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It took a little bit, but my review of Paradise Killer is now live! This one heads up the beginning of the Year in Review, where I look back at a few personally curated titles I never got a chance to cover when they first launched. And it's been a strong first choice! Paradise Killer blends a wildly unique and killer style with a fascinating epic alternate history. It's also an open world murder mystery visual novel, a mouthful of three tags that don't sound like they'd mesh as clumsily in practice as in a sentence, but actually work quite well! The open world is a bit overloaded with random kitschy trinkets every ten feet, and the investigation of the actual murder mystery is mostly just a matter of running from point A to B to A to C again, but the fact you get to choose what lead you follow up on alone makes the investigation compelling. Overall, I'm having a great time with it.

I have at least two more titles I'd like to cover for the Year in Review, and in case you don't guess them from the intro, the next one's going to be Ghostrunner, the intense first-person ninja slasher that came out a few months ago!


Year in Review: Paradise Killer

Paradise Killer features one of the wildest virtual worlds I've ever stepped into — both in its worldbuilding and its aesthetic flair. Paradise Killer's universe is one where gods beyond mortal ken once walked the earth, man waged wars of inconceivable scope, and demigods have spent millennia festering grudges. And Paradise Island physically captures that grandiosity by slamming gaudy gold palaces and temples into brutalist architecture, all painted over with heavy vaporwave sensibility. As an open world game, it makes sense that Paradise Killer focuses so heavily on its setting, but the denizens inhabiting it are equally fascinating in their own ways as spiteful, pitiful relics of this ancient, awe-inspiring alternate history. Oh, right, and there's also a whole heckin' lot of murder. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirstFiveReview You can find Paradise Killer here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1160220/Paradise_Killer/ #FirstFive #ParadiseKiller #shortgames


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