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N Ma is here and he is hungry!

Happy new year! Sorry for being on short hiatus this December. I and my illustrator were swamped with real-life schedules. But no worries, I think the length of this story can make up for it! New year, same peril!

Magiranger and Mystic Force’s last parts were treacherous, to say the least. The Master and N Ma were equally terrifying in both universes, and there were too many moments where the spandex heroes could’ve fallen in their quest against evil.

Of course, if something could go wrong, it would go wrong here!

Note: While I am using Magirangers for this story, I am adding elements from Mystic Force primarily Fireheart and MysticRed’s Battlizer. It wouldn’t matter in the end anyway!

For the illustration, I played around with AI art to make it more lively (and becoming the stuff of horrors)!

Special thanks to my royal patrons who have supported me up until the change of year!


Geoffrey Mccaw


Robert Terwillger


Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino


Matthew Peterson




Madness will come to devour us!

“Now all of you will fall, just like your mother has!” declared Hades Ultimate God Sleipnir with a booming voice.

Before him, there were the panicking Magirangers. The color-coded heroes were desperate to bring back their mother that just got abducted into the ground. MagiMother simply sank into the bloodied ground with her captor while screaming for her children. Needless to say, the Ozu youngsters were in shock.

But Kai as the youngest was actually the least fearful of the coming humanoid demon. His face showed fury. He slapped the dusty ground and got back up to face his enemy. “Now, you just made me mad!”

The youngest Ozu sibling paced sternly forward as a glowing magical sigil circle descended upon him. His ripped Magiranger civilian jacket that exhibited his precious six-packed abs and bicep muscles was now replaced by the sexier form-fitting Super Sentai costume. With it, his entire toned body was now visible to intimidate the opponent. He may be lanky and naive at times, but his physique as a football athlete was something that deserved admiration.

As his siblings looked in awe, the young warrior charged forward with his sword in hand. Sleipnir saw this threat and immediately shot lighting bolts from his robust medieval lance. The demonic ornaments on the arsenal glowed up before energy was released in salvo.

Around Kai the MagiRed, explosions erupted. Fireballs towered as Sleipnir’s attack hit the already-crumbling buildings from the previous battle. But the spandex warrior was too fast to be targeted. When he got close enough, MagiRed leaped high into the air.

The surprised Sleipnir didn’t have a chance to dodge the aerial assault. MagiRed’s sword slashed and hit right on his shield. Another burst and the defense was down into useless broken pieces on the ground. “My shield!”

Kai didn’t waste time summoning his trusted companion. “Fireheart!” called the young hero with his arm skyward.

Still recovering from the shock of the recent strike, Sleipnir was a sitting target for the massive mechanical phoenix that swoop from the grey sky. Its beak opened up to let out a loud screech, its legs revealed the sharpest talons, and its wings blazed with magical fire. All were used to hammer Sleipnir where he was. The villain didn’t get any break, not after what he helped to accomplish.

“I will avenge Magitopia’s burning, starting with you!” shouted out the vengeful MagiRed as his teammates expressed their celebration.

“Think again, Magiranger!” The staggering Sleipnir still had one last trick up his sleeves. He focused his energy on the lance and released the most powerful energy. “Your toy will not save you now!”

A tornado of fire and dark magic swept the whole place. The other Magirangers were forced to cover themselves and each other. The attack hit Kai right on.

Sleipnir let out a burst of victorious laughter. His arms flexed with their claws at the end. “So much for the red prodigy!” exclaimed the demon as the Ozu siblings watched in horror.

The fear then turned to pride. Fireheart’s armored feathers protected Kai just before Sleipnir’s attack hit. The two now became one as the Dragon Fire MagiRed. The usual heroic suit was empowered by additional samurai-like fiery armor and a retractable pair of wings that the young hero used to swoop in.

The villain was ready to counter Kai, but he didn’t expect the arsenal the youngster had with him. He held two battle staffs of blue jewel and dragon head, and he used both to beat and smash Sleipnir. Metallic thuds were heard as the weapons and armor went head-to-head. While the enemy lost his focus, he grabbed Sleipnir and jumped. Midair, Kai did a clear-cut axe kick that sent the demon hitting back the ground.

The empowered MagiRed accomplished a superhero landing. Behind him, the stunned villain wobbled his way back up. The hero didn’t waste time. Kai launched an X-shaped energy attack at Sleipnir. The mere power was enough to shatter the demon’s heavy lance.

