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The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have been successful in hiding their secret identity as superheroes. Everyone only recognizes them as five complety normal and active Angel Grove University freshmen.

It was like nothing the Rangers ever seen before, but Rita Repulsa always had something wicked coming.

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers came to the scene of a typical monster attack. At an open-door concert venue, people are running away from a hideous creature that called itself Gloomface. The towering monster looked like a Bigfoot with thick dirty-brown fur all over. With its mask-like face, it shot out a salvo of energy beams at those who unfortunate enough to be close by. Innocent people screamed in agony, exclaiming that their faces were melting and burning although nothing really happened.

Gloomface’s act was abruptly stopped by a slashing attack that caused sparks to fly from his body wounds. “Who dares to attack Gloomface?!” grunted the monster as he struggled to get back up again.

“That would be us, Dirtface!” The five Mighty Morphin Power Rangers arrived while brandishing their individual weapons. Billy the Blue Ranger with the Power Lance, Zack with the Power Axe, Kimberly with the Power Bow, Trini with Power Daggers, and Jason the Red Ranger with his stunning Power Sword. “Your stage time is over!”

“We’re taking you down!” shouted Kimberly who aimed her weapon. Glowing energy arrow was ready on her Power Bow.

“Are you? How many Rangers it takes to bring down a monster?”

The taunt somewhat confused Zack. “Huh, what?”

“I don’t think that you have the confidence to beat me. If you do, we wouldn’t have this unfair fight.”

Trini shook her head. “Five... against one monster, that’s fair, right?”

“There’s no chivalry to gang up on me like this,” shouted Gloomface while pointing each of the confused Rangers.

“He’s right...,” said Jason in doubt. “I’ll go first.”

The Red Ranger took steps closer toward the monster. He gripped the Power Sword tightly. Somehow, anxiety took the better of him. His stance was stiff, his sweat was pouring down his forehead. Something was wrong, but Jason couldn’t point out what.

While the Red Ranger and Gloomface readied to attack each other, something happened in the background. Behind the befuddled Rangers, Gloomface’s victims started to change. Their screams became roars. Monstrous roars as their body became something inhuman.

“I remember you, Red Ranger. I remember all of you,” said Gloomface.

“I’m not sure that we’ve met before.”

“You seem to be unsure of many things today,” replied the monster. “Let me refresh it for you. What do you know about self-doubt?”

“We are Power Rangers. We don’t have self-doubt,” said Jason with clenched teeth. His grip tightened.

“Maybe not now, but how about before?”

Jason hesitated. “Be... Before?”

“Rita sent me from a place where your little powers have no meaning. A place that will swallow your self, your identity, your soul, if given enough time. A place that you can’t remember, but lingers in your mind.”

“What... What are you talking about?” The Red Ranger cleared his throat. Behind him and the Rangers, Gloomface’s victims became monsters similar to the one that corrupted them. They struck without warning. Billy, Zack, Kimberly, and Trini didn’t have a chance.

Sparks flew from the Rangers’ suit. They tried to fight back with power weapons. They were able to hit some, but the new monsters gained more and more strength as time passed. Even the Blue Ranger’s Power Lance attack could be countered easily by the gorilla-like creatures. “No!” screamed Billy as his precious weapon was thrown away, leaving him exposed.

A sharp jab struck Billy’s helmet right on before another one hit his stomach. All of his lunch came out of the mouth and splattered in the interior.

“Blue!” called the Red Ranger, not realizing that Gloomface teleported right in front of him. There was no space to swing his sword, no way to grab his blaster and shot energy blasts. Jason was trapped as the monster grabbed his arm. His helmet clashed with the Gloomface’s white mask.

There, he could see the emptiness inside the eyes. An emptiness that slowly swallowed him. Before Jason knew what happened, a strange beam struck his helmet visor. His eyes glowed with an unholy gleam.

“Jason, no!” shouted Kimberly as she was being crushed under one of the gorilla monsters. She tried to reach the team leader, but her extended arm was held by the massive furry creatures. A slimy tongue took the time to lick the helpless Ranger’s helmet. A smear of thick saliva covered the entire surface.

Kimmy was not the only one. All other Rangers were conquered. Their hands were forced behind their backs, their weapons discarded far from their grasp, their teamwork dissolved.

“How is this possible? Why are we so weak...,” grunted Zack beneath the weight.

“Must be some kind of a spell... It corrupted our powers,” said Billy next to him. “Made us subservient.”

“Subservient?” Zack swallowed. He saw the burly arms of the gorilla monsters. Something clicked in his mind. “Those arms... So massive....”

“Zack, what are you saying?” asked the confused Trini. Just then, the robust arm that wrapped itself around her neck tightened. She felt in peril and powerless under all that strength. She could feel the entire muscle crushing her suit. She gasped at it.

Kimberly moaned as the gorilla monster’s arm grabbed her stomach from between her legs. Strong fingers touched her abdominal muscles that she had trained through gymnastics routine as the Pink Ranger was lifted upside down. Kimberly gasped also. “He is so strong... There’s no way that I can free myself....”

