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Naturally, Milieu takes the training of her apprentices very seriously.

~ O&R




This image is breaking my brain.


Damn, so sexy seeing my favourite gal Milieu. Do you mean Vi’s apprentices or Dahlias lol, considering Dahlia is controlling Vi, isn’t she? So aren’t all three of them at Dahlias mercy haha? In Shades, when Vi made Brolic her apprentice she was shown to be under the control of Dahlia so is Dahlia the one controlling Vi here or is Vi acting on her own. I assume Dahlia controlled Vi to make Brolic her apprentice. Is Vi thinking for herself in this situation or is Dahlia controlling her, I’m unsure if Vi still has the ability to control her body and think for herself or if Dahlia is the one controlling her? This is an incredibly sexy piece. Can’t wait for more from Milieu. Also, I’ve sent a DM which I hope you get a chance to see.

Curtis Willis

WHOA THAT’S A SIGHT TO BEHOLD❗️❗️❗️🤯 It truly caught me by surprise… Of course, in a good way… 😉


Haha damn right!!! I think Dahlia is controlling Vi though. I can’t tell if Milieu can think or act for herself with Dahlia possessing her lol. I think Vi is now just a vessel for Dahlia instead of Vi being her own character. It makes for ultra hot scenes though, Dahlia has Vi’s incredible body to play with and we get to see every glorious moment haha.


So pretty much every time we get a pic of Vi we're going to question if Dahila is a part of it? C'mon guys. Even if she was, which I doubt, Rabies/Ota wouldn't tell us. Imagine if someone asked YOU a variation of the same question when you post artwork every. Single. Time. It gets old, fast Patience is a virtue, my fellow degenerates Besides, we have more important questions, Like when are we gonna get our backs and pelvises broken by the Amazons in the breeding dens?

Klein Mcmurphy

Anarchy and Milieu, the ultimate combo.