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The Farm continues to take its toll on the Ranger multiverse!
With its latest victim, Marv Shih of the Hyperforce team, more diabolical venture opportunities are now open for The Boss?

Who’s The Boss, you might ask?

He’s the one that you wouldn’t want to meet as a Sentai hero, that’s for sure!

What would his next business plan be?

Special thanks to my special and loyal patrons:

amatsu nagato

Wallel Albet


Matt Thomas


Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson

Red Nineteen

Daniel K




Let’s get down to business!


For all intents and purposes, Marv Shih was gone. His team was gone. His Hyperforce Blue and Yellow friends had been reduced to lifeless husks. His Hyperforce Black and Pink had been reduced to lecherous personal pets of The Boss.

Marv himself had been deformed by the monster’s corruption. The sludge that poured down his throat, stomach, and whole intestine system contorted the former hero from within. His thighs misshapenly thickened. His pecs and arm muscles bulged out. All the shows of power were not for him. Hyperforce Red Ranger was forced to join his fellow team captains of the superheroes to hold up their master’s golden throne.

Marv barely could breathe with the heavy choke collars and shackles that entrapped him in his final bondage. Rings of chains echoed in The Boss’ throne room to humiliate the heroes for all time. Gone were their days of valiance, of fighting evil for justice and good. Some of them had forgotten the memory of combatting demons. It meant nothing these days anyway.

“Pain… So much pain…” mumbled Squadron Red Ranger next to Marv. Her bright-red hair peeked out of the helmet visor gap. Her female features were turned exaggerated with dangling bosoms and the blown-up rear, all were made visible by her bending position. Like Hyperforce Red, Squadron Red suffered from her torment. She was captured earlier and her worldview had deteriorated ever since. “Everything we did, everything I did, was for nothing. The Boss was too powerful, the farm was too insurmountable. Our weapons, our machines, our powers, they have it all now…”

Rhian’s lamentation was met by others. Conner of the Dino Thunder team felt vanquished. “We tried to fight the invasion. It was pointless. My friends… All of them were taken to those hellish farming chambers. God, I still can hear Kira’s screams as they harvested her. They took our powers. Everything that made us strong before was nothing to them other than another business opportunity….”

Next to Conner was his crying Sentai twin, Ryoga. “Yukito, Ranru, Asuka… I can’t… I can’t even remember why we fought in the first place if this is what we’re going to end up with anyway…”

Not just the Red Rangers and Sentai warriors were there. Everyone who The Boss considered as the most powerful member of their team was taken to be enslaved. Two of them were the unicorn-themed Go-On Patrol hero and heroine duo. “Sosuke, Renn, Saki… They turned them into…” The male Go-Onger sobbed.

“Into sex dolls, inflated for the pleasures of our new masters,” added the equally-devastated Go-Onger girl that was forced to share bondage with her partner. “Their mouths… Open and gagged with those things… I can hear them choking and gagging all the time… Their suits turned to latex and stiff beyond the monster’s depraved commands…”

“What went wrong? We did all we could do. We poured our hearts to defeat evil…,” mumbled the Golden Jupiter Dragon Ranger. His eyes were tired. His tears had dried up, but the pain was still there. The locks had swallowed his Power Belt with the metallic thong equipped with chastity rings that gripped his protruding meat inside the spandex suit. Like the rest of his warped body, his private part was huge. “We ended up in the grinder for these… These brutes!”

The whipping cracked the air, and not even the Planetary Dragon team’s captain could bear the agony. The shackles sent overwhelming signals of pain into the heroes’ nervous system. Jupiter Dragon felt as if his entire body was being stabbed by a million needles.

“What a washout,” commented Terror Toad as he finished subjugating the Hyperforce duo. Joe Shih was now assimilated into his stomach around the tattoos of the previous fallen Rangers. “There are only two things you will feel under my belly, Rangers. They are despair and obedience. Despair is when you know you are feeling something wrong but can’t do anything about it. Pain and pleasure are one and the same in my mansion, Baby!”

It was true. The Rangers and Sentai warriors felt the contorting sensation mixed with domineering arousal. The groins of the male heroes went erect while the bosoms of the females sharpened with their raisins. The former warriors licked the interior of their helmets in their desperate attempt in containing the surging emotions.

“Pain!” shouted the male Go-On Patrol.

“Pleasure!” shouted the female Go-On Patrol as both of them were slowly losing their minds.

