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The Horror Continues: Witness the Soulless Obedience! 🌟

Prepare for the spine-chilling second part of our Sentai horror story! In this twisted tale, the Carranger and Megaranger Sentai heroes have fallen victim to the Perfect Match Academy's sinister grip. Their once-vibrant spirits have been extinguished, leaving behind monotonous, soulless model students. Only Kenta, the indomitable MegaRed, and Natsumi, the courageous Yellow Racer, remain as the last hope against this insidious force. But their journey is far from over. Brace yourself for more deliciously terrifying twists and turns as they confront their darkest fears and fight to reclaim their team from the clutches of soulless obedience.

Special thanks to my loyal and royal friends:

Robert Terwillger


Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K




Perfect match indeed!

Demon Doctor Arariku observed their conflict with twisted pleasure. "You had the chance to be part of something great, something beyond your limited understanding, but now, you will witness the power of conformity and the true strength of the Perfect Match Academy program," he said in a voice that echoed through the room like a cold echo of control.

The parasitic uniforms tightened their hold and began seeping into the very essence of the Sentai warriors as their cries went unheard. The suffocating embrace of the twisted amalgamation engulfed their heroic identities, erasing them and leaving only hollow shells in their wake.

The transformed Sentai warriors, who were now nothing more than mindless followers, stood in perfect formation as the room erupted into an eerie silence. Their teeth appeared to be unnaturally sharp as their smiles grew wider.

"Behold, the power of obedience! The Perfect Match Academy scholarship program will prevail, and you shall be the shining examples of its might," the triumphant Demon Doctor Arariku cried.

The once valiant Sentai warriors, now reduced to lifeless puppets, marched in step to the drumbeat of the indoctrination program. They were staring ahead with empty resolve as their soulless eyes lacked personality.

In a low voice, Naoki said, "Demon Doctor Arariku knows what's best for us. We were lost before, but now we have purpose. We must follow his guidance." Naoki's eyes began to glaze over. His gaze took on a distant look.

Joining Naoki, Yoko said, "We were fools to resist. The Perfect Match Academy program will shape us into something greater than we ever were as Sentai warriors. Our doubts were merely distractions."

The once-determined Kyosuke spoke with a chilling calmness, "Our identities were flawed. We lacked the discipline and focus that the Perfect Match Academy program instills. It is an honor to become model students, to be sculpted into perfection."

Demon Doctor Arariku took great pleasure in seeing them change, his eyes gleaming with an ominous joy. He said, his voice dripping with satisfaction, "You have made a wise choice. Embrace the transformation because true enlightenment comes from surrender," the diabolical character said.

The enslaving uniforms tightened their hold on Naoki, Yoko, and Kyosuke as their bodies gradually merged with the horrifying concoction of bravery and conformity. Their once-determined and upbeat smiles now had an unsettling calm.

Naoki's eyes shone with an unnatural glow, and his smile grew wider. He proudly proclaimed, "I am Model Student Wanna-be Minus One. I'm ready to embrace my new identity and demonstrate my unwavering loyalty to the program now that my old name is no longer a burden.”

Yoko added, "I am Model Student Wanna-be Minus Two. The Perfect Match Academy program has shown me the error of my previous ways. I am grateful for the opportunity to shed my old self and become a true model student."

Kyosuke said softly, "I am Model Student Wanna-be Minus Three. I'm grateful for the chance to improve my weaknesses because the program has made them apparent. I will dedicate myself to the ideals of discipline and excellence." His voice lacked any hint of resistance.

Demon Doctor Arariku observed them while smiling twistedly. He said mockingly, "See how they revel in their new identities." "Model Students Minus One, Minus Two, and Minus Three. The perfect examples of how weak and insignificant they truly are."

The demeaning titles didn't make Naoki, Yoko, or Kyosuke wince. Their once independent and strong minds had been stripped away, and in their place was blind obedience to the plan for the approval of their superior, Demon Doctor Arariku.

The condescending Demon Doctor Arariku continued, "You were once Sentai warriors, champions of justice. But look at you now—mere shadows of your former selves. You couldn't even solve a simple math problem. How pathetic."

Naoki's smile wavered momentarily as a flash of uncertainty crossed his face, but he quickly recovered. He replied, his voice a mixture of resignation and resolve, "We were weak before. We will now develop into strong, disciplined, and unwavering in our commitment under the direction of the program.

Yoko nodded, her eyes blank but brimming with determination. She said, her voice emotionless, "Our old names are meaningless. We have been given a second chance as Model Students, ready to contribute and do well in all facets of the curriculum.