“There’s no way that we can beat them...,” murmured Trini as her helmet was pulled from behind. Even from inside the protection of her Yellow Ranger suit, she could smell a creeping strange odor. Her hands dropped the Power Daggers just like the other Rangers dropped their weapons.

“We are nothing compared to them,” muttered Billy the defeated Blue Ranger.

“There was no use. Their muscles are godlike. We are conquered.” His eyes were almost white due to holding immense and convoluted emotions. He felt arousal, bliss, and despair at the same time. His hands desperately reached the bulge between his legs for some release, but the towering gorilla monster wouldn’t let him move. He was continuously being crushed by the massive arms that brought him depraved fantasy. He wailed again at his own defeat.

The concert stage floor then glowed with a previously-hidden magic circle. Each of the Rangers was forced to occupy specific ring patterns surrounded by alien spell runes. The glows rose from the landing and onto the Rangers’ suits. Ribbons of incantations started to wrap around their wrists, ankles, and necks before burning onto the suits’ fabric. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers gasped and choked as they no longer had enough strength to scream. Magic symbols were branded onto their body with everlasting agonizing sensation.

“Well, if it isn’t the poor Power Rangers who long for a true purpose,” mocked Rita Repulsa who appeared out of nowhere. Her golden high heels clicked to control how strong the magic bondage was. The space witch looked different with more provocative costumes that exhibit the curve of her dangerously-beautiful body. Her face looked younger than usual. Her tongue extended longer than usual too with ravenous intent. “Let me show you then.”

Jason was released from Gloomface’s hypnotic beam. It didn’t do much good to the team leader who fell limp on the floor. He tried to fight the unnatural weariness, but couldn’t even stand up again. He just pulled his limp body toward her broken friends in desperation. “Rita... What are you doing to us? What spell are you giving us?”

“The spell just reveals your true self.” Rita kneeled on one leg and forced the Ranger to look her in the eye. “I am giving you and your friends a happy ending, Red Ranger. A win-win solution for all.”

Jason coughed. “Never, we will never agree. You only care about your ego and masterplan, Rita.”

“Well, that’s just rude. Think about it, Ranger. Do you really think I don’t know why the five of you always defy me? Why the mighty Power Rangers team always got in the way and destroy my creations?”

“We did it because we are warriors of justice. We will not stop until evil like you is gone!”

“You said that like a noble champion.” Rita then grabbed the Red Ranger’s abdomen. Her fingers felt every shape of his muscle. Jason’s focus was slowly being distracted by a strange tingle. “But I know the deeper meaning of your fight, Red Ranger.”

“You will not make me yield, Rita. You can stop.”

“Or what?” A sinister smile appeared on the space witch’s lips. She gently pushed her breast onto the Red Ranger’s suit, making him gasped. “Tell me, why did you accept being the leader of this spandex-clad warriors team?”

Inside his helmet, Jason closed his eyes. His judgment is beyond cloudy. He knew Rita was putting a spell on him, but there was nothing he could do. The Red Ranger could hear the weak wailing of his friends and understood how far they had been defeated. There was nothing to lose to confess. “Because....”

“Yes?” Rita traced her fingers to the throbbing groin of the once-powerful Tyrannoranger. All she had to do was squeeze. But she wanted to play with his mind more.


“Maybe a kiss can help.” Then Rita kissed the mouthguard of Red Ranger’s helmet. Jason could feel it inside. A thrilling vibe that ran into his mouth. He panted and gulped in hopelessness. He had nothing to lose.

“Because I like the tightness....” Jason’s hands began to caress his own red-colored suit. From the diamond-shaped symbol on his chest to the sturdy form of the Power Buckle around his waist, and beyond, Jason began to drown in intoxication. Gone was his mission, gone was his Ranger training. All he remembered was the carnal constriction of his spandex. He bemoaned as Rita fondled his delicate body. “I like the way the Ranger suits make our gorgeous toned muscles pop out for everyone to see! I like the musky smell of our body after battles! The smell of armpits! The smell of elbow pits!”

“So, you are a naughty boy, aren’t you?” mocked Rita as her elongated tongue lick Jason’s helmet. 

“I’m a―” Jason panted. “I’m a wishful boy.”

Rita snorted at the pitiful creature. “Tell me, is this why your teammates are all horny right now?”

Jason screamed in near-mindlessness. “They have witnessed the pungent monster muscle. It revealed their perverted true self. I will be revealed too!”

“Yes, Red Ranger. You will.” Rita gave a final kiss before leaving him. She turned to Gloomface that stood in the middle of the magic circle. “These kids are ready to be sacrificed. Send them to their rightful place.”

“As you wish, Milady. They will have sinful time in the Island of Illusion!”

Gloomface raised his hands and the magic circle glowed with intense light. There were intense screams from the broken Rangers, including Jason. Before long, all of them turned into wisps of energy that shot away from the empty concert stage.


“So you have succeeded...,” growled the ominous presence that occupied the massive throne. The massive cave chamber that held it was lit by series of red-colored torches. On the wall, intricate carvings of a dragon that engulfed a world could be seen reflecting the dim luminescence. The prominent crimson color matched the entity’s form.

Before the throne, the rejuvenated Rita Repulsa and Gloomface kneeled in obedience. Their faces were down in fear of making deadly eye contact with their master. Rita replied to the comment, “Of course, Milord. How can I disappoint you?”

