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It’s the epic battle royale, now with real royals!

I found that King Ohger’s storyline was fascinating with a three-way war between the heroes, the Bugnarok Empire as the main villains, and the inconsiderate tyrant Racules Hastie that would prioritize invading other kingdoms to become the singular ruler instead of working together for the greater good.

Then again, the conflict between Racules and Gira can only result in one of them failing. What if Gira was the one who failed? What dark fate awaits the young rebel if he was defeated by the despot? I heard Racules has magic too.

Special thanks to my beautiful patrons:


Geoffrey Mccaw

Robert Terwillger



Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson

Daniel K


If every fool wears a crown, we should all be kings!

The guards rushed to defend their castle, but what hope they had against a warrior of the gods? Each step of their heavy boots echoed across the tall hallways of the Kingdom of Shugoddam’s primary location of power. Above them, the national banner fluttered with the outside wind that seeped through the broken doors.

The guards’ screams and groans were audible too. Ten of them went into battle in the inner courtyard, but none of them survived it. With their swords discarded on the sides, the soldiers were taken out.

They weren’t killed. It was the strangest fight of all. The invader didn’t bother taking their lives. He only focused on paralyzing their resistance.

The attacker stood gloriously as a crimson warrior in armor. His stag beetle-themed costume combined tight shiny spandex and a hard exoskeleton. Behind his back, his heroic cape danced with grace.

In the knight’s hand, there was a legendary weapon. It was known across the five kingdoms of Man and its presence gave hope to millions under attack by the transgressing Bugnarok Empire.

Today, the arsenal was used for another purpose. The Kuwagata Ohger knight was there with one goal in mind: to usurp power. There was also a secondary objective of bringing justice but that would have to wait.

Inside his helmet, the youngster glanced at his results. All of the guards were down. Nothing would stand in his way to find King Racules Hastie. “Let’s go!” shouted the youngster in his Sentai form. “This kingdom has done its time under arrogant and aloof kings. What it needs now more than ever is an evil king. If there’s no one out there who wants to take the mantle of responsibility, I will do it!”

The castle shook. The majestic windows and stained glass that described Shugoddam’s heroic past against the previous incarnation of Bugnarok also revealed the turmoil that occurred outside. The kingdom was in chaos as the united forces of the King-Ohgers clashed with the royal army. The knights’ giant mechas flew too close to the castle and made the granite walls tremble.

In the outer courtyard, three foreign kings and queens fought in their armored forms as the Tombo Ohger, Kamakiri Ohger, and Papillon Ohger. They moved with elegance coupled with power. Their capes sway with their techniques both to defend and fight back. The knights used similar weapons that were bestowed on chosen souls. The OhgerCaliburs gleamed in the morning sunlight.

Yet, Kuwagata Ohger continued his pursuit. He ran up the colossal set of stairs with superhuman speed. The pace didn’t break his concentration on possible threats all around. The knight leaped into a cartwheel just before a crossbow sniper could shoot his helmet. He replied to their warm welcome by severing the giant wooden beam they were crouching on.

Just then, two assassins tried to stab him from the shadows of the decorative armor suit lineup. Their fencing swords were thin and deadly, and their combat maneuvers amplified the menace.

Kuwagata was a superhero, but fighting against two skilled opponents that unified their swords was a challenge of its own. The youngster inside felt something wrong with those weapons, especially when one of them slashed his lower arm. He took a step back and looked at the damage.

Somehow, the blade was able to cut through his spandex fabric. Blood oozed from the small cut. It was insignificant, but the fact his powersuit succumbed to the mere weapon upped the fight’s stake.

His assailants knew that. They wanted to kill him. They slashed, swung, and stabbed their way with their swords. The assassins collaborated with each other as dance partners to disorient the Kuwagata Ohger knight.

Kuwagata Ohger grunted as another hit struck his right pec. The female assassin smiled at the success. The attack wasn’t damaging. It only cracked the outer armor and barely pierced the inner spandex, but the youngster could feel it penetrate his skin. He then impaled the castle hallway floor with his OhgerCalibur. The energy toppled the assassins and the knight was able to roundhouse kick them before they could land. The clanking noise reverberated across the corridor as the two assassins crashed onto the armor suit decorations.