Fireheart left Kai, returning the young hero to his original MagiRed form. The rest of the Magirangers went into rendezvous with him. “Minna, want to hit on this?” asked the team captain.

“You bet!” said his older sister.

The Ozu siblings put up their magical cell phones. While striking a pose, they announced, “ur overflowing courage changes into magic!”

In a blinding light of multiple colors, the complete Magiranger team had appeared. Tsubasa was MagiYellow, Makito was Magigreen, Urara was MagiBlue, and Houka was MagiPink. “Mahou Sentai Magiranger!”

Without his precious lance, Sleipnir was in trouble. He knew it and tried to run away, but the spandex-clad heroes were on to him. MagiBlue cartwheeled her way in before blasting the demon with her magiStick. As if the humiliation wasn’t enough, Pink jumped off Green’s shoulder. The duo hit his face and stomach at the same time, making him writhe in pain. MagiYellow was the last to complete the team barrage.

“Thanks for joining the party!” said Kai with a nod. The team gathered around and clenched their fists. “Now let’s finish him once and for all. Hyaah!”

MagiRed along with four of his teammates leaped and united their magical powers. Their individual forms became vague as the entire group merged into a singular figure who air-kicked Sleipnir. “MagiFinisher!”

“NO!” That was the last thing Sleipnir could shout out before he exploded into a massive fireball.

“Yeah!” exclaimed Makito as he slammed his fists in victory. The girls hugged each other and MagiYellow crossed his arms in agreement. Kai nodded to the team, feeling proud of his family.

But their celebration didn’t last long. Strange bolts of lightning erupted in the sky. Some struck the nearby buildings, collapsing the structures. The ground also shook. “What’s… What’s happening?” asked the terrified Urara.

Her answer came in the most ghastly form. From the greyish sky, someone was dropped. The team was astounded to see that was Hikaru in his Sky Saint form. “Hikaru!” called MagiBlue as she dashed to save him.

The heroine shook the armored figure to wake him up, but her effort was to no avail. Hikaru or Sungel was already dead.

Dread descended on the Magirangers. For a moment, it was formless, but it slowly manifested as a giant Cthulhu-like monster in the background of the destroyed city. “Welcome to your doom, Magirangers!”

“It’s him, N Ma!” gasped Tsubasa.

But Kai was not terrified. He was furious. “What have you done to him?”

“The same thing I have done with your father!”

Another figure fell. This one was a familiar red Sky Saint. “Father!” called MagiRed.

The terror made N Ma let out a burst of booming laughter. The Magirangers tried to hold firm, but his simple voice could penetrate deep into them and seeded fear. Even Kai’s fingers trembled a bit before he clenched them into fists.

MagiRed looked at the dead figure in front of him. Urara and Houka already collapsed in anguish. MagiGreen and Yellow were silenced by the tragedy. Two most powerful knights of magic had been killed. What hope did the young Magirangers have against this evil?

MagiRed slowly kneeled to lift his father’s head. There was no breath. There was no life. “It… it can’t be… All we did was for nothing…” mumbled the crushed spandex hero.

“No one can stop me from bringing darkness and despair into this world now!” declared the massive red demon that hovered to cast a sharp shadow on the Sentai heroes.

Makito roared in anger. “What can you possibly get by destroying our world?!”

“Your world is not my world!” With that, a series of glowing tendrils shot out from the massive’s N Ma’s head to ensnare the weakened Magirangers. Each of them tried their best to break free, but they were hopeless with their arms bound on the side. Then, the demon lord lifted them up closer to his face. “Do you want to see what my world looks like?”

The glow of his hellish eyes exploded, sending a barrage of mental torment directly into the captured Sentai heroes’ minds. Even Kai cried out in pain as he uselessly writhed and squirmed just like his spandex-clad siblings. What came next was even worse.

N Ma opened his mouth and the tentacles that came out broke the universe around the heroes. Dimensions dissolved into darkness. Kai and his teammates could feel something wrong with Magitopia and the whole of Earth. They could feel time falling apart as the sky darkened and the urban landscape nearby turned into a lifeless desert.

“What… What is this place?” sobbed Urara in despair.

