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Let’s go back to the team that started it all! This time, the threat comes from the most unexpected and underrated figures in MMPR history. Sometimes, he was considered a good guy, sometimes a simple nuisance. Here, he is the despot who will bring down the heroes in tights!

Special thanks to my royal and loyal patrons!

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Robert Terwillger

Geoffrey Mccaw


Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K




Look at the swirls!

The monster exploded. The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers took their usual victorious pose. The battle was over.

But there were still some loose ends. “Guys, we gotta go!” called out Billy the Blue Ranger as he rushed away.

“Hey, wait! What’s wrong? The guy’s already gone!” replied Zack the reluctant Black Ranger.

“Indeed, but his target is still out there. The monster we just eliminated was after a particular invention from this year’s science fair exhibition. It is crucial that we find it first before it falls into the wrong hand. Worse, it can fall to Rita’s hand!”

The spandex-clad heroes agreed, but they didn’t know the details yet. “It’s a high school science fair, Billy. What could possibly go wrong if Rita got her hands off the invention?” asked Kim the Pink Ranger as she ran with her team.

“It’s a cerebral intervention trigger device. Willy created it to create an artificial mood booster, but it has the potential to do horrible things!”

“It’s a what?” asked the confused Black Ranger.

“A hypno gun, Zack,” elaborated Trini the Yellow Ranger. “I can believe you guys made something as dangerous as that!”

“We only seek to improve the quality of life for everyone. People can be too busy to focus on their happiness. Our invention can help them in seconds.

“What kind of dangers we’re talking about?” asked Jason the Red Ranger.

Blue didn’t answer. He was too focused on the obscure object next to the park’s pathway bend. “There it is!” pointed Billy as he rushed quicker.

Yet, he was too slow. Someone picked the peculiar-looking gun off the concrete and examined it. It was the worse possible individual. It was Bulk of all people.
“Bulk!” called out Trini before realizing her mistake. To the world, she was a superhero in spandex. There was no way that she would know his name.

“Huh, Yellow Ranger? How do you know my name?” asked the confused fat bully. He examined the weapon in his hands. “And what’s this?”

“That’s… Nothing. Please just put it down,” replied the Blue Ranger awkwardly.

That felt fishy for Bulk. He stopped his plan to discard the gun. “Hmm, you sound suspiciously careful, Blue Ranger. What gives?”

“Nothing, nothing! There’s nothing powerful or dominating about that gun. It’s just a normal arsenal of emotional control!”

“Blue!” barked the Pink Ranger. He had given Bulk too much information.

Perhaps the bully didn’t hear it. He had the reputation to be a dimwit, a slow learner. Jason and the gang hoped that it was always true.

Bulk’s face was riddled with confusion. “I guess our info was too much for his brain,” mocked the Black Ranger to Red discreetly.

It was apparent that their counterpart was clueless. The youngster in the biker-styled leather jacket kept looking at the gun and the heroes in turn. His fingers rubbed the clanky features of the strange device and felt the even stranger vibration inside.

“Okay, this is taking too much time,” said Zack the hero in Mastodon-themed black spandex. He pushed the shoulders of his teammates and approached the bully. “Bulk, we are here to keep you safe from yourself. That hot thing is not for people like you. It’s for heroes like us. Just give it back.”

Bulk again looked at the Mastodon Ranger with the same oblivious expression. His mouth hung and he slurped in the saliva multiple times. Perhaps he was high at that time.

But then, he mumbled something. “Excuse me?” asked Zack who didn’t hear it the first time.

“I said, I can be a hero too!”

The Black Ranger didn’t have time to evade. Bulk already pointed the hypno gun at his helmet and pressed the trigger button. Strange rings of energy exposed the young spandex hero right between the eyes. In an instant, he jolted as if getting electrocuted.