The cumbersome staff that the evil entity held glimmer with silver color under the twilight. Huge Z symbol gave a clue about its owner. “You have disappointed me before with your inaptitude in conquering this insignificant world. Playing around with teenagers and their feeble existence instead of striking hard at the first chance. You have let Zordon took the better of you. Humiliating you with his army of children and their toys. It’s an act of betrayal to the substantial trust and power that I have bestowed upon you as Emperor of Evil.”

“I was just... I was just scheming on how to achieve the most satisfy way to conquer them, Milord. I observed their weaknesses, their hubris, their―”

“Enough,” bark the red emperor. His Z staff stomped the ground as an absolute warning. Rita dipped her head lower in silence. “I should have executed you as I did with your little gang of schemers, but I didn’t because I saw a redeeming potential in you. That’s why I modified your space dumpster canister into the servant suit that you are wearing now.”

Rita reached her thigh that was enveloped by dark silvery material like the rest of her entire body save for the head. She was essentially being trapped inside a form-fitting sarcophagus that while didn’t impede her movement, wouldn’t let her be free. Rita then touched her hypersensitive breasts that was almost spilling over due to their unnatural size. The simple instinct to self-violate herself was all that remained of the former fearsome space witch.

Rita glanced at her comrade, Gloomface. He looked like a new monster but actually a forced amalgamation of her trusted minions: Squatt, Baboo, and Goldar. The monster had a broad-shouldered form, dark thick fur all over, with blueberry-colored skin beneath. His disproportionately-large mouth was reminiscent of a warthog. Rita then said to her master, “Thank you, Master. I am forever grateful to be your brutalized servant. That is why I brought the most delightful gift today.”

“Send them in,” ordered the red emperor with his hand gesture. His metallic fingers looked more like series of talons.

Rita bowed, then nodded to Gloomface as she moved back toward the edge of the cavern. In the middle, the glow of magical circle motif reappeared according to the monster’s command. The higher he raised his hands, the brighter and more intricate the design became. It was until five new forms materialized.

New hideous creatures arrived. Five gorilla monsters growled while holding their gibbous belly. Strange movements could be seen inside their stomach. Something was alive and struggling inside.

The gorillas then open their overextended mouths and reached in. Each one of them then vomited human captives from within. Five teenagers who were still wearing their color-coded suits. Thick and sticky saliva coated them like a cocoon. They throbbed and chuffed in exhaustion, almost unable to move.

But the magical goop gleamed and forced the five Rangers to stand up no matter how sore it was. Jason was there to lead his insignificant team. Inside his helmet, he felt suffocated. Not that he was losing air from his lungs, but because he was freed from his prison inside the beautiful monster’s stomach. His hands trembled, his vision tunneled. He didn’t understand what to do.

“Interesting,” commented the red emperor.

“Rangers, meet your new master, Lord Zedd,” said Rita with allure. She then explained to the red emperor. “These pathetic kids are called Power Rangers by Zordon. They supposedly the defenders of Earth, symbols of young spirits of freedom. The Blue Triceratops Rangers, the Black Mastodon Ranger, the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger, the Yellow Sabertooth Tiger Ranger, and of course, the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger.”

“I see that my beautiful spell did well for you.”

“I am grateful for your blessing, Milord. The incantantions hit them so hard that these Rangers didn’t need any restraint to prevent their escape. The thought of escaping is simply no longer exist within their tiny brains.” Rita looked at how the five Rangers could only moaned and grunted weakly. They looked the massive cavern with jittering motion, most likely in inescapable fear. “They now only think about fetishes.”

“Excellent, they will be sufficient to be our magical medium. I am curious of the reason you preferred to destroy this Island of Illusion remote dimension instead of utilizing its full potential.”

Rita bowed. “I was lost without your guidance, Lord Zedd.”

The red emperor stood. His massive hand held the equally-massive Z Staff. His true form was finally visible to everyone, including the cowering Rangers. Jason gasped at his imperious structure. He looked like not having any skin, making individual muscles apparent. Kimberly licked the interior of her helmet when caught the view of his bulky arms. Billy’s hands shook when looking at his broad abdoment. There was a sense of awe in all of them.

Jason still knew that this was wrong. He was the Tyrannoranger, the team leader of his friends. Zordon chose them to be their warriors. But―

If only Tommy was still the Green Ranger. He would be strong enough to save the team. Jason adored Tommy. He wanted to cuddle with him, especially as servants of these monster. He―

Somehow, he couldn’t complete that thought. The fantasy of being dominated by the massive gorilla monsters came back to torture his mind. He could see how worthless they were before the creatures.

“I demand entertainment,” said Lord Zedd calmly. Rita elegantly gave gesture to the monsters to commence.

Jason could feel the gorillas’ looming presence closing in on him and his teammates. The monsters lasciviously spanked the cave air using their whip-like tongues. Their jaws hung the ballooning mouth.

