EARLY ACCESS: Reviewing Every Game I Played in 2023 (Patreon)
2023-12-01 17:00:14
VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/dj0ElFfabp4
Hey everyone, it's Early Access Day, and it's December, so it's LIST SEASON! This whole month, all of your favorite YouTube channels are likely going to be posting their best of lists, worst of lists, recaps, whatever. Of course, my Worst Songs list comes out mid month, but I thought I'd try a little something different this year, maybe this will become an annual tradition as well? Let me know if you enjoyed it.
"Buckley, you review songs every year, you should review other things!" Fine! I will! Here's my list of every game I played this year. Find out what I thought was the best, what was the worst, and what was just ok.