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Breaking the canon, breaking the planets!

Since I am exploring AI art for my story companion illustrations, I want to take things up a notch and come up with original Sentai hero teams.

This time, they are the Planetarians. Similar spandex, different universe, and powers. They are bestowed by ancient powers with the spirits of mythological bestiaries of our solar system, from pegasus to lamia.

When the Planetary Five team went against the demonic False Morel, Kristian and his team found out that their mighty powers would be nothing but fertilizers for the villain’s fungus infestation!

Special thanks to my beautiful patrons:


Geoffrey Mccaw

Robert Terwillger



Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson

Daniel K


Inhale the spores!

“You will never… Never defeat the Savage Celestial Squadron… Planetary Five…”

If normally said, such a statement would send fear to the heart of any monster. But Kristian didn’t have the strength of Planetary Pegasus anymore.

What he got as a response was an utterly mocking laughter from a demonic presence that had dominated the forest. The ominous voice echoed across the misty bushes and rows of tall trees. He couldn’t even recognize how he and his team got into this cursed ground. “That’s a mouthful. I’m surprised your retarded Planet brain can still process that after everything I’ve done to defecate your powers.”

Kristian gripped his chest. The perfect pecs were protected by the magical spandex suit with the theme of a brave mythical horned stallion. The shiny crimson fabric had been desecrated by burn marks and cuts, not to mention the piling dust from the previous battle. Inside his helmet, his gorgeous ginger-colored hair was already damp.

The Planetary Pegasus warrior was forced into kneeling with one of his legs. The muscles of his body felt aching. Some like his once-powerful biceps and abs felt contorted in a painful way. Kristian tried to hold the sensation, but he knew that he was losing ground fast.

The world around was hazy. It was more than simply the mist thickening. Kristian felt the world was melting away. He didn’t feel dizziness or nausea. It was simply the feeling of being slowly robbed of reality. He gulped as his fatigued body wobbled.

“Look at the little red hero trying to hold on to his dear life,” said the condescending monster. There was nothing much of him beyond being the lurking silhouette behind the details of his fiendish homescape. There, at the heart of a forest, a clearing became a breeding ground of giant mushrooms in place of lush trees. The surrounding plants were instead being drained of nutrition as the parasitic fungi horde grew bigger and bigger.

But sucking the life out of nature is not enough for King False Morel’s hideous creation. It needed other sources of sustenance. Big capped mushrooms had imprisoned teenagers as evidence of his new method. Inside the pulsating crowns, they screamed without the world being able to hear their voices. They pounded the stretchy skin to no avail as tendrils stabbed their bodies to pump whatever youth energy they had. Some of the kidnapped youngsters were already losing their spirit to fight and resorted to surrendering themselves to the draining.

Heroes couldn’t ignore a case of a school bus gone missing. Unfortunately, the case lured the Planetary Five team to False Morel’s trap. It was his plan all along to get these spandex-clad warriors to be added to his garden.

Perhaps his plot would soon be fruitful. Kristian wasn’t the only Planetary Five hero there. Sadly, he wasn’t the only Planetarian to be subjugated by Morel’s wickedness. “Guys…” stuttered the team captain as he glanced at his team.

He heard the loudest moan. It came from the blue-costumed Planetary Gryphon. Kay’s eagle-man power couldn’t save him like in the fights before. He was trapped in the cage of a massive bridal veil mushroom. He yanked the white net in a desperate attempt to get out, but his mind was already scrambled in a continuous burst of corrupting spore from under the cap. The Latino youngster squealed and whimpered like a crazy person. Kristian could see his friend’s bloodshot eyes from the broken helmet visor gap. “Help me! Help me! It’s worming into my mind!”

“Once your precious costume is broken, my lovely spore can invade your puny human body even through the smallest opening.” Morel chuckled at the pathetic Planetarian. “Obviously, your friend here got more than a tiny hole!”

Planetary Pegasus heard a scream. That was Solomon, the Planetary Manticore. Just like Kay or Kristian or any other heroes of the team, the youngster had a jacked body akin to a bodybuilder. Yet, he hopelessly tried to keep himself standing even when both of his legs were clearly worn out. His rickety form was still muscular as before, but his vigor had long gone. What was left was a deformation.

Solomon cried out in pain as his hands rubbed against his swollen belly. His six-pack abs had been replaced by an uncanny bulge, not unlike a pregnancy. What was worse was the obvious disturbance inside. “It’s inside me! I can feel it growing! Argh!”

