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The mini-stories below correspond with some of the images, but not all, feel free to imagine them how you wish. I enjoyed making this series, which is loosely based on my first cat TF story 13 years ago: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/3307977/

“As her uniform skirt finally gave way to the pressure from her broadening hips, she turned toward the locked bathroom door. She heard the sound of her friend pounding on the door, “Hey, are you ok? I don’t care how embarrassing it is, you can let me in! I heard you groaning - just let me see that you’re alright!” Again, she felt the tingles and stirring that caused her to flee to this temporary refuge to begin with, and she knew there were more changes coming. Her body throbbed and she looked down at her swollen breasts, already straining the remaining fabric of her bra…how much more could there be…?”

“She stifled another moan, stronger this time, and reached behind her to feel the very real tail somehow attached to her, quivering and twitching, sending tingles and shocks up her spine and…lower into her body. Another moan surged up her throat, nearly escaping as she arched her back and thrust her heat forward, stifling it to a quit whimper before attempting to catch her breath before the next wave hit her. She had managed to throw herself into the stall before the changes truly started, but the bathroom was full in the few minutes between classes and other students were already lined up and waiting for one of the three stalls. She couldn’t stay here forever, she knew, even as her breasts lunged free of her shirt and she felt her body quiver with a throbbing…delicious…ache that shot through her with each beat of her heart. Her enormous breasts pulled her forward and as she gripped her tail with one hand and her breast with another, she felt quiver with heat another climax, her muscles tensing and her gut clenching tightly as a guttural, primal, NEEDFUL moan escaped her muzzle. ‘f…f-f-f-ffFUCKKKK…’ she heard herself groan as her mouth fell open, tongue lolling past her sharpened teeth, saliva dripping thickly onto her quivering, swollen breasts. She caught herself far too late, eyes going wide as she heard a voice shout, ‘What the fuck is going on in there!?’, followed quickly by a knock on the stall door and a jiggle of the handle…”

“Riding the high ecstasy of the change she was smiling and breathing heavy, her now enormous breasts heaving on her chest and the tatters of her clothing hanging from her body. The pleasure still surged through her body and it would not be until after those shivers of orgasmic pleasure subsided that she would begin to wonder how she would leave her temporary bathroom refuge without being seen. Before the change she might have climbed out a the window, but with her new hips and swollen breasts, she would find her options significantly narrowed…”




Blown away. Hits all the buttons


Ha, thanks, I’m glad to hear it! Any particular feedback? The model, the style, the character, etc? DM me if you’d rather not be so public.


The green shirt ones are particularly amazing! Thanks for the short little story. Great work!!!


Thanks man, I really appreciate it! This one was fun to do. I really like the “grittier” style of this mode