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I’m feeling hungry, how about you?

Pudgy Pig was made for one purpose only: eat. In canon, his defeat was due to the Rangers’ quick thinking of using spicy food. But that strategy hinged on the fact that our heroes lost their weapons in the first battle. They were lucky though. What would have happened if Pudgy Pig developed a taste for Rangers themselves instead of the Ranger weapons?

One thing for sure, it would be a banquet!

Special thanks to my awesome patrons:



Patrick Atwell

Matt Thomas

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen


Daniel K


Let’s the feat begin!




“Finster, I want you to make a monster, but not your usual. This one must be special!” demanded Rita Repulsa in Finster’s clay factory as her monster maker was busy designing new models.

“But, My Queen. All of my monsters are special,” replied Finster, but then he saw the space witch’s heightened fury. “Uh, sorry, My Queen.”

“I want a pudgy pig!”

“I have a pudgy pig, My Queen. But he’s not my best work,” begged Finster to calm her down.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Finster. I don’t want the best. I want the worst!” declared Rita while slamming the end of her staff on the factory floor. The resonating noise made her servants cover their ears, even the spying Squat and Baboo.

“Yes, My Queen,” obeyed the monster maker as he placed the clay model of a boar-shaped demon into the special machine.

“Make sure that he has a big appetite. So big that even the Rangers can’t escape it!”

The lever was pulled. The machine rumbled and spew out its hot steam. The readings went haywire, the pipes bulked with magical ingredients to awaken the newest creation of evil. Then, a figure was belched out the mechanical opening.

Rita Repulsa smirked at the new monster’s hideousness. It was a gigantic pig who stood on two legs. The other two legs that were complete with hooves became his arms that seemed to sprout out from either side of the wide mouth. His head was protected by a solid helmet akin to that worn by Ancient Greek warriors. His skin was flabby and red. “I am hungry!” proclaimed Pudgy Pig at the moment of his birth.

In a flash, he was transported to the unsuspecting city of Angel Grove. The monster around and immediately his first meal of the day: picnic supper that was left by panicking visitors.

The youngsters watched Pudgy Pig’s insatiable appetite through the viewing globe as he gobbled up all of the food at a restaurant and supermarket. Fancy cookout, fruits, and vegetables, even leftovers from trash bins were on his menu. In no time, the whole stores were made empty. “Does he ever stop?” commented the disgusted Trini.

“What a pig!”

“The images you see happened just a while ago. It appears that Rita has unleashed a ravenous beast upon the earth. Its sole purpose is to eat,” explained the floating head of Zordon behind the Rangers. “I calculated that he will eat all of the food supply on Earth in 48 hours. This pig MUST be stopped!”

“Look at that thing,” added the repulsed Kimberly with her twin tails. “He’s so gross!”

“Guys, it’s morphin’ time!” said Jason as their team captain. The youngster brought out their Power Buckle to transform into color-coded spandex superheroes, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Five teleportation beams landed at one of Angel Grove’s apartment roofs. “Where’s he at?” searched Zack the Black Ranger as they couldn’t find the monster.

“There!” pointed Trini at the thing that perched on the rooftop of the building next door. “Come here and fight like a pig!”

Pudgy Pig let out a burst of maniacal laughter that was mixed with grunts and squeals of a boar as he leaped high. He turned himself into a big blobby ball of flesh that easily struck the Rangers as he landed between them like a bowling ball against pins. Sparks flew from Jason’s costume as well as the other’s.

“Up weapons!” announced the Red Ranger as he brandished his Power Sword. But the unfurled monster came back at them. His hooves were hard and sharp enough to cause significant damage to their suits. Burn marks were visible all over the Rangers as they began to feel the overwhelming power. Trini fell to her knees as her strength was leaving her.

But the pig monster was just starting to have fun. Pudgy Pig opened his maw that produced a tornado-like spinning air. The Rangers felt the pull and tried to hold on to their weapons. Even the Red Ranger needed both of his hands to prevent his Power Sword from being sucked into that gaping pig mouth. “Haha, come to my stomach!”

The Blue Ranger was too close. Billy desperately tried to pull his lance, but it was futile. He was thrown into the mouth. “Let my weapon go, pig!” shouted the struggling hero.

“Weapons are just the cherry on top. I want the whole thing!”

“Huh?!” Billy’s shock did him no good. Pudgy Pig clamped the Blue Ranger and forced him to lean forward into the maw.

