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The Power Rangers and Sentai heroes are different, but they have something in common: courage. It is contagious. It is inspiring. It is alluring.

It is such a precious thing to have. Capitalism says that anything valuable can be a commodity. For the Rangers, there’s so much more of them that can be utilized.

To be harvested by an evil industry across the multiverse.

Since I just found out that our hero has a brother that became the Green Ranger, would it be unfair to stop here? Part 2 coming soon!

Special thanks to my special and loyal patrons:

amatsu nagato

Wallel Albet


Matt Thomas


Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson

Red Nineteen

Daniel K




It’s harvest time!


“Heroes think that they are the best in the world,” growled the hideous monster as he walked down the hallway with the person he was talking with. “They are right, but not in the way they think they are.”

The hallway was long with tiled walls on either side. It was not the best place to be. Trickling noises of water coming and echoing from somewhere. The air was damp and hot.

The smell was of another league of distraction. As if dozen of sweaty athletes piled their dirty socks and underwear near the air duct system, the hanging musky odor was there to pierce the nose of anyone unfortunate enough to inhale it.

For some, it was much worse than simply smelling the stench. For them, it was to live with it for the rest of their lives. The corridor’s tiled walls were broken only by rows of barred jail doors. Thick barricades robbed those who were imprisoned inside of their chance to escape while enabling people outside to see a glimpse of these prisoners’ weathered conditions.

They were of varied origins. Some were males, some were females. Some even looked younger than the rest. Their costumes exhibited their diverse themes of vehicles, animals, even mythological creatures. But they all shared a common identity as multicolored spandex heroes.

“All of them came charging with vigorous hearts to quash evil. They are united in their spirit to banish monsters and save mankind.” The monster snorted. “What a joke. What a punchline. No wonder all they could do now is to squeal!”

The demonic creature ran his magical staff across the prison doors. The clanking echoes somehow made the defeated heroes inside feel intense pain. They howled and moaned.

His weapon also made the heavy metal doors slide open. Inside, the condition of these former Sentai heroes was more visible. They were not prisoners. They were cattle.

The shackles forced the female spandex heroes to go down to doggy-style positions. Tubes and hoses connected their ballooning breasts and crotches. Infernal machines that they were connected with produced relentless slurping noises. It wasn’t clear which one was louder: the pumping sounds or the heroines’ begging for mercy.

Their bodies were muscular. They were curvy and elegant and their prism powers would have been formidable enemies in battle. But all of those details meant nothing now. The cups and plugs made their lives a living hell. Their arms, legs, and butts writhed about violently in a desperate attempt to break free. But they were powerless. All they did was make the clinkings of their piercing rings, like the one that peeked through their open helmet visor, richer. The other ones jiggled about, hanging freely with their pathetic struggle.

The tubes behind them were half full before, but not anymore. Each torment that these Sentai ladies had to go through, they fulfilled their new purpose as milking objects. Sloshes of purity were poured into the metal cylinders before being harvested for another round.

Around the broken Sentai heroines were their wardens. Equally grotesque in their appearance, they were the reformed version of the original footsoldier golems. Their job was to whip the girls’ rear even if they met their quota. The poor souls’ screams made the monster more aroused and gave more punishment. Even their run-down spandex costume could hide the despicable branding iron marks on one of their butt cheeks.

The walk continued. The chaperoning monster continued his stroll down the horrible corridor of harvest. More and more conquered Sentai heroes were visible behind bars. He then stopped and a sly smile grew on his black lips. His fangs showed, licking by his hungry serpentine tongue.

“The best thing to happen after Boss consumed Zordon was that he killed two goodness with one stone. He took away the strength that protected those pesky Power Rangers all these time. He also devoured all the knowledge of the Morphing Grid and enabled the multiverse’ merging.”

Before the monster, was another set of spandex heroes. They had a similar theme as before with assorted prism powers. In fact, they were from the same team, albeit different in sex.

These Dairangers were males, but that didn’t stop the farm to harvest them. They were forced to sit on wooden horses while their groins were cupped by similar machines from hell. The defeated heroes agonized as their seed was sucked from them.

The pumps took turns in taking their profit. While the Yellow Prism warrior was being harvested, the other bound warriors were forced to swallow hideous sludge through the tubes that pierced their helmets’ mouthguard and gagged their mouths open. The open helmet visor gap showed their woeful eyes. When Blue got his turn, the other two got the alternative torture. It was like that for as long as they could bear it.

“Business is booming as the farm can capture multiple versions of the same Sentai teams, even their Power Rangers counterparts. You don’t like the original Flashman? We got the alternate reality ones complete with genderbending. You don’t like Japanese heroes? We got Squadron Rangers for your delight. Countless possibilities for heroism and we simply plucked them from existence and took them here to our very own hellhole.”