Kuwagata took a fighting pose to refresh himself. “Enough with the distractions. Racules, here I come!”

The royal chamber door was heavy. It was made of the finest wood that could last centuries. Its ornamental carvings were something to behold. It was easily destroyed into countless splinters by the OhgerCalibur’s energy strike. In was the furious Kuwagata Ohger.

“Racules Hastie, your arrogance ends today!” The knight pointed his weapon at the silhouette of a man who stood on the palace balcony.

The figure in royal attire and a fur coat was unfazed. He chose to witness the battle outside of his castle rather than turning around. “Is that what heroes do these days? Waging vengeance across our land?”

Kuwagata flipped his sword. “We can talk about proper terms after you give Hachi Ohger back!”

Kuwagata was referring to another teammate of his. In his civilian form, Hachi was Kaguragi Dibousuki, the monarch of the Toufu agrarian kingdom.

That made King Racules snicker. He looked down for a moment as if in contemplation. He finally faced Kuwagata Ohger. “You’re correct, Gira. My time is up.”

That surprised Kuwagata Ohger. It didn’t matter that the king knew his real identity. It mattered more that the king accepted his fate. With a slight doubt, he kept the dangerous end of his OhgerCalibur sword toward Racules’ face. “What’s your angle, king?”

Racules was casual about the apparent intimidation. “There’s no angle. I am here to end the fight. Our people have suffered for too long. Hachi Ohger is safe and you can meet him later. Right now, I am abdicating the throne!”

That made Gira’s eyes go wide open. Was this true or was it just another of his schemes? Racules planned to take over the world under the cover of the quintet alliance against Bugnarok after all. “Prove it,” ordered the knight coldly.

Racules spread his arms royally. “It seems that I haven’t won your trust yet. Fair enough, I have done many terrible sins in the past. It is not easy to win a commoner’s heart.” The monarch flicked his fingers and the royal emblems in the throne room opened to reveal large monitors that gave a live broadcast of the confrontation.

“What the-”

“The whole Shugoddam is watching,” said Racules. He then kneeled in front of Kuwagata Ohger, surprising the warrior even more. “I hereby relinquish my authority of the Kingdom of Shugoddam in exchange for my unflinching allegiance to the Kuwagata Ohger. I will follow him to the death. I am no longer a king, only a servant.”

The news broke the country. The fighting that raged across the kingdom died with those words. The other Ohgers stopped battling the soldiers who were shocked as well. Just like that, their mission was accomplished.

But Racules had something more in store for them. “I will prove my loyalty to Kuwagata Ohger by offering a fellatio!”

The women fainted on the streets. They knew their king was not that noble, but why would he declare such an act? Even Rita Kanisuka as the Papillon Ohger gulped. She couldn’t help imagining Gira standing as the dominant warrior with his baton being sucked by Racules.

That was exactly what happened. The kneeling king leaned forward. The youngster Gira was still dumbfounded by the announcement that he didn’t resist. It was the official gesture of surrender after all. Gira gulped inside his helmet.

“Do I have your permission, my Lord?” begged Racules with shyness.

Did he have to answer that one? Gira pondered over and over again. The helmet interior thankfully hid his sweat-soaked face. Awkwardly, Kuwagata Ohger put his arms on his waist like the knight he was and nodded. “Very well, consider this your final act of renouncement from the royal household. After this, you will be a common man like your subjects in the past. Perhaps then you can be wiser in considering other people in judging things.”

“Indeed, indeed, I will be wiser!”

Racules didn't wait to put his hands on the Ohger’s groin. Such a simple touch put Gira on edge. Just simple strokes from the king’s strong fingers were able to make him bulge. The knight gasped, first silently then audibly with the whole world in view.

The young hero tried to maintain his composure, but it was getting increasingly hard. The way the Shugoddamian king caressed his baton was exemplary. The man fondled the whole shaft from the balls all the way to the tip and somehow made it thicker with veins filled with rushing blood protruding all over. Gira never had something like this. He never even had a relationship with girls before. The more he put his thoughts into it, he questioned his orientation. Perhaps he was more fond of males than females? There was a reason why he felt a connection with President Yanma Gust during their escape fiasco during the first Bugnarok attack.

