted poses. “Such a delicious entertainment. But my patrons would like more of course!”

In the twisted arena of the brothel, the audience's perverse desires were met with a macabre spectacle—a mock battle between the trapped and caged Patrangers and the goop-drenched, absent-minded LupinRangers. Both teams, helmeted and bound in their spandex uniforms, were on display, their visors opened to reveal their desperate and disoriented faces.

Keiichiro, his voice trembling and his words stuttered, attempted to rally his fellow Patrangers. "W-we can't... let them... control us... We're... p-police... officers..." His voice trailed off, his once-authoritative tone now filled with uncertainty.

Kairi, the LupinRed, stared back at Keiichiro with vacant eyes, his voice lacking its usual confidence. "W-we... don't need... to f-fight... We... belong... here... with... them..." His words were muddled, his mind ensnared by the brothel's influence.

Sakuya, his voice faltering, tried to reach out to his former comrades. "W-we... must... r-remember... who... we... are... We're... fighting... for... justice..." But his words were hollow, his conviction drowned out by the depravity of their surroundings.

Tsukasa, her voice strained and her thoughts fragmented, joined in the desperate struggle. "N-no... This... isn't... who... we... are... W-we... can't... give... in..." Her voice wavered, the weight of their situation crushing her spirit.

Umika, the LupinYellow, responded with a mix of confusion and surrender. "B-but... they... t-take... care... of... us... We... serve... their... desires..." Her words were filled with resignation, her identity as a LupinRanger slipping further away.

The Patrangers and LupinRangers, their voices overlapping in a cacophony of distress and uncertainty, grappled with their conflicting emotions. Their minds and bodies strained against the influence of the brothel, the battle becoming a tragic dance of resistance and submission.

As the mock battle raged on, the audience enjoyed the perverse display of powerlessness. The Patrangers' stilted movements and faltering words were met with a chorus of perverse delight from the monstrous spectators. The LupinRangers, their actions driven by a warped sense of adoration for their captors, mingled with the Patrangers in a tangled mess of sweaty bodies and misplaced desires.

Each struggle, each strained attempt to break free, was marred by the weight of their confinement. The helmets that once symbolized their heroic identities now served as a cruel reminder of their captivity. Their faces, exposed and vulnerable, revealed a mixture of anguish, confusion, and suppressed hope.

Amidst the chaotic scene, the stuttered dialogue from both teams echoed through the arena, a tragic symphony of shattered heroism and misplaced loyalty. The Patrangers fought to hold onto their sense of duty, their voices choked with the weight of their entrapment. The LupinRangers, lost in a haze of distorted adoration, echoed the sentiment, their words muddled and fragmented.

The LupinRangers, their minds distorted by the influence of the brothel, spoke of the gold coins with an unsettling reverence. "G-gold... our treasure... our desires...," Kairi muttered, his voice tinged with obsession. "We must... c-collect... more...," Umika added, her words laden with a mixture of longing and greed.

As the bewildered Patrangers looked on, their confusion turned to shock as the monstrous patrons in the arena began to throw gold coins onto the ground. The clinking sound filled the air, creating a haunting melody of decadence and desire. The Patrangers' eyes widened in disbelief as they watched the LupinRangers, their rivals turned captives, scramble to gather as many coins as they could.

The LupinRangers, driven by their insatiable hunger, descended upon the scattered coins like desperate grave robbers. They reached out with gloved hands, their movements frantic and almost animalistic. Some even resorted to swallowing the coins through the open visors of their helmets, their greed pushing them to desperate measures.

The Patrangers, still bound by their cages and shackles, could only watch in horror as their former rivals succumbed to the allure of the gold. Keiichiro, his voice trembling with disbelief, shouted, "W-what are you... doing? Th-that's... not...," but his words trailed off, swallowed by the cacophony of greed and the darkness that surrounded them.

Sakuya, his eyes filled with a mix of confusion and sorrow, tried to reason with the LupinRangers. "Stop... this madness... We... we were... allies...," he stammered, his voice breaking with each word. Tsukasa, her voice strained and filled with anguish, added, "Remember... who... we... were... W-we fought... together..."

In the midst of the chaos, the arena became a disturbing dance of debauchery and desperation. The LupinRangers, their movements frenzied and their expressions twisted with greed, clawed at the ground, their gloved hands covered in a sickening mixture of sweat and goop. The clinking of gold coins mingled with their hungry moans, creating a haunting symphony that echoed through the air.

The Patrangers, their hearts heavy with the weight of betrayal, could only watch as the LupinRangers devoured the tainted riches. Their own desire for justice, once a driving force that united them, was now overshadowed by the grotesque spectacle unfolding before them.

he LupinRangers, driven by their insatiable greed, resorted to removing their Sentai helmets in a desperate attempt to contain even more gold coins. As the helmets came off, the Patrangers were confronted with a horrifying sight. The faces of their once-respected rivals had taken on an eerie golden hue, their skin tainted by the corruption of their desires.