“This is the future of your world,” replied N Ma as he tossed the Magirangers away like trash. The heroes tumbled disgracefully on the dusty ground.

The heroes couldn’t believe their surroundings. “It’s… It’s so dark!” blurted Houka with watery eyes.

Makito’s mouth went agape as he saw a series of volcanoes spewing lava and ash from the place that was once teeming with life. It was now a dead world indeed.

“Once I have eaten your magic, you will be a part of the dust that I will walk upon. That will be your one and only purpose!” said N Ma boastfully.

The magic Sentai warriors looked at the looming figure of the absolute demon lord. Their bodies were weathered and their costumes wore out, but they weren’t ready to give up yet. “We’re not done! You have defeated us yet!” shouted Kai as MagiRed with persistence.

The Magirangers struck a pose and it shifted them into their Legendary powered-up forms. The heroes didn’t waste their time fighting this evil with their DialRod arsenal. Instead, they immediately summoned their MagiLegend mystical mecha. The giant humanoid robot had the characteristics combination of a phoenix and a white lion and an impressive presence overall.

The ground thundered when the colossus arrived. From his broad-shouldered body, a pair of huge flaming wings sprouted out. A glorious Manticore naginata weapon appeared on its hand to complete his fighting pose.

The display of power should bring fear to any villains. MagiLegend’s arrival instead only made N Ma more excited. “Excellent! More magical power for me to devour!”

In the mecha’s spacious cockpit, the Legendary Magirangers held out inside their pot-like emplacements. Their DialRod staffs acted at controllers for the giant. In the middle of the line, Kai led his team. “Come one, Minna. Let’s show him what Magiranger powers can really do!”

The Sentai heroes placed their hands on their pots to make them glow. The absorbed energy was then used to swing their staffs. Supplied with the fresh magical energy, the MagiLegend mecha’s fire wings swirled with each other into a roaring tornado that slowly enveloped the naginata. The robot then launched the powerful attack toward N Ma. “Magical Climax Fire Tornado!” announced the Magirangers.

The salvo should have been enough to level Tokyo. Its flames were enough to melt everything known to man. But it wasn’t enough against N Ma.

The giant monster simply opened his maw and absorbed all of the directed energy of doom like a supper. At the end of the humiliating act, he laughed with his voice echoing in the dark, dead world.

“It’s impossible! He just absorbed our magic!” exclaimed Makito as the terrified MagiGreen.

Minna, don’t give up! We can do this!” encouraged MagiRed as he displayed his clenched fist to his siblings. The other Magirangers, no matter how horrified they were, got their fighting spirit back.

The mecha’s movement was fast compared to its size. It was needed as N Ma was targeting the robot with his glimmering crimson tentacles. Some attacks went through and slapped the giant to cause a quake in the cockpit. “Hang on! Maagi Jiruma Golu Gojika Final Slash!”

The flaming wings deformed again, this time into multiple humongous fireballs. MagiLegend used them to fortify his naginata stabbing attacks. When its frontal assault was met with unflinching resistance from N Ma’s cursed power sigil, MagiLegend tried from the sides without giving up. All that while the fireballs pummeled in tandem.

“Come on, just a bit more!” shouted Kai with high hopes for the battle.

High hopes were misplaced. N Ma’s tendrils coalesced into a single thicker one. It wrapped on MagiLegend’s naginata and easily shattered into meaningless pieces. The sight was true horror for the heroes. “NO!” screamed out MagiPink and Blue in equal panic.

The tentacle slapped and slashed MagiLegend without mercy. The entire cockpit was rocked hard. The Magirangers lost their grip on their DialRods that clanked on the chess-patterned floor.

N Ma split the tentacle into a cluster again so that he could stab his giant enemy in the vital parts. MagiLegend’s hands, shoulders, stomach, ankles, and heels were punctured as the helpless mecha was forced into a spread eagle position. Then, the evil lord opened his tentacle-filled mouth to devour what was ready.

Kai could feel his magic being sucked from his spandex-clad body. “No… He’s taking our magic!” shouted the young hero in anguish as he pathetically tried to keep himself from tumbling from his pot.

The others were no better than their team captain. Houka, Urara, and even Tsubasa moaned in agony as their strength left their bodies. Their muscles felt feeble no matter how toned they physically looked. They were turned into nothing more than punks in colorful costumes. “I can’t stand it anymore…” mumbled the weakened MagiGreen.