“Black!” cried out Billy as the Blue Ranger, but his words only made him the next target. The Triceratops Ranger screamed in agony as his brain was hit by the gun’s barrage. He held his sturdy helmet as his head felt about to explode. It didn’t take too long for the young warrior in tights to slump down just like his teammate.

“Blue! Stop it, Bulk!” protested the Pink Ranger as she summoned her Power Bow. to her surprise, the Black and Blue Rangers blocked her aim as human shields to protect Bulk.

“Or what, Pink Ranger? Are you willing to shoot your friends?” insulted the power-drunken Bulk. He examined his gun again. The energy inside was truly intoxicating. He got two heroes under his command, what would it be like if the whole Power Rangers team was his? His fantasy ran amok. “I think not. I have watched you, heroes, from the bushes and shadows, Rangers. I was always the underdog, the supporting character for your adventure. Well, no more! Starting today, I will be the one who writes your story!”

“This is you, Bulk. As you have observed us, we have been observing you. Yes, you’re a bully, but you never want to bring misery to other people,” persuaded Trini as the Yellow Ranger. Her gestures were almost begging. “You’re a funny guy and you just want to have fun, but this is not the way!”

“Let’s stop this before things get out of our hands,” added Kimberly as the Pink Ranger.

Bulk thought about it. It was true that all he did was assert his dominance in Angel Grove school, but he never actually used violence. He stepped on glasses and made a mess at science fairs, but he never caused physical harm.

His grip tightened. “I just getting started. Rangers, take me away so I can have fun with you!”

“NO!” yelled Jason, but it was too late. Bulk the bully escaped the park along with two hypnotized Power Rangers. What horrors would come from such a situation?


Bulk and the Rangers teleported to an empty skyscraper roof in downtown Angel Grove. From there, the whole city view was visible along with the strong gush of wind. “Argh, find somewhere cozy next time!” complained the bully as he fought the rushing air that fluttered his leather jacket. The Rangers were as silent and stiff as statues. He flicked his fingers and whispered his next command. “Take me to my lair here!”

The trio disappeared again and reappeared across the San Killki Channel in the industrial Bay district. On the bend of the dried-up Angel Grove Storm Drain, there was a massive ventilation opening. In front of it, Bulk laughed hard. “Boys, welcome to Bulk’s Palace! Soon to be your permanent home! Come inside!”

The brainwashed Power Rangers obeyed their master and escorted him inside. Unlike the other giant drainage system of the city that was damp and disgusting, this one was crisp. There wasn’t much evidence of sewer people activity there due to its remote location just next to the river inlet. That being said, Bulk stopped when he saw a bum. With his hand on the waist, he asked intimidatingly, “What are you doing in my place?”

The confused homeless person was initially bewildered, then terrified as he saw the two heroic Ranger figures guarding the bully. The next thing that happened was bum got tossed into the river. The Blue Ranger stood to watch his struggle before dashing back to his master with lightning speed.

“Excellent, let’s keep the place clean!” exclaimed Bulk as his voice reverberated in the concrete tunnel. They went even deeper until they arrived in an equally-spacious chamber. Rudimentary boards blocked the entrance with child-level doodles meant to scare intruders away, but the interior was not too shabby. There were rough cabinets along the circular wall and even a hammock hanging from the overhead pipe and jutting metals. But the centerpiece was the throne.

“Kinda neat, huh? I found this old throne chair close by and I knew I had to own it.” Bulk chuckled. “What I meant as ‘found’ is I stole it, but hey! It was worth it, don’t you agree?”

The monotonous Rangers nodded their helmets in mindless acknowledgment. “What should we do to make you happy, Master?” asked the controlled Black Ranger. Lost was his bombastic attitude. Only a slave remained.

“Dance like monkeys!” commanded Bulk. The Rangers obeyed and moved their bodies like primates. They weren’t heroes anymore. Just a couple of muscular living dolls in shiny spandex and helmets. “Giving me crazier dance! I want to be horny!”

