Item Inquery II: Pride Month (Patreon)
Just like every Year (at least since 2022) we plan to release a few Pride Month based items around the time of June in the ever growing list of Clothes in Secretary. Last year we had a few interesting items like a dress more hole then cloth (no critique, just an observation) and a Tactical Armor.
This year, we'd like to have your input. Depending on how many suggestions we get. It can be a single item or a set, as usual it should be something fitting the game (so no Pride Knight Armor... well... maybe... idk, I mean we already have one assault Mech suit in the game). If you want to provide an image, please use the discord servers Suggestion Thread (and drop a line here, so I can connect the dots :3).
The inquiry will be closed on Saturday the 1st at 11:59 p.m.