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Jake One:

  • Full Name: Jacob Luke Long Luong

  • Age: 23 (March 14th, 1999)

  • Weight: 64 kg - Height: 1.75m

  • Job: College Student (Literature). Barista. Internet Writer.

  • Family: Jonathan Long (Human, Father). Susan Long (Human, Mother). Haley Long (Purple Dragon, Sister). Luong Lao Shi (Blue Dragon, grandfather). Wing (Great Uncle). Patchuoli, Mai, Cathy, Chiu (Aunts). Gregory, Andrew (Cousins).

  • Relationships: Spyro T. Dragon (Boyfriend). Fu, Rose, Spud and Trixie (Close friends). Sara and Kara, Reuben, Todd, Copper, Vixen, Bambi, Kit, Kovu (friends and classmates)

  • Sexuality: Gay.

  • Story: Born in New York, USA, Jake's childhood was fairly good and simple, until when his little sister, Haley, was born. He began feeling jealous towards her seeing how his parents begin paying the little girl more attention; his jealousy only grew as time went on and his sister began excelling in everything in comparison to him. However, he still had a good relationship with his parents and sister. Since his parents spent most of the day outside working, he'd spend most of his time after school at the care of his grandfather Lao Shi, and his employee, Fu. Lao Shi, while a loving and caring grandfather, was also very strict and demanding of Jake, specially when he began teaching Jake Kung Fu; this all ended up giving Jake anxiety issues and some insecurities. Specially during his teenage years, when he'd try to do many "cool" things to try and stand out and be popular in school, such as rapping, skating and using excessive amounts of hair gel (so much so that his originally black hair permanently turned green); it was also during this time he began to ponder about his sexuality, being scared of what his family and friends might think, he decided to deny those feelings and would even begin dating a human girl name Rose. As much as he tried though, he just couldn't deny those feelings entirely, and feeling guilty for "using" Rose, decided to confess everything to her; expecting the girl to be angry at him, he was surprised when not only did she show him her support, but would even tell Jake that she could be his fake girlfriend if he wanted to, to easy up a bit of his social anxiety in school. Jake agreed, but Rose would still try to convince the young dragon at least tell his two closest friends, Spud and Trixie. Jake hesitated, but ended up agreeing it would be fair to tell them, and the two would end up accepting and supporting Jake (although Spud would ask if the dragon was attracted to him, to which Jake would laughily admit he's not really into humans males.) Eventually, he'd slowly begin opening up to more friends, and even his younger sister, most of them being supportive, while some did take distance or just stop talking with Jake all together. At 15 years old, he finally came out of the closet with his parents, who completely accepted and supported their son. A couple of months later, he'd meet who would be his very first boyfriend, a senior Gargoyle named Abraham, this relationship didn't last long however, since Jake would soon notice how the gargoyle would take advante of the younger dragon's inexperience and anxiety to constantly manipulate him; it completely ended when one day he'd invite Jake to his house, and would try to have sex with Jake, who would not accept as he didn't felt ready at the time, this infuriated Abraham, who would then try to forcibly take Jake. Luckily for Jake, and unluckily for the gargoyle, at that time the dragon was already pretty good in kung fu, so things did not end well for Abraham... Two year later, a young substitute teacher named Spyro would be assigned on Jake's class; he'd have a huge crush on the purple dragon, and would even ask him out on a date after class. What he'd never expect is that Spyro would not even notice that Jake was romantically interested in him, so he'd come to the date with his, by then girlfriend, Cynder. Somewhat angry after this he would delete Spyro's number and told himself he would never contact nor forgive the purple dragon for this. Five years later they'd meet again in a gay bar, and after finding out Spyro was single, he'd try to hook up with the purple dragon again. They've been boyfriends ever since...