“Billy, no!” shouted Jason as he witnessed how his teammate was being devoured helmet-first by the greedy monster. Once his chest was in, the Blue Ranger’s struggle was hopeless. Pudgy Pig lifted his head up to let gravity do the rest. Finally, even the two thrashing boots disappeared into the tightness. “You taste quite nice, Blue Ranger. But I want more!”

“Billy, Oh, no!” The weakened Yellow Ranger realized that she’s the next target. She forced herself to get back up, but that was all she could do with the depleted power. “Guys, any ideas?”

“Stop right there!” declared the Red Ranger as he slashed the monster’s stomach with the mighty Power Sword. Although sparks burst from Pudgy Pig’s skin, they seemed to do no damage whatsoever. His opponent simply slapped Jason back to the goner reality.

“We gotta retreat. We’ll figure something out at the Command Center,” ordered the defeated Jason as he saw Pudgy Pig gobbled his weapon as the monster did with others.

Broken-hearted, the other Rangers nodded. It was the best strategy for now. The four warriors gathered for teleportation. Just then, Pudgy Pig shot out his serpentine tongue.

Jason, Zack, and Kimberly arrived at the Ranger Command Center. Trini shrieked as the entangling slimy tongue threw her straight into the fatty throat of a monster. Her words were immediately muffled as the Yellow Ranger slowly experience the same fate as her teammate. The final part was the boots that struggled until they disappeared with a slurp.

“Haha, the best meal I’ve ever tasted,” laughed the triumphant monster as he pat his full belly. “And I can enjoy them forever!”

The Yellow Ranger exited the suffocating esophagus like a newborn baby. She tumbled ingloriously into the baggy stomach chamber. Confused and dazed, she tried to get her bearings inside the gut. “What the… I’m inside the pig!”

Trini was shocked to see her Power Daggers peaking out the bubbling pool of musty-smelling goop. She immediately rushed to get them. The Blue Ranger stopped her.


“Let them go. The pig already put our weapons into his gastric juice,” said Billy with a disappointed tone.

“Gastric what?”

“Stomach acid. We don’t want to make contact with such hazardous substance,” explained the Blue Ranger. His teammate nodded.

“So what can we do? Can we contact our friends?” asked the confused Trini. She checked her wrist communicator. “Nothing.”

Just then, the pool of stomach acid churned again. From it, a particular bubble grew and grew to an alarming size. The Yellow and Blue Rangers tried to flee the possible burst, but they found no exit. No matter where they went, the thick stomach wall blocked them. Trini’s kicks and punches were deadened by its plump texture.

Then, the bubble burst. A shower of hot and steaming stomach juice rained down on the two Rangers. Trini and Billy screamed in pain as the invading sensation penetrated through their costumes even though no damage was visible. “It hurts, ARGH!” shrieked the Blue Ranger as he tried to wipe the fluid from his helmet.

The Yellow Ranger fell to her knees as her spandex began to blister. “What… What is this?!”

As if their pain was not enough, their brains were assaulted by images of Pudgy Pig. Trini wailed at the sick imagination of having her being groped by the pig monster from behind. She could feel his fatty belly pressing against her rear.

“No, no, stay away!” But Billy couldn’t escape from the acid-induced fantasy. The more stomach juice seeped in, the more vivid it became. The monster’s strokings between the Blue Ranger’s legs was something that he couldn’t repel. The team genius squealed like a girl as the temptation grew beyond his control. “I have… I have to be brave!”

“Haha, you said that like a pathetic little boy, Blue Ranger! You know what, it’s spanking time!”

The whole stomach cave rumbled before the worst thing happened. The pool grew in size. It slowly came closer toward the panicking Ranger. If only a spurt from it was enough to bring them such agony, what would happen if they drown in it? “Don’t worry, Miserable Rangers. My stomach juice will not kill you whatsoever, but it will make you beg for death. Like a delicious soup, you’ll be added ingredients to it!”

The Yellow and Blue Rangers were cornered. Billy ran toward the flabby entrance hole where they came before. The two tried to open the flaps to the esophagus.

There was a glimmer of hope as the layers of skin began to light up, indicating that the tunnel had opened. The flap then went agape.

Pudgy Pig burped with the loudest sound across the forest. His noise cracked branches and destroyed leaves. The poisonous stomach gas also burned the grass that before covered the ground. “Haha, that’s louder than expected. Satisfactory!”

Inside, the mere impact of that belch brought down the two Rangers. The esophagus gap closed again and prevented the heroes from escaping the stomach. They coughed and moaned as the overwhelming fatigue left them virtually defenseless. Trini and Billy came closer for the final moment.