The Black and Blue Rangers began groping their own bodies while moaning hard. Their gloved fingers explored the perfect abs and pecs, and glutes.  Billy slapped his partner’s ass until Zack wailed in ecstasy. In return, the Mastodon Ranger pinched Triceratops Rangers’ raisin hard until the nerdy warrior squealed.

“Keep it coming!” shouted the enticed Bulk as he began rubbing his crotch. The denim trouser was in the way so he unzipped himself until the underwear was apparent. He wasn’t ashamed of it. It was instead a symbol of his dominance over these pesky Rangers. He put his hands on the waist like a bloated king as he savored the two Rangers as they violated each other.

Zack and Billy’s libido began raising. The bulge between their legs began to balloon out. Their body odor amplified with muskiness that could be smelled Bulk who stood quite far away. It seemed that their Ranger powers multiplied the lustfulness of the two youngsters.

The sex was mock, but the lewd gestures were real. With the Mastodon Ranger standing up and the Triceratops Rangers being invaded by him from behind, the two warriors reenact the standing wheelbarrow pose. Blue’s legs wrapped around Black’s spandex-clad waist while Black pulled in his counterpart’s thighs.

The two hypnotized Rangers howled in carnality. Their identities were safe inside their helmets, but condensation from their heavy breaths made condensation on their visor glasses. There were gagging noises as Billy and Zack thirstily licked the interior of their mouthguard armor just to let some steam out.

The youngsters were good at this. The Black Ranger purposefully traced the rim of his partner’s anus with his robust baton before plunging in. The vein-adorned shaft pushed deeper and deeper as the Blue Ranger screamed like a girl. It may be the first time poor Billy ever experienced this. But his scream was soon mixed with crazy glee and the incomprehensible babble of a washed-out young hero.

The spandex of these two Rangers held on. It didn’t matter though. The sensation got through and hammered them. The Triceratops Ranger’s dangling baton became erect and strong too as the abuse tensed him. Billy clenched his fists as he struggled to keep himself as the lower end of the wheelbarrow pose duo. “I live to serve Master Bulk!”

“I live to serve Master Bulk!” shouted the Mastodon Ranger with the same level of mindless compliance. At those words, the two controlled spandex warriors unloaded themselves into arching.

After a long while of carnal release, the Black and Blue Mighty Morphin Power Rangers could let out their sharp breaths. They heaved and panted and mumbled in the afterglow. The satisfied Bulk observed down their crotches that became mucky with the pooling seed inside the spandex. He let out a har-har, knowing that these so-called “heroes” had humiliated themselves in front of him. No more than they would dare to consider him as lowly!

Then, the idiot Bulk realized something. He forgot to record the two Rangers’ climax. He glanced at the wooden cabinet to his right where the camcorder was stored. He roared in anger as he grabbed the cursed thing. “Dammit, I miss my chance! I want to show how pathetic you two are to the world!”

“We are pathetic…” replied the hypnotized Black and Blue Rangers in unison.

That didn’t make Bulk happy. “This is getting boring. I know I already got you in my hands, but I want a challenge. I don’t want you to take off your helmets. That’d be too easy. I want you to surrender your identity to me as your master!”

The bully paced back and forth on the small stage before his throne. Around him were the trinkets and other random merchandise items that he collected without meaning. There were trophies and medallions from races he didn’t participate in, books from antique stores that he never read, and even bicycles he refused to ride. He just collected them without a clear purpose, just like his capture of the Rangers.

But this time, it was different. Bulk smirked and giggled as he licked the barrel of his precious gun. He got a plan for these two and he wanted to take it slow. He glanced back at the standing spandex heroes.

“Blue Loser, come here,” commanded Bulk. The controlled Blue Ranger approached him, still with his wet groin. The bully then whispered something to the side of the Triceratops-themed helmet. The enslaved Billy went to work right away.

