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“Whatever they had injected her with worked quickly. She could feel the changes spreading quickly over her body, her clothing tearing as her body swelled and contorted in multiple places. Her once petite breasts swelled quickly, pressing outward in a wall of warm flesh that quickly overcame her shirt, tearing through the fabric and falling heavily to her chest. Small wings blossomed from her back, flapping weakly agains the air as they too began to grow larger as the changes continued. She could feel the scales spreading across her legs, moving upward from her stretched and clawed feet, her skin welcoming their advance as she pitched forward onto her hands to steady herself. As soon as her hands hit the floor they too changed, her fingers shortening and claws extending from her skin, her arms and legs both thickening with sinewy muscle, preparing to take the eventual weight that would be placed on them. Behind her a scaled tail snaked out from her tailbone; she could feel it’s bumpy skin sliding agains the smooth steel table on which she perched as the changes assaulted her body. Her face stretched outward, her jaw lengthening into the beginnings of a snout, her heaving breath fogging the mirrored surface beneath her. A warm gush assaulted her loins; she could feel the fluids dripping slowly out of her, despite herself, as overwhelming arousal wracked her body with new sensations.

This was just the beginning, but she was anxious for the process to continue. The second shot was already waiting in the needle the scientist held before her…”



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