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And to our gorgeous Ebonites...

~ O&R



Lawful Evil Comics

Where does the world's finest sit in the HTU?


World's Finest (aka the Porn Tales) takes place in Ebon and around the world of HTU. The general idea of the cast is; they're the "superhumans of porn". Olympic level athletes, actors (Yes, acting skills matter in HTU pr0n), and certified fitness models/experts who love getting it on camera. They'll occasionally be connected to the heroes and villains of the HTU as well. Upcoming comics will explore this further.


Pages 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 14, 27 (Shades of Evil) in very shitty quality. Pixels are visible when zoomed in. Please add these pages in good quality. And also add page 15 in good quality. The PDF file that you added is just a different format, the pages in which I spoke about remained in shitty quality. The comic is great, but these pages make me feel bad. Shades of Evil are your best work. Hopefully the new comics will be even better. Thanks guys. RabiesTL and Stormbringer had a job in the old days, License to Fuck. It's bad that the sequel never came out, I was hoping to see f.e.m.d.o.m and the white queen in action. Thanks a lot to RabiesTL for LtF.


Oh thank god. I thought I was the only one who had low quality pages in the Shades PDF. At first I thought it was my computer. I deleted the PDF and redownloaded it but the quality on some pages remained low. I even went back and compared the low quality pdf pages to the same pages I have saved as photos. The photos (images saved as .jpg) were crystal clear in terms of quality compared to the same pages in the PDF. Also, I went through every other PDF of HT comics I have ( I have them all). Only Shades has low quality pages


Do you have pages 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 14, 27 and 15 in jpg format in good quality? (good pages have a resolution of 2480×3508)


Not all of them, However, if you click the "Shades of Evil" button at the top of the Patreon page and sort from oldest to newest, you should get all of those pages back quickly


*Update* For as many times as we could attempt, that many HQ images stacked into a single file isn't gonna come out perfect. The final updated version is as close to flawless as we could make it.


Here, look https://www.patreon.com/posts/hero-tales-of-27-34986577 there should be an HQ image here but it's LOW quality. And so with images 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 14, 27. Image 15 in HQ quality, but there is an error, page number is signed 14. Just reload these pages in normal HQ quality jpg format.