Kyosuke turned to look at Demon Doctor Arariku after submitting fully. He said with unwavering conviction, "We are but vessels, ready to be molded and shaped into the perfect representation of the Perfect Match Academy program. Our uniqueness is unimportant; the only reason we exist is to carry out the program's mission.”

Model Student Minus One, Model Student Minus Two, Model Student Minus Three, Wanna-be Minus Four, and Wanna-be Minus Five were visible when the door to the twisted classroom creaked open. Their grotesque confluence of heroism and conformity served as a constant reminder of their transformation as their rubbery alien parasitic uniforms clung tenaciously to their bodies.

Chisato regarded the frail Sentai warriors with contempt, her eyes vacant but filled with a perverse sense of superiority. She sneered, "Look at them," her voice reeking of disdain. "They could never compare to the perfection we have attained; they are so weak, so completely useless."

Minoru was with her and nodded in agreement. "Indeed," he added, sounding completely different from how he had previously spoken. "We are the chosen ones, destined to excel and thrive under the guidance of the Perfect Match Academy program. We have transcended their pitiful existence."

Once powerful and unified, the Super Sentai warriors now lay dispersed throughout the room, their bodies worn out and their spirits crushed. Their former team captains, Natsumi and Kenta, watched their mindless teammates with a mixture of sorrow and disbelief.

Natsumi's words were tinged with sadness as her voice trembled as she spoke. With tears in her eyes, she asked, "What have become of you all."

"How could you forsake everything we stood for? We were a team, a family, and we fought side by side to protect the innocent and uphold justice."

Naoki, who was previously Blue Racer, chuckled coldly. His voice was tinged with arrogance as he responded, "We have destroyed such trivial notions. We no longer need the weight of emotions or attachments because we are superior thanks to the Perfect Match Academy program.

Model Student Minus Two Yoko grinned broadly as she nodded in agreement. She replied, her tone cold, "Indeed. We have found our true purpose in the program; we are the epitome of discipline and perfection. The Super Sentai warriors were but a brief diversion.”

Model Student Minus Three Kyosuke moved forward with his eyes fixed on his former teammates. He said, his voice full of conviction, "You were weak. We have shed our weakness and embraced the strength of the program. There is no turning back. You clung to ideals that served no purpose."

Chisato and Minoru, the Model Student Wanna-be Minus Four and Wanna-be Minus Five, approached the frail Super Sentai heroes while wearing triumphant twisted smiles. While Minoru's eyes held a fervent devotion to the Perfect Match Academy program, Chisato's eyes glistened with adoration for Demon Doctor Arariku.

The silence was broken by Natsumi's voice, which had a tinge of both sorrow and defiance. “Is this really what you want?” she asked, a pleading look in her eyes. "To give up everything we previously fought for, including our freedom and unity?"

Naoki, now Model Student Minus One, turned his cold-hearted smile toward Natsumi. "You fail to understand," he retorted icily. Our purpose is greater now, and we embrace it wholeheartedly. The Perfect Match Academy program has opened our eyes to true enlightenment. We have transcended the minor struggles of the past.

Model Student Minus Two Yoko, formerly Pink Racer, nodded in agreement. She said, her voice full of an unsettling calm, "We were once naive. Bound by flimsy notions of fairness and compassion, but the program has shown us the way to real fortitude and discipline, so we are no longer held back by such flaws.

Model Student Minus Three Kyosuke stepped forward with his eyes fixed on his former teammates. His voice hollow and devoid of empathy unlike the fiery Red Racer he was once, he said, "You cling to outdated notions of freedom and individuality. We are no longer vessels of imperfection, willing to give up everything for the program's ideals because the program has set us free from such trivial pursuits.”

The Super Sentai heroes struggled to understand the scope of the change their friends had undergone as their spirits were battered and their hope was dwindling. Chisato and Minoru were at the fore of a new era of conformity and servitude, their identities erased and their minds clouded by blind devotion.

Chisato turned toward Demon Doctor Arariku, who had been enjoying the scene with a sadistic satisfaction as her eyes gleamed with an unnatural fervor. She cried, her voice shaking with a mixture of devotion and desperation, "We vow to work as hard as we can." Our existence now depends on meeting the demands and expectations of the Perfect Match Academy scholarship program, and we will do so.

"We will sacrifice our very souls to demonstrate our unwavering commitment. The program is our lifeblood, our reason for being," Minoru continued, his face contorted into a manic grin.

