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On this week's edition of Strictly Business with Eric Bischoff, the guys discuss all the details surrounding WWE's sale to Endeavor, look at WrestleMania's main event booking, AEW's London show, and more!

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Isaac Wriston

I can’t wait for this!!

Zach McInnis

About time ⏲️ 👏

Loren Eason

I don't know if anyone herw is aware of Josh Barnett's Bloodsport series, BUT do you think the UFC and/or WWE is gonna take that adaption into their own thing now? 🤔

Luke Shumate

I’m not a weekly listener to this show and it has its good points but it seems like Eric is half way in and half way out on this show. When you’re talking about a show and you haven’t watched any of the product how can you accurately assess said show. To many times he candidly says he knows nothing about what happened. Lord knows I can’t watch much wrestling these days either but I don’t get paid to know what’s happening either. And yes the business is different than the product but it’s also the ecosystem of the business. The driver of the business. One guys opinion. But seems he needs to go all in or all out. I’m not saying watch all 12 hours of weekly content or 8 hours of WrestleMania but at least watch the high points and have a first hand opinion. Having the full scope of the full ecosystem is critical to having a well rounded opinion on the business as a whole. Not even watching the love fest on CNBC with Ari and Vince when you’re talking about the merger and the business of the business is unfathomable.

Ralph Lisowski

Has anyone asked, did the sale of WWE caused Roman’s win? Cody has not been proven on whether he can be the man of a company. Maybe Endeavor wanted the status quo until after all the Ts crossed and Is dotted

Kyle Gray

Great episode, but my favourite part was Eric's reaction to being asked about Vince's moustache n dye job

Luke Shumate

I thought the same thing. Good question. Seems like they want the strongest guy on top going into the completion of the buyout. And have that opportunity for Cody to win after the sale is done to spike interest again. Very good call though.