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We're pouring on the content this month, folks! This time, I checked out Unsighted, the indie pixel-y metroidvania that everybody's comparing to Zelda, but gives me such huge Iconoclasts vibes despite a completely different camera angle. And I really loved this game, but also would understand why someone else might not. Unsighted is absolutely accessible from a time commitment perspective, but it's also a game with a lot of punishing and/or complicated systems. These systems universally make Unsighted a more interesting and dynamic game, but they're accompanied by less than zero handholding, meaning Unsighted is mainly in communication with longtime metroidvania veterans. I'm having an absolute blast and wholeheartedly love it, but your mileage may vary.

As for what's on the horizon, fishing RPG Moonglow Bay is in the cards, but I might fit in another review before it if I can. Or I might take the week to get some progress on the quarterly wrapup. Either way, I'll be seeing you guys again soon!


Five Hours In, Unsighted is the Freshest Metroidvania All Year

It's rare for a game to feel like it's genuinely doing something new, especially in the crowded and formulaic metroidvania space, but Unsighted actually manages to do it by featuring a dynamic, momentum-based combat system and one of the best metagame hooks I've seen in years. But beware! These same choices also hurt the game's accessibility a little, making Unsighted mostly a game in conversation with metroidvania veterans. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirstFiveReview You can find Unsighted here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1062110/UNSIGHTED/ #FirstFive #Unsighted #shortgames


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