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Like... yeah... what?!

I say this pretty much every time I make a post and doubtless you're all getting tired of it but I really do want you to know how crazy this is to me. When I started this Patreon about ten months ago now (jeezo, time flies), I could never have anticipated this level of support. The idea of potentially doing this full time felt so alien back then, but it's getting a little more possible every single day. 

Not only that, but you've all given me the impetus to constantly improve what I do. The upgrades in production quality, scripts, etc. is in large part down to you guys giving me the opportunity to spend more time focusing on this when otherwise I'd have to focus on other things. When I say you guys keep the show moving forward, I really mean it.

Thank you for believing in me. I can only hope my dumb videos can mean a fraction as much to you as your support means to me. You're helping me become a better person every single day. Long may it continue.


Writing on Games