Unlike Kay, Solomon’s helmet was now adorning a small phallic mushroom that sprouted out of his mouth to complete his exhibition of torment. The infestation spread beneath his tight costume with hyphae wrapping the ankles and converging on his dangling oversized baton beneath the ballooning belly. His boots were anchored on the goopy ground. He would stay for a long time.

“I always like strength, especially Planetarian strength! Instead of being used for your worthless hero-play, the Manticore’s liveliness can be the perfect pot to grow my babies!”

“Kris, please, help us!” begged Solomon in unimaginable pain, almost unintelligible with the gagging fungus that humiliated the hero. When he coughed, a thin mist of spore escaped his mouth. Kristian could also see the burrowing roots that spread from his teammate’s bulging belly all across his body.

But there was nothing Planetary Pegasus could do. His divine stallion spirit from Greek mythology had been depleted. He couldn’t even put up a fighting pose anymore.

Seeing that the team captain was on his literal last legs, the monster revealed himself. Perhaps the demon was a male, perhaps a female. Sexual dimorphism was irrelevant for a creature like Morel.

What’s relevant was the fact that the remaining two Planetarians had been fused into False Morel’s body. Like ragdolls stuck on in a sticky goop, Planetary Lamia and Planetary Cygnus squirmed with their arms and legs spread out and even intertwined with each other. Their helmets were gone and their heads were entirely covered by latex-like suffocating masks that traced every detail of Gabrielle and Selene’s terrified facial expressions. “Kris, babe, help me! I’m losing my mind here!” cried the Asian girl as the pure swan heroine as she tried to break free from the unbreakable slimy bond.

“Morel’s too powerful! We’re idiots to go against him! Now, Morel owns us!” yelled the delirious African-American girl as the reptilian Planetarian almost incomprehensibly.

Like Solomon, their bodies had been perverted by the monster. Their bellies bloated with Morel’s creation even to the point where the spandex suits almost couldn’t hold it together. They would have used their hands to uselessly ease the abdominal pain just like Manticore.

Kristian couldn’t believe his hurting eyes. These were the most powerful Planetary warriors he ever knew. They fought ogres and demons in the past. Their team cannon was still on the ground with its barrel smoldering from the latest bullseye firing. Why couldn’t they defeat Morel? “What… What are you doing to them?”

“The same thing I will do to your puny body, Horsey. I will make you all part of my fatter self!” said Morel gloriously. The two imprisoned heroines screamed as if his victory was the source of their agony. That was before Morel stuffed their mouths with fat mushrooms that basically gagged them all the way to the throats. The demon liked to thrust the cursed items over and over again before pulling them back out to spill some drool and broke his captives. For Planetary Manticore, it brought back the debilitating memory of his own humiliation.

But perhaps there was a glimmer of hope. Morel had consumed the Planetarians far too fast. His body got bloated so suddenly that his legs couldn’t support the newly-ingested bulk of power. The mushroom demon let out a roar of distress as he failed to take a step forward. He wanted to finish the Planetary Pegasus off as dessert, but things went awry for him.

With sharp breaths, Kristian observed the lumbering giant’s movement. Morel forced himself further and further. The two stuck Planetarians continued their screams with every of his step. It was a sight that would burn into the hero’s mind forever.

Then, the monster collapsed. Not really, since Morel simply dropped onto one of his knees. In an ironic twist of fate, the team captain and his archnemesis went face-to-face in the same pose.

Morel’s outspread fang-filled mouth belched out spore mist and goop as he voiced his anger. “I guess my rotten body can’t keep up with my eternal hunger! No matter, I’ll take a moment here. There’s nowhere for you to escape anyway. Savor this moment before you forever stay in the cocoons of my stomach, Horsey!”

Kristian groaned. He extended his arm out. A spark burst out of thin air before disappearing. The Planetary Pegasus failed.

“Everyone, lend me your strength. This is the last thing we can do to defeat this demon!” shouted Kristian verbally and mentally. He didn’t give up. He roared as he focused the Morphing Grid energy to summon something.

Even his enslaved teammates heard the call. Within their suffocating prisons and curses, they joined the fight. Their trapped Growl Suits started to release strands of wispy light respective to their color codes. All coalesced onto the mystical fire that Planetary Pegasus assembled.

“Curses, what are you trying to do?!” barked Morel as he lifted his smelly armpits and dragged Planetary Cygnus and Planetary Lamia toward them. Their glimmer dimmed, leaving only the pathetic moan as they were forced to inhale their master’s stench. As if that wasn’t enough to torment and humiliate them, the demon basically Dutch-ovened the spandex-clad heroes with his bulky arm.

