by Sashka
With version 1.0.0 having gone out earlier this year the "core" story that we intended to tell with Secretary is pretty much complete. Since then we've been filling in some minor gaps/side content and working to overall polish things/do various QoL improvements.
Owing to the scope and complexity of Secretary there isn't a definitive/clear "end" point, so we would like to put things to you, our backers, as to how much more you are interested in seeing?
Note: feel free to go into more detail in the comments/we will attempt to read and respond to everything.
Platform restrictions means we can only have 1 poll/post, this vote is going to pack a couple of things together:
"Scale": Use this to indicate just how much larger you think Secretary should get/how much you want it to be prioritized before transitioning to "next" project.
Good as is: Secretary 1.0.1 looks is good as is, effort should be shifted to the next project as quickly as possible.
A Bit of Polish: Do 1-2 more releases focusing on QoL and filling-in (similar in scope to 1.0.1)
Endless Secretary: Continue adding content indefinitely.
Polishing Prioritization: These are hinted/nice-to-have additions consistent with the arc of the 1.0.1/focused on finishing the game as-is without any major expansion. Vote as many as you like.
Backfill: Missing art (mostly backgrounds/minor character arts, plus the long-removed VR visuals).
QoL: Code improvements such as streamlined achievements, better UI, more robust warp/fast-forward, option to "replay" scenes.
Filling in the Edges: Additional side-scenes, drawing from either suggestions/polls or previously "hinted" things.
Worth 1k Words: Add more "scene"/stacked art (feel free to specify scene(s) to prioritize in comments).
Where? Wear!: Add more clothing options.
Make it... Bigger: These are hypothetical large changes (each one could easily be a full-sized release or more, vote as many as you like but note that this is an expression of preference, it will not be treated as a mandate/some of these would be truly massive efforts)
More Dudes: Expand the gender-toggling for NPCs to allow "male" versions of default female characters (Antlers, etc.).
Femboy: Better support "staying male" via femboyification arc, rather than full feminisation.
Girl All Along: Allow starting the game female/modification of progression to accommodate.
Must Fight: Acknowledge/support a more "resistive" playstyle more thoroughly rather than the player eventually "accepting" their feminisation.
More Subs: Allow for a submissive arc for Bob and Kurt (similar to how Alex has both Dom and Sub options)
HD Remix: Alternate art option for more realistic/not pixel art (note: owing to the sheer scope of game art this would be a massive undertaking and likely involve an abridged wardrobe, at a minimum)
New Game+: Allow either "restarting" or continuing play post-ending.