He had to do something. He was the team leader, the strongest one among his friends. There’s a good reason that Zordon chose him as the red ranger. Jason closed his eyes and the lewd imagination of being abused by the monsters came right away. The towering ape creature got hold of him and did a crushing bear hug with the elephantine arms. He could feel the devastating crunch all over his body. He could also feel the overpowering lust as his pubic area being pressed against the monster’s solid stomach. He gritted his teeth to fight a losing battle against the corrupted daydream that forced him to start grinding.

Red Ranger’s arm moved with heroic will and reached for the Power Blaster. He immediately aimed the weapon at all things evil in that cave. Rita was shocked, as was Gloomface, and the gorilla monsters that stopped dead on their tracks. “Don’t move or I’ll burn you all!” threatened Jason.

Rita slipped her index finger between her own jet-black lips. “Oh, this is so cute. The little red ranger thought that he still has a chance.”

Jason’s wobbling fingers already showed how far his conviction was. Even if he could wondrously shoot every monster in the throne room, he would still need to escape with his weakened teammates. He swallowed in dread.

But then the red ranger saw something on the floor. A small crack next to Billy’s limping body. That was his chance. Jason fired.

The cavern deck exploded into broken slabs that immediately fell into the void below. The Rangers cried out when they were taken by gravity. A huge cloud of dust stormed Rita and all monsters in the room.

“NO! After them!” screamed the space witch, but Gloomface and the gorillas were reluctant when seeing the pitch black hole below them.


Jason and the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fell into a long and winding tunnel. He desperately trying to grab anything to stop his hurl, but the wet surface made it impossible. The five Rangers were then ejected into a dark cavity. Their bodies rolled without control like a bunch of old rag doll before stopping spiritlessly. During the team’s short adventure, Jason lost his grip on the Power Blaster, sending the weapon into the unknown darkness.

The red ranger grunted as he tried to stand up. His throat felt so dry and he let out some coughs due to discomfort. He tried to get upright, but all Jason could do was kneeling. At least his back was erect.

“Guys, are you okay?” asked him lightly. He approached Trini to check her condition. It wasn’t so good just like everyone else. The Sabertooth Tiger Ranger closed her legs together, but Jason could see wet area between them. She whimpered and punched the cavern floor in rage.

“We were too weak. We won’t be able to get out of here,” said Zack to himself. He had lost all confidence. “My Mastodon power was nothing... This power deserves to be extinct.”

“Hey, we are here and we are not extinct! No one’s gonna make us go. Not even some alien monsters and space witches. We have been crushed before and we rose back up. We will do the same!”

Zack looked at the team leader for a while before nodding weakly. “What should we do?”

“We need to get out of here,” deduced Billy. His right foot continuously as if on edge.

“Right, any idea how?” asked Kimberly dubiously. “We have lost our power to Rita’s new magic.”

“No,” objected Jason. “No, we haven’t.”

“I don’t feel it,” replied Trini. She moved slowly to lean to Kimberly for comfort. Her hand rubbed the loin area from time to time. “I will so dirty....”

“That’s what they want to you feel, but we will not give them that. We are Power Rangers and we still have our spirit inside. I broke the spell before to reach the Power Blaster. We should be able to do more things if we just trust in each other.”

“OK, OK, maybe.... Maybe we can access our teleporter. We can just jump from this place. Where are we anyway?” Kimberly looked around at the dark cavern.

“We’re in the Island of Illusion,” answered Billy.

Trini looked at him confused. “That’s not possible. Rita―”

“It seems that Rita’s master got enough powerful magic to restore this dimension.”

“To do what?” asked Zack. “We already know the tricks.”

Billy shook his head. He rested his back on nearby stalacmite. Sound of dripping ground water was closeby. “No idea. All I know―and you guys would probably agree with me on this―is that this place is bad.”

“Teleporter, how about it?” asked Jason.

“Let me check.” Billy reached his helmet latch. Computer system inside was activate. “No good if we try to jump from here. The cave structure and crystral material would prevent us from reaching Earth. We would just bounce all over the place. We can’t even communicate with Zordon. This whole place is like a tomb!”

Jason’s heart sank. They would last long without their mentor’s help. But he remembered something. “What about outside?”


“If we escape this cave, can we access the teleporter or contact Zordon?”

“Assuming the interference is coming from this cave, yes.” Billy looked at the crytalline stalactite spikes above him. “Yeah, we will get our advantage back if we reach open space.”

“That’s it, then. We will explore this cave until we reach an exit. Everyone on me?” Jason offered his hand.

The four Rangers gathered their hands above it in group gesture. “Let’s get away from that bitch Rita!” said Kimberly with awkward giggle.

Jason led the team in darkness. His helmet shot out bright spotlight to shine the cave tunnel. The stalactites and stalacmites were decreasing in number, making the path is clearer. Jason could only hope that that was a good sign of a nearby exit.

But for now, the light of day was not visible yet. His teammates followed behind. They spread out a bit but still in reaching distance of each other. Their helmet also illuminated everything in front of them, but with dimmer light.

Trini was focusing her light to the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger, specifically to her buttocks. Inside her helmet, the Yellow Ranger licked her own lips when observing the perfect cheeks. She could imagine her teammate in tight and shiny gymnastics leotard. As tight and shiny as the pink ranger’s costume.