“I feel so horny! Horny!” giggled and shrieked Rhian the Squadron Red Ranger as she swung her chest. Her eyes went almost white and the diabolical sludge that filled her stomach before now dripping back out of her mouth. Gone was her spirit to fight, to win. It was pointless.

The room was filled with the dozens of libidinous Rangers’ musk. Their sweat soaked their spandex costume into revealing the bare bodies beneath. The suits were nothing more than kinky tight-fitting fabric now with their powers long drained.

Some Rangers tramped their boots to channel their uncontrolled fleshly desires. The chains and shackles rocked. The sounds of their grieve, howls, and bellows, made the observing minions mock them. How the mighty had fallen into the abyss.

Then the monster touched his horn. In an instant, the Rangers’ sensation was amplified tenfold through the cursed branding iron burn marks on their butt cheeks. All of them felt like being violated from behind. DekaMaster, DekaBright, and DekaBreak felt the terror. MagiMother, Go Kiramai Red, and KyoryuNavy jerked on pins and needles. The Great Instinct Awakened Zyuoh The World unloaded himself.

The floor was made dirty by the Sentai and Ranger’s uncontainable bodily fluid. It was a testament to their failure to defend their timelines against such a demonic threat. Now, they were paying the price.

“This is only the beginning, Sluts!” As Terror Toad mocked his captives, the heroes’ SLUT symbol on their choke collar to give another layer of torment. “As you whimper yourself to the mania there, your powers will be my farm’s fuel to dominate even more worlds! Capitalism can only thrive with unlimited exploitation, you know?” He clicked his fingers and the surrounding minions took their stance in ready. “Boys, it’s your snack time!”

“No, no, no, please no!” begged MagiMother as she witness a horde of voracious foot soldiers coming in for the transgression.

In the background of such an atrocious event, Terror Toad giggled as he caressed the assimilated Hyperforce Green’s helmet. One of the violated heroes was Marv Shih, Hyperforce Red.  “Come on, you toadbrain. I have a mission for you!”

Terror Toad teleported to a massive balcony of his brutalist farm tower. Around him was the endless expanse of his machinery. Worse than a concentration camp, various concrete buildings toiled with their slaves inside. The noises of gears and chains were The Boss’ music in the morning. “Look at what I have achieved until now, Joe! Not even your little brain can process that, can you?”

In the monster’s belly, the former hero could only mumble as his mind had already snapped.

“As more and more of you heroes are taken from your worlds to be my commodity, I can get to play with the big toys!”

Terror Toad took himself to the edge. Before he was the main square where enormous machines were lined up. These weren’t mechanical harvesters or other parts of the farm itself, but loots from the industry’s recent exploits.

Once, they were the accompanying giants of the Power Rangers and Sentai heroes. Now, they obeyed their new overlord’s command. Not that they wanted to, but through hideous invasive procedures into their central cores, the spirits of these Mechas were as impotent as their warriors.

Tubes and cables stabbed the colossi’s bodies. Some had their limbs cut off to be replaced by Terror Toad’s very own abomination. Some others had their heads replaced by something more akin to The Boss’ form. Corruptive liquids of various colors stained and clogged their insides, severing them from their own powers. For normal humans, they were silent. For those who can perceive more than the usual audible frequency such as the Rangers and Sentai heroes trapped inside the machinations, the robots howled for help and release from the suffering.

But it was the freedom they would never get. Instead, they would be used by Terror Toad for his gain.

“While I like to go and invade worlds by myself, I can’t get enough heroes if I do it on my own. That’s where you come in, Kiddo. Once you have depleted your humanity, you will be my most wicked general! Out you go!”

Terror Toad grabbed Hyperforce Green’s assimilated helmet and forced it out of his body. His belly fat stuck and stayed with the corrupted hero even as he tumbled and stood wobbly on the balcony. In contrast to his feeble appearance, Joe kept on screaming carnal moans like a wild animal.

The ingredients were there. All The Boos needed was a spark. Terror Toad touched his horn and an unnatural bolt of lightning struck the defeated Ranger. Joe Shih felt his body explode and he wasn’t half-wrong.

The concentrated energy of Terror Toad contorted and coiled Hyperforce Green’s body. His blood veins were filled with disgusting goop that penetrated his muscles to change them. Even with his debilitated brain, Joe could still understand pain. It was pain beyond anything he knew and feared.