Then, the worst thing happened. MagiLegend’s body structure started to be compromised. Cracks and fissures started to form all around as the mecha gave up to N Ma’s suction pressure. Its arms were bent in the wrong direction before got demolished into ruins altogether. The same went for its legs. Its torso eventually collapsed too, leaving the Magirangers trapped inside the head as the last remaining part. It also collapsed eventually in an ironically brilliant detonation.

The color-coded, spandex-clad superheroes were discarded on the lifeless ground. They have lost their Legendary powers. Even their helmets were thrown away, exposing the Ozu siblings’ faces to N Ma.

With their bruised and battered bodies, Kai and his teammates got back up. But they got no courage left. Each of the warriors looked at the towering figure of the demon lord with gutlessness. They decided to scram into the cave.

Kai himself needed Makito to bark at him. “Come on, it’s not worth it!”

MagiGreen essentially dragged the still-eager Red out of the battlefield as the others already ran away. Behind them, the reverberating laughter of N Ma served as a stinging mockery. They were heroes entrusted with good magic to save the world and they had failed in their duty.

They ran and ran and ran. The fast pace of their boots resounded in the tight cavern tunnel. Their colorful costumes were the only fresh sparkle in the dull world. Sharp shadows were cast upon their uneasy faces.

The Magirangers were tired after a while. They slowed down their escape before stopping altogether. “I think we’re safe,” mumbled the gasped Tsubasa as MagiYellow.

The others were running out of breath too. The air there felt and smelt strange as if oxygen was almost depleted. Makito forced himself to take long and deep breaths. Houka and Urara coughed while sobbing.

Kai was as miserable as his siblings. Perhaps he was worse. “Are you kidding me? That thing easily destroyed our mecha and pummeled our Legendary powers. What hope do we have against such a thing?”

The Magirangers were silent at the remark. MagiBlue sobbed even louder. “So… So that’s it? The Burning Flame Kai, the hot-headed and stubborn youngest Ozu young spirit just called it done. Are we supposed to just give up?”

Kai was silent for a moment. He then pounded the nearby cave wall. “I… I don’t know! I don’t know, goddammit!”

He swallowed. His saliva tasted weird. His nose got a strange tingling sensation. There was an odor unlike he smelt before.

“What’s this?” Kai wasn’t the only one who got hold of the stench. All Magirangers were left baffled.

Somehow, the strangeness brought a little spark of hope to Tsubasa the MagiYellow. Perhaps this desolate future Magitopia wasn’t as desolate as N Ma told them to be. If there were other people out there, perhaps they could assemble enough power to topple his reign. “It’s coming from over there,” mumbled the spandex-clad youngster as he pointed at the left opening of the cave intersection.

The Sentai warriors ran. Urara wiped her tears and braved herself just like Houka next to her. The magical heroes’ pace echoed again.

The Magirangers stopped. They were shocked. Even Kai’s arms trembled at the sight they found. “Mo… Mother?”

The Ozu siblings couldn’t believe their watery eyes. MagiMother, the pure white female knight of magic, stood not far away in a dark cavern chamber. Her back was toward her children, thus her helmetless face was unseen.

MagiRed could feel something wrong with their mother, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Maybe he didn’t know. Maybe he didn’t want to know. Whatever his motive was, it was made irrelevant when Miyuki turned around.

The heroes gasped in shock. That was their mother, but her sweet and caring personality and her ever-young face had been defiled by evil. Black tears flowed down from her whitened eyes. Cuts and rips were apparent across her tight shiny costume. But the most heinous evidence came in the form of her bloated belly.

Miyuki’s hands caressed the swelling stomach while she moaned hard. She sounded constipating and her form suggested her in the late stage of pregnancy. But this couldn’t be.

Kai slowly shook his head in dread. His mouth went agape at the horror. He could see tiny clawed hands bulging out from his superpowered mother’s spandex-clad belly. “What happened to you?” asked the terror-stricken team captain.

“N Ma embraced me, Kai…,” answered Miyuki in an excessively-alluring tone. Her hands fondled her broken spandex MagiMother persona. “I denied it at first, but then I saw how insignificant my powers were. This… This outcome is much better than being obliterated by N Ma’s absolute power. At least I can still live! HYARGH!”

