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I've been editing the New World a lot lately, and it's been a very liberating experience. Back whenever I first wrote the story, I couldn't quite nail some of the content I tried tackling. This stemmed from two causes: inexperience and fear. Let me explain.

On the one hand, most of the 'edgier' bits in the start of the story revolved around my inability to properly characterize and showcase emotion. This wasn't from a lack of effort but from a lack of ability. I struggled too much with organizing the Lit-RPG aspects, making everything outside of the fights somewhat hollow.

Currrently, I'm not adding in whole chapters to the story, but I am injecting small sections that show more about the world itself. For example, I'm having Daniel seek out Michael and Kelsey, and that simple adjustment does wonders for the story's pacing and variety. Daniel still fights all the time during the process, yet this tiny shift in focus made the story feel much more real to me.

It also adds a separate point of tension to the story, which is a good thing. I'm also going through the process of fleshing out any continuity errors. It's no secret that many of the ideas I presented in the early half of the story were left abandoned. A prime example was the idea of people dropping codexes on death. Wow, what a terrible idea that I didn't understand the implications of.

Taking those continuity errors out, refining a few tidbits about how elements come to fruition, and adding in more characterization really brings the setting to life. It's what I wanted to do at the start of the story, but I never had the time to. This is where the fear part comes in.

I was really strained for money at the time, and Patreon was my way out. I overproduced content, and that resulted in a poorer quality and artistic compromises I didn't want to make. There's parts I wanted to add but didn't because I didn't have confidence in myself. Well, now I do, and its cathartic in away. It adds to the story in meaningful ways as well.

And yeah, that's why I'm taking my time. This will result in a hit to income for me personally, but that's something I'm willing to do. I also didn't pause my patreon in the meantime because some of you were angry with me last time. It makes sense; you can always cease donations at your liesure. I shouldn't take the choice away from you guys.

All that being said, I know this process leaves you guys hanging. I was thinking that posting the edited chapters to my patreon as I update them might be a way of filling the void in the meantime. It might be a fun refresher for some of you guys, and I think the differences in presentation are meaningful enough that it's worth posting.

That being said, I don't want you guys to expect a new chapter but recieve an edited chapter in turn. It would be a splash of cold water in your faces, and that's not exactly something I'm too keen on throwing at you guys. So, if that's something you guys are interested in, let me know.

Either way, I'm feeling really good about the editing process right now. After ramping up to it, wow, it has been a blast. I'll be staying more in touch as far as updates are concerned.

Stay safe guys, and take care of yourselves.


Mason Sudul

Im already about 100 chapters into rereading this story for like the 5th time so doing it a 6th time but with edits and improvements sounds fantatsic!


It has been awhile. Probably a good idea to re read anyways to refresh.

Joshua Green

I would suggest posting chunks of chapters into large postings. Like post chapters 1-10 one they have had their editing pass. Then post chunks like that as they are finished. At least that would be my preference.


Patreon's not exactly my chosen format for this kind of thing. I can do chunks of 10K words at a time. That will prevent any issues length wise for me.


I am 100% down to see the edited chaps as they're finished. Also glad to hear you're enjoying the editing. I know that it can be a real chore for some people.


What Lockwood said, would be fun to see the edited chapters and glad that tweaking the old stuff is helping revitalize the whole project for you. Really love the story as a whole, prior flaws and all, personally so looking forward to the continuation. But not planning to stop tossing money your way while you work on editing things either :)

crusty pickle

I'm down to read some edited chapters


I would like to read the edited chapters and see the emotional improvements. And yeah I agree with Aclys, not planning to stop tossing money your way.

Zachary Smith

That’s cool man. I didn’t know you were editing I thought you were having writers block or something irl, it’s cool to hear from you on what you’re up too. Thinking back on Micheals friends Kelsey and the other guy I remember it being kinda weird how they were incorporated in the story like there appearance was really sudden, so cuddos on making it better. As for posting edited chaps on patreon I personally wouldn’t like it bc I have a better reading experience on royalroadl and I’ll go there to read old chaps on stories I support on patreon. Cool to hear from ya man, as always I love your work thanks for the great stories 🤙


everyone active on Disc knew he was editing, the page count kept going up and up, so we weren't worried, we just wanted an update


Super down for edited chapters to be posted. I personally can't stand rewatching/reading anything (tho this story has been one of a tiny handful of exceptions) so seeing what exactly has been updated would be great. Very interested in the updates, I for sure picked up on the characterization problem early on. Idk why but I really liked it though. Still cool to be able to flesh out those characters tho and great to see you can do what you love with the story

Blake Richardson

Thanks for the update and I can’t wait to reread this story once it’s 100% completed!


Thanks for the heads up. I can't wait for the edits. Its high time i reread the story again.

Terry Stevens

Absolutely excellent mate. I am so glad to hear that you’re are doing good, and that you haven’t dropped new world, but instead refining it into a better story. Can you give a shoutout when you’ve finished your process, So I at least can re-read from the start. Congrats.

Brent Thomas

Thanks for the update. I'm glad that you're getting more confident in your writing because it is good. I love the story. That said please don't get too wrapped up in re-editing older chapters. I am anticipating some new ones.


Yeah, a shortcut or a list of all the chapters edited would be great


Super excited for edited chapters. Was considering a reread of this. The early part of this story was my favourite part. When he was consistently getting beat down by Kessiah and before he got his legendary skills. Keep it up man been a patron since the very beginning and haven’t stopped. Love your work.


So I’m excited for the edited chapters. But I’ll be straight up, you could go radio silent for 6 months and I’d still have my little payment going to you for what little help I can provide. Only time I’ve turned it off was when it was food or my sub to here.


I have been here literally since nearly the beginning. I found you when you first posted…bloodhollow? Cave?….. can’t recall the name perfectly. Regardless I saw the growth and the massive fight with yawm and had my heart race during ever fight and power spike he’s experienced over time. I truly love your story and think about it all the time. Thank you for creating my favorite book ever and arguably my internet safe space


If you enjoyed the sense of struggle, danger, and vulnerability, those are getting amped up. I'm playing off those adjustments to try and flesh out the characters and their interactions more.

Tom sawicki

What’s the discord link? Is that the best place to see updates?


I would like to see more of Monsoon on discord really. I dont know how to say it w/o increasing his stress though. I can understand not wanting to talk to people for a while the way I am personally though...

Denis Schreiner

Bro that is cool but i ain't paying another $5 for chapters i already read. I'll reconsider resubbing once you start releasing regular chapters again.


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Hey monsoon. I’m just super happy you’re doing what you want and posting. The critics on royal road were a bit harsh on your earlier chapters and that bummed me out. So if you’re editing, fixing, and adding onto earlier chapters I’m all for it. I would love to see you succeed. Say nay to the nay sayers.

Connor Alexander

Liking the newer chapters a lot. Takes Daniel from more of a bummer in the early chapters to more of a hopeful who wants to keep thriving. Keep up your great work, and I’m glad you’re doing what you want!


Being someone who just re-read the entire story to get up to date while making sure I didn’t forget anything you chose a hell of a time to write out new edited chapters but that’s purely a personal gripe, if it can even be called that ahahaha, but I’m glad you’re finding joy in the process and I hope you keep up the excellent work in the future!


Is there a chance that the re-writren chapters get to the lower tier patreons later on?


Honestly I’m with Ethan here, your story is amazing and if it helps you to even “eventually” reach a point where you can write more I’m supporting you even through silences and blackouts for as long as I can! I believe in supporting you as an artist instead than just “buying your product”, meaning it’s you and not the results that are important to me! Glad to hear from you and glad to support the time you need… and art takes the time it takes.