The monster left the pleading Power Rangers Prism boys behind, shutting the inescapable jail door behind him. The walk continued.

“Thanks to our Blacksmith Toads, each hero can now be easily subjugated through the piercing rings. These babies can melt helmet materials and spandex like hot knives through butter! Once they got their target, the pain would be the least of the Rangers’ worry.” The monster flicked his finger and a golden ring, similar to those that pierced the previous Sentai heroes’ noses and raisins, appeared in his grip. The low neon light made the cursed item’s surface beyond glimmering.

The tight corridor ended. It was replaced by a chamber filled with commotion. Big metallic pillars towered to the high ceiling. The openings around it poured fresh grapes that piled up on the surrounding circular concrete pond beneath. It was a wine processing factory and everything was done by hand. More precisely, by boots.

Tied by their nose piercing rings, more heroes were forced to march around the pillars to squash the grapes. Their arms were bound behind their backs. Their heads were forced to tilt up to prevent talking to each other. Sweat and stench poured down their spandex uniform and slowly trickled to the wine-to-be as additional flavor.

“I must say that these humans are not so stupid after all. Take this wine-thingy for example. It’s the best thing to have after a good long battle!”

Unlike before, each pillar was occupied by Rangers from different auxiliary teams. There were the female Lost Galaxy Grey, Alien Violet, and SPD Aqua Rangers held captive on one pillar. There were the male Lightspeed Rescue Black, Ninja Storm Silver, and Ninja Steel Navy on the other. Some pillars functioned with heroes from both sexes like the Jungle Fury Gorilla Ranger, Mystic Force Black Ranger, and the All-New Red Ranger.

Grunting noises were audible from the enslaved Rangers. Some of their helmets were half-destroyed while others were entirely decimated. All of them had the cursed ring that penetrated their ring to signify their new status as cattle. Their howls were closer to that of cows or buffalos instead of the comprehensible human speech. Their tormented noises were accompanied by the clanking of their ankle shackles that held them in their tubs.

“It’s a win-win solution for us. The more these puny Rangers stay to process the grape into the finest wine, the more of their power ooze into the final liquid. Their sweat, their pungency, all add the flavor that makes The Farm’s wine world renown!” The monster flicked his finger and the heavy metal door to the next chamber opened. “Of course, we’re going to need an equally exquisite meal to accompany our wine!”

“This is it. This is the last corridor!” exclaimed the tired noise in the distance. The weathered security TV on the corner broadcasted the few Sentai heroes that rushed across a darkened hallway. They would have been a complete team with two boys and three girls. But they didn’t look so heroic. They were panting and jittery. One of the female Sentai hugged her male teammate tightly as if fearing for her life. Her terror was not baseless.

One of the other boys and girl collaborated to turn the hatch door open. They groaned and grunted to boost their run-down power, but it was fruitful in the end. With a booming sound, the metals surrendered and the heroes were able to continue to the next room.

“Okay, we’re here!” announced the crocodile-themed male Sentai as they stepped into the lightless area. “What the…”

They were trapped. They got nowhere to go. The thick steel door shut right behind them. The lock spun to its original position. Three heroes tried to reopen it to no avail. “No, no, no, this shouldn’t have happened!”

“The Zords should have been here!” cried out the scared Ranger girl as she took her steps backward, unknowingly taking her further into the room. Then the tubes came down.

Screaming, the Violet Crow Jetman Sentai heroine fell into her doom. A clear glass cylinder trapped her. She tried to pound her prison’s surface, but her strength was simply no match for the material. She turned to her blaster weapon.

It was the worst decision. The energy handgun’s fire got reflected by the cylinder and ended up hurting Violet Crow herself. Her shriek of pain reverberated inside the tube.

Her friends tried to help her. They punched and kicked the cylinder without realizing the other dangers that lurked in the dim room. They also failed to realize the strange glyphs on the floor.

Another Sentai hero screamed as he was pulled by an unseen force toward one of the glowing symbols. Like Violet Crow before him, Gosei Green was trapped inside a glass cylinder that ran all the way to the metallic ceiling.

It didn’t take long before the rest of the team experienced the same ending. Screaming to each other and unable to save each other or even themselves, the Sentai heroes and heroines were dragged toward their designated monstrous glyphs. Unable to free their boots from the floor, they were helpless when the tubes came down. Zyuoh Crocodile, TimeBeige, and the female Kyoryu Cyan were all captured.