Demon Doctor Arariku cheered their remarks while grinning twistedly. He replied, "Very well," with a voice filled with venom. “Remember, your former identities have no bearing on who you are now; you are Model Students, forever indebted to the program. Your dedication will be rewarded.”

As Shun, Kouichirou, and Miku were being dragged against their will to the lonely bathroom, the twisted echoes of laughter reverberated through the hallways. Their heroic personas had been destroyed, making them nothing more than toys for the insane minds around them. The once-powerful Super Sentai heroes were now at the mercy of Naoki, Yoko, Kyosuke, Chisato, and Minoru, Model Student Wanna-bes who had fallen prey to the depraved allure of Demon Doctor Arariku's mind control.

The flickering fluorescent lights in the bathroom cast eerie shadows on the filthy walls as they entered the dimly lit room. There was a pervasive feeling of debasement and humiliation in the air. The Blue Megaranger, Shun, resisted being held down by the hands, his eyes brimming with resentment.

Shun exclaimed, his voice brimming with righteous rage, "This isn't what being a ranger is about!" We fought to defend the defenseless, not to suffer such humiliation.

The Black Megaranger, Kouichirou, fought his captors with a determined expression on his face. He growled, his voice resonating with unwavering resolve, "You may have taken our helmets and our pride, but you can't take away the strength that resides within us."

The Pink Megaranger, Miku, glared at her former teammates while blazing with resentment in her eyes. Her voice was tinged with resentment as she spat, "You've become pawns in this sick game. We used to work together to fight for justice, but now you guys are just puppets in Demon Doctor Arariku's twisted hands, and you've forgotten what it means to be a ranger."

The perverted ideology of the Model Student Wanna-bes completely consumed the minds of Naoki, Yoko, Kyosuke, Chisato, and Minoru as they observed them with vacant eyes. Their expressions mixed sadistic pleasure and twisted amusement.

With a chilling smile, Naoki approached Shun while speaking in an unempathetic manner. She sneered, "You were always so righteous, Shun," her words dripping with malice. “You'll discover what it's like to be helpless and humiliated now, though.”

Yoko was standing next to him, staring at him with a sickening fascination. She mocked, "Oh, Kouichirou," her voice sullied with malice. "Your heroic façade has fallen, and you are now nothing more than a toy for our amusement."

The perverted ideology that had taken hold of Kyosuke, Chisato, and Minoru's souls had completely consumed their minds as they stood in silence. They had given up on who they really were and had surrendered to the darkness that Demon Doctor Arariku had enticed them with.

Shun, Kouichirou, and Miku refused to submit to the humiliation and degradation as the Model Student Wanna-bes basked in their power. Their spirits blazed with a resolute fire that wouldn't go out.

Shun said with a trembling voice of resolve, "You can never take away our courage and the ties that bind us together."

Kouichirou fixed Naoki in his eyes while uttering a firm conviction in his voice. "We will fight for our true purpose, and we will not let you turn our legacy into a twisted mockery," they vowed. "You think you can break us."

Miku had a strong, unwavering resolve as she stood tall. She declared, a hint of defiance in her voice, "We may lose our titles, but we will never forget who we are. We'll figure out a way to escape this treachery and reclaim our honor."

As the captured Super Sentai heroes Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou were left at the mercy of the deranged Model Student Wanna-bes, the bathroom reeked of humiliation and hopelessness. Each slander directed at them penetrated their hearts and eroded their sense of worth.

Naoki, now Model Student Minus One, walked over to Shun with a mocking grin. His voice dripped with contempt as he taunted, "Counting was your specialty, wasn't it, Yellow Ranger?" But how does it feel to have your intellect taken away from you, seeing as how you have been reduced to a pitiful creature incapable of even simple arithmetic?

Model Student Minus Two, aka Yoko, joined in with a mocking laugh. She scoffed, tugging at the leash fastened to the Property of Perfect Match Academy choker around Miku's neck. "Oh, Miku," she snarled. "How far you've fallen. You were so full of righteousness and power, and now? Reduced to a mere pet, leashed and controlled."

Kyosuke, who was previously known as Model Student Minus Three, advanced with a sly glint in his eyes. He scoffed at him while circling him like a lion. "Kouichirou, the once mighty Black Ranger," he yelled. Now that you can't even count to ten without stumbling over your words, your skills and precision were useless.

Model Student Wanna-be Minus Four Chisato and Minus Five With their minds muddled by the perverted ideology they had willingly accepted, Minoru stood motionless by their sides. They were oblivious to the darkness that devoured their own souls, so they delighted in the suffering of their former allies.

