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Spyro One:
-Full Name: Spyro T. (Thomas) Dragon Di Fuoco.

-Age: 34. (Birthday: September 9, 1987)

-Weight: 77kg - Height: 1.82m (sorry Americans, but i have no idea how inches and feets work xd)

-Job: High School History Teacher.

-Family: Malefor Dragon(Purple dragon, Father). Rosa Di Fuoco (Pink dragon, Mother).

-Relationships: Jake Long (Boyfriend). Cynder Graham (Ex Girlfriend/close friend). Crash Bandicoot. (Close friend. Former crush. Former college classmate). Flame (Cousin). Ratchet (friend and former college classmate). Elora, Spark, Hunter, Bubba, Trixie, Spud, Gavin, Ember, Nestor (friends).

-Sexuality: Bisexual (bigger attraction towards women than men)

-Story: Born in Dragonrealm, Artisan, USA (next to Kansas). Spyro never had much interest in learning magic, instead he'd find science and history a bit more interesting. As a kid, he was pretty scared of his father, Malefor, who was very strict and distant, his mother on the other hand, his mother was more loving, but also very controller and manipulative, more often than not, putting a lot of pressure on Spyro to be a well behaved child, with perfect grades. In primary school, when he was 10, he had a short relationship with a 2 years older dog girl named veronica. Years later, in his second year of high school, when he was 15, he met Cynder, who would be his longest relationship so far, lasting for over 13 years. He studied psychology and history at The McDuck University, in Mouse City, New York. Graduating in history at 26 years old, he decided to become a high school teacher, thinking it'd be easier to deal with kids than with adults. In one of his firsts classes, as a substitute teacher, he meet a young Jake Long who'd ask him out to watch a movie together, without realizing the young dragon actually had a crush on him, he went with his girlfriend Cynder. A couple of years later, he'd break up with Cynder, but still remaining their friendship. He'd spend a couple more years alone. Hunter would suggest for the two to go to a gay nightclub, and although he was not interested at all, the cheetah ended up convincing him. In the Nighclub, he'd meet with Jake Long again, who'd ask him out again. Couple of weeks later, they'd begin their relationship, which has lasted for over 8 years so far.

-Trivia: If he and Jake were to break up, he'd go completely straight, since he has very little interest in men. He ended up hating kids thanks to his job so much he would refuse to have one of his own. He is incredibly oblivious to people's advances on him. He barely grows any body hair. Unlike Spyro 2 and 3, his "hair" is actually a crest covered in hair, that's why it doesn't change. As a child, he wanted to study insects. He is scared of cockroaches. He has claustrophobia. He doesn't know how to fly, so he can only glide in the air. His favorite Movie is Pulp Fiction. Favorite movie genre is action, super heroes and thrillers. Favorite Band is Queen. Favorite song is "I Was Born To Love You" by Freddie Mercury. Favorite music genre would be: Rock, Pop, R&B, Soul, Jazz and Drum and Bass. His favorite hobbies are: Reading, Fishing and collecting gems and bugs. His favorite food is lamb chops. Dislikes loud people, dirty places, teenage drama movies/show, tomatoes, coconuts and scotch alcohol. Hates when people get too "comfortable" with him, specially when they don't know him. Would never cheat on Jake, and would not like if he does. He lost his virginity with Cynder. He lost his virginity (back there) with Jake.

Spyro Two:
-Nickname: PunkPyro.
-Full Name: Spyro T. (Thomas) Dragon Di Fuoco.

-Age: 20. (Birthday: September 9, 2001)

-Weight: 84kg - Height: 1.82m.

-Job: College student (Cinematography and film).

-Family: Malefor (Purple dragon, Father). Rosa (Pink  dragon, Mother). Spike (Purple dragon, younger brother). Dodger Dawkins (Jack Russel Terrier dog, Adoptive father).

-Relationships: Jake Long (Boyfriend). Tito Vázquez (Best friend/adoptive uncle). Cynder (Crazy ex-girlfriend). Einstein Farmiloe, Francis Lee Browne and Rita Pointer (friends/adoptive family). Oliver Foxworth (friend/roommate). Max, PJ, Bobby, Sly Cooper, Daxter, Ember, Nick, Finnick, Timon, Pumbaa, Angel, Beagle Boys, Rono. (Riends / Classmates)

-Sexuality: Gay.

