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Our eyes can play tricks on us. The Rangers will realize it the hard way!

Hats off to Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13 who proposed this idea of Eye Guy putting diabolical improvements on Willy’s little invention. Lured by the evil twin of their own friend, our young heroes wouldn’t suspect anything until it’s too late and their minds are at the mercy of the merciless monster!

Special thanks to my awesome patrons:



Patrick Atwell

Matt Thomas

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen


Daniel K


Let’s the feat begin!




The team saw Billy come back to the Science Fair room and approached him. “Hey, how’s Willy?” asked the concerned Jason.

Billy shook his head as he showed his cousin’s blue cap. “Devastated, but he came up with an idea to make this work. We’ll assign the project to my name instead of his so his disqualification is null.”

Trini nodded. “After all that ruckus before, it worth a shot.”

“I gotta modify the specs first.” Then, the geeky youngster snapped his fingers. “Say, you guys don’t mind to try it again after it’s done, right? I gotta make sure that it works before demonstrating it to the judges.”

Zack chuckled. “You mean experiencing that virtual roller coaster again? Sign me up!”

Billy smiled at his friends’ enthusiasm. “Okay then. I’m heading to the back to fix it.”

Kimberly patted him on the shoulder. “Just tell us if you need anything.”

Billy went out the door with the big box and into the empty storage. He opened it and smirked. His eyes turned red just like his new master beside him. It was a monster of many eyes, proportionately named Eye Guy. “They didn’t suspect anything, Master.”

“Good work, I knew that capturing you was a better strategy. Although now, I have both of you!” Eye Guy’s main red eyeball opened up. A glimpse to the dark dimension inside could be seen where two people were trapped in diabolical gyroscope rides. Those were Willy and the real Billy.

“You’ll never win! My friends will find me and set me free!” shouted Billy in defiance as he fought the overwhelming mental drain with each spin.

“But Billy’s already here, Dumb-boy. Everything’s fine,” boasted the fake Billy.

Eye Guy patted him and let out a burst of evil laughter. “My projection is so good that even your stupid Zordon will believe it!”

“No… This can’t be,” mumbled Billy as he realized his situation.

“Don’t worry, Blue Ranger. Once this is done, you can’t even count one plus one as your power of intellect becomes mine forever!”

“And I will help you turn the other Rangers into similar idiot slaves,” added the fake Billy with the same sinister excitement. He did a quick transformation into the Ranger alter ego just to show the real one that the power was his now. The doppelganger then tinkered with the virtual goggles according to his master’s demands.

It didn’t take long before fake Billy came back to the Angel Grove Science Fair. He put the big box on the table and began to unload the content. Five glasses and the main transmitter device. “Hey, guys, I’m back. This took some spectral focusing adjustments and additional optical differentiation but I think it’s all good.”

“Spare us the technical details, Billy,” replied Jason as he waved. “Should we try?”

“Go ahead and tell me what you can see,” said the geek.

“Alright!” Zack didn’t need more instructions to grab the goggle and put it on. Jason, Kim, and Trini followed. They looked around just to adjust their vision of the item.

“So I have made some improvements on the design. This way, what you will see can affect you on a deeper level.”

“That sounds kinda creepy but okay,” commented Kimberly.

“It basically brings your deepest desires into reality,” added the fake Billy with a smirk.

“Huh?” Jason was going to remove the glasses when the evil doppelganger clicked the switch. The youngster’s bodies went docile as their minds got transported into a virtual realm. Jason and his friends suddenly found themselves in a different room. It was starkly in contrast with the brightly-colored exhibition room. The lights there shone purple and crimson. Additional illuminations were simply dim sources of light.

In the real world, the Rangers became living statues as they stood still. Fake Billy turned the knob to intensify the virtual effects. Small bolts of lightning shocked the goggles.

Jason sweated and gulped. “What… What is this place?”

“I don’t like this one bit,” commented the similarly-anxious Kimberly while hugging herself.