It was enough. The elongated fire solidified into another arsenal of justice. With his tired voice, Kristian announced its name, “Eight-Planet Alignment Sword!”

“How dare you?!” boomed Morel as he continued rubbing the disgusting armpit goop on Lamia and Cygnus’ helmets.

Kristian could feel their pain and suffering. He could feel Gabrielle’s and Selene’s degradation under the monster’s weight. Their pride as two massive buff girls had been worn down into nothingness and replaced by the horrible fate of Morel’s plaything. They had been separated from their powers. Worse, they had been drained dry of their powers.

The Planetary Pegasus gasped. It was true. He could no longer feel his friends’ celestial powers. The mythological eagle, lion, snake, and swan were all gone. All that replaced them was an indistinct slobber that the Planetarians must consume for the rest of their miserable lives.

The Planetary Pegasus felt anger. He channeled that rage to his grip on the weapon. In a normal situation, it took five heroes to combine and use the giant sword. Today, Kristian steeled himself with the ethereal support from his teammates. He swung it toward the bloated demon while letting out a war cry. “Evil, disperse from this universe!”

The energy attack fortified the sharp blade of the Eight-Planet Alignment Sword. It decapitated Morel’s head cleanly. When Kristian landed back with a wobbly superhero pose, there was a delay. Then, the head slid down. From the broken neck, burst out a spore-filled shower of black blood.

Morel’s head rolled down a few times before stopping. His ugly face forever exhibited a scream. The rest of his body dwindled and rotten out. His prisoners were all released. These included the depleted Planetarians.

Even Kristian needed to support his stand with the sword. He whispered with the last bit of his strength. “Priestress Totem, please send us back.”

With that, the whole team and the school children were teleported out of the forest opening.


“Let them go, Beast!” Planetary Cygnus readied herself for battle like always when she met with Morel in another abandoned building outside Turtle Lake—this time one owned by Morel himself—for their one-on-one battle royal once again. Or so she thought until she saw something terrible.

It was a sight that made her forget even about fighting Morel at all. A sight that made her forget about everything but saving those girls. Selene clenched her fists with emotion. The veins of her beefy physique were made apparent with rage.

There were five kids who looked like they were kidnapped from school but were already being held captive by Morel in another room of this building owned by him. Behind the putrid monster, jail doors with bars slammed shut with their prisoners behind them. But there was something different about these children that made them stand out from what they used to be. Something about them made it seem like they were no longer human anymore.

The kids were pale and sickly as if most of their bodily nutrition had been sucked out. The only plump part of them was their stomachs. They ballooned beyond normal. It was also the source of their pain. They looked like alien creatures now more than anything else…

But they were still kids. That much Planetary Cygnus could tell by looking at them. That meant Selene was still on the mission to save them as Turtle Lake’s foremost spandex heroine!

Morel guffawed as the goop layer that trapped the children started to come together. The prisoners tried to pull themselves free, but there was no freedom. Their arms were bound to the side and their chests were made puffed out for the demon’s delight. Then, the membrane started to suffocate their faces and continued to pour onto them.

“No, stop!” called out Planetary Cygnus. She didn’t waste time summoning her weapon. “Beast King Sword!”

The warrior dashed toward her enemy while swinging the crystal-bladed sword. Her short superhero cape fluttered behind her back at this speed. Energy attacks clashed with the leathery skin of False Morel. The monster laughed insultingly as he ducked and avoided the Planetarian’s attack barrage. “Do better, Planet-slut. Or else, your little admirers will become my mushrooms!”

The insult enraged the Planetary Cygnus. She immediately took a step back. Not to retreat and flee, but to summon a more formidable armament. With elegance coupled with strength, she presented it. “Swan Sword, Noble Slash!”

Selene didn’t waste time to gash and hack her way back into the fight. The sudden appearance and use of the weapon startled Morel. “You think you’re better than me?!”

With that, Morel belched hard. A thick cloud of sickly green-colored mist hit the Planetarian head-on. Selene screeched in agony as the lethal gas burned her shiny white-and-pink spandex suit and exposed her body. The muscular Asian female hero tried desperately to hold on to the Swan Sword as her muscles ached and stiffened from the intense pain.

Morel released another barrage of mocking laughter. Clearly, his opponent was powerless against whatever wickedness he had in store. “Twitchy little Planet-bitch can’t even take the first step to be a hero!”

“I’m not done… With you, Morel!” grunted the petrified Selene as the Planetary Pegasus.