Shun glared defiantly at Naoki, his spirit unyielding and his voice resolute. He said, his voice tinged with defiance, "Our worth goes beyond numbers."

Yoko's taunts couldn't break Miku's spirit because she had a fire within her that was burning in her eyes. She spat, her voice venomous, "Your small-minded insults won't be able to put out my courage and strength; I will overcome this.”

Kouichirou met Kyosuke's gaze with unwavering resolve, his resolve unwavering. "I will demonstrate my worth; I will not let your mockery define me."

The captured Super Sentai heroes exchanged looks filled with resiliency and unity as the Model Student Wanna-bes basked in their cruel victory, oblivious to the flicker of resistance still burning within Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou. They realized that their struggle went deeper into their captors' souls than the cramped, dilapidated bathroom.

Shun's words carried a firm promise as they resounded throughout the dimly lit room. His voice was filled with unwavering resolve as he vowed, "We will reclaim our identities, restore honor to the ranger legacy, and show the world the true meaning of heroism."

In agreement, Miku and Kouichirou nodded as they fixed their gaze on the Super Sentai fighters who had been taken prisoner. Together, they made a silent commitment to fight against the darkness that enveloped them, to free themselves from their chains, and to come out the other side stronger than ever.








But for Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou, time seemed to pass slowly and arduously, draining them of their will to fight. Despite Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou's initial fortitude, the constant suffering and degradation started to wear them down. Their spirits were being undermined day by day, and the ferocious fighting flame that had once blazed within them started to flicker and die.

The Blue Megaranger Shun discovered that his past triumphs and the pride he once felt as a defender of justice were haunting him. He began to doubt his own worth as a result of the ongoing humiliation and belittling. His mind began to harbor sneaky doubts that he was nothing more than a failure.

Miku, the Pink Megaranger, found it difficult to maintain her fortitude as the leash around her neck grew to serve as a constant reminder of her enslavement. The once-brave warrior found her spirit eroding under the weight of her captivity, and she found herself descending into a state of helplessness. Her resolve to fight started to wane, and she started to feel resigned.

The Black Megaranger, Kouichirou, had always stood for unwavering resolve. But as time passed, even his unbreakable spirit started to wane. His mind began to slowly absorb the constant jabs and sarcasm, sowing seeds of self-doubt that eventually grew into a suffocating darkness. He wondered if he would ever regain his former power.

Shun begged Naoki and Yoko to stop hitting her as tears streamed down her face, "Stop it! Please, just stop it!"

Naoki scoffed, "Why should we?" Remember that you are nothing more than a useless pet?

As Kyosuke drew near, holding a leash fastened to her collar, Miku whimpered. He tugged at the leash and taunted, "Who's a good little ranger?" Who would make a good pet?

As Chisato and Minoru circled him, laughing while peeing on him, Kouichirou grit his teeth. Chisato scoffed, "You're pathetic. You weren't intended to become a Sentai warrior.”

The Super Sentai warriors wondered if they would ever be able to escape this hellish nightmare and lived in a constant state of fear and hopelessness. It seemed like an eternity even though they had no idea how much time had passed.

The three captured Super Sentai warriors quavered in terror as the Model students Wanna-bes went back to the bathroom. What followed was known to them. They were brutally mocked by the students, who punched them in the stomach and other areas and defecated on them. Kouichirou, Miku, and Shun could only sob in agony and humiliation.

As they observed the situation, Naoki, Yoko, Kyosuke, Chisato, and Minoru laughed and made fun of each other. Naoki scoffed, "Look at them, they're like little pets." They are no longer even able to count.

Miku was mentally broken. With the words "Property of Perfect Match Academy" emblazoned on her leash and choker, she had been reduced to acting like a pet. She was unable to speak or defend herself, so she whimpered and whined like a dog.

Kouichirou and Shun did not fare any better. Their heroic helmets had been removed, leaving them exposed and defenseless. The wanna-be Model students beat and kicked the Super Sentai warriors, enjoying their dominance over the once-powerful fighters.

Kenta and Natsumi, feeling trapped and helpless, watched as the humiliation went on in the twisted classroom. They were too weak to fight back, but they knew they had to act to save their friends.

Finally, the wannabe Model students got tired of their game and left the bathroom, leaving Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou in a complete state of degradation. The recording device kept recording, documenting the entire humiliation of the Super Sentai warriors for public consumption.

