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Hey guys. First off, I'm sorry about not addressing this writing pause sooner. Some people have been speculating a variety of reasons for the pause, but it really boils down to anxiety. I doubted myself and thought over my story's progression too much. There's a certain amount of perfectionism that's helpful. On the other hand, too much is destructive, and it's resulted in this extended pause.

I understand that trying to write perfectly means never writing. Every word is flawed, and I should find joy in those mistakes. They might become happy accidents further down the line. For me, I really want to do this right and make the story as excellent as I can. That isn't precisely why I paused, but it does sit at the core of the issue.

The drive to perfection resulted in a fullstop to production. If anything, the idea of making something perfect should be found in the process and not the product; it's about getting better, not being the best to begin with. Those ideas of executing without any flaws, they haunt me at times, and I need to keep them under control. They are impossible fantasies, and they lead to anxiety and turmoil in my life.

So I'll be pausing pledges and starting writing here again. I don't want you guys to donate if I'm not putting in effort, and despite struggling, I haven't actually created much as of late. I didn't really burnout as much crumple under my own internal pressure. I will continue to try and keep these anxieties under control. For now, I'll manage as best I can.

If you decide to empathize and understand, thank you. If you don't, thank you for staying as long as you have. I appreciate each and every one of you, and your support means the world to me. Stay safe everyone, and I'll try to avoid letting this happen again. At the same time, I think this is perhaps a creative cycle of some sort.

If that's the case, I'll continue this cycle as many times as I need too. I love writing, and I won't forget that.



Take your time. Know that while you might not be satisfied with yourself, I have followed this story for years and I've loved every chapter. Looking forward to the next chapter as always!

Kevin Ramos

Your doing fine, work takes time

Blake Richardson

Thanks for the update and the chapters have been great!

Terry Stevens

Hey mate, thanks for the update. Another author (Ruffwriter Savage Divinity) puts up a rough draft, then rereleases it a day or so later. Maybe this could work for you. When you going through these periods, just put up the chapter, put in brackets Subject To Revisions, and let your readers help you edit. Even if you later scrap it to write it again from scratch, it can help to see that none of us are going to bite your head off. Cause at the end of it, we all want you to succeed, and we are paying for the privilege for you to someday release this to the kindle, and make even more money. Chin up, and carry on. Or just have a really good cry. Either or


The energy this year is wack, don't take it personally. Just ride the wave and hang on!


I've loved following this story since I first found it 3 years ago. I, and I'm sure many others, really appreciate the work you've put into this, so take as much time as you need ❤️


You got this man. We all have your back!


First of all, Public Service Announcement: Anyone that even attempts to bitch and moan about the pause can go fuck themselves. Thank you for the attention! As to what I want to say to you Monsoon. I have been following this story since... fuck... mid 2017? While I do not know you personally, I have read your work, watched you videos and seen your posts. You are a solid dude and excellent writer! Do I want to see how this story develops? Hell yeah! But you know what, I also want you to have fun with this tale. For you to enjoy working on it. So if you need to take some time, take a break, go to vegas and make some horrible but fun choices? Go ahead! Take care mate! Stay healthy, stay happy and have fun :) And when you come back I will be waiting :)


Aye, as others have said take the time you need. I didn't stay subscribed through the last break for no reason. Those who have grievances often shout the loudest. I'll be here when you get back.


Truthfully, i usually start supporting most authors on patreon because i want access to their chapters earlier. But that is not how i view our relationship, instead I think of it as being like an old fashioned patron of the arts. In that i value your work, I believe in you as an author and I want you to do well. Whats important to me is that you want to keep doing this and keep trying, and as long as that is true I'll keep supporting you.


I think you were too worried over people's pushback on Phil's POV. We KNOW the story is about Daniel, even if you did want to make Phil into this arc's Yawm, so what? (personally I think this arc has plenty of antagonist characters, might get a little too messy to add more, but whatever... :p) Write what you want to write. That's what I've been paying for since August of 2018 (i think that's the date), and I honestly would not spend this much money on any other book unless I truly support it and believe you're doing a good job.


You not writing doesn't mean you didn't put effort into it. If pausing the pledges takes some pressure off you, by all means go ahead, but rest assured that at least I don't mind to continue supporting you through all of this. I do not give you money in exchange for your chapters. I give you money so you can do what you like. The chapters are just the happy byproduct that I happen to enjoy.


Don’t pause pledges. It’ll give you more anxiety. People understand that writing is not a constant process. If we feel like you aren’t writing enough we’ll stop on our own. Don’t lose faith in your own worth! Thanks for the update

Corwin Amber

Agreed. And as long as you keep communicating that you are alive and trying I couldn't ask for more. As long as you don't disappear (like some on RR) that is really all I ask :)


I agree that you don't need to pause pledges! I have supported you for awhile and never begrudge you taking the time you need. I do appreciate the update on what's going on but I'm okay with supporting a hibernation when needed. I personally liked the Phil arc because I trust that you have an end goal and a plan to tie things together...eventually:) ATB


Don't be a pussy. We love what you write. Just write. Some good some bad all enjoyable.


I'm from a low income house working for only $8.50/hr, but you stories are worth my pledge. You are one of the few that writes for yourself while also taking your fans comment into perspective. Some write 10,000 words daily on stories and other barely 9,000 in two months. Just as long you have faith in yourself we will keep supporting you how we can.

Zachary Smith

I get where you’re coming from. All good man. You got my support.


Too be clear this is why I complained. Amazing authors just lose motivation and stop writing. The longer it takes to finish the more Iikely it will die. As fans of stories we have the right to be frustrated when things like this happen that could prevent us from ever finishing an amazing story. It’s not whining it’s voicing a complaint and making our opinion known that we just want authors to finish a story once we start to love it. We are allowed to voice our thoughts as fans and hope for a change to this cycle of amazing stories dying.


Your stories are great and if you feel the need to stop pledges, that’s fair. I’d encourage you to write something else if you can’t figure out the story in front of you. A short story, something in a different genre, something random. Or not. Something non-canonical might be cool, low stakes goofy times with just your characters. Best of luck, and hope these time aren’t weighing too heavily on you.


I agree pls un-pause anyone that wants to unsubscribe can we are all adults.


Your story has been great so far. I understand the anxiety and frustration over it not making everyone happy, but you should focus on how you want it to go. I'll still be supporting you when you get back, stay strong. You're creating an amazing world


So I live out in CO where everything is beautiful and I can take hikes regularly to clear my head and get perspective and relax and stuff. Do you have an outlet like that you could take advantage of?


Also my brother and I are huge fans. He's not in a position where he can afford to subscribe so I'm here for the both of us. :) We love your work and have played games inspired from your book. So realize you're inspiring and that's pretty cool.


I second this. Some sort of outlet that lets you just release anxiety and stress. Physical activities are what I hear discussed most often but as long as it does what you need it to, anything works.

Tom sawicki

It’s all good brother! Find your groove and relax! We love the story but I for one would rather quality over quantity haha


It was going so well...


I'll check back every week and I will keep my pledge so I can support you


Take your time. When you have the time and energy we will be here 🙂


Good luck!