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I don't have that much to say right now, but I wanted you all to know I'm alive and doing fine. I am working on the New World's direction, and I'm still thinking about it. I haven't abandoned the story, and I aim to still finish it. I got burned out this last time, and it revolved around feedback more than anything else.

Either way, I am alive. I hope you guys aren't too chaffed by my lack of contact, and I'm hoping to get back to posting chapters sometime in the near future.



Good to hear you are doing ok!


Welcome back and glad you're still breathing.


Good to hear! Your fine bro just take your time!


Hell yeah! Glad to hear you're good man. Thanks for letting us know what's up. And I know it's easier said than done but don't let the comments get you down. Hopefully most are well meaning even if they're harsh. Still love the story and I'm here for the long haul lmao. Just means more time for the 4th read through.

Code Reed

Nah man, just glad your ok honestly. Would of sucked big time if something happened to you right after you got married and stuff. (I don't remember how long ago that was sorry lol)

Anthony Romanov

Can we the readers be more positive on whichever the story takes place? I love the story and can't wait for more.

Zachary Smith

It’s all love from me brotha


Remember, feedback is just that, advice. If the peanut gallery wants to poke holes in your story, that's their prerogative, just like it's your right to listen or ignore them. You write the story not them. Without knowing what kind of feedback triggered the burnout that's the only advice I can give. Unless something is a serious narrative plothole, take their advice with a grain of salt (editing to the rescue).

Bobby B.

Oh, snap, they live... assumed you had writers block


You asshole, making us worry about you... anyway glad your back and I can’t wait!


Oh I'm glad to hear that! Great to see you're alive, dude. Excited for future chapters!


Glad you're okay! I hope you're able to move passed the criticisms. I love the story ane cant wait for more.

Terry Stevens

Thank fuck you’re okay. Please, I beg you, just tell us if your not doing well, tell us that shit is getting to you and you need a break. I do think it is a unfair that you just go radio silent, and we worry something really bad has happened to you. Please, just post that everything getting too much, and that you need a vacation. The ones who know what you are like will post well wishes with understanding, and the rest can fuck off. Because at the end of the day, you need to do what is best for you, to take care of yourself, before you can even consider looking after the rest of us. Just make a mini post in the community section, like ‘I’m still alive, not dead yet, I think’ will more than suffice. Every week or two, because not knowing is worse than you saying that you are dropping the story to become the worlds greatest nose picker. Yeah, kind of gross, buy hey, you do you. Just not in front of me, really, who would want to see you picking your nose. *Shudder*. Anyways, love you mate.

Connor Alexander

Glad to hear you're good Monsoon! Glad you interact with the community and our feedback is actually valued, though don't take all the negative feedback your way too seriously. Know that the hard time that those individuals give you is out of a care for the novel, not always you. Know that even if someone is going to poke holes in your story, it is YOUR story, and a good chunk of the hearty criticism is coming from the vocal few. Keep the book going at your own pace, and keep healthy man. I hope to see this book from start to finish, and i know you do too.


Take all the time you need.


Treat yourself with love! Creating a universe on your own is a weighty task no matter your constitution stat. Remember you've got the full support of your entire guild here with you! We all believe in you. I think it's a beautiful thing that you're captured by your muse. I also recognize it has limitations to consistency. One idea I'd like you to consider is the controlled drip. Lets say you're clicking you've got your muse and writing away several chapters ahead. If you sit on those chapters and schedule their release out slowly it helps balance out the less inspired times. My intuition suggests that'll help create balance. Again. You've got massive support. Keep knocking on you got this!


Glad to hear you’re alright man, take as much time as you need to get yourself righted.


Always good to hear from you, this is still my favorite web novel.


Glad to see you're alive, I got scared for a while

M van Dongen

Be well man. And as to the peanut gallery...this is your story. Period. Words only have the power we give them. Do not let them rule you.