  • Trivia: He still hasn't told his grandfather of his sexuality, since he's afraid the somewhat old fashioned dragon may not accept him. Fu and Haley actually figured it out before Jake told them. He's a huge fan of old martial arts movies, Bruce Lee being his biggest inspiration for learning Kung Fu. He also practices Tai Chi. Lost his virginity (front) with Spyro. Still a virgin (back there). Favorite movie genres are: action, western, martial arts and sci-fi. Favorite music genres are rock, indie, lo-fi, hip-hop, rap, pop, techno and Jazz. Favorite Bands are: Coldplay, Michael Jackson and Queen (because Spyro). Favorite song is: Sparks - Coldplay. He would like to have a child eventually, but knows Spyro hates them due to his job. He dislikes country music and metal. His favorite food is Chinese and Italian. He's a very good cook (taught by his mother). Wants to become a professional writter with a ton of published books. His favorite genres to read are terror, crime, suspense, sci-fi and drama. His favorite genres to write is suspense, sci-fi and drama. Least favorite genres are Teenage Fantasy, True Crime and Biographies. Would never cheat on Spyro.

Jake Two

  • Full name: Jacob Luke Long Luong.

  • Nickname: Twink Jake.

  • Age: 22 (March 14th, 2000)

  • Weight: 64kgm - Height: 1.63m.

  • Job: Store Clerk at his grandfather pawn shop.

  • Family: Jonathan Long (Human, Father). Susan Long (Human, Mother). Haley Long (Purple Dragon, Sister). Luong Lao Shi (Blue Dragon, grandfather). Wing (Great Uncle). Patchuoli, Mai, Cathy, Chiu (Aunts). Gregory, Andrew (Cousins).

  • Relationships: Spyro T. Dragon (Boyfriend). Fu, Spud and Trixie (Close friends). Sara and Kara, Lexington, Oliver, Rono (friends). Fred Nerk (ex-boyfriend, friend/rival).

  • Sexuality: Gay.

  • Story: Jake two's childhood is pretty similar to Jake one's, in this universe, however, his mother and grandfather are more conservative, with his grandfather showing dislike and even sometimes disgust to many of Jake's "young people likes". The older dragon would also show some homophobic attitude and commentaries. He also never got to date Rose before she moved to Hong Kong in this universe. He was also constantly bullied in highschool by a group of jocks, who would often tease him for his nerdy looks and "fag attitude", one of those bullies was an old friend of his, Fred Nerk, granted, the Australian dragon would only tease Jake and watch/laugh as others made fun of him. All of this made this Jake way more insecure, specially about his sexuality. At age 14, he decided he was going to change things up, so he asked his grandfather to teach him Kung Fu so he could defend himself, he also began using contact lenses and got rid of his braces, began using excessive amounts of hair gel, and even began listening to "popular music" like rap and hip-hop. This boosted his status a bit, and most bullies would finally lie off his back, with the exception of Fred, who would continue to constantly tease the red dragon. One day, Jake finally confronted Fred in the gym locker rooms, and to his surprise, the Australian dragon ended up stealing his very first kiss in the heat of the moment. The two would begin a secret relationship after this, which ended just 3 years ago when Fred's family decided to go back to Australia. Years later, when he was 19, he would sneak out to a gay nightclub, where a shady black cat would offer him a drink. After a couple of minutes, he'd began feeling weird, and he barely recalls whatever happened after. The next day, he'd wake up next to a purple dragon named Spyro, who would then explain what happened to Jake. A couple of weeks later, and after being unable to take the purple dragon who saved him off his mind, he decided to meet with him again and ask him out on a date...

  • Trivia: The only two who know he's gay are his younger sister Haley and Fu. He doesn't watch too much tv or movies, preferring to watch YouTube videos, but if he had to choose, he'd say his favorite movie genres are sci-fi and romance (he loves star trek). He's actually pretty nerdy, but tries to hide it and act cool. He loves Dungeons and Dragons. Favorite music genres are: R&B, rap, hip-hop, techno, pop and classical. Favorite bands/artist: Lady Gaga, 50 Cent, Eminem, Black Pink and Beethoven. Favorite song is Bad Romance - Lady Gaga. Hates country music. Also began to practice karate. Loves comic books, his favorites are Spider-Man, Batman, Superman and TMNT. Loves Chinese and Puerto Rican food. Is a terrible cook. Dislikes Spanish and Australian food. Despite being a dragon, he's afraid of big heights. Is a masochist. Won't cheat on Spyro, but likes to tease him about it.

