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A request from another Patron to do a naga/lamia transformation. Ai struggles with this a lot, just like with centaurs, but I’m fairly pleased with how some of these came out. Enjoy!

“Unconcerned about rumors of snakes “guarding” the old ruins the girl pressed on, confident there was no truth to any of the legends. Smugly, she chuckled to herself that she hadn’t even SEEN any snakes at the ruins as she explored. Suddenly, she felt a tug at her ankle. She looked down, fearing she had snagged her hiking boots on a loose stone. Instead, what she saw did not register in her mind immediately; she did not know what she was seeing. Her foot, or rather, where her foot should be, had taken the shape of a brightly colored snake, and seemed to be slithering deeper into the old ruins. The woman watched, entranced, as her feet, both feet now, transformed before he eyes, changing shape and seeming to elongate out of her body, against her will and behind her comprehension. The girl shook her head, and then tried to kick the ‘snake’ off her foot and get a better look. The sight of her elongated, snake-like feet flailing around, and especially the sensation that they were fully and firmly attached to her, sent panic shooting through the woman. She tried to stand to run away, only to find she couldn’t even begin the process. The movement of her feet continued, the sensation seeming to creep up her leg, past her ankle and toward onto her lower shins. The woman recoiled in shock and fear, fully panicking now. The two ‘snakes’ eventually found each other, and then…merged, before her eyes. She felt lightheaded…dizzy, as the process continued. Suddenly, she was acutely aware of the heat, her body seeming to burn up with a sudden hot rush that flooded her senses. She could feel the slow pulling continuing to move up her legs, like the sensation of tape being pulled off her skin slowly. She noticed that each inch of her own flesh resulted in feet of growth and length for the snake-like appendage now attached to her. The heat continued to overwhelm her senses, and dulled her to the other changes that were beginning. She arched her back as her torso pulled taut, her toned stomach lengthening and drawing right against her skin. Beneath her, her ass and her hips began to swell, straining against the fabric of her shorts and her body writhed. Her abdomen pulled tight further, and she could feel her tight musculature between her hip bones, pulling inward as her hips continued to grow out. The sensation of scaley growth continued up her legs, nearing and eventually surpassing her knees. She could feel the sensation of her now enormous length sliding over the warm stones, the scales making a hissing rasping sound as they continued to cascade forward and then coil around behind her, thick and powerful. ‘Yes…’ she thought, ‘…powerful.’ That’s what she felt; power. The strength in her lower body was immense now, and she realized she could lift her torso and hold it upright now, the vast majority of weight now settling in her lower body. As she did so, she felt the weight of her breasts fall forward, hanging firmly from her chest. She had not noticed their growth, but as she looked down she could see the glistening flesh straining against the fabric of her shirt, barely continuing their enormous growth and weight. As she moved her breasts quivered, tearing through her shirt and allowing rivulets of sweat to lazily explore their girth and curvature. The girl felt a calm come over her, sensing her changes were nearing completion, and marveling at the incredible power she had been gifted. Her enormous lower body rested in weighty coils behind her, and the pulled-tape feeling continued up her thighs, tearing through the crotch of her shorts and pressing *almost* the last bit of her legs together, leaving a perfect V of woman hood remaining, perched upon her lower body like the prize it certainly was. The girl surveyed the ruins around her, her temple, and began thinking. Now that the temple had its guardian once more, it would need to be filled with worshippers…”




Alright, I can take a crack at those! Haven’t really considered either of those, much, but let’s see what happens! The feet, I’m with ya, but AI seems to struggle with that quit a bit. I’ve been working on my prompts and trying to improve that aspect as well. Hopefully better in the future. Obviously, no feet at all in this one…


Very cool take on a lamia TF. The first image strikes a great balance between familiar and new. I really like the ears and face TF chages in addition to the snake body/tail. Great work!


Thank you! I wasn’t sure how the changes in addition to the snake would work out, but I’m glad you liked them!