“Perhaps you should,” said the voice from nowhere. “You are destined to be here.”

The four readied their fighting pose. “Who’s there?” demanded Jason as all of them scanned their surroundings. The showroom had circular pedestals in front of each ring of seats.

“Isn’t this…” Trini was too afraid to finish her sentence. But everyone already what kind of place that was.

On one of the pole-dancing pedestals, the youngsters saw a moving figure. The obscure form moved up and down in almost jerky motions. The spotlights then illuminate its identity.

“No way…”

The person the youngsters saw was Billy. He was bare without any clothes. Trini accidentally let out a moan when she saw his teammate’s perfect body. Personally, she didn’t remember that Billy had such an athletic build. She knew he exercised like Jason and Zack, but this Billy was practically jacked. “Billy…”

“There you are,” replied Billy softly as he continued his enticing dancing around the tall metal rod. The way he held the pole was nothing normal. The way he licked it was worse. His meat dangled and jiggled to follow his moves.

It got Jason’s attention. The team leader shook his head to bring himself back to focus. “Billy, what is this place?”

“This is Eye Guy’s Extravaganza, the number one call house for evildoers. This is my place as the Blue Ranger, Jason. You should give it a try!”

The word “evil” should have raised alarm in the Rangers’ minds, but it didn’t. Somehow, they concentrated too much on Billy’s situation. “But how did you get here? Who kidnapped you?”

The dancer Billy chuckled. “No one abducted me, Morons. I let myself in. I applied for a soul-surrendering contract as an entertainer here.”

The “soul-surrendering” part should raise alarm, but again, the Rangers were too fixated on Billy. “Entertainer?” asked Kimberly who gulped as she observed Billy’s amazing bare body. “What… What exactly do you do here?”

“Haha, I give my best performance to our VIP guests here. Of course, all of that is Lord Eye Guy’s courtesy.” Billy became confused. “Didn’t you read the details of your application form?”

It was Trini’s turn to uncomfortably chuckle as Billy’s words made no sense. “Application form? No, no, we didn’t apply for a job here…” But she was in doubt herself.

“Did we?” asked the dubious Kimberly.

‘Yeah, we did,” said Zack sternly. Everyone looked at him. “Why else we put all of those fancy tight suits every day? Normal people don’t wear colorful spandex every day!”

Jason nodded. He kind of agreed with the nonsensical statement. “That actually makes sense.”

There was a glimmer of hope as Kimberly denied the twisted idea. “No, guys. We’re not streetwalkers or call girls or service guys. We’re heroes. We’re Rangers!”

“What’s more heroic than to serve our masters the best dance?” blurted Billy that stunned the girl.

“I… I don’t…”

Billy offered his hand to Jason and Zack. “Why don’t you two try it first?”

Jason was in dilemma. It couldn’t be right. Kimberly was right. He was a hero, he was the Red Ranger. He couldn’t do what Billy was asking him to do.

But Jason saw the circular pedestal reserved for the front pole dancer. He profused more and clenched his fists. This was wrong, but it felt so right.

Beside him, Zack was panting. His breaths were short and sharp. He was losing himself in the heat as Billy’s words accompanied with the display of his perfect body aroused the Black Ranger. With a roar, he ripped his sleeveless shirt and threw away his pants. “I’m so ready for the heat!”

Jason blushed at his friend’s vista. Zack’s toned ebony body was something to behold. The Red Ranger had been close to him all this time and now he kind of hated himself for not noticing such beauty much earlier. His crotch bloomed with contained libido. Jason wanted so bad to join Zack at pole dancing. The black youngster had already shown his sick moves around the metal rod, combining enticing twirls with Hip Hop Kido power.

“Guys, no… This… This is wrong....” But Trini and Kimberly’s denial lost strength themselves. They couldn’t understand why being entertainers in that showhouse was wrong. The two girls couldn’t stop themselves from moaning as they witness Jason taking off his clothes.