The setup was easy for the young genius even under hypnosis. It didn’t take long for the Blue Ranger to assemble a rudimentary yet powerful internet connection box and monitor combo. The attached camcorder was ready on a tripod. Its lens reflected the three main characters of the scene.

Bulk then took out his hypno gun again. “Let’s take this down a notch. You will be aware of yourselves and may want to fight me. But deep down, I have implanted the seed of obedience. Anything you thought is defiance is just another way to bring yourselves closer to me.” Bulk was getting thirsty and it wasn’t water he wanted. His eyes were focused on the youngsters’ wet crotches. If they could do it before, they will do it again for him. He continued while licking his lips. He flipped the electronics’ main switch just as he fired the hypno gun again. “Closer to me and become my personal whores!”

The Blue and Black Rangers jolted again as the effects hit them. Billy gasped and looked around frantically looked his surroundings. “Huh, where are we?”

“It’s Bulk!” blurted out the Mastodon Ranger while pointing at the brat who sat on the throne. “You’ve crossed the line, Bulk. I’m not gonna be nice when taking that gun from you! Hyaah!”

The Black Ranger did an aerial somersault with superhuman strength to land right in front of Bulk. His hands reached in. The hypno gun was surely his now.

But it didn’t. Bulk was able to block Zack’s attack even from his seating position. The Black Ranger was surprised but didn’t quit. He struck again and again with Hip-Hop Kido precision. The weapon would surely be taken.

But it didn’t. The Mastodon Ranger kept on failing to reach the hypno gun. Bulk easily outmaneuvered Zack like a world-class martial arts master. “What the-”

Just as the Black Ranger was overwhelmed with confusion, the bully launched his counterattack by pounding the hero’s chest. Zack was thrown far into the rickety wooden boxes.

“Seems like jerking out has turned you into an even lamer loser, Black Ranger,” mocked Bulk as Zack escaped out of the wooden box remnants.

The Black Ranger was surprised when he looked down at his wet groin. “What… What just happened?”

Zack looked at Billy who was doing a booty-up sensual pose. It was clear that he needed to keep things out of his rear. The Triceratops Ranger moaned and clawed the concrete floor in a futile effort to control his uncontrollable urge. “I… I can’t sit…,” gasped the former hero as he reached for his hole. “It hurts yet it feels so good…”

“Blue, no!” The Mastodon Ranger was furious. His clenched fist pointed at the bully. “How… How dare you did something like this to us!”

He was down, but not out. Escaping out with an explosion of splintered wood, he revealed his Power Ax in hand.

That didn’t go well with the Blue Ranger. “Zack, no… That’s still Bulk!”

“I’ll just regret myself later with this punk!”

The Mastodon Ranger charged at Bulk again while leaving a gush of wind. Playtime was over.

But Bulk was still playing. He could handle the Black Ranger with ease. His wicked smile was a mockery of Zordon’s given power. He dodged in and out of the Power Ax’s dangerous threat range as well as avoiding any attempt of Zack taking the precious gun from him. The boy was moving at an equally-superhuman speed. In the end, Bulk got the upper hand.

Just as Zack’s Power Ax got stuck on the concrete floor, his helmet was hit by Bulk’s bloated belly. The impact shouldn’t even be perceptible for a hero like him, but the Black Ranger was hurled hard instead.

Zack gagged as Bulk used the momentum to catch his throat. His offense became a pathetic attempt to defend himself as the spandex warrior lifted up high. “Urgh!” groaned the Mastodon knight while he pounded the concrete-strong arm of the bully.

“Didn’t you hear? You’re mine now, and you will obey me as your ultimate bully!” Bulk tucked the gun on the front of his waist, supported by his belly fat. The reason was simple: he needed his other arm. Zack realized far too late as the jab came.

Screaming, the Black Ranger was hurdled high to hit the solid ceiling of the underground chamber. His heroic body hung from the fissure like a cartoon victim. His Power Ax fell from his grip with a clanking sound on the floor.