Kimberly held her gasp when Trini groped her from behind. She could feel her friend’s fingers exploring her gluteus maximus. Kimberly clenched her fist. Somehow, she think that revealing this sensual act to Jason was not an option. She slowed her pace.

Billy gulped when seeing how intimate his two teammates were. He then also got his share when the Mastodon Black Ranger fingered him from behind. Zack explored the Blue Ranger’s chest muscle before pinching the right nipple. Billy choked in his own breath as he fought the allurement.

The Black Ranger then reach the usual area below the belt. He could feel the wetness there. Wetness that he could compared with his own. Wetness that even Kimberly and Trini got. “Why should we get out if there is nothing for us out there?” asked Zack flirtiously.

“Zack... You know this isn’t you. This is the spell talking. It corrupts our mind by using our deepest fetish.” Billy swallowed again. “We can’t surrender to the craze no matter how tantalizing it is!”

“Am I your fetish, Billy?”

The question made Blue Ranger’s heart jumped a beat. “No, that’s not what I mean! I―”

Black Ranger snuggled his helmet against Blue’s. He then whispered close, “Well, mine is you. I want you, just like Trini wants Kimberly. I am sure Kimmy feels the same way. How about you, Billy?”

Billy had a choice to call out to Jason, but he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Somehow, that option was not logical to him. He was the smartest one. He always made the best strategic decisions and created the best gadgets to help them. Why couldn’t he have his own fun? 

Billy shook his head. Fun was not the word he was looking for. He glanced at the yellow and pink rangers who were doing female intercourse while walking. Their helmet visors were opened so that the girls’ tongue could touch each other. Their legs intertwined with each other in such flexibility that no normal human could. It was truly an example of how powerful Power Rangers could be.

Billy was grabbed. He was forced to kneel before Zack slammed his wet area on his helmet visor. He could taste anything but everything felt so real. The blue ranger grabbed his partner’s obliques and started rubbing his face up and down.

A loud thumping sound made Jason turned his back. He couldn’t believe what he saw. Not just Zack and Billy, not also Trini and Kimberly who hugged each other on the floor. Their hands probed each other’s body from helmet to boots, but mainly the breasts, hindquarters, and flanks. They whined and wailed in euphoria. For them, the mission was over. They could just do each other.

“No, no, Guys! Wake up! This is not you. Rita is playing with you! We are so close to the exit. We―”

His teammates didn’t listen. Billy and Kimberly instead grabbed him. He was forced to kneel closer. Zack and Trini put their wet groin on the Tyrannoranger’s helmet. “You got it too, right, Jason?” asked Trini with drunken giggles.

“You are as wet as we are,” added Zack as he smeared his seminal fluid on Jason’s visor. “Our Ranger suits prevented everything from outside, but we decide what to let out from the inside.”

Kimberly then Jason to look down at his own crotch. It was soaked definitely not by cave water. Red Ranger’s hand reached and felt the wetness. “No... No, this can’t be.”

“Zordon can wait, Jason. Why don’t we enjoy each other’s company for awhile?” seduced Trini. The Yellow Ranger then did the unthinkable. She discarded her helmet before unlatching Jason’s. The team leader’s shocked face was visible for everyone to see as they also removed their helmet.

Trini kissed Jason in the most sensual way. Their tongues twisted on each other in a perfect French kiss. They gasped but gave each other breaths in a disgusting way. The Red Ranger gave in.

Kimberly massaged her blue and black friends’ rising wood. She could feel the shape expanding with tension. She cried in frenzy. Billy and Zack kissed each other before going into wrestling mode.

The Pink Ranger looked at her friends in bliss. Her eyes became rolled-up as her emotions became uncontrollable. “This is why we became Rangers!” exclaimed Kimberly.

She lost it. She didn’t even realize that the gorilla monster was waiting behind her. She didn’t even care that the evil creature was swinging his muscular arm up between her legs. In an instant, Kimberly was riding a massive stump in a wild rodeo.

The Pink Pterodactyl Ranger lost all of her heroic self in a maniacal squeal. She spread out her legs as a twisted version of a gymnast on a pommel horse. Her fingers felt every texture of monstrous muscle beneath the thick fur. She then tilted her body forward while raising her butts. Her nose was right on the moist muscle. Kimberly took the longest sniff as she savored the mind-crushing odor. It was the worst smell in the world. Musty and sour like the smell of the steamy changing room filled with Angel Grove High’s very own school football team. She could imagine herself in an inviting cheerleader uniform, throwing pom-poms in the air before becoming the bulky players’ pleasure slave.

Her situation was not that different from her imagination. She squawked again in felicity. She barely realized the presence of Rita Repulsa on her right.

“It seems that the teenagers with attitude have become horny teenagers with hormones,” said the space witch mockingly. She kissed Kimberly passionately. Once she’s done, a clear black smear covered the pink warrior’s lips. “So much for your compassion, Little Pink Ranger.”

Jason felt a strong arm grabbed him from behind. He tried to fight the separation from Trini, but it was useless. The other Powerless Rangers also being seized by their captors. Billy and Zack were made to put their helmets back on only to be dragged across the monsters’ sweaty muscular chest, abdoment, and all the way to the massive loincloth. 