-Story: born in a conservative family, Spyro was kicked out of his house from his own father after he caught him kissing another boy when he was 12 years old. Soon after he was fount and adopted by Dodger and his gang. Growing up full of rage, fear and completely rejecting his sexuality, he would often get together with Tito to do illegal acts, such as theft, drug selling and beating people up, much to Dodger's disliking, who wanted Spyro to have a better life. When he was 14 he became Cynder's boyfriend (a girl he met in public school) as a way to deny his homosexuality. At 16, he was confronted by Dodger about his attitude, goals in life and his sexuality; at first, Spyro was enraged at Dodgers, as he only wanted to avoid all of that, but thanks to the dog showing only love and support for the young dragon, he finally broke down. Dodgers would then encourage Spyro to break up with Cynder, focus on his studies and stop doing illegal things with Tito, to which the dragon accepted. A year later, Dodger saved enough money to send Spyro to Mouse City, to live with Oliver (an orange cat Dodger saved as an abandoned kitty, and offered him for adoption to a wealthy family, the Foxworth) and study W.D. Mouse College; at first Spyro completely rejected Dodger's idea, but the dog managed to convince the purple dragon. On his first week there, he would visit a gay bar, where he would meet a "drunken" Jake Long, who was trying to hook up with him. at first, Spyro laughed and rejected the small red dragon, who he saw as an idiot for acting like a drunk when his drink was actually non-alcoholic, but later he'd notice a small pill on the red dragon's drink. He then acted as his boyfriend and quickly took him to his apartment, where he got Oliver (who was luckily a nurse student) to help the red dragon; he would then sleep next to Jake so he could keep an eye out on him in case anything happened; while carefully looking at Jake, he couldn't help but find the smaller dragon somewhat cute and attractive... A couple of days later, he would meet with Jake again at campus, where he would try to ask Spyro out for a date again, this time completely sober however; The purple dragon agreed, and ever since then, they have been boyfriends for 4 years. Spyro, however, soon noticed Jake was very insecure about his homosexuality, and, seeing his younger self in Jake, he would try to help him overcome those insecurities.

-Trivia: He's actually a pretty calm and friendly, most of his "asshole" rough attitude is just encourage by Jake. He can speak fluent Spanish (thanks to Tito). He can sing and play the guitar. He wants to become a movie director. He's a huge cinephile, his favorite genres are: Action, Drama, Noir, Crime, Western, Horror and Thrillers. His favorite music genre is Rock, Metal, Hip Hip, Rap, Electronic, Jazz and Blues. His favorite bands are: Queen, My Chemical Romance (when he was a teenager), Korn, Marilyn Manson, In this Moment and Poets of the Fall. Favorite song is Late Goodbye - Poets of the Fall. His favorite food is Italian, specially spaghettis and meat balls (it reminds him of his mother). Although he's a magical type dragon, he has no experience in magic, instead focusing building muscle. Although he works out a regularly, he also drinks a lot of beer, which gave him a beer gut. He's an atheist. He dislikes french food and exaggeratedly sweet desserts. He dislikes pop music. He's embarrassed to admit he enjoys some songs from Lady Gaga (thanks to Jake). He has phimosis. He lost his virginity with Jake. Get's a ton of money secretly selling weed to Timon and Pumbaa. He's incredibly jealous and possessive, so he would NEVER allow Jake to fool around with others.

Spyro Three:
- Nickname: GeekPyro.
- Full Name: Spyro T. (Terrance) Dragon D'Fuego.

-Age: 55. (Birthday: September 9, 1966)

-Weight: 60kg - Height: 1.67m.

-Job: Twitch Streamer.

-Family: Malefor (Purple Dragon, Father). Maria D'Fuego (Red Dragon, Mother).

-Relationships: Jake Long (Boyfriend). Sparks (close friend). Crash (close friend and former college classmate). Stich and Bowser Jr (friends).

-Sexuality: Gay.