At that point, they realized that the stomach juice pool was not made of liquid, but a thicker substance. A substance that launched its goop tentacles at the two Rangers. Their helmets were immediately trapped inside the diabolical tendril. Their weakened bodies were forced to stand back up no matter how shaky they were.

The broken Rangers walked toward the pool. Trini’s and Billy’s shrieks and pleas for help echoed inside the visceral stomach without anyone hearing. They were knee-deep, then waist-deep, then neck-deep before eventually not even their helmets were visible. What was left were two indistinct blobs with vaguely human shapes.

“Trini!” cried the Pink Ranger after her realization of the Yellow Ranger’s absence. “This can’t be happening. We gotta go back!”

“Hang on, Kim. Pudgy Pig got two of our friends. We gotta be careful,” said Zack with common sense.

“Zordon, what do we got?” asked the desperate Red Ranger. Luckily, the alien robot came to the rescue. “Alpha?”

“We can use spicy food to defeat Pudgy Pig,” said Alpha-5 with a chef’s hat on his saucer-shaped head.

“Spicy food?” asked the intrigued Kimberly.

Alpha nodded. “All of Pudgy Pig’s previous attacks showed that he avoided spicy food. We can use this information to bring him down.”

“How’re we gonna do that,” asked the confused Zack.

“We can lure him using meals that we stick some spicy bit in it!” replied the excited Jason as he picked one of the spicy radishes.

“Morphinomenal idea!” exclaimed Kimberly. “Let’s make it happen!”

Pudgy Pig got his eyes on the latest target: the massive frozen food factory just outside of Angel Grove. The facility was huge and of course, meals produced there would be enough to feed thousands of people daily. But today, all of that would be HIS meal.

The factory employees ran in terror while the security guards discharged their revolvers at the coming monster to no avail. “You’ll gonna need more than toy guns to stop my appetite!”

“How about these, Pig?” shouted the voice from above. On a silo’s rooftop, the three Rangers stood with different meals on their hands.

“Come on, Pig. it’s a free meal!” shouted the Red Ranger again.

“Now you’re talking in my language!” replied Pudgy Pig as his massive legs easily propelled him up the gigantic metal barn.

“Got something special for you right here!” added Zack to tease as the monster slowly came for them. The pig demon’s hooves clattered with hunger. “Sushi, cheesecake, and steak. Come and get them!”

But then, Pudgy Pig stopped. “I got a diet change. I prefer Ranger meat!”

There was no escape for the Black Ranger as the disgusting slimy tongue wrapped around him with suffocating tightness. As fast as he was captured, the monster pulled the organ back in along with the latest delicacy.

“No, Zack!” called the shocked Red Ranger, but the Black Ranger’s boots already disappeared inside the thick esophagus.

The pig monster slurped and licked his lips in savory satisfaction. “You better come here, Rangers. I want my dessert!”

The remaining Rangers were in a tight situation. The spicy food was their final strategy and it had failed. They tried to retreat, but the rooftop railings came to a halt behind their backs. “We gotta get out of here!” uttered the terrified Red Ranger.

Kimberly knew the signs. He jumped in between Jason and Pudgy Pig so that the slimy tongue could get her instead of the team leader. But she found out that even the slightest touch of the improved monster saliva was able to drain a large part of her Ranger energy. “KYAA!”

“Kimberly!” The Red Ranger jumped to help his teammate, but it was too late. The shrieking Pink Ranger was pulled into Pudgy Pig’s gaping maw. The monster deliberately swallowed her feet first so that Jason could see her final moments.

“Jason, help! Helbh…” Her pleas became muffled as the asphyxiating thick esophagus formed a cocoon. Kimberly’s form could be seen bulging down into the stomach as Pudgy Pig titled his head backward.

“KIM!” Jason punched the railing floor in frustration.

Before the team leader was a happy monster who caressed his swollen belly. In a condescending tone, he growled, “Looks like I got the full package today, Ranger. But I wanna make this more delectable. You already know what my ravenous appetite can do to the world’s food supply. So here’s the deal: you surrender yourself and join your friends as my eternal meal and I will give my promise to not eat anything else. Your world will be safe and Zordon will perhaps remember your heroism until he can find other youngsters as his new Rangers.”

The Red Ranger didn’t reply, but his gestures visibly showed dilemma and demoralization. His fighting stance meant nothing now. His weapon was gone, his team was gone. Everything had become a simple choice of giving himself up so that Pudgy Pig could forever gobble his Ranger power or watch as the whole world starved after the monster defeated him anyway.