The fungus demon seemed to ponder the situation. “I can just wait it out until you pass out from my gas and other beautiful muck.” But then, a devilish grin appeared on his oversized maw. “Then again, there’s a lonely space inside my stomach that craves fresh Planet-bitch meat!”

A serpentine tongue all of a sudden darted out of his mouth to ensnare the Planetary Cygnus’s neck. Selene immediately felt the crushing grip that prevented air from entering her lungs. With her body only beginning to regain movement, the youngster was helpless to fight back. It didn’t take long before Morel decided to play with his prey.

Selene felt her boots leaving the earth. Her cape stopped moving. The dripping tentacle-like tongue pulled her high up as the demon laughed in satisfaction. What came next was humiliation.

“It’s playtime!” announced Morel as he slammed the paralyzed Planetary Cygnus over and over again to the concrete ground and street asphalt. Noticing that his enemy was still unable to put up a significant resistance, he teased the spandex-clad heroine by slamming her against the bars of his prison. “Look at them, Planetary Cygnus! Look at the victims of your failure!”

Selene could see it. Selene could see them with her tired monolid eyes. The school children were trapped inside a cocoon that increasingly resembled a giant mushroom complete with a reddish cap. Inside the translucent membraned prison, vague forms of the captives tried in vain to escape the draining tendrils that stabbed them for nutrition. Their pale skins were a pain to Selene’s heroic heart. “How dare you… hurting them!” groaned the Planetary Cygnus as she fought the suffering.

“Your sad dream of defeating me has only given them more misery. The longer you fight me, the more of their body I drain!”

Selene could hear them now. Give up… Give up… Give up…

The Planetary Cygnus’s eyes opened wide. She tried to deny it. It couldn't be true! She was there to save them. She fought Morel to free them. They must know about it, right?

Doubt filled the Planetary Cygnus’s heart. Morel could feel it. As a reward, he continued the slamming. One, two, three, right in front of the imprisoned children. It was degradation.

The fungus demon gave Selene some time to get back up before coming back to squash him. The spandex suit could only do so much to protect her muscles and toned body. At the third slam, her helmet visor glass cracked and shattered.

“Come here, you brat!” roared Morel as he pulled Planetary Cygnus in. It was delightful for him to see the miserable state of the warrior. Selene’s biceps, abs, and thighs were depleted of power by now. The demon could hear her gagging sound inside the broken helmet. “Now, now, no need to cry. There will be LOTS of time for that later years under the weight of my belly! HURGH!”

In his arrogance, False Morel forgot one important thing: Selene’s hand was still holding the Eagle Sword. The hero stabbed the monster’s head from the bloated chin with the blade penetrating all the way through. Black disgusting blood burst out from the dead creature.

Selene fell limp as the tongue released its grip. That was her last attempt at fighting. Had it not worked, she wouldn’t have had any other way to survive this encounter.

Before her, the towering mass that was False Morel exploded with a repulsive stench. A thick mist of dying spores burst out before coming back to earth as ash. Even the small mushrooms that tried to endure died short after. His reign of terror finally came to an end.

The Planetary Cygnus heroine in the shiny pink-and-white costume gasped to catch her breath. She savored the moment of victory, even smiling with relief inside her broken helmet. Then, she remembered the children. “Oh, no!”

Selene essentially forced and dragged herself to move. Her steps and overall movements were stiff and uncoordinated. Yet, she pressed on to hurriedly approach the jails containing the cocoon students. She grabbed the black goopy bars and yanked them.

No use. Her Planetarian powers were just too weak to break this thing. But she still got the sword. “Hang in there!” cried out Selene as she swung the weapon with all of her remaining might.

The slash shattered the barrier into insignificant pieces of metal all over. Cygnus immediately rushed in. There, she finally got the full glimpse of the large mushroom-shaped cocoon that trapped a boy. Selene gulped.

Doubt descended on the heroine’s mind. Her worn out eyes observed the student in uniform. He observed the details of the school crest, the beautiful fabric of the clothing, the impeccable body of the boy. She adored him.

It was hard for Selene to take another step forward. She gasped and moaned hard. If he was awake, it would have startled him. But now, she got the whole prison cell to express her sensual arousal.

There was a clanking noise. The previous battle against a demon failed to force Planetary Cygnus from abandoning her weapon. The simple sight of a body in school uniform succeeded.

She was not worthy. She was one of the most powerful spandex-clad heroines out there and yet, she felt far beneath the boy in status. She wanted to worship him. She wanted to open herself to him.

The Planetary Cygnus eventually did opened herself to him. Her costume felt suffocating and unnecessarily tight. She needed a release.