Bolts of unholy lightning struck the heroes. They all shrieked and tried their best to break free, but nothing mattered anymore. The pieces of machinery that trapped them had prepared something even worse than simple imprisonment.

Mechanical claws descended from the holes on the ceiling and grabbed their helmets. Struggling, Zyuoh Crocodile tried to rip the metallic grip with his feeble power. In the meantime, Violet Crow slowly lost her consciousness as she was picked from the ground. The ominous sound of monster laughter could be heard in the room, taunting the heroes’ last resistance.

Then, they stopped fighting after the final spasm. Ghostly skeletons were ripped from their Sentai forms. What was left were limp and immobile heroes. The ghost themselves continued to defy their subduers albeit out of pure terror instead of heroism.

“Sentai heroes are nothing without their courage. You can give them the best weaponry in the universe and they will still lose the battle if they are a bunch of cowards. The claws take away their courage bones, turning them into one thing they always strive to not become all their lives. Of course, we don’t do things halfway here on The Farm. instead of taking one courage bone, we take their whole skeleton!”

Ironically, Violet Crow was the last to be ripped of her courage. Her screech overwhelmed the speakers just before her energy skeleton was taken. Like her teammates, the Sentai girl ended up nothing more than a limp and confused slave.

The fat TV screens showed the monster what happened to those captured skeletons. Bend and twisted, they were served on plates with garnishes and salads. At the dinner table, the attending grotesque monsters didn’t care about maintaining their civility as they ravenously grabbed the courage bones. A few of them even brawled with one another to fight over Kyoryu Cyan II’s bones.

“We have seen enough. It’s time to meet The Boss. You are so lucky to meet him.” The monster pounded the last metal door before turning to the person he was talking with. “On second thought, you are so UNLUCKY to meet him, knowing what you are.”

Before the monster was a hero. Tied to an operating table and gagged, Marv Shih of the Hyperforce Rangers team could defy or fight his captors. The syringe mark on his neck further added to the fact that the monster already put him in a paralyzed state.

The clanks and rings of the thick blast door sent it opening slowly. This time, some minions were needed to pull the impenetrable shield.

Marv had his Hyperforce Red Lion Ranger helmet half-broken, so his shocked eyes were visible to the enjoyment of the monsters present in that chamber. How could he not be stunned by the view of a demon sitting on a massive golden throne held by numerous Ranger and Sentai heroes?

The broken warriors’ shackles were thick around their necks, crotches, and legs. The heavy chains hung as the ultimate humiliation. All of them still had their helmets on albeit with open or shattered visors. Marv could never forget the looks of their eyes. They were utterly conquered.

Their arms held the handles high. Their tired biceps and triceps and all other bodily muscles were forced to maintain their master’s throne in place. They moaned and yelped and groaned in torment.

Then, they screeched. The monster on the throne whipped his weapon and the shackles reacted by sending an unimaginable amount of pain to his personal slaves. Marv was pushed to the point of tears falling from his eyes. These weren’t auxiliary heroes. These weren’t newbie Sentai warriors. He knew them as the most powerful knights of justice.

RPM T-Rex Ranger, Dino Thunder Red in his Super Dino mode, Squadron Red Ranger, even the Mighty Morphin Green Dragon Ranger, all were devolved into destitute pets. Additionally, there were the gender-bent Black Bison and Red Falcon of the Liveman team, the female Red Prism Ranger, and many uncounted other fallen heroes under the golden yoke.

They were heroes, but there was something inherently wrong with them. The body proportions were all wrong. They were made muscular and big with muscle details that were too much. Their thighs were huge. The girl’s breasts were enormous. The boys’ crotches were hanging. The Rangers and Sentai warriors were transformed into disfigured parodies of themselves in addition to their complete drain of power.

Speaking of power, the Boss monster stood up from his throne seat. He wasn’t alone as he brought along his pets. Female heroes were made to walk like dogs with leashes on their choke collars. The word SLUT formed the main lock of the diabolical shackles. “Welcome, Hyperforce Red. I see that you have met my slaves? They are like you once. Gallant, chivalrous, fearless. I took all of that nonsense from their souls the moment they were ripped from their home dimensions. Here, nothing matters except the Boss!”

The bulbous monster pulled his leash and his pets howled. Those were familiar figures for him. They were his teammates: Chloe the Hyperforce Pink and Vesper the Hyperforce Black. But as if his revived lover being coerced into a mere serf, the monster revealed the third pet. Marv squirmed with intense anger as he watched the crouching HyperForce Green Ranger put into the spotlight.

“Recognize your brother, Marv?” taunted the monster with disregard of the hero’s rage. He then used his massive tongue to smear the broken Joe Shih’s helmet with saliva. “Now, imagine the foot of Boss Terror Toad stepping on his face forever!”