The Sentai warriors' despair set in as the reality of their predicament set in. They believed they were destined to be humiliated and degraded for the rest of their lives and had given up all hope of escape.

Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou were compelled to acknowledge their new status as pets for the Model students Wanna-bes as the live camera continued to broadcast their degradation to the world. They believed that it was the very nature of being a ranger that had brought them to this pitiful state, and in their fleeting moments of sanity, they blamed their former heroic identities for their downfall.

Shun spoke with a broken voice while tears streamed down his face as he looked into the camera. The warrior in spandex mumbled, "I... I was a Blue Megaranger. But now, I am nothing more than a pet and a toy for people who think they are better than everyone else.”

Miku struggled to find the right words as her spirit was broken and her body was covered in filth. She muttered, "I was the Pink Megaranger," barely audible. “But I've lost my way; I've been stripped of my dignity and my purpose, reduced to nothing more than a source of amusement.”

Kouichirou spoke while wearing a torn and stained version of his once-powerful black ranger suit. He said, his voice tinged with regret, "I wore the Black Megaranger suit with pride. But now that I am reduced to a broken shell of who I once was, it seems that not even the darkness could save me from this fate.”

The wannabe Model students enjoyed their power and delighted in the anguish of the Sentai warriors. Their laughter resounded throughout the dimly lit room as they went back to the bathroom. They picked on Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou in their most private areas as they quickly resumed their cruel game.

As the punches rained down on the young man, Shun winced in agony and trembled violently. He cried out in pain, "Please... stop," pleading. We're already broken, so why do you have to torture us any longer?”

Miku's spirit crushed, she could only whimper as each blow pounded her frail body. The once-proud MegaPink whimpered as her spandex-clad erect nipples were fondled debasingly by her former teammates.

Kouichirou endured the suffering in silence, his eyes filled with a mixture of rage and resignation. Knowing that resisting would only make things worse, he allowed himself to be humiliated, his dignity eroding with each passing second. But it was hard to stand by while his corrupted friends stroke his rising spandex-clad penis to make him unload.

Miku, Kouichirou, and Shun sat in front of the camera with their heads bowed in defeat. Never before had they felt so small and unimportant. Their once-proud identities as Megarangers had been stripped away, and the degrading moniker of pets had taken their place.

Shun stumbled through a "I...I'm sorry," barely raising his voice above a whisper as he peed himself. "It was wrong of me to fight against the Perfect Match Academy. I shouldn't have."

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Miku hung her head. Her breasts and crotch were equally wet. “I beg for mercy because I was foolish to think I could defeat the Perfect Match Academy's might.”

Through the forced ejaculation, MegaBlack’s mind finally broke. Kouichirou's spirit was crushed, and his eyes were cold and distant. His words stuttered, “I am now nothing more than a pet… I was a fool to think I could ever be a hero.”

The once-powerful Sentai warriors kneeled in front of the camera as the wanna-be Model students looked on with smug satisfaction. The hallway resounded with the mocking laughter and jeers of Naoki, Yoko, Kyosuke, Chisato, and Minoru.

Naoki scoffed, "You see that? The Perfect Match Academy is the real power in this school; even the Megarangers are nothing in comparison to us."

Yoko laughed loudly, filling the empty hallway with her voice. “We are free to do whatever we want with these pitiful pets.”

Kyosuke added his voice, which was dripping with venom. “They are fortunate that we have not yet killed them.”

With dead eyes and a nod of agreement, Chisato and Minoru said, ”They deserve whatever we do to them because they are nothing more than animals.”

Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou hung their heads in shame as they realized they could do nothing to stop the wannabe Model students. They were no longer anything more than things to be used and abused because they had lost everything that made them who they were.

The wannabe model students delightedly handed the Perfect Match Academy's rubbery, skintight parasitic alien school uniforms to Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou. Their former heroic garb was twistedly reflected in the grotesque clothing, which seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

Naoki yelled, "Put them on," his voice brimming with savage delight. "Embrace your new roles as the devoted pets of the Perfect Match Academy."

As soon as Shun saw the disgusting uniforms, his heart began to sink. He cried out in desperation, "No, please," his voice shuddering. "There has to be another way; we can't do this."

“We must fight back. We can't let these uniforms consume us,” Miku said with a trembling and terrified voice.

However, their words were ignored. The wannabe Model students were high on their newfound power and their dominance over their former allies. Indulging in the sadistic joy of their impending victory, they paid no attention to the cries of Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou.

Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou were forced to accept their fate with grim determination. Through more physical abuse and punches that broke their already-bruised spandex-clad bodies, They could feel the slimy material clinging to their skin as the Model students wanna-bes forced the uniforms on them, tightening its hold with each passing second.

Shun screamed, his voice a mixture of terror and desperation, "No! Please, someone help us!" His cries were ignored because the gleeful laughter of the wannabe Model students drowned them out.

As the rubbery, skin-tight uniforms started their sneaky assimilation, Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou's voices trembled with dread and desperation. With each passing second, they could feel the alien material tightening around their bodies. They screamed in agony as fear coursed through them, and their cries reverberated throughout the disorganized toilet.

Knowing what lay in store for them caused Miku's heart to ache as she screamed with trembling. Their captors laughed cruelly in response to her cry of "This can't be happening! We were supposed to protect others, not be reduced to this!"

Their captors took pleasure in their captives' suffering. As the uniforms merged with their very essence, their cries and pleas became more and more desperate attempts to breathe. The piercing sound of their tortured screams filled the space, piercing the twisted atmosphere with a cacophony of agony.

The heroic suits started to blend into the uniforms, creating a sickening fusion of their former selves and the perverse influence of the Perfect Match Academy. The rubbery material combined with Shun's blue skin-tight spandex costume to form a hideous, pulsating mass that oozed evil.

A nightmare fusion of nature and corruption was created by Miku's pink skintight attire as it twisted and contorted and merged with the foreign fabric. The vibrant shades, which had once been vibrant, now looked sickly and tainted, a sign of the loss of her authentic self.

The once-powerful and resilient Kouichirou's black suit was devoured by the parasitic uniform. His armor's darkness assumed a more ominous shape as it twisted and danced in despair with the rubbery material.

The parasitic uniforms tightened their hold on Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou's bodies, which writhed in agony as their heroic suits were slowly assimilated. Their eyes were filled with pleading and a fading hope as they turned to look at the camera, their voices strained with desperation.

Shun cried out in a desperate cry for help, his voice quivering with pain, "Please... anyone... help us!" His breath came in shallow gasps as he struggled against the alien uniform's encasing embrace. “We were once heroes, we don't deserve this.”

Miku joined Shun in speaking, her words choked with dread. Her voice broke as tears streamed down her dirt-covered face, mixing with the sweat of her suffering. "Don't let us be forgotten... We fought for what was right... We need someone... anyone... to see... to hear... our screams!"

Despite losing strength, Kouichirou's voice remained unwaveringly determined. His cries echoed through the warped classroom, carrying the weight of their combined hopelessness: "To anyone watching... we are being consumed... our identities erased... But we are still here... begging... for a chance... to be saved... to be free..."

However, as the assimilation process neared completion, their voices soon began to fade and become replaced by an eerie silence. Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou, the once-heroic Super Sentai warriors, were now reduced to hideous reflections of their former selves, their identities consumed by the evil force that had seized them.

The wannabe Model students celebrated their victory while drowning out the dying Sentai warriors' screams with their sickening laughter that echoed off the walls. The room was enveloped in a sinister silence that was only broken by the hushed murmurs of the corrupted captives who were now imprisoned in their own personal hells.

The last of their heroic spirits were extinguished as the darkness of their despair descended upon them, and they were replaced by an emptiness that could never be filled. Their courage, hope, and very essence had been taken by the assimilation, leaving nothing but empty shells in its wake.

The transformed Sentai warriors were mocked by Naoki. Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou, your downfall is complete. You thought you were heroes, but in reality, you were nothing more than puppets.

Kyosuke and Yoko joined in, their voices dripping with savage joy. "From now on, you will serve the Perfect Match Academy as mindless drones, trapped forever in these disgusting uniforms. No more fighting, no more saving the day."

Standing by their side, Chisato and Minoru, who had long since fallen under the Perfect Match Academy's sway, had eyes that were vacant and showed no sign of their former selves. They had been consumed by the darkness and were now only living shadows of who they once were.

After being stripped of their former identities, Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou appeared as Model Student Minus Six, Minus Seven, and Minus Eight respectively. They had been reduced to mindless puppets in the control of their tormentor, Demon Doctor Arariku, their memories shattered and warped by the assimilation.

Their minds were clouded by the parasitic uniforms that had taken control of their bodies, and they cast vacant glances into the distance. The formerly vibrant and fearless Sentai warriors were now nothing more than instruments for Demon Doctor Arariku's perverse agenda.