So she did. The captivated and amorous Selene reached her crotch with both gloves and tore a hole in her own spandex. There was a spark and the interior revealed itself. The girl tore through her costume, leggings, and the underwear beneath. She was completely open. “Beautiful… Beautiful… Put your beautiful dick inside me….” whimpered the once-mighty Planetarian.

As if accepting her surrender, the boy’s crotch bulged out. His pants created a long tent that followed the massive baton inside. The fact that its size was disproportionately massive for student of that age didn’t bother Selene. All she could think of was the moment she would force herself into its care, its embrace. She wanted to be violated by him.

There was no Planetary Cygnus anymore. There was no muscular spandex-clad female superhero. There was only a bimbo that succumbed to the urge to interact with a boy.

All that was watched by False Morel. What Selene defeated before was just another copy of him. It was merely a part of the entertainment for him, including this part. “Looks like the little Pervy Planet-Slut couldn’t handle the urge to molest young boys! What a thot!” The demonic creature looked down at the screaming faces on his belly. They belonged to the engulfed children. “Don’t worry, Children. I’ll keep you safe from the hookers! Hahaha!”

As Planetary Cygnus surrendered herself to the fungus copy of the boy, her mind devolved into a simple thinking process. Her brain was constantly hammered by the hypnotic and mind-numbing effects of the spores. Worse, the prison cell’s bars were back, trapping the heroine inside permanently. It didn’t matter to her though. She was fully committed to her new life purpose. She was his cum dump.

And she already got her first turn. Selene’s brain exploded with ecstasy and realization of her insignificance. She knew Morel was behind this. She knew the boy wasn’t real. She knew this was terribly wrong and degenerate. But she didn’t care. Why should she? She was NOT a hero.

Her abs inflated. The infestation that happened before was still in there. The spandex was barely able to keep up with the surge in stomach size. In her patheticness, Selene felt happy that the bloated end of her belly touched the boy’s face. She even giggled as a serf.

“This is… Wrong. We can’t do things like this…,” grunted a heroic male voice from the other room. As one prison cell was filled by a former superhero of the Savage Celestial Squadron Planetary Five team, the others were filled by her peers. The wails and whines came from the subjugated Kay, Solomon, Gabrielle, and even Kristian. The whole gang was there as part of False Morel’s underground fornication festival. Their spandex suits seeped out the sacred celestial energy to strengthen their new master who continuously laughed at their predicament.

“You can because you are all perverts!” In Morel’s hand was the Eight-Planet Alignment Sword. It was filled with burn marks. With his touch, the enslaved Planetarians could see the previous failures.

When Kristian requested their escape from the forest, they teleported but not to their headquarters. Instead, the Planetary Five team and the children’s energy spheres were yanked off their trajectories by a review Morel. Opening his giant fang-filled mouth, all of them were devoured by him.

Inside, Kristian tried his best to fight the encroaching visceral and moldy stomach prison. His friends fell first. They were ensnared by tendrils and pulled into the meaty walls that slowly encased them in a suffocating hug. The Planetary Pegasus released another burst of energy to free his team from this hell, but all he got was the milking of his powers. The Planetarians were already defeated before.

Kristian gasped, then gagged. The words and visions sent a shock into Kristian’s brain. He didn’t have any more mental capability to defy the demon’s command. Planetary Pegasus was Morel’s beast of burden and indulgence now. He now understood the Planetarian’s new place in the hierarchy of the universe.

Planetary Pegasus shoved his elephantine baton at the female students’s mouth again. He was a sicko and always would be just like his teammates. The former heroes in tights relinquished their future, identity, and soul to serve False Morel’s underground school. “We are perverts! We like to groom boys and girls! We like to grope and fondle boys and girls when the cameras are off! We are perverts all the way!” declared the Planetary Five team as they approached mindlessness. Through Morel’s spore cloud, their announcement reached billions of people on earth. Mankind’s anger keep him excited for years to come.

Now everyone knew how lewd the Planetarians were.

Even worse, they would do it forever and ever for the rest of their lives. The burning city background dissipated. The darkened skies turned into stalactite and hyphae-filled cave ceilings. Only the prison walls remained, remnants of an old asylum facility that suited their current occupants. The Planetarians would never see the sun anymore.

Morel clapped his flabby hands. “Encore, encore, encore! HAHAHA!”

Obeying their lord, the Planetary Five team walked backward out of their jails to repeat the whole ordeal one more time. It was as if time had reversed itself. Deep inside, they comprehend the torment. But the dream of those beautiful boys and girls kept them broken.



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