“I am a Ranger. I am strong!” The bare Jason declared as his mind slowly surrendered to the corruption. He looked at Zack with carnal intent before joining him. “Together, we are stronger!”

The two jacked youngsters danced around the pole like professional gigboys. Jason put his meat between Zack’s crack as he caressed everything from the shoulders down the back before pinching the solid booty. His friends yelped in ecstasy as his own member dangled for everyone to see.

Feeling suffocated in their own civilian clothes, the two jealous girls began to undress. Kim’s form was not so bad herself as her gymnastic routines had given her awesome muscles. Being slick and agile, Trini was also a bare female figure to be feasted by one’s eyes. Or more precisely, many eyes of Eye Guy. Unknown to them, the wall of the virtual cat house was now filled with the monster’s horrendous eyes. Each one observing in hunger, each one blinking with devilish intent.

The youngsters were alone in that virtual establishment. In reality, they were violating each other in front of all Angel Grove Science Fair visitors. Jason’s moans and screams echoed in the room as he and Zack drowned themselves in corrupted passion. Trini and Kim shrieked while putting themselves in boombastic positions. They were being humiliated before the masses.

But fake Billy and his master had something more in store. Now that the youngsters had been destroyed, it was time to destroy the reputation of their alter ego. With the live feed of television channels broadcasting the whole incident, he pressed another button on the device. Another shock hit the goggles.

Like a cue, the mysterious chime echoed in the virtual cat house. It easily penetrated the youngsters’ minds as they already lost their mental defenses. It gave them a new order. “Guys, our masters can’t take pleasure if we don’t reveal our true selves. I say it’s morphin’ time!” exclaimed Jason as he released himself from Zack to put the pose.

“Right!” Zack, Kim, and Trini, as well as Billy, joined them to display the Power Buckle. All were engulfed in colorful energy before the usual spandex costume materialized along with the prehistoric-themed helmets.

Like in their virtual prison, Jason and his friends morphed into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team. Everyone was shocked by this revelation and they were shocked even more due to the fact that the heroes had such depravity. The costumes made their muscles bulge out. The glorious body parts that decorated their chests and between their legs were also ridiculously apparent.

Eye Guy laughed in triumph as his new slaves showed their transformation in public. Better yet, his goggles were now assimilated into the costume, ensuring no escape for the Rangers. He then teleported himself in front of everyone. “Hear ye, hear ye, your heroes are nothing more than lewd boys and girls. They don’t care about you. They only care about me! Don’t you agree, Blue Ranger?”

His main eye released the real Billy from his extradimensional prison. The confused geek was startled by his teammates’ demise. “Guys, no-”

But his doppelganger prevented any more funny attempts. The fake Billy grabbed his neck and locked his arms behind his back. Against his own will, Billy was made to wear the last corruption goggle. His muscles stiffened with electric jolts that attacked his body.

Against his own will, Billy was made to put a transformation pose. Displaying his Triceratops Power Buckle, he morphed into the Blue Ranger. His change was twisted into abnormalcy as the goggle assimilated itself into the helmet.

Billy couldn’t see anything outside of his head protector, but it wouldn’t matter anymore. The goggle burned Eye Guy’s energy directly into his eyes and brain. Like his fallen teammates, he was hurled into the virtual cat house with no escape.

The Blue Ranger tumbled down until he hit one of the pedestals. “Jason!” called the hero as he saw the Red Ranger playing meat fencing with his Black Ranger buddy. They stroked and rubbed against each other’s members and from the looks of it, they already unloaded themselves a couple of times.

A squeal made the Blue Ranger turn. On another pedestal, the Yellow and Pink Rangers intertwined each other in a magic mountain position. Their legs twisted against one another while their arms stretched out back to provide support to handle the frequent climax. The floor was wet with the result of their previous sessions and there was no sign of stopping.