The monster saw Jason lowered his gaze. “That’s more like it! Just one more thing to be done.”

Pudgy Pig belched out the content of his stomach with the loudest noise. The putrid tornado almost knocked the Red Ranger out. The kneeling hero suddenly found himself before a heap of food. The arrangement was sloppy and each meal was covered in a mud-like goop.

Jason looked away in detest, but the monster forced him to see it in all of its glory. “Don’t you think that I don’t care about my slaves, Ranger. Quite the opposite, I wanna make sure that all of you will have the best quality. The only way to do that is to stuff you up!” Pudgy Pig grabbed the Red Ranger’s helmet and made him lean forward. The helmet visor dug deep into the pile of messy food. Cheesecake cream and barbeque sauce smeared all over the hero’s front side.

“Ne… Never!” rejected Jason with irrelevant defiance.

The monster simply stepped his massive foot on the helmet, drowning the Red Ranger in the heap. “The sooner you accept your fate as my eternal meal, the better for the world, Ranger! Or do you want mankind to starve to extinction by tomorrow morning?!” Seeing that the hero just gave him incomprehensible protest, he continued. “Looks like we need to set the mood! Oink!”

Pudgy Pig grabbed the Red Ranger and teleported them both. Upon arrival, Jason collapsed on his knees to familiar ground. The impotent hero looked in shock at his surroundings. He was at the schoolyard of Angel Grove High. “No… Not here!”

“Let’s try this again, Ranger!” The pig monster vomited another pile of discarded food in front of Jason as the students began to notice them in horror. A kneeling Ranger was never a good sign. Some of them even started to record how the event unfolded.

Jason yelped as his backside was shoved by Pudgy Pig. The monster’s gigantic belly practically defiled Jason from the back. The team leader’s toned glutes, his back muscles, all were humped by the flabby stomach of the monster. It did more than just press him until he nearly passed out due to the immense weight. It also gave a bit of surprise.

Jason moaned and shrieked as he could feel something oozed out from the monster’s fat and into his costume. No, it penetrated his body system like an unstoppable invasion. Every part of him became more sensitive as if an extremely potent aphrodisiac was poured into him. The Red Ranger squealed as the heat became unbearable. “Watch as your mighty Red Ranger falls before my weight, citizens of Angel Grove!” declared the voracious monster as he continued his thrusting at the feeble hero. “See the way he truly is!”

The Red Ranger’s hazy vision took a look at the massive pile of food in front of him. His tongue stuck out and licked the interior of his helmet. He wanted more. He wanted to taste that food. Jason could no longer process the gravity of his own peril.

Pudgy Pig laughed maniacally as his musk dominated the worthless Ranger. The puny hero was no match to the combination of the powers of his own digested teammates inside the monster’s stomach. Witnessed by the terrified students, Jason’s coin was twisted from displaying Tyrannosaurus into his ugly hog face as a sign of conquest.

Finally, the Red Ranger clicked the side of his shiny helmet. He removed his head protector, tossing it to the muck-drenched grass. Jason Lee Scott exposed his secret identity to the masses. “I am Jason the Sloppy Ranger… Sloppy Ranger can’t be hero since he messed up his show… Now, Sloppy Ranger and his entire Pudgy Pig’s Sloppy Team friends will only can swallow and be swallowed…”

Jason gulped at his own pledge of allegiance. Tears ran down his smooth cheeks. He was defeated. There was only one more thing to do. His hands started to grab the disgusting food to shove them down his mouth. He was in mental pain, mental agony, and his body surrendered.

Jason stuffed the sweet and savory goodness with both hands. His mouth was soiled with blotchiness that he failed to lick with an insatiable hunger. No matter how much he ate, he always wanted more.

Satisfied with his new slave’s declaration, the pig monster awarded him more depravity from the back. He didn’t even need to penetrate the suit anymore as the domineering sensation already seeped into every fiber of the Red Ranger’s costume. The very spandex that should have protected Jason was now nothing more than a giant subtle vibrator that enticed his ultra-sensitive body. The unceasing ecstasy helped Jason’s own manhood to grow even beyond humanly possible as his master’s corruption began to twist his body to suit his fantasy. The onlookers cried in horror even vomited at the scene, but that was nothing compared to the moment that the Red Ranger unloaded himself. A burst of his seed wet his entire groin all the way to the thighs and sent Jason into a moronic state.  “I am hungry… I am always hungry! I am a pig! I am worse than a pig!” the former hero shouted continuously.