He was transformed into the image of his master. His perfect abs were no more, changed into the swollen belly. His legs bulged out as will his arms. His gauntlet got torn by his expanding monstrous claws, complete with scaly skin.

Without his helmet, the shift between human and demonic features of Joe’s eyes was to be savored by Terror Toad. His face widened with an even disproportionate mouth. Teeth became fangs and the normal tongue became a repulsive flab of slimy flesh.

Joe blinked and his East Asian monolid eyes were replaced by the toad’s ones. The last remnant of his former self was her silvery hair, but even that was disturbed by the elongating twin horns.

Hyperforce Green’s weight increased and loud thumps were audible with each of his heavy steps. Speaking of steps, his boots erupted to show talons. While some parts of his costume got ripped apart, most stayed intact. It was Terror Toad’s instrument of fear as his enemies would know that even the strongest Ranger could be converted into a hungry demon.

“Joe Toad!” roared the new monster.

“Joe Toad? I like the sound of that!” replied Terror Toad as he clapped his claws. “I’ll give you the freedom to do whatever you want with your new world, Joe Toad. Torture, twist, and enslave all heroes you can find. All I want you to do is to spread the name of my Farm.”

“Farm! Farm! Farm!” Joe’s horns glowed and bolts of lightning were exchanged with his master.

Terror Toad nodded, agreeing with his pet’s excitement. “All that you do, all evil that you will be done, all of that energy of despair will be transmitted to me! You will be my harbinger of doom!”

“Doom! Doom! Doom!”

Terror Toad slapped Joe’s shoulder and wrung his neck with his flabby arm. He pointed at the enslaved Sentai robots in the square. “You have these machines at your disposal. Give them the best first impression so that even the boldest Sentai hero will kneel before you.” He then whispered. “And then you can swallow them!”

The inhuman Joe Shih laughed with a burst of dreadful laughter. He then leaped all the way from the balcony to the head of the standing GaoGod. The sentient colossus once helped the Gaorangers, even guiding them in their quest. But not even a god could escape capitalism.

On either side of the enslaved GaoGod were the other powerful giant robots. Manticore Megazord was on the left with its main face replaced by a mask of Terror Toad. Wonder Gosei Great on the right was shackled by energy-draining giant locks that kept the machine in line.

Beyond the two was the Super Armor Shine GingaiOh albeit with the gorilla face on the waist replaced by The Boss’. There was also the Ninja Blaze Megazord. But the largest arsenal in The Farm was the Beast-X King Ultrazord, formerly of the Beast Morphers Power Rangers team. All showed signs of degeneracy and tainting. All of them bowed toward their newest owner: Joe Toad.

The robots’ cockpits glowed. Teleportation beams sent numerous heroes as pilots. But these weren’t the heroes they were before. Squeaking noises filled the air inside the control room as the Rangers and Sentai warriors moved for preparation. They acted like robots, devoid of humanity or any signs of their personality.

If we look closer, the warriors’ form had been changed. They were not wearing spandex anymore. In fact, all of them were now a bunch of multicolored love dolls. Their suits and helmets were shiny and rubbery. Their mouthguards were equipped with a round opening. Their eyes were blank.

“Our newest love product will come handy in your little trip of conquest, Joe Toad,” said Terror Toad with a booming voice from the balcony. “You don’t even need to tell them what to do. They had been perfected to seek out their own fellow heroes and put them in the same degradation they once experienced before. Special chambers in the robots will enable quickie sessions!”

Joe Toad roared. He obviously already got the point. He would continue his master’s aggression.

The square lit up with interdimensional energy. The looming cloud in the sky dissipated as if blown by an unseen force. In its wake, a spiraling portal appeared and bloomed.

The giant robots looked up. Their enormous body was made light by the gravitational anomaly. They were floating!

Joe Toad roared for the last time while pointing at the portal. Loud booms came from the rockets and other propulsion engines beneath the mechas’ boots. Starting with GaoGod, each one of them ascended into the sky as an invasion fleet.

Terror Toad was beyond satisfied to witness this. He even unloaded himself on the balcony. But that wasn’t enough.

After the interdimensional portal had disappeared, The Boss’ lust remained. He turned around toward his throne room doors. There were so many of them to choose from. “Then again, why should I choose anyway?” growled the monster while licking his face with the fat slimy tongue.



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