“ARGH! It’s inside my suit! It’s invading my suit!” yelled Zack. Jason could see the reason as more and more of the musky sludge that slowly accumulated on the Black Ranger’s suit started to seep in between the helmet latch. “I... I can’t....”

Zack’s later voice was inaudible. The poor Ranger held his helmet in frantic as if trying to release something from inside. He writhed in torment, rolling on the cavern floor while nothing could be done by his friends.

“As the Megasquatt’s musk gathered on the Ranger’s body, it slowly entered and formed an inescapable cocoon of slime that will not only serve as a sensory-deprivation membrane that isolate its victim from the outside world, but also an ideal conduit for your glorious magic, Lord Zedd.”

“Zack....” murmured Billy as he was forced to stretch his hands on both side by the monster behind him in a mock doggy style position. Tears flowed to his cheeks as he felt something pressing against his rear. Nothing could penetrate the Triceratops Ranger’s suit, but that didn’t apply to the overwhelming sense of defilement. “This... This is not who I am... I’m a proud Ranger... A proud warrior....” said him in anguish.

Billy gasped again as his world became irrelevant. He was alone. He could feel the strange invasion of the slime creeping up his body. He was desperate for air inside his own suit as the goop started to fill the helmet. The entire costume gradually felt constricting. Eventually, his words became nothing understandable like Zack’s.

Once done, the Black Mastodon and Blue Triceratops Rangers were lifted and stretched above the monsters’s head mimicking the pose of a victorious wrestler or cavemen. Something horrible then happened, beginning with Zack’s and Billy’s intense squirming. A new glow escaped their body and flowed through the gorillas before concentrating on their crotch.

Jason watched in horror as the once-mighty symbol of Mastodon and Triceratops coins appeared on the creatures’ loincloths. The drained Rangers squealed as their resistance dwindled. The monsters threw the useless Rangers to the ground before massaging the wood form that pushed the coins outward.

On the floor, the Black and Blue Rangers continued to writhe as if connected to the lustful monsters’ stroking movements. The more powerful and quick the movements were, the more agonizing it was for the Rangers. Then, it was over in a moment.

The kneeling Black and Blue Rangers’ helmet visors then opened to reveal the poor teenagers inside. The musky goop that solidified into a shiny latex-like cocoon. All of the details of their faces were imprinted on the tight surface. The two former heroes didn’t give any respond when their belts were torn by the gorilla monsters. Their blasters were stomped to pieces while the Power Buckle was given to the space witch. “Excellent piece for my collection,” said her gleefully.

“Rita...,” called Jason weakly as the enemy approached her. “You can’t do this....”

“Little Red Ranger, don’t you already know your role in my new world? You are not a hero, you are not even a slave. You have given your heroic spirit to the musky smell that you enjoy so much right now.” Rita saw how Jason tried to fight, but the corruption by the odor already defeated him. “You and your friends are nothing more than tools for my lord’s magic. What argument can a Voodoo doll have with his owner?”

“No―” Jason lost his ability to talk. He could only watch in silence as the gorilla monster scooped the sludge from his chest then poured on Kimberly’s upside-down helmet held by Rita. It didn’t take long before the interior of the Pterodactyl-themed head protector to be filled by the repugnant liquid. The space witch then put the helmet on Kimberly’s head, trapping the girl inside her own suit.

The Pink Ranger struggled to remove her helmet, but the slime already thickening into glue-like substance that stretched from her suit neck, but never surrendered. Her dying groan started to get louder as the desperation set in. Then Jason heard a sound. It was unmistakable. It was the sound of Kimberly gulping the slime into her throat. Her fight was over just like everyone else.

Trini joined Kimberly in riding her gorilla monster master’s massive arm. Her fight was over too. Her limp head looked up lifelessly. Only Jason was left.

He could feel it. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team energy was gone. His own Tyranno power was dying, massacred inside by the adulteration of Lord Zedd’s magic. His friends had become spaced-out chattel. He didn’t know that to do, but Rita’s fingers around his erect wood gave a glimpse of his new life. The Red Ranger moaned.



The green beam of light streaked into the Power Ranger Command Center. Tommy Oliver teleported right before Zordon’s towering energy tube. “Zordon, what’s up?”

“Tommy, thank you for coming after such a short notice. I wouldn’t disturb you if this is not an emergency.”

The Command Center was exactly like Tommy remembered. Circular computer in the middle, shiny and blinking spires all around, and the luminous Viewing Globe. “I’m actually feel honored that you have me as your first option. Did something happened?”

Zordon’s face showed concerned emotion. “Regrettably, yes. We have lost contact with Jason’s Rangers team. I sent them to fight Rita’s new monster in the concert stage in the park, but then there was a surge of energy before their signal became unaccessible.”

“What do you mean ‘unaccessible’? Can you just trace their energy signature?”

“Aiyaiya, that’s what we thought!” acknowledged Alpha-5 robot while waving his arms high in panic. “But somehow, the Rangers were totally fallen of the grid. Our sweep turned up nothing although our scanners now have global reach.”

Tommy raised his eye brows. “What does that mean? They are not on Earth?”

Zordon’s head nodded. “We fear the worst that the Rangers have been captured and taken to Rita’s Moon Palace. That’s why we need you.”

Tommy clenched his fists. “Anything that you need, Zordon.”