Demon Doctor Arariku walked up to them with a sly grin on his face, relishing in their loss of identity. He sneered, his voice dripping with sadistic delight, "Model Student Minus Six, your heroic past is but a dim memory, hidden deep within the crevices of your broken mind," the speaker said.

Shun, or more precisely Model Student Minus Six, stood still and had emotionless eyes. He no longer recognized his own image or the traces of his previous existence. He muttered incoherently, "I... I am Model Student Minus Six," with no conviction in his words. I only exist to obey and serve."

Standing next to Shun, Miku, who was now Model Student Minus Seven, had her eyes fixed on the ground. She moved mechanically and lacked the grace and power she once possessed. Her voice was barely audible as she repeated, "I am Model Student Minus Seven. I... I... am nothing without a purpose..."

Kouichirou remained silent after transforming into Model Student Minus Eight. He was unable to concentrate on anything in particular, so his eyes darted aimlessly. His will was crushed by the parasitic uniform that clung to his body as he shuffled forward, propelled by an invisible force. He was now only a shadow of the person he once was, serving as the Demon Doctor Arariku's vehicle for twisted desires.

Demon Doctor Arariku encircled them and delighted in their disarray. With a cruel sense of humor, he taunted, "Your fate is set, forever trapped in this twisted existence, and all that's left of you are pitiful fragments of who you once were.

The wannabe Model students gathered close, their eyes twinkling with a combination of fascination and sadistic pleasure. They took great pleasure in their control over these formerly formidable Sentai warriors. Chisato, Minoru, and the other wannabe Model students laughed and jeered, adding to the oppressive atmosphere with their mockery.

The world watched as the camera captured every agonizing second, their eyes glued to the spectacle of fallen heroes. Their silent cries for help reverberated through the airwaves as Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou's beseeching eyes met the camera. However, the world was indifferent and consumed by voyeurism, so their cries went unheard.

The three Sentai warriors known as Model Student Minus Six, Minus Seven, and Minus Eight were approached by Demon Doctor Arariku. They didn't move, their expressionless eyes lacking all emotion.

Demon Doctor Arariku said with a sickening grin, "Now, my dear models, I am glad you have realized the importance of the Perfect Match Academy scholarship program.

Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou stood motionless, unable to make sense of anything in their confused minds.

Demon Doctor Arariku addressed the new Model Student Aspirants as he turned to face the camera. You can become the best version of yourself, a model student, thanks to the Perfect Match Academy scholarship program, as you can see.

One of the brand-new wannabe Model Students raised their hand. “Natsumi and Kenta, they are still present as Sentai warriors. What will happen to them?”

Demon Doctor Arariku grinned more. “Oh, don't worry about them; they will soon realize their mistake and turn into model pupils like you.”

Kouichirou, Miku, and Shun's eyes widened with perverse excitement slightly but they didn't say anything.

The brand-new Model Student Aspirants all clapped together, their eyes beaming with zeal and enthusiasm. "Yes, we will all become role models for students!"







The moment the camera stopped recording, the room fell into an eerie silence. After losing their identities, the captured Super Sentai fighters congratulated each other mindlessly on their senseless battle and defeat. They spoke inanely, without any sincere feeling or awareness.

Chisato, now known as Model Student Wanna-be Minus Four, monotoned, "Well done, my fellow Model Students," with a vacant smile.

Minoru, Model Student Wanna-be Minus Five, added, his eyes devoid of any sign of individuality. "Yes, we have embraced our true purpose now," he said.

The alien school uniforms' parasitic influence clouded the minds of Shun, Miku, and Kouichirou, who joined the mindless chorus. They murmured in unison, "We are now a collective, serving the Perfect Match Academy scholarship program.”

As if the very air had been infused with their twisted devotion, the space appeared to pulse with an unsettling energy. They had all been reduced to nothing more than hollow vessels, puppets moving in accordance with an evil force.

The other Super Sentai warriors, who had long since accepted their new status as Model Students Wanna-bes, offered hollow congratulations to their enslaved allies. Naoki, Model Student Wanna-be Minus Two, huffed, "Congratulations, my friends, on embracing your true purpose," in an uncaring voice.

With an empty smile, Yoko—now Model Student Wanna-be Minus Three—joined in. We have at last let go of our previous selves and discovered our place in this new system.

Mindlessly nodding in agreement, Kyosuke, Model Student Wanna-be Minus Six, smiled. "We have found our purpose in serving the Perfect Match Academy, and we are no longer burdened by the weight of heroism."