Jake Three

  • Full name: Jacob Alexander Long Luong.

  • Nickname: Buff Jake / Jake Schlong.

  • Age: 19 (March 14 2002)

  • Weight: 128kg - Height: 2.23m

  • Job: Professional Beast Martial Arts wrestler. Store clerk at Fu's pawn shop. College Student (Law student).

  • Family: Jonathan Long (Human, Father). Susan Long (Human, Mother). Haley Long (Purple Dragon, Sister). Luong Lao Shi (Blue Dragon, late grandfather). Wing (Great Uncle). Patchuoli, Mai, Cathy, Chiu (Aunts). Gregory, Andrew (Cousins).

  • Relationships: Spyro T. Dragon (Boyfriend). Fu (Very close friend/Father figure). Spud and Trixie (Close friends). Oliver, Stitch, Bowser Jr, Chad, Rono, Bambi, Copper, Fred Nerk, Jesse, Alex, Troy, Trevor, Jason, Jean, Alexis, Alejandra, Robert, Julián... (Friends a d classmates - everyone after Fred are just oc friends that I made up)

  • Sexuality: Gay.

  • Story: from a very young age, Jake has admire his late grandfather, Lao Shi, who was known as the strongest dragon in the history of the BMMA after defeating the once thought unbeatable Dark Dragon. Ever since, he'd train his body in hopes of becoming just as big a fighter as his grandpa once was, unfortunately, his family have always been against this wish, due to Lao Shi losing his life thanks to an accident on the ring. He was almost completely raised by Fu alone, since his parents were always super busy. Fu thought Jake the importance to not only train his body, but also his mind, making Jake a not only very strong dragon, but also very smart, being one of the best students in highschool, and due to his athletic prowess, also one of the most popular ones, constantly being invited to many parties. He came out of the closet when he was only 15, and while some stopped talking to him because of it, most didn't care or were completely ok with it (and of course, nobody would dare tease him about it...). At age 17, he decided to try and become a professional fighter, asking Fu to become his manager and coach, but the older dog would completely refuse and tried to convince Jake to stop pursuing that dream, the dragon however, had already completely decided to become a pro fighter, so he just ended up signing up for an amateur BMMA match. After finding out, a completely furious but resignated Fu would decided to help Jake on his training and career as a fighter. After graduating high school, his closest friends, Spud and Trixie, move away to Boston (since Trixie was accepted at MIT... Spud moved too because he's dating Trixie and doesn't really have anything better to do). A year after becoming a professional wrestler, he'd sign up for the BMMA Ultimate Tournament. A couple of months later, while he had nothing to do and was somewhat alone/horny, he downloaded a dating app, where he would end up hooking up with a small purple dragon...

(I know the story is fairly short in comparison to the other two but I plan on making a comic for this big boy so I don't wanna spoil to much! XD)

  • Trivia: many people think he's just a dumb jock "himbo", but he's actually incredibly intelligent, if anything, just a bit innocent. He actually didn't want to go to college, as his only sees himself as a pro wrestler, however Fu pretty much "forced" Jake to study "just in case". He's 25% stronger than a fully trained human adult (physical Dragon top strength is 245%). He loves Romantic movies and shows. Somewhat of a geek, liking videogames, japanese cartoons and super heroes in a casual way. Favorite music genres are Rock, Pop, Latin, J-Rock and Romantic. Is very vanilla in sex. Lost his virginity with Spyro. While not a hardcore gamer, he somehow always best Spyro on multiplayer games, which is why the purple dragon doesn't like to play with him (he's envy). Would NEVER cheat on Spyro, and would never allow Spyro to be with someone else (he's very jealous). He follows a very strict diet and hates junk food.



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