“After the battle to defeat Rita’s powerdraining candle scheme, your Green Ranger power has been decimated. My magical energy could sustain you fighting performance from time to time, but it was increasingly difficult with more challenging monster attacks sent by Rita and her henchmen. Ultimately, I had to make the difficult decision to focus on the main team and let you go.

Tommy lowered his gaze. From the lower pocket of his sleeveless hoodie jacket, he pulled his legendary flute dagger. It didn’t have the emerald and gold glaze anymore, and there were some cracks all over. There was no power left in the transformation item.

“But we may have a solution to that problem. I have a plan to create a more powerful new Ranger in case of dire situations such as today occurs. I want you to be that Ranger.”

Tommy grinned with readiness. “Say no more, Zordon. If I have even a slightest chance to help my friends, I will take it.”

Zordon nodded. “You will have the Light of Goodness’s power. Such power is impossible to be stolen by evil and can only held by the purest. Even your teammates wouldn’t be able to embrace it unless as a team. But we don’t have that luxury now. You have proven your quality as a selfless and brave individual, a true teenager with attitude. You are the perfect candidate to be the White Ranger.”

Tommy Oliver showed his clenched hand to the mentor of Power Rangers. “Bring it on, Zordon!”

“Alpha, ready the master control panel. Prepare to transfer to the hidden chamber,” ordered the giant ethereal floating head to the red robot.

“Understood, Zordon.” Alpha-5 tinkered the main computer of the Command Center for awhile. His last input command opened a secret door on the starry walls close to the Viewing Globe. “Tommy, please follow me.”

Tommy heard a zapping sound just in time before Zordon’s figure dissipated into the system. “Where are we going, Alpha?”

“Somewhere safe for your transformation.” Alpha-5 gestured the long-haired teen to the door. “Let’s go.”

Tommy stepped into the door and was thrown into a white tunnel of light in an instant. He felt like flying through the universe with the same sensation when he teleported as the Green Ranger. He made landing on a smaller chamber. 

“Wow!” exclaimed Tommy when he saw the figure lying on some kind of advanced surgical slab. There was no mistake on what he saw. That was the prototype of a new Ranger. Its body was pure white except the gold-rimmed gloves and boots. The helmet had additional obsidian accent. “A White Tiger Ranger?”

Zordon in his subsidiary energy tube acknowledged. “This is the manifestation of the Light of Goodness. With it, you should have enough power to save your friends from whatever Rita is planning on the Moon.”

“Understood, Zordon. You can count on me.”

Tommy just took the first step when Zordon added, “Tommy, I am not here to ask you to join a one-time mission. I want you to return to the team. With the Light of Goodness, you will no longer be threatened by Rita’s evil magic.”

“Aiyaya, is this the day, Zordon?” asked the overemotional robot in the corner.

“Yes, Alpha. You are correct. Tommy, although Jason has shown excellent accomplishment as the Red Ranger, I feel that the team is in the need of a new team leader. You are my best candidate.”

Tommy was slightly stunned. “Wow, Zordon, thanks! But what about the others? Have they figured this one yet.”

“There were some discussions, but I think they would agree after today once you save them from the Moon.”

“Will do, Zordon,” said Tommy. He stepped into the circular platform in the middle of the chamber. The table that held White Tiger Ranger figure was raised slowly to match the teenager’s body.

“Begin the process, Alpha,” said Zordon.

“Right, Zordon!”

Wisps of energy started to surge from the figure and enveloped Tommy. The golden-rimmed gloves started to materialize on the teen’s arms, likewise with the boots on his legs. The new Ranger spirit was beginning to build white spandex-like costume around his body. “I always wanted to be a part of the team,” mumbled Tommy in the process.

“And now, you can be,” proclaimed a familiar voice from the darkness. A red character stepped into the light. It was Jason.

“Jason, you are safe!” welcomed Tommy.

“He’s not,” said Zordon coldly.

“What? I don’t understand, Zordon. The Red Ranger is here, not on the Moon.”

“I sense something within his energy. Rita has manipulated his Tyrannosaurus power.”

“You mean... He’s corrupted?” asked Tommy in disbelief. “Wait, this is Jason we’re talking about here. How can―”

Tommy’s words stopped when he saw the clearer view of his friend’s costume. There was definitely something wrong with it. It looked more glossy that before, as if the red material had changed into vinyl. It was tight, so tight that the curve of his biceps and individual abs muscles were evident. His Power Buckle along with the whole belt was nowhere to be seen. His member was abnormally protuberant below his waist.

“Jason...,” stammered Tommy. Without his knowledge, he was blushing. “Jason, what happened....”

The Red Ranger took a faltering step closer. “I was once in the dark, Tommy. But then the truth was stabbed into my brain. I was opened and no longer need to lie.”

“What... What are you talking about, Jason?! You are under influence of evil, but we can help you.”

“We tried to resist, but we only resisted ourselves. Our souls are in the constriction, crawling in eternal suffocation. Not to be free because we will never be, but to hear the blasphemous screeching sound of the demonic cocoon. Blue, black, pink, yellow, and red, all become taint in the hellish lamina.”