“Luckily for you, I’m keeping my cholesterol level in check. I like my food to have texture instead of just being a fatty mess. The banquet you’re eating will grow your delicious muscle up with your hopelessness as the final frosting!”

The former hero was not alone as Pudgy Pig released the other Rangers. They were as conquered as he was. They immediately began to take their part in eating the repulsive pile of food from the ground. Along the way, the team wailed and moaned as the whole world watched their downfall.

Jason’s athletic form grew almost twice in size with his spandex suit desperately keeping its integrity. His voice began to mix with monstrous growls and oinks. Even then, he kept on eating. The only time the inflated Ranger didn’t devour more food was when his master gave him a deep kiss that poured down disgusting sludge to replenish his body liquid. “Oink! Oink! Oink!” the Red Ranger screamed with the loudest voice as his sanity left him.

“I think that is enough to give mental scar to the people. Off we go!”

The pig monster and his slaves teleported out. Everyone in the schoolyard was left crying and depressed as the heroes of their city were turned into servants of a diabolical monster.

The Rangers screamed as they were thrown into the misty ground upon arrival. The place was definitely not Angel Grove. It’s probably not even on Earth.

The world was dark save for sparks of light in the distance. It was too far away for the Rangers who tried their best not to move. Even the slightest motion would give them the inescapable sensation of carnal explosion. Deep within their hearts, Jason and his friends knew this was wrong. But their opinion, let alone their hope of breaking free, was no longer relevant.

The Rangers were grabbed again, this time by an invisible force that hurled them to the light source. Getting closer, the heroes realized that it was a structure, a building similar to a fast-food restaurant. Through the open glass doors, they were pulled inside.

The screaming Rangers tried their best to put up a fight against the magnetic pull. They were being dragged past the rows of customer tables and seats and into the kitchen. There, the rusty pieces of equipment welcomed them.

“You Ranger-bitches have wasted your potential for far too long. It is time for me to be your manager. You will stay here as part of my growing business. You will serve your best powers as part of the best menu. The Pudgy Pig’s Sloppy Gusto is officially open!”

“No, no, help me!” cried out the Black Ranger as he was pulled into a drink maker machine. Zack’s arms were tied behind his back just like his folded legs before being clamped by the mechanism. The locks put him into the final position while a cup and hose closed in on his crotch and the dangling meat.

As hard as his struggle was, the Black Ranger was being entirely assimilated into the machine. Accompanied by the sensitiveness of the corrupted spandex he was trapped in, the simple suction of the cup was enough to make Zack ejaculate. Once, then twice, and then, for the third time. “Please, please, I don’t wanna live like this…”

The Blue Ranger was thrown into a giant cylinder. With the upper lid immediately closed and locked, he got the quick thinking of pounding the surrounding glass wall. He felt heat rising from under the gigantic tube. The machinery below opened up to reveal a bubbling pool of hot oil. The team genius noticed the pattern on the floor and determined to escape before his worst suspicion could come true.

The Blue Ranger’s punches started to take a toll on the glass. Cracks appeared and it seemed that another hit was all it would need to shatter it. Billy didn’t notice the various holes around the upper and lower lid of the cylinder opening up.

The Blue Ranger swung the final blow, but his attack was thwarted by a sudden burst of muck from all over. The surprised hero tried to remove the disgusting goop from his suit, but they kept on coming. The worse thing about was the muck made Billy’s movements slower and slower. His struggles became nullified and pointless.

Then the spray turned into a storm of heavy powder. The Blue Ranger gagged as the fine particles attached themselves to the sticky slime that had enveloped his body. Billy finally realized his predicament. “No, I can’t be… I can’t be deep-fried!”

It didn’t take a long time before the Triceratops spandex hero was turned into a living statue. Then, the floor opened. The Blue Ranger fell to the boiling hot oil.

His teammates could hear Billy’s screams even as his form was frozen. He was turned into a living tempura with a crispy outer layer. His heroic stance slowly shrunk into a rough fetal position. The batter mixture that covered his suit turned golden and delicious before the automatic cage-like skimmer moved him to a clean plate.

The Blue Ranger already looked like a real treat with various garnishes decorated around him. But the magical kitchen had another trick to complete the meal. A wooden hammer came in and hit the Ranger on the helmet. The whole crispiness split into two and reveal the demoralized yet still-alive hero inside. “That looks delicious. I want more!” boomed his owner’s voice from the kitchen’s corner speaker.