Billy was shocked. Something was definitely wrong. The weapon was simply a hypno gun. It couldn’t make the user have superhuman strength. Inside his helmet, his eyes widened with the deduction. “No, it can’t be…”

Bulk bent down to pick up the Power Ax. He scanned his newest item, even checking his face off the weapon’s perfect reflection. “You are what you believe you are, Ranger,” he boasted.

“You tricked us into believing you are stronger than us,” said the Blue Ranger. Inside, he gulped. Bulk was visibly more powerful than the Rangers. Billy’s contaminated mind compared him with Jason, and the Red Ranger was nowhere near as menacing. If he couldn’t fight the urge, he would completely surrender himself to the bully right there and then. Billy tried really hard not to. He shook his helmet despite the dread. No, his team depended on him. He had to defeat Bulk, take the gun, and save Zack.

“I didn’t do anything but reveal your true self, Ranger. All this time, you hid behind the tightness of your suit. You’re nothing but cowards and freaks in colorful costumes. You’re clowns for entertainment!”

Billy’s heart sank. That wasn’t true. It couldn’t be! Yet, the Blue Ranger felt the power of Bulk’s words. Perhaps there was truth in them.

The Blue Ranger took a step back in hesitation. Just then, he saw the camcorder and the red dot next to its lens. The entire fight was broadcasted live. From the Angel Grove High cafeteria to the Picadilly Square to the Japanese Prime Minister’s office, everyone saw how a mere thug like Bulk could defeat two Ranger superheroes. It was the definitive humiliation.

Bulk saw the doubt in the Ranger’s mind. “That’s it, Ranger. Try to run. Deep down, you know that you will not survive this encounter!”

Reveal, that word etched in Billy’s mind like a drill. Bulk didn’t use beat or defeat. He used “survive”. The Rangers shouldn’t expect themselves to survive as heroes in this fight anymore.

Inside, tears flowed down Billy’s eyes. It was tears of subjugation. Bulk hadn’t defeated him yet, but his mind was already broken. “Even if you defeat me… My friends will come to rescue me!” exclaimed the Triceratops Ranger in a fake display of defiance.

That exposed a crack in his defense. “So, the little Blue Ranger needs his friend to be saved? Hahaha!” Bulk pounded his bloated belly like a gorilla. He threw the Power Ax at Billy. “Aren’t you gonna take me down, Blue Ranger? There, I am defenseless. That should even things up.”

Billy swallowed his fear and summoned power. “Tricera Lance!”

The unnatural bolt of lightning solidified into a formidable double-headed staff weapon. Too bad, the nervous Blue Ranger awkwardly missed grabbing it. The arsenal dropped on the floor with the same shocking clanking noise. “No!”

“My turn,” said Bulk with a smirk. In an instant, he was gone.

Billy didn’t even notice his disappearance. When he bent down to take the lance, Bulk’s fist had already hit the Triceratops Ranger’s helmet. The blue spandex warrior was thrown hard to the wall, even making cracks and dents in a spread-eagle position. The hero fell limp on the floor.

“Come on, give me a challenge!” Just then, the Tricera Lance woke up and flew toward Billy. The blade narrowly missed Bulk and only scratched the side of his cheek. The Blue Ranger got his weapon back and used it to help him get back up.

Si vis pacem, para bellum,” mumbled the Blue Ranger as he put up a stiff fighting pose due to fatigue.

“Not so bad, Blue Ranger!” giggle Bulk sinisterly as he wiped the black from the cut on his face. He even tasted it like a true villain. He took the gun out.

Billy was alarmed. He thought the bully was going to shoot him again. But Bulk threw the weapon behind. “You wanna get the gun? All you have to do is to take me down!” exclaimed Bulk as he pounded his fat belly like a wrestler.

They fought. Billy dashed in with his Tricera lance swung. His opponent was fast enough to avoid any and all stabbing attacks. The trident end of the weapon kept on narrowly missed Bulk. On the few times it should hit him, the boy easily pushed it away by pressing the critical points. It was an attack using the enemy’s power. The Blue Ranger was getting beaten using his own strength.