The king massaged his new ruler’s lower abs. Gira could feel every toned muscle being thumbed down by Racules’ treatment. He really knew how to indulge his adversary. That made Gira realize how good his king was.

Kuwagata Ohger shook his helmet. What was he thinking? All he needed to do was to endure this session and everything would be as it was supposed to be. Shugoddam would have a new king and the kingdom would be ready to join with the other powers to fight the Bugnarokian invasion.

Gira whimpered hard as Racules traced the bushy space from the base of his baton all the way to his arsehole. “What… What are you doing….”

Racules shushed the knight. His fingers danced on the tight spandex fabric that enveloped the young hero’s body like a hug. The man then put his index and middle fingers together and started digging into Gira’s hole.

That made Kuwagata Ohger flinch. He put his weight on the tip of his boots as the sensation spread all over. With that, his already-massive baton was now erect completely. It was ready for the royal finale. “There you are,” whispered Racules with a smirk.

But he wasn’t done. He put on a surprise attack on the Kuwagata Ohger by digging even deeper. Gira screamed with his tongue jut out to lick his helmet visor from the inside. His eyes were made white by the ecstasy. “I have… I have to keep… I  have to keep knighty…” mumbled the young hero as his mind was overwhelmed by the emotion.

What hope could the stag beetle-themed spandex warrior have against the twisting of his hole? He wormed in a desperate attempt to ease the uproar, but it was a futile attempt. Just when Gira thought he would unload, the king stopped his act.

Gira gasped in relief, but also in disappointment. Just a little more and he would be free from the burden of holding in the mounting sexual pressure. He just needed to unload once!

“Now, now, where is the fun in letting you enjoy today’s occasion on your own, my lord?” said Racules in a tempting manner. He repeated the fondling, but his face was getting closer to the baton.

The royal highness gulped Gira’s baton, first the tip that slowly went down all the way. The Kuwagata Ohger couldn’t think straight. He could hear the repulsive slurping noises, but he couldn’t help but to feel aroused by them. Gira screeched again as he could feel the tongue exploring the tight spandex tent.

He needed something to hold on to. He needed… Kuwagata Ohger grabbed King Racules’ head and messed up his hair. It was a last-ditch attempt in controlling himself. His teammates watched in awe with an almost hypnotic state. Rita and Himeno even drooled inside their helmets. Their hands started exploring their own beautiful bodies.

“It is time, my lord. It is time to let go of the worldly problems and surrender yourself to the heavenly bliss,” said Racules almost incomprehensibly as his mouth continued his back-and-forth movements.

Gira tried. He tried with all of his might. He was a superhero. He needed to maintain the persona of resolute formidableness. He needed to show the world that he couldn’t be swayed so easily. Today, he proved them that in the strangest way.

One, two, three, and the young hero unloaded himself with the loudest scream. The spandex crotch was immediately made wet by his seed. Making use of the moment, Racules sucked the goop with thirst.

The Kuwagata Ohger’s spandex-clad baton was a straw for the king. He slurped and slurped with his head moving rhythmically. Racules’ arms grabbed Gira’s arse cheeks and groped them as part of the closing ritual. The hero’s waist was made trembling from the sheer sensual energy.

The Sentai hero’s shoulders slumped, but it wasn’t over yet. As if chugging down the last drink, Racules kept on sucking the Ohger’s member. Gira was now made to arch with his groin being pulled into the king’s hungry mouth.

“More, more, more!” groaned Racules as he violently clawed Gira’s ass.

Something terrible started to happen. The young hero could feel it. The impression slowly spread out from the crotch to the thighs and abs, then to the pecs and legs. It was nothing like he ever felt before.

He felt suffocated. He fought it by clicking the side of his helmet with his shivering arms. It was the last thing he could do as his limbs became impotent right away. “What is this… What are you doing to me?” asked the suffering Gira with his face now visible.

“Shut up and give me everything!” That was all his king gave as a reply.

The horrible truth struck Gira. He wasn’t being suffocated. It wasn’t the costume that became tighter. It was his body.

Racules through his dick-sucking was also slowly and painfully sucking Gira’s body like a drink. The young hero could feel his muscles shrinking. His pecs, biceps, and abs became two-thirds of their previous sizes, then half.

