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“‘Alice? Alice, hun, are you here?’ the man called, tossing his keys on the kitchen counter, surprised to find himself apparently alone in the house.

‘Mmmr-I-I’m up herrre…’ he heard his wife say from upstairs, her voice breathy with strain, nearly groaning. The main climbed the stairs, completely unprepared for the scene that would greet him as he turned the corner into his bedroom.

Before him, his wife, or rather a version of her, lay on the bed in a…compromised position. She had always been petite, and somewhat in shape, but the man saw before him now a vision of sexuality. Huge breaths swelling out of her far-too-small bra, rivulets of sweat glistening over her fit and toned body (‘lithe’ is the word that popped into his mind), and visibly demonstrating overwhelming arousal. Almost too late the man noticed her face had changed, looking cat-like, with ears perched atop her head and a swaying cat tail tracing irritated (aroused?) circles on the bedsheets.

‘Oh GOD!’ she breathed as he entered the room, ‘I’mmmm s-so glad you’re…mmmhere…’ she gasped, continuing to squirm agains sheets soaked in sweat. ‘I was…mmm, playing with the neighbor’s cat, Cooper, earlier today and he…mmmah!…he scratched me. I’ve been feeling…mmm-rather *huf* feverish since then. I can’t get rid of this…mmmmrr-overwhelming HEAT!’ She groaned, her body slowly writhing on the bed, her eyes alternately locked onto his, and pressed shut as a new wave of arousal washed over her. ‘I…I-I haven’t rrreally been feeling…mmmhnn…myself today. Swollen, and-and…and…different…’ she sighed, beckoning him with her eyes.

The man did not know what to do, staring at the vision of lithe, powerful, unadulterated sexuality before him. Instead, he turned and closed the door behind him, loosened his tie, and turned back toward his straining wife.

‘Let me see what I can do, sweetheart. I don’t think it’s dangerous, as long as you feel no pain…now how ‘bout a purr…’”



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