The Blue Ranger split the weapon into two individual items. It didn’t do him any good as Bulk was able to block even with more threats. The bully was always disproportionately fast despite his bloated form. Shockwaves burst out from each confrontation along with metallic echoes. The final clanking sound notified everyone about Billy’s failure to keep one of the lances. The weapon stabbed the floor.

Using the Triceratops Ranger’s stupefaction, Bulk used his opportunity. He launched himself at the hero and locked his neck with his fatty legs. The two fell, but it was clear that Billy was the losing one. The youngster tried his best to keep the pressure off his throat, but it was fruitless.

Bulk felt enjoyment as he squeezed the spandex warrior in. He felt joy. He felt that he deserved this. “Look at the little Blue Ranger trying to breathe. Not so much of a hero now, huh?”

Then, the bully went in to put the Ranger to shame even more. He pinched the Blue Ranger’s raisins, making the spandex-clad young hero squealed and wormed about. Watched by the entire world, the Triceratops power had been proven to be useless against a school rascal. How would everyone put faith in the Rangers now?

The big bully changed his position, but not his domination. He turned to give the Blue Ranger a good front triangle choke. Billy could smell Bulk’s pungent crotch as his helmet was pressed down closer and even touched it.

The subjugated scared Billy’s mind. Without a doubt, he was weak. He was pathetic. He was not worthy to be a hero just like Zack. He’d be better off smelling Bulk’s privates for the rest of his life. He was nowhere near the level of the mighty Bulk. Despair ran down his spine. The Blue Ranger had a cold sweat. He wished his teammates could find this place before it was too late.

Perhaps, it was already too late. Billy’s vision became blurry. He tried to form words, but only incomprehensible gurgles came. Before long, the once-powerful Blue Triceratops Ranger lost consciousness.

“There you go, World! Your heroes are nothing against me!” boasted Bulk as he grabbed Billy’s helmet and lifted the debilitated hero high. He then dragged Blue as he reached for the split lance. The bully hurled the weapon to the concrete ceiling next to Zack.

The impact’s energy made spreading cracks until the fissure was large enough to free the Black Ranger. The hero in tights limply fell to the floor, as powerless as his comrade. And just like the Blue Ranger, his helmet was grabbed by Bulk. “Today, you will witness the surrender of Power Rangers to my domination!” declared Bulk as he hauled the warriors to front of his throne. Two bodies were discarded. Bulk tyrannically placed his smelly feet on the back of their helmets.

The pungent odor was enough to wake Billy and Zack back. But they couldn’t get up. Bulk’s feet were enough to prevent them from pulling up their helmets. “The stink… The stink… I can’t stand the stink,” muttered the Black Ranger hopelessly as he tried to grab Bulk’s foot to no avail.

“We’ve been defeated… We’re under his feet now…” sobbed the Blue Ranger with the same defeatist tone. “How could we come to this end?”

“We tried everything… We have pushed our powers to their limit… It was pointless…” mumbled Zack even more.

“We are Rangers… We couldn’t survive the almighty Bulk’s onslaught… We are vanquished and in vain. It was foolish for us to think that our empty Ranger powers would have any meaning against our new owner…”

“We’re not worthy…” whimpered the crushed Power Rangers. Their sense of duty, courage, and strength was utterly destroyed by the bully. It was ridiculous to think how superheroes like them were able to be beaten by a simple troublemaker like Bulk. Yet, there they were at the feet of Bulk, disgraced for all the world to see.

It got worse. Bulk lifted his feet off the broken Rangers’ helmets. He mocked them with his snicker. “Looks like I got two servants now. But that won’t feel so fun if you don’t reveal your identity to the world. Do it.”