“No, no, not again-” But Billy was in no position to bargain. He was no longer a hero. Here, he was just another ingredient for Pudgy Pig’s twisted menu. The unseen force pulled the Blue Ranger back into the glass cylinder just above the bubbling hot oil. He begged for help as the torment was repeated.

But his friends’ fates were as dire as his. The now-busty Trini was pulled until she hit a giant jar. The speaker voice happily explained: “Welcome to our culinary tutorial of virgin boy eggs. The traditional recipe involves the boiling of eggs soaked in the urine of, you guessed it, young boys. Since I practically was born yesterday, my piss qualifies as such!”

The jar lid spun opened and the foul odor mercilessly attacked the Yellow Ranger. Trini cried out in tears as the smell overwhelmed her higher level of thinking. She tried to run away, but the pulling started again.

The Yellow Ranger was pulled high and into the jar opening. She hated the first sensation of her boots dipping into the yellowish monster urine. The smell was even more horrendous there and Trini slowly began to lose her strength to resist. Her grip on the lip began to slip and the poor heroine was immediately drowned.

Her attempt of escape was blocked by the returning lid. She pushed and pounded and scratched it, but it was hopeless. Trini panicked as the remaining air in her lung depleted. Her watery eyes turned white with corruption. The Yellow Ranger was no longer herself when she clicked the side of her helmet. The visor opened and Pudgy Pig’s piss freely flooded her suit interior. Her screams went down with her poor soul. “Give it enough time and our Yellow Ranger piss pickle will be ready!”

“You monster-” Kimberly was pulled and sealed into a transparent sack. Her hands powerlessly tried to push the suffocating pouch even as her struggle caused her to climax due to the previous corruption. What came after was worse than anything she had experienced before.

The sack vacuum-tightened itself around the trapped Ranger. Eventually, she couldn’t even move her fingers to fight. Then, the machine arms moved her just above her next stage of torture: a boiling water bath. She was made to endure an excruciating sous-vide cooking. Her screams joined the other ruined Rangers.

Pudgy Pig’s laughter that first echoed through the various speakers in the kitchen and the restaurant did more than just scare the Red Ranger witless. His heroic spirit had long gone anyway as Jason could no longer feel his connection to the Morphing Grid or Zordon. Unlike the others who were hurled right into their machines of agony, the helmetless team leader was made to wobbly walk down the kitchen hall.

Zordon wouldn’t recognize the Red Ranger. His body had grown beyond what the space wizard saw the first they met. Or even the time they last met this morning. His muscles had swollen, his pecs and abs widened, his thighs reinforced. He was the wet dream of all bodybuilders.

But Jason had no power in his muscular form. Around him were his screeching teammates. The pain that they had to go through was unthinkable, and the fact that the former heroes were forced to endure it over and over again was too much for the Red Ranger. “I… I have failed you… I have made us slaves to Pudgy Pig’s Sloppy-goody Gluttony Gusto…”

“Pudgy Pig’s Sloppy-goody Gluttony Gusto!” exclaimed the other tormented Rangers even as they were being hammered by the endless torment.

Pudgy Pig’s Sloppy-goody Gluttony Gusto…” repeated the Red Ranger as he finally reach the hallway’s end.

Before Jason was a sizzling grill. Above it was a crucifix, similar to that used to roast pigs. Metal straps attacked the Red Ranger and made cuts all over his depowered spandex suit before twirling around his ankles, wrists, and neck. The hero was pulled to be displayed in a spread-eagle position.

The fire beneath the contraption turned rapacious. Its flames licked the boots of the Red Ranger and left burn marks everywhere. All damage magically healed within seconds.

The conquered Ranger heard the coming thumps of his master. The grotesquely-obese form of Pudgy Pig approached with a special item in his hand. To be more precise, he got two items. They were each half of Jason’s Tyrannoranger helmet. Both parts were joined big a bright red gag.

The former team leader embraced his new fate. Even as his mouth was entirely choked by the oversized red ball, he chose to bite it in. It produced additional aphrodisiac that made the Red Ranger forget all of his heroism. “My mouth is gone but I will scream…” he said almost incomprehensibly before his modified helmet sealed him.

“Good meat completes my menu. Now I can have the whole banquet!” declared the Rangers’ new owner as the demonic fire engulfed the struggling Jason. Like his teammates, the Tyrannoranger became part of Pudgy Pig’s eternal meal. The hellish dimension replenished the broken warriors’ damage so that they could endure another day of pain to satisfy the pig.



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