It was painful to see the agony of MagiMother. The monster inside her stomach was clearly tormenting her. She then groaned hard as something hellish came out between her legs.

Urara needed to cover her mouth. It was too much for her. Tentacles sneaked out from her mother’s clit and spread inside MagiMother’s spandex.

They wrapped around Miyuki’s legs and torso. One of them even ensnared her neck and started choking her. “This is the end for a moron like me. How foolish I was trying to fight N Ma. His powers are inconceivable even for the Magirangers!”

“Stop…” mumbled Makito. His fists clenched hard. He then shouted. “Please stop, Mother!”

“Stop what, Makito? Stop being a loser just like our whole family. Look what happened to your father! There is nothing we can do to stop N Ma!” A tentacle sneaked out of her spandex costume and violently clogged her mouth. MagiMother wormed and squirmed as her throat was filled with the disgusting visceral tendril. She then disgorged disgusting white liquid. “I tried… I tried… and I failed… We all failed…”

That broke Kai. N Ma now ruled his mother. What more he could do with his siblings? MagiRed dropped to his knees in defeat. The others were not so far behind in admitting their downfall. The Magirangers team was no more.

“I changed my mind. Perhaps you can be something more interesting than meaningless dust,” boomed the disembodied voice of their archnemesis. Now, he was their owner.

The cave ceiling exploded and the dark sky was visible again with its swirling decadent cloud. From it, glowing crimson tentacles dangled down. The Magiranger girls screamed and the boys tried to block them, but their struggles were laughable now.

The tentacles stabbed each of the Sentai warriors right in their navels. Kai felt the penetrating pain that made him scream just like his siblings. He used his entire strength to pull the wretched tendril off his abs, but it was futile. “What is… What is happening?”

“Don’t worry, children. N Ma will soon share his seed with you. Then our family can be his nest,” said the drunken Miyuki while giggling. She then screamed too as the parasite inside her belly moved again.

“Nest? I don’t want to be a nest!” cried MagiBlue in despair. She kept on trying to free herself, but something happened that brought down her fight.

From the dark sky, glowing bulks travelled down each tentacle. The Magirangers got new motivation to remove the tentacle off their stomachs as they caught sight of those peculiar blobs. Like food coming down the esophagus, the bulges finally got to the heroes.

Kai never felt anything like that. As the bulk insert itself into his body via the navel, his mind was an overwhelmed sensation of helplessness. He felt like his entire journey as a Magiranger Sentai warrior and his siblings’ captain was truly for nothing. Nothing mattered in this world anymore. Nothing ever mattered.

Except for N Ma. In a sudden, the evil lord’s demonic face invaded MagiRed’s mind. Kai’s eyes widened in trauma. His laughed echoed inside Kai’s skull. His presence imprisoned Kai’s spirit inside his own heroic form. MagiRed was stupefied and petrified.

“I don’t understand… We’ve tried everything… Nothing worked…” muttered the subjugated MagiRed. His muscles were nothing more than useless decorations now, just like his powers. The strongest sibling was now the most cowardice.

“N Ma is our master now… There’s no escaping him…” mumbled Houka as MagiPink as tears flowed freely off his eyes.

“For you, I have reserved something special.” N Ma’s massiveness then reappeared in the sky. His eyes glowed to bombard the defeated Magirangers’ mind with his twisted plan. The scheme was detailed.

The tentacles that stabbed the Magiranger boys released their captives. There was no freedom. The slimy organs went in to gagged Makito, Tsubasa, and Kai right in their mouths. Their neck ballooned as the cursed tentacle pushed deep.

Even MagiRed couldn’t mouth a meaningful resistance anymore. His arms just twitched just like his jerking body. It was as if he was having a seizure. White goop burst out from his mouth. His eyes went white with ecstasy.

A similar twitchy symptom began to take over MagiBlue and Pink as the blob’s effects took hold. “N Ma will turn the miserable MagiGreen, Yellow, and Red into his living sex dolls. His seed will fill their blood and be invigorated by their magic as they travel into their genitals. Then, it is our turn to complete the work,” explained Urara reluctantly. But N Ma had taken control of her.

Explaining their own humiliation had crushed the Magiranger girls’ heroic spirit. Nevertheless, it was only the beginning of their suffering.