Bulk’s words stabbed Zack and Billy’s cowardly hearts. They trembled at the command. They knew that they shouldn’t reveal their alter ego, but they also knew that disobeying Lord Bulk was unfathomable. “Please… My Master… We will do anything else…”

“No one can know us… No one…” stuttered the Triceratops Ranger with a begging tone. Billy even kissed Bulk’s smelly toe in servitude. He was no longer the hero he thought he was. He was now just a serf in a colorful costume, present to entertain his liege.

Bulk’s roar thundered with an echo. “You dare to push me around? Do it now!”

His wish was the Rangers’ command. At his order, the Mastodon and Triceratops Rangers reached for their helmet. Their hearts were heavy, tears flowed down both young warriors’ cheeks. But they were hopeless. They needed to obey him. It was their only life purpose now.

Zack and Billy pulled out their helmets. Their identities were revealed now. But Bulk did the unthinkable.

The bully covered the camcorder’s lens as he giggled with satisfaction. The giggles turned to maniacal laughter. He had won.


The world gasped and then grumbled. The live broadcast was suddenly interrupted. All the viewers could see was Bulk’s chubby hand. Then, his face came into view to dominate the world. “Do you really think I’d let you get the biggest secret of all for free? Hahaha! It’s the American century, baby! Money runs the world including for this one.” Bulk disgustingly licked the camcorder’s lens to mock everyone who was powerless either to fight him or to contain their desire to know the Rangers’ alter ego. He then showed a ripped piece of paper with numbers on it. “If you want to know my Blue and Black Ranger sluts’ real identity, wire a billion dollars to this account. Get yours fast because I’ll be only opening this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for today!”

Behind Bulk, a series of monitors appeared. Using Billy’s genius under his control, the bully was able to track the big cash flows that were transferred to him from all around the world. The US government was eager to find out the pesky spandex young heroes’ identities as leverage of their own, and so did the Russians, the Chinese, and even the Europeans. Moreover, people of shadier backgrounds also jumped at the chance. Mobsters, thugs, and fetishists soon filled Bulk’s pocket.

To them, he was generous. Billy and Zack’s exhausted faces were to be savored, in addition to their occasional spikes of witless ecstasy in serving their master. Gone were the Rangers’ vigilance and chivalry under Bulk’s inescapable subjection. They were his servants, his entertainment, his source of dunce sense of supremacy. The worst thing of all was that he WAS supreme.

Bulk’s baton was already erect. It was ready to unload. But he didn’t want to have the captured Rangers they could get away with what they wanted. He interrupted the Mastodon and Triceratops Rangers’ slurping session by shoving his smelly feet onto their faces. “Please… No… Let us taste…” begged Zack in his despair. His tongue jut out in a vain desire to lick the bully’s vein-filled hard meat.

“Master… Master!” cried out the defeated Billy in his mindlessness. He cried like a girl.

“Not so fast, Ranger-sluts! You wanna a taste of my cum? Bring me your friends to join our little circle of pleasure and maybe, JUST MAYBE, I’ll let you have it!”

At this point, the mind-broken Power Rangers worshipped their new god of mastery. They bowed before Bulk while chanting. “We shall obey! We shall obey!”

Bulk’s dominance was perhaps the second worst thing. The first was his growing idea about taking down the rest of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team. That one would be easy.

Infused with the Mastodon and Triceratops Rangers’ energy, the bully of Angel Grove could sense the incoming teleportation signals. The Red Ranger shrimp and his allies wanted to save their friends. While letting the destitute warrior lick his baton in their wiped-out state, he struck a tyrannical pose like a victorious wrestler who ruled over the arena. “I can’t wait to play and swallow the colorful meat of theirs! Sluts, you know what to do!”

“We shall lure them into your trap and let you have fun with our own friends, Master!” replied both the Mastodon and Triceratops Rangers in complete subservience.

In his twisted mind, Bulk had already devised plans for each Power Rangers the moment they kneeled to him. His favorite part was what he’d do with the girls of pink and yellow.



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