“Zordon, speed up the process. I can’t wait to save my fellow Rangers. Jason, you stay right there.” Tommy tried to move, but he was strapped by the energy conversion.

“Stop right there, Jason!” decreed Zordon. A beam of electric blue light shot out from the floor beneath the Red Ranger. In a sudden, the team leader was immobilize. No matter how hard he fought, Jason couldn’t move. “A few more seconds, Tommy. We are adjusting your body to the Light!”

“He wants it all!” shouted the Red Ranger inside the luminescent pillar. “He knows about your Light of Goodness. He wants it and more.”

“No....” How could that be? Even Tommy knew the light today. Zordon hid it so good from his teenage warriors. “Zordon!”

“That’s why he sent us here,” added Jason with ominous tone. Streaks of deadly energy struck the light column and destroyed it. The Red Ranger was freed once again.

From the darkness behind him, four other Rangers came forward. Like zombies,they monotously carried the Power Blaster heavy team cannon. The Red Ranger joined his perverted colleagues by holding the trigger. “I am sorry, Tommy. But this is the only way.”

“No, Jason! You still can fight it! Guys!” argued Tommy. But his words fell to deaf ears as the former Mighty Morphin Power Rangers aimed at their own friend. “NO!”

But the aiming then changed. The Red Ranger fired at Zordon’s energy tube. The mentor screamed before exploded into a violent explosion. Shards of glass bursted to puncture Alpha-5’s body. Exposed circuits showed the damage before the robot collapsed.

An energy tornado continued to swirl above Zordon’s destroyed tube. Tommy’s watery eyes could see glimpses of his mentor’s screaming spirit. Then, the energy shot out into each of the Rangers, including himself. 

Tommy shrieked as the huge amount of invigorating essence. He felt more alive than ever. He felt that anything is possible by taking this energy. The White Ranger conversion process sped up exponentially. Just a little more time so that the divine golden chest armor could be completed.

But the teenager heard the crashing sound of his teammates’ Power Blaster. The five corrupted warriors came up to him. He didn’t have time or place to avoid their touch. He couldn’t even move. He was powerless to stop them.

Kimberly came first by caressing the most important part: between his thigh. Tommy caught off guard and moaned as the girl’s hand fondle deep into the white spandex in search of her boyfriend’s wood. She rubbed her helmet on it as if licking. Her nipples were as hard and apparent as ripe fruits.

Everyone else embraced every part of the poor half-White Ranger’s body. Jason forced him to smell his crotch. “Our master wants it all. You are here with the Light of Goodness. Zordon is―was―there with his own Light of Eltar. The only way to get that was to kill him after which the power would be transferred to us, his chosen warriors. In the irony of things, he still lives within us all as his failed protege. Like his light, yours will become tools for our master’s magic too. All you need to do is surrender, Tommy. We can all have the Light of Goodness.”

“N... No... Stop! You will not break me!” screamed Tommy in anger even though he was increasingly tempted by his friends’ depraved maneuvers. Billy and Zack rode his arms and forced them to rub their rumps back and forth over and over again. Trini massaged Tommy’s legs all the way to where Kimberly was still doing her part. “No... Guys....”

The Rangers’s visor all opened to show their subdued forms. Their faces were covered by the thick and form-fitting latex membrane. Tommy could trace Jason’s facial features beneath it all but all of them were just lumps in the fabric seal. Tears flowed down his cheek when looking at Kimberly’s similarly-airtight prison inside her own Pink Ranger suit. They were all beyond saving, just like himself.

Tommy moaned as Kimberly’s mouthguard melted into circular shape to fit her target’s spandex-covered member. She swallowed it whole and began to slurp it over and over again. From her mouthpiece, white smear started to spread. The Light of Goodness was leaking into her suit, assimilated into her contaminated Ranger power.

She wasn’t alone as the other Rangers started to relinquish more of his White Ranger power. Jason’s suit began to morph. First the spreading shades of white, then the supplemented armor parts reminiscent of Tommy’s Green Ranger shield, and finally the logo. The symbol that should have been held by chosen idealist was now within the claws of Lord Zedd’s all-conquering dark magic.

Tommy’s suit changed also, into the combination of the White Tiger and Green Dragon Ranger forms. He could feel his load filled the throat of Kimberly as he given up all hope. He joined his teammates to face whatever the red emperor had for them. He gasped in terror as the suffocating cocoon came zipping up his head, trapping him for eternity.

Tommy was ready to join uncontrolled indulgence with the rest of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, starting with Jason. During the excessive debauch, he heard a disembodied voice that seemed to replace Zordon’s in the Command Center. Every word felt like cutting a piece of his brain as a delight. It asked, “Present me a name worthy to be my vessel, Little Ranger.”

“Drakkon,” Tommy heaved lustfully. “My name is Drakkon, loyal and insignificant instrument for the Emperor of Evil.”

His eyes gleamed with emptiness. An emptiness that slowly swallowed the former Green Ranger. With death and slavery around him, Tommy Oliver gave in like his teammates. The Power Rangers were no more.




That was a pretty hot read, lots of sexy scene too! I really like the ending with tomy proclaiming himself as drakon! Tomy is my favorite mmpr, so naturally seeing his brain getting washed is my hoby :D