Terror Toad’s stomach churned. Inside, ghostly shapes of hands tried to escape. On the skin, the tattoos of numerous devoured Rangers and Sentai warriors indicated his score. Amazingly, both the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Zyurangers were already taken in.

“Let… Let go of my friends or you will feel my wrath!” As the sedatives lost their effects on Hyperforce Red, Marv could voice his intimidation. It wasn’t much, but at least it would show that he wouldn’t go down without a fight.

“Your team is unique, Hyperforce Red. You have the ability to travel between dimensions and timelines instead of relying on technology. Although I have eaten Zordon alive, I can’t do much to expand my farm’s dominance other than using TIme Force’s tech. It’s a shame that I had to destroy your Yellow and Blue friends to concentrate the powers to the other, more manageable, Rangers.”

“Master! Master!” begged Chloe and Vesper loudly. Their Slut choke collars glowed as if burning.

Terror Toad pulled Hyperforce Green to control him. The monster shamelessly sat on Joe’s neck and force the hero to deliver him down the throne’s steps. The weight was unbelievable, and the Hydra Ranger powers were strained to keep his head attached to his neck.

To further humiliate the strongest warrior, Joe was put into a doggy position once arriving on the cold floor so that Terror Toad could slide away. “Let’s see what we have here!” growled the monster excitedly. “Where should I put you? Do you want to be milked? Do you want to be a meat toilet? Do you want to be the living punchbag of my boys or sex toys of my girls? Perhaps both?”

Terror Toad saw Marv’s eyes. He knew what that meant. “Bravery has no place in this hell, Ranger. The more you fight the urge to just surrender your soul, the more fun I will have!”

The monster’s claw sliced Marv’s holding straps with lightning speed. The depleted Hyperforce Red Ranger slumped to the floor before his arch nemesis. It was his time to strike, to free his friends and get the hell out of that place.

But Marv couldn’t do it. He just couldn’t do it. Even if he somehow managed to defeat Terror Toad, then what? They were trapped on his farm. Most if not all of them were powerless by now and he couldn’t fight all of the warden monsters.

The overthinking and fear took over Marv’s mind. He simply couldn’t find a way to escape his fate. He chose to surrender to it.

“That’s a good boy,” said Terror Toad as he witness the glimmer of hope die in the Hyperforce Red’s eye. The monster grabbed the poor hero’s broken helmet and exposed his second face. From it, a slithering slimy tongue appeared and greedily launched itself to be swallowed by Marv.

The kneeling Ranger gagged and vomited, but that was all he could do. He grabbed the tentacle-like organ, but couldn’t take it off his throat. Deep down, he knew he deserved this.

Then, Marv experienced the same deformation as the rest of the Rangers beneath the throne. With white goop pilling and spilling out of his choked mouth, his body began to change. His thighs grew disproportionately large. His rear, his chest, his shoulders, all bloated out like bodybuilders on steroids.

But the Hyperforce Ranger couldn’t feel the strength. He couldn’t feel the hardiness of being a hero. He was an empty slave to be mocked and harvested.

Marv Shih’s brain got fried. Gone was his memory of Ranger training, his battles with his teammates, his journey of being the captain. Gone was the hope of helping Zordon get rid of evil from the multiverse. In essence, gone was Marv Shih. His eyes glazed over.

Even as Terror Toad removed his tentacle, Hyperforce Red only stood limply. His mouth drooped with white sludge just like the Rangers in the room. The monster then whispered to his red ears. “Filled with goodness, and it’s just the beginning of our beautiful friendship! Don’t you agree, Joe?”

Hyperforce Green nodded. He moved between Marv and Terror Toad before taking a few steps back toward the monster’s swollen stomach. The tattoos of other fallen Rangers forever trapped inside moved to the edges so that the new captive could have his space. Hyperforce Green Hydra Ranger extended his arms and slapped his back on the bulging skin in a spread-eagle pose.

Slowly but surely, the former hero’s body was sucked and assimilated by the folding fatty husk of Terror Toad. His signature red color dissipated, replaced by the disgusting green tint. After Joe Shih lost his mind, he lost his body. Accompanied by the triumphant toad monster’s echoing har-har, Hyperforce Green became one with his master.

All of that hideous transformation was witnessed by his brother. The mindless Marv Shih stood with a piercing ring on his nose and a strap that forced him to look up. His blank eyes cried. The cursed glyph glowed on the floor beneath his boots.

The energized and mutated Terror Toad whispered to his red ear. “Are you ready to be your brother’s keeper?”



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