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We return to our regularly scheduled programming this week with a look at another Advance Wars-like. This time, it's Warborn, the sci-fi mecha strategy game that focuses hard on smaller skirmishes between more complex units than the sweeping macro strategy of an entire warfront. Warborn has a lot of interesting ideas, but it's unfortunately difficult to see them shine through against the game's simple AI and the campaign just takes too long to properly get going. Overall, I still had a fair bit of fun with it, and you might too, but there are better titles out there.

Next video's going to be another review! This time we're diving under the ocean in another indie effort. And then after that, we can finally start taking a look at this massive itch.io bundle.


Warborn Review: Focusing on Tactics

Today's review is on Warborn, the latest game to try and expand upon the Advance Wars formula. Warborn goes in a unique direction, focusing less on the economic metagame of an entire warfront and more on small skirmishes between small squads of mechs where every combatant matters. That focus is executed with mixed results, and it differentiates Warborn enough to make it feel unique, but not enough to make it a must-play unless you're particularly hungry for another Advance Wars-like. If you want to hear all the nitty gritty little details, then watch on in this First Five review! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirstFiveReview You can find Warborn here on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/918950/WARBORN/ #FirstFive #Warborn #shortgames


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