Houka and Urara were forced to do more than just watch as N Ma filled the boys with his essence. They were made to approach them with their mother and start milking. MagiPink sobbed hard as her hands began to pump Tsubasa’s baton until it is perfectly erect. Then, she was forced to keep on pumping.

“I welcome the Magirangers to their final fate as my personal whorehouse!” announced N Ma through the girls and their mother. Before them, MagiGreen, Yellow, and Red’s batons had swelled beyond humanly possible. The veins crisscrossed the shafts with pulsating undulations. Their spandex costumes appallingly tried their best to contain the massive private organs.

“We are N Ma’s whorehouses!” declared the puppeted MagiBlue and Pink as they began kissing the tip of their own male sibling’s spandex-clad massive batons. They could feel the tension and it kept on building. Everyone moaned hard and squirmed and twisted as N Ma’s newest entertainment.

The demon lord didn’t even need to gorge the boys anymore. The tentacles released them, making bursts of hellish white seed goop off MagiGreen, Yellow, and Red’s gaping mouths. Their faces were now barren of any traces of heroism. They were nothing but meat puppets for their master. Even the once-hotheaded Kai had devolved into a gurgling dimwit.

They were dimwits who could spell doom for all mankind. N Ma continued on with his plan. The boys’ genital veins glowed with the villain’s essence. They were ready to start the brooding.

But the girls were needed to start the spark. MagiBlue and Pink used their lovely fingers to caress the boys’ glutes all the way to the cracks. They then stabbed the opening, exploding their own siblings’ minds in uncontrolled ecstasy. Urara, Houka, and their mother welcomed Makito, Tsubasa, and Kai’s unloading.

The girls opened their mouths wide to accept and swallow the tainted goop of the male Magirangers. Gone were their vigor as warriors, liveliness as heroic youngsters, and spirit to be Sentai warriors of justice. Their minds were trapped in a vicious cycle of bliss and agony. The more agonized they were, the more aroused they were. The more they seek freedom from the agony, the more they got turned up by it. The words that came out of the female heroes’ mouths got increasingly unintelligible and meaningless, just like their lives now. Kai the team captain and Miyuki the gentle mother of the team were no exception. Their new destiny was only to be… “My brooding sluts,” said N Ma with a burst of victorious laughter that boomed across the lifeless landscape.

Knowing that the male spandex siblings had churned out their seed, MagiBlue and Pink thrust their crotches toward the gooping tips of those disgusting batons. They started slow, only teasing the outer lips. The action made Tsubasa and Makito squirm and squealed. Then the girls surrendered themselves completely.

On the other hand - literally - Miyuki fondled her youngest son’s throbbing meat. She had been violated by her master before, so Kai would have to wait for the ultimate treat. But that’s okay, N Ma’s shimmering sigil had appeared on MagiRed’s navel. He was as enslaved as the rest of his family.

Time didn’t matter anymore. Urara and Houka could feel the horrifying twisting of their belly that should have within months. Their perfect abs were gone, replaced by a depraved ballooning that felt overwhelmingly heavy. The girls sobbed and whimpered as the sensation forced them to squat.

Their hands caressed the agitated bellies. Strange protrusion came and gone as something inside wanted to be reckoned with. While the female hosts were drowned in everlasting intoxication and despair, demonic faces bulged out from their spandex. Even in such an early stage, the children of N Ma were strong enough to dominate the Magirangers completely.

The multicolored wisps of the magical Sentai warriors seeped out into the cold air before getting sucked by their master’s mouth. Their good magic was over, but the demonic entity wanted so much more. “There’s always something beyond a pathetic team like you. Show me all of them!”

The Magiranger meat puppets rearranged themselves in a rough pentagram pattern. An eerie magical symbol appeared under their feet with each hero standing on a critical point.

Then, the whole world glowed. The sky was torn with hyperdimensional rifts. Booms and thunders were heard all over.

From the fractures, various Super Sentai mechas complete with their heroes inside were pulled into N Ma’s twisted domain. Everyone from Flashman, Maskman, and Liveman all the way to Magirangers’ contemporaries of Gaorangers, Hurricangers, and Dekarangers. Moreover, there were teams who existed yet in the magical Sentai team’s time. Nevertheless, Future Dairangers, Future Kyoryugers, and Timerangers were tossed to fight for their lives against an all-encompassing monstrous fiend. Their arrival alone made N Ma unimaginably gleeful with sickening glowing eyes.



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