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So uh, it's been pretty quiet around here lately, hasn't it? A big part of that has been thanks to this video, which started as a run of the mill weekly review and slowly morphed into something much bigger. See, Wildfire is a game about starting fires to fight an authoritarian state, which means that it's a massively convenient platform to talk about current events and police brutality, which right now must be repudiated as often, as loudly, and as sternly as possible. And as someone with the vague semblance of a platform who just happened to stumble upon the perfect game to talk about it with, it would feel irresponsible not to use the opportunity literally handed to me to speak up. This video is...well outside my comfort zone, and by extension, a pretty drastic departure from this channel's normal content, so I understand if it's not really what people are looking for or expected, but I hope you all enjoy a special bonus video essay, nonetheless. Because this stuff's important, and if it's not your jam, don't worry. It's a one-off. Mostly.

I do still have a little more I want to do related to the George Floyd protests — namely, a special bonus Games Under Five Hours for the monstrously sized itch.io bundle that's raising money for that exact cause, but I have two more reviews scheduled that I have to get out of the way before I can get to it. Sadly, there's no way in hell I'll be able to get that video done before the bundle goes away, but hopefully for those who have picked it up (you have picked up the bundle, right?), I can help with a few recommendations after the fact.

This sudden change to the timeline does mean one additional thing, however: I'm already pretty much crunching around the week to try and keep up with all this unexpected work, so during all of this, there's not much work getting done on that Mass Effect video I have in the pipeline. Obviously, I can't really plan around when the country is going to suddenly experience some of the greatest unrest it's seen in years, but I still thought it would be worth making a note of it. I haven't forgotten about it! Just, you know, priorities. I'm well into a script already, and I'll be getting back to it soon.

That about covers the next month or so, though! Hopefully, this diversion from my usual content proves worthwhile. Until next video!


Wildfire: When Art Accidentally Mirrors Life

Wildfire is a game about starting fires as a means of standing up to an authoritarian military intent on beating you down. Yeah, this is going to be a topical one. This week, we're going wildly out of our comfort zone to talk about something important, and we're going to do it through a silly little game about starting fires and making big armored soldiers run away screaming like children. Because Wildfire has no intention of commenting on reality today, but that doesn't stop it from eerily mirroring real life. If you want to donate to support the George Floyd protests, here are a few different places you can go! ActBlue: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd Donate here to help bail funds across the country. Alternatively, google for your local bail fund (there's probably one for your area) and donate there! BLM Ways to Help: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ A great starting place if you're looking for ways to help do more filled with its own selection of further links! itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality: https://itch.io/b/520/bundle-for-racial-justice-and-equality A MASSIVE (1500+ item) bundle filled to the brim with incredible games. Even if it wasn't for a good cause, this bundle would be a must-buy. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirstFiveReview #FirstFive #Wildfire #shortgames


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