From everyone’s perspective, Gira’s face disappeared from the helmet interior. In truth, the helmet became too tall from the now doll-sized man. Like a deflated balloon, his body became smaller and smaller while still stuck on the crotch.

Gira called for help. His voice echoed inside the expansive cavity of his Kuwagata Ohger uniform. The echoes did nothing to prevent the horrible fate that would come for him. “Please, please, somebody help! He’s sucking me in!”

Then, Racules Hastie showed an evil smile. When he removed his mouth from the damp groin, he got himself a present. Stuck halfway in was a finger-sized version of Gira, the brat who dared to defy his authority. He savored the moment by picking him up. “You may hate me, Gira. But I am a man of my words. I told you that you can meet Hachi Ohger soon. So, in you go!”

Racules drop the small man into his mouth. Gira’s scream was nothing more than an annoying mosquito noise. The king didn’t even care to chew him. He just swallowed his victim hole.

Gira cried in despair as his journey across the esophagus was helped by the peristaltic movements of the pressing muscles. His entire body was smeared with saliva. Then, the tunnel ended.

No one could hear Gira’s scream as he plunged into a pool of stomach acid. The first touch made his skin feel burning, but his devourer had something else planned. “Don’t worry, little boy. I will not kill you. I save that fate for the disobedient monarchs of Toufu and N’kosopa. I will instead keep you as part of my royal body through dark magic. Once today’s battle is done, you can bear witness to the royal wedding of me with Himeno Ran and Rita Kanisuka and the forever orgy that will come after!”

Gira felt everything. Racules’ dark magic flowed into his broken body. He was being digested without getting killed. It was a fate worse than death.

The former young hero’s naked body was pulled into a membranous pouch. His form was trapped with no hope of moving, let alone escaping. The small opening was enough to keep his mouth open. When Racules ate again, Gira would have to digest and vomit the secretion.

Gira tried to scream, tried to resist, tried to break free. But now, he was just another organ in Racules Hastie’s body.

Racules undressed. He didn’t bother to let the world see his immaculate form. He was as trained for war as any of the other monarchs or that brat. He showed them what the consequences would be to those who defy him. The camera zoomed at his balls. On one, Gira’s face was tattooed on the curly skin. The former young hero screamed in silence. He was still aware of whatever happened around him, just unable to do anything about it. “Witness as your pathetic rebel becomes another part of my tattoo collection!”

The bare-bodied Racules grabbed the OhgerCalibur. He whispered a dark magic mantra into it before pointing the weapon skyward. Obeying its new owner, the empty Kuwagata Ohger costume broke apart into a spandex fabric and pieces of armor that strapped themselves on the king’s body. Everyone outside could hear the stag beetle god’s scream as it was forced to obey his command. “You royal inbreds will finally recognize Shugoddam as the only superpower in the world. I will show them my version of mercy after their misguided adventures with the king of fools!”

The heroes wouldn’t stand by in front of this debauchery. Led by Himeno Ran as the Kamakiri Ohger, the transformed monarchs rode their mechas and leaped onto the castle balcony to confront Racules. “This stops now, Racules!” demanded the yellow queen with her sword.

Like his time with Gira before, Racules wasn’t impressed with the trio’s arrival. He turned around and casually approached them. Behind the new Kuwagata Ohger, dimensional rifts opened and pieces of black armor burst out. One by one from the boot claws and calf protectors to the second set of heroic capes in black unified with Racules. The result was an abomination as the Hachi Ohger suit assimilated with the Kuwagata Ohger.

“No way!” cried out Yanma Gust in shock. He was as shocked as the other monarchs. How could Racules achieve such an ability?

“The era of world unification starts today, monarchs,” declared Racules in his Emperor OhGer mode. He aimed his swords toward the king and queens. Plural, since he had both Gira’s and Dibousuki’s swords in his prized possession. He particularly pointed the armaments at the Kamakiri and Papillon Ohgers. “I guess chastity belts are back in fashion for two royal sluts!”

Himeno Ran was furious. How dare he called her that?! The yellow Sentai heroine didn’t think much of safety as she dashed toward battle. The other heroes followed suit.

What was waiting for them was the echoes of Racules Hastie’s harrowing laughter. He knew he already won. The mad tyrant licked his lips as he could see the two queens serving him in his bedroom by sundown!



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