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This explains how health regeneration works. I hope it helps as always.


Health Regeneration in The New World(Ch. 130)

This video details how Daniel's health regeneration works up to chapter 130. This lighting also does me no favors.



Pardon me, you said that the determinator tree increases all regeneration; health, stamina and mana by 100% but I don't think you included the 100% mana regen increase turn into 100% health regen increase due to arcane blood. So shouldn't determinator increase his health regen by 200% due to arcane blood? The willpower mana regen increase changes to health. There is a couple things that could be done here but I may be missing something. Also thanks for keeping the story going!


Arcane blood just makes the mana bonuses into health. Regardless, the willpower bonus got quadrupled, meaning it was doubled by the determinator tree as well.


Few questions, is mana affected by gravity in your story, if so, is mana effected by air resistance, and what properties of matter does it consist as? Lastly could Daniel circulate mana around a gravity well to create a "mana well" that could fuel his abilities?


(sorry I just had to write this) Energy is still effected by gravity. The reason we don't see it is because gravitational the pull must be insane to see the effects, E(energy)= m(mass) c(speed of light) ^2 converting the equation to m = E/c^2 (this equation is not zero), if mana was energy would invariably have mass. It might be better to call it a dimension of reality (like time)


I know lol, but adding that mechanic to mana complicates things without a good reason for it. I think of it as the physical manifestation of mental will.


Lol, just replied to earlier statement and just saw this. Now I feel silly mentioning it.


I think my only question is, is there a benefit to him having more regen than HP? If he was to put all the regen he has into his rune for example would it kill him? Cause technically he would be losing more hp than he has? Or does it work like if he has 100 regen and 50 hp and he puts 51 hp into his rune per second he has 49 regen instead?


If Daniel put all of his health into the rune in an instant, then he would die or nearly die. He doesn't put it in all at once though, it's a continuous stream. In his case, it's about 38,000 mana a second, which is far less than his total health. 99% of the regeneration statistics mentioned in the story are per minute.


I really like you doing this! However, i'm not following how you got the 16.2 multiplier. I agree with your methodology on everything (and you're the author, so I'm trusting you didn't forget anything), but that should be a 14.8 multiplier, or just over 2m health/min. 4*(1.8+0.9+1) = 4*3.7 = 14.8. Based on the first two trees, the number inside the parentheses has to be 4.05, but I'm not sure where the discrepancy is between the 4.05 and 3.7.

Alex Kagan

How does health regen work in regards to dismemberment or decapitation?


You're correct. I looked at my spreadsheet, and I added 35% for no reason lol. I added the 35% extra health from his armor towards his health regeneration multiplier. Thank you for pointing this out, and I went out and changed the last chapters math.


It would depend on the person's health. If they're health was just incredible, then they could regenerate from the neck down after their head was lopped off. Dismemberment destroys portions of a person's health.


Does the mana regen increase from the Determinator Tree effect anything? I should have phrased it like that before. <.>


So the way I do the math, I add his mana to his health and his mana regeneration to his health regeneration. I then apply the health regeneration multiplier to the combined number. That applies the determinator tree when I add in the multiplier.


NIce explanation on the multipliers, really difficult for me to keep track on where he gets how much. But damn his Armor is making him absurd. Without the armour, he would only have (8368x14,8= 123,846.4) right? That looks kinda more balanced in a system.


Thanks for the video, very informative. Also glad to see that you took the time to factor in mathematical statistics and didnt just make everything multiply off eachother, but scaled a fair bit off additive properties.


shouldn't his determinator tree give him a 200% boost since his health and mana are the same because of arcane blood and both are increased


I don't understand why you multiplied the percentages. They should be just added to each other. It would be 200 + 200 + 280 + 190. The multiplier should be 8.7


They have different kind of multipliers. Doubling health regen doesn't add 200% to a person's health regen in total. It doubles their health regen.