Billy couldn’t help them. He couldn’t even help himself as another figure made him look just in time before a devastating punch landed on his helmet. The Ranger knocked down some guest chairs on his way down.

Gasping, Billy found out the identity of his attacker. It was himself. A naked Billy stood before him with the overwhelming aura of dominance. “Gonna try using your little dino power here, Billy?”

Billy couldn’t do it. He couldn’t do anything. He wanted to summon the Power Lance, but his body refused. “What a wimp!” shouted Zack that pierced the Blue Ranger’s heart.


“You’re our only hope and you can’t do crap!” mocked Trini.

“I guess your balls are not as big as your brain, Billy!” screamed Kim in tears as her involuntary banging continued.

Jason gave the final blow. “Might as well you stay in Eye Guy’s dimension if you are useless!”

He was useless. Billy accepted that. He was useless.

The doppelganger approached the kneeling Blue Ranger and grabbed his helmet. He didn’t even need to open the head protector. All that was needed was to shove his meat into it.

Billy gagged as his mouth and throat were filled by his evil twin’s baton. He could feel his neck bulge with the immensity. The worse thing of all, he was made to move back and forth to provide stronger stimuli.

Billy punched the sides of his doppelganger, but his resistance was to no avail. His counterpart simply shrugged him off, even giving his own hit on the Blue Ranger’s sides to make him cough. Each cough enabled the meat to dig deeper. Billy was essentially being suffocated by it.

“I guess you’re gonna be this establishment’s slut just like us now, Billy,” said the Red Ranger as he unloaded himself again. This time right at the Black Ranger’s face. His teammate voraciously tried to clean himself by licking. It was a scene out of pure Ranger nightmare.

Billy couldn’t reply. He was drowned in his doppelganger’s doing. Not just physically, but mentally. He was exhausted. His brain could no longer process his situation or what possible situation for it. He was broken inside and out with the final straw being the evil twin’s unloading inside his digestive system.

Billy vomited the seed, but more still inside. It left the most horrible taste. A taste that left a mark on his soul. A mark of his master’s eternal domination. The doppelganger released the Blue Ranger but he didn’t use the moment to escape. He just bent over with his weak arms and legs. His tainted tongue stuck out.

The evil twin forced him to look up. The Ranger’s helmet was now modified to include a circular gag opening. His visor turned red with the symbol of Eye Guy. “I’m a slut… I obey my owner…” said the conquered Ranger. “I’m as dumb as a blow doll. I will be used as one…”

“Just like us!” replied the other Rangers as they discarded the last trace of their heroic past.

In the real world, Angel Grove was engulfed in panic as the corrupted Power Rangers launched attacks all across the city. People screamed as they were struck down by the former heroes’ weapons. One place became the epicenter of them all: the dilapidated Angel Grove High.

There, in the former school auditorium, Eye Guy sat on a makeshift throne overlooking a slave camp that trapped hundreds of teenagers and young adults. These youngsters were made to wear the brainwashing goggle just like the Rangers. With it, they marched to dig and worked to build statues of their conqueror.

Eye Guy was satisfied as he laid his back on the throne made of petrified children. Before him, the two female Rangers happily suck his foul-smelling feet. Between his legs, the Blue Ranger devotedly licked the monster’s sack. Each touch made his IQ lower and he had been doing this for days now.

Two teleportation beams appeared before Eye Guy. the Black and Red Rangers had come back. They were not alone as Jason grabbed Matthew, the resident football jock. “Excellent catch, Slaves. Perfect athletic specimen. I think I’ll keep him.”

The monster’s main eye shot out a beam that captured Matthew Cook and threw him inside. Like Willy and countless other selected youngsters, he would spend his life trapped inside the ever-rotating gyroscope ride as Eye Guy slowly drained his life force. “Well don’t just stand there, Sluts. Do your work!”

Eye Guy whipped Zack and Jason into submission. They knelt and approached their master. With the Blue Ranger, Black and Red screamed the loudest as they caressed his sack until their mind melted.



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