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Hi Ugly! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for becoming a patron to my art. It means so much to be to know there are people out there willing to support my journey as a creator.

Archived Videos
To watch my videos I had to remove from youtube, you can use the tagging system on my post feed. Click the season or category of videos you are wanting to watch, and the feed will filter the posts using that tag.

The archived videos list is also available via the #archived-videos channel in discord.

After pledging into the proper reward tier, you’ll need to connect your Discord and Patreon accounts. Head over to your account settings page and click on the Connect to Discord button to connect your Discord and Patreon accounts. This will give you your tier role in the discord. Then, introduce yourself and start chatting!

P.S. Don't be afraid to reach out! I always try to be available and prioritize Patreon direct messages over other platforms. Thanks!
Added: 2024-05