-Story: As a child, he really wanted to become a magician dragon like his father; so he was soon enrolled in the Magic Crafters school; However, after failing the first fire test for 2 years in a row, his passive aggressive father Malefor would tell Spyro that he just didn't have any magical prowess, and it was all just a waste of money and time, dropping Spyro from magic school and instead being enrolled on a normal school, where he might finally find something he may be good at. He was a very goofy and cheerful kid, more often than not getting in problems over pranks and jokes he would do during classes; This would make his father very angry. As a teen, with his father constantly making him feel useless and stupid, his insecurities raised; he, however, would continue to be the classroom "clown" which made him somewhat popular with the other kids, since enjoyed and laughed at his silly jokes and pranks. He would often watch as other kids got together for parties and reunions without inviting him, so his insecurities made him begin to question if he had any real friends at all. Around 14 years old he would play his first video game, Contra Doom 2, on his old computer, and quite immediately, he'd become a huge fan of the media; when he tried to tell his "friends" about it, he'd learn that none of them actually liked or cared for video games, so he had nobody to share his new hobby with. At 17 years old, a shy but horny Spyro would hook up with an older man online, who would end up taking the purple dragon's virginity; at first, his innocent young mind made him believe this man would end up being his first boyfriend, he, however, quickly fount out this man only really wanted a quick fuck. After this, Spyro would become very sexually active, with many random men before meeting a black cat named Markus, who would end up being his boyfriend after just one date. Spyro was very happy for finally finding somebody to be with, but as he got to know Markus more, he would soon realize the black cat was just a manipulative and "depressive" asshole. After two years of relationship where he had to deal with Markus constant depressive episodes, the cat would end up replacing Spyro for another man. Years later, and after many more sexual partners, Spyro met his second boyfriend online, a red deer named Leonardo. During this time, Spyro finally moved out his parents house, renting a small apartment in New York where he would also begin attending college. Half a year later, Leonardo would also end up replacing Spyro with somebody else; unlike with Markus, this one actually hurt the purple dragon deeply, since he actually really liked Leonardo and had spent many good times with the deer. In his second year of college, he'd end up meeting a young Australian bandicoot, Crash, who would be very friendly with Spyro. Crash would be the very first real friend Spyro ever had, and for the first time in many years, the dragon felt truly happy. 3 years later he'd meet a younger cheetah named Hunter, who became his third boyfriend, this relationship, however, only lasted two week before Spyro broke up with him after realizing he didn't really felt anything for him. 2 years later, after graduating from college, he'd learn that Crash had to go back to Australia with his wife, Tawnya, leaving Spyro to be alone once again. Many years later, he'd download a dating app, and met a big strong red dragon, named Jake Long, who he was expecting nothing more than a one time casual hook up; to his surprise, however, Jake had barely any interest in sex, and instead, wanted a friend, and a boyfriend; the young dragon would show a lot of interest on Spyro's hobbies and likes, which made him very happy, but something inside of him tells him it's way too good to be true, and that it's just a matter of time before before it comes to an end...

-Trivia: Despite his constant facial expression and "angry" acting, he is very calm and goofy. He is incredibly shy and introverted. He graduated in Marketing and Administration. He's very picky in his food, disliking: lettuce and tomato (unless its in burger), mustard, chicken (unless its fried), veggies and fruits in general (excluding apples, which he actually loves). His favorite food is double cheese burgers. He is very insecure about his relationship with Jake, and would often act indifferent even though he loves being with him. His favorite music genre is Rock, Electronic, Drum n Bass, Techno Salsa and Video Game OST. Favorite Song is "Only Thing You Fear is Me", from the video game Halo Eternal. His favorite video game of all time is Castlevoid - Mission: Zero, for the Game Station Portable: Advance. He has a very big libido. He's a huge fan of American mangas and Japanese comic books, having a huge collection of over 234 books. He barely watched any movies or tv, but his favorite movie genre is the Super Hero genre. His favorite super hero is Gatsu the Black Falcon. Favorite manga character is Spider-Rocket. He dislikes Battle Royale and sports games. He hates League of Dota, but plays it anyway. He wouldn't mind if Jake fools around with other people, and would also do the same (but since Jake wants a closed relationship, he won't)



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