Each syllable of their words was weighed down by an unsettling emptiness. They appeared to have had their very souls drained and replaced by a blind allegiance to the perverse principles of the Perfect Match Academy scholarship scheme.

As they mindlessly congratulated one another, their voices blended into an eerie chorus that served as a chilling reminder of their group's loss of identity. They had been reduced to puppets and marionettes in the Perfect Match Academy's grotesque dance.







Kenta and Natsumi were surrounded by the mindless Model Student Wanna-bes, whose eyes twinkled with a sick sense of satisfaction. The formerly devoted teammates were now powerless and exposed in the deranged classroom. There was a tangible feeling of malevolence permeating the space as the air grew heaving with anticipation.

As Kenta turned to face his former teammates, his jaw clenched and a look of anger and sorrow could be seen on his face. With a voice full of shock, he muttered, "What have they done to you? You were once champions of justice."

Natsumi's voice shook and her eyes began to tear up. She begged, a hint of desperation in her voice, "Please, snap out of it. We fought side by side to protect the innocent as a team, as a family."

However, the would-be Model Students were unmoved, their expressions blank and devoid of any hint of recognition. Their former identities vanished into obscurity as they now had only the Perfect Match Academy scholarship program to which they were loyal.

The mastermind behind this bizarre experiment, Demon Doctor Arariku, stood haughtily in the room's corner. His human persona started to change, revealing the hideous appearance of his true alien form. Those who were still able to feel fear were alarmed by his elongated limbs and leathery skin.

He hissed, "Ah, my dear Super Sentai warriors," and the room echoed with the chilling sound of his voice. You believed you could overcome the influence of the Perfect Match Academy scholarship program, but now you find yourself broken and defeated.”

With determination burning in his eyes, Kenta clenched his fists. With a defiant tone in his voice, he growled, "You won't get away with this. No matter what, we'll find a way to stop you.”

Demon Doctor Arariku laughed, his laugh reeking of evil amusement. He sneered, "Oh, how I enjoy your fruitless resistance. You see, my dear Super Sentai warriors, your former teammates are now nothing more than puppets in my hands now, and you will experience their suffering firsthand.”

The merciless Model Student Wanna-bes surrounded Kenta and Natsumi as they advanced with their mindless movements. They ridiculed their former leaders, making cruel jokes about them and insulting them. One of the mindless Super Sentai warriors sneered, "You were supposed to protect us," his voice dripping with animosity. But now look at how helpless and helpless you are.

Natsumi's face turned red with embarrassment and anger. She begged, her voice quivering, "This isn't who you are. Keep in mind who you were before the darkness engulfed you.

However, her words were ignored because the heedless Model Student Wannabes were now preoccupied with their new goal. They threw Kenta and Natsumi against the twisted classroom walls, taking pleasure in their helplessness.

Demon Doctor Arariku approached them, towering over the Super Sentai heroes who were being held hostage. His voice was a venomous whisper as he sneered. "Your failure proves the effectiveness of submission and the futility of resistance," the speaker said.

With blazing determination in his eyes, Kenta spat defiantly. He said, his voice ringing with unwavering resolve, "We may be outnumbered, but we will never yield. Even in the darkest of times, there is hope.”

Natsumi joined him in speaking, her tone resonating with unwavering resolve. She declared, a glimmer of the fiery resolve that had once defined her, "We haven't lost our spirit."

The Demon Doctor, however, simply laughed at their assertions. Then, as Arariku revealed his true form in the fullest, the team captains of the Megaranger and Carranger teams' eyes widened. His slimy, saliva-filled tentacles then pierced their open mouths and stabbed their broken helmets.

Dr. Arariku probed Kenta and Natsumi’s spandex-clad bodies as they writhed in terror. Their skin crawled at the thought of being used as a vessel for an alien creature, and they could feel something wriggling being deposited into them by the mouth tentacles. Megaranger Red screamed almost incomprehensibly, thrashing against his former teammates, "Get them out of us!"

Natsumi begged with teary eyes, "Please. I've had enough and want it to stop.”

Dr. Arariku hissed merely. It's unnecessary to struggle because it will soon be over.

They writhed and squirmed, their bodies serving only as carriers for his progeny as the alien watched with glee. He felt a sense of power and dominance over them because he could feel their fear and despair. The alien hatchlings could be felt moving around inside the Sentai warriors as the bellies of Kenta the MegaRed and Natsumi the Yellow Racer grew agonizingly bigger and bigger. He was giggling like a roaring monster. "You slaves will never finish school!”



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