Kairi, his eyes wild and consumed by the lust for wealth, revealed a disturbingly elongated tongue as he greedily collected the coins. The sight made the Patrangers’ hearts thumped, their horror deepening as they witnessed the physical manifestations of the LupinRangers' descent into depravity.

Kairi, his voice dripping with avarice, spoke through clenched teeth, "Look at this treasure! We've found the ultimate prize!" His words were met with a chorus of eerie chuckles from Touma and Umika, their faces twisted with a greed-driven madness.

Touma, his eyes gleaming with a sinister glint, added, "Yes, the gold coins... They hold the power we've always craved. We are destined to possess them all!"

Umika, her voice laced with a haunting allure, murmured, "The coins are our salvation. With them, we can reshape our lives, our destinies."

Sakuya, his voice trembling with a mix of shock and sorrow, managed to utter, "What... what has become of you...?" His words were met with a haunting silence as Umika, her gaze fixated on the gleaming gold coins, let out a low, guttural moan.

Keiichiro, his voice filled with disbelief and sadness, pleaded with them, "Stop... This isn't who you are!" But his words seemed to fall upon deaf ears as the LupinRangers, their minds consumed by the corrupting influence of the brothel, continued to pursue their insatiable desire for wealth.

The Patrangers, their hearts heavy with a mix of grief and betrayal, could only watch in dismay as their rivals transformed before their eyes. The once-bold LupinRangers, with their golden-hued skin and elongated tongues, were now mere shells of their former selves. Their pursuit of justice had been twisted into a twisted obsession for material riches, and the Patrangers could do nothing but bear witness to the tragic downfall of their once-allies.

As the LupinRangers greedily gathered the coins, their distorted reflections of the heroic ideals they once held, the atmosphere in the arena grew heavy with an unsettling mix of excitement and revulsion. The monstrous patrons, enthralled by the grotesque spectacle before them, cheered and reveled in the perversion of the heroes they had once admired.

The Patrangers, their spirits weighed down by the weight of the LupinRangers' corruption, could only feel a profound sense of loss. The LupinRangers had succumbed to the temptations of the brothel, their desires twisted and their identities shattered. It was a devastating blow to the unity they had once shared, and a stark reminder of the fragility of justice in the face of overwhelming darkness.

The brothel boss let out a derisive laugh. His voice carried with a mocking tone as he addressed the corrupted LupinRangers, "You see, my precious patrons, these gold coins are not just currency in our establishment. They are the embodiment of corruption and desire. The more these Sentai heroes possess, the more they are tainted by the darkness within. Soon, the coins will become a part of their very beings, forever owned by the brothel."

As the LupinRangers were dragged away, their desperate pleas for more coins echoed through the dark hallway, their voices filled with a mixture of desire and madness. Their obsession had consumed them entirely, leaving behind only empty shells of what they once were.

Meanwhile, in the arena, the Patrangers were at the mercy of the roaring monsters that had been selected as their first patrons. The creatures' twisted grins and hungry gazes caused terror in their hearts, filling them with a sense of dread and impending doom.

The Boss enjoyed his triumph. His voice boomed through the arena, dripping with malevolence and satisfaction. "Behold, my loyal monsters! These Patrangers are now at your disposal. Enjoy their company, for they are now our love toys."

The form-fitting cages that ensnared the Patrangers began to guide them down separate hallways, their bodies trapped and controlled against their will. No matter how hard Keiichiro, Sakuya, and Tsukasa struggled to regroup, they were forced apart, their paths leading them toward different brothel room doors at the end of the hallways.

Patren 3gou, her voice trembling, cried out, "We need to stick together! We can't let them separate us!"

Each step they took felt like an eternity, the weight of their impending fate pressing down upon them. They fought against the confines of their cages, desperate to break free, but their efforts were in vain. The cages tightened around them, their metallic restraints becoming more suffocating with each passing moment.

As the Patrangers were guided toward the grim brothel room doors, their panic grew more palpable. They could no longer control their own bodies, helpless against the cages that manipulated their movements. Each step felt like an agonizing struggle, as if their very souls were being pulled into the unknown horrors that awaited them.

Inside the room, a hungry monster lay upon the big evil bed, its vile presence permeating the air. The stench of sweat filled the room, a nauseating reminder of the countless victims that had succumbed to its depravity before them. The Patrangers stood at the threshold, their bodies trembling with a mixture of fear and trepidation.

Keiichiro's voice trembled with fear as he exclaimed, "What... what is happening? We can't... we can't let ourselves be taken like this!"

As the doors to their rooms were sealed shut, the Patrangers were left alone with their fears, their voices silenced. They were at the mercy of the monsters, trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.



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