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Leave your questions below for these upcoming topics!

Note: While the hosts try to get to as many questions as possible on their respective shows, there is no guarantee that all questions received will be read on-air. Thank you!

83 Weeks - Spring Stampede 1998. A very underrated PPV at the time for WCW - while they're on their heels from losing the Monday Night War for the first time in 83 weeks. The show takes place in Denver and features Randy Savage challenging Sting for the WCW Title in a No DQ match, Raven challenges DDP for the US title, a Baseball Bat on a Pole match featuring Hollywood Hogan & Kevin Nash taking on Roddy Piper & the Giant, Lex Luger & Rick Steiner take on Buff Bagwell & Scott Steiner and more!

My World - April 2003 for TNA. The build is on for Raven vs. Jeff Jarrett in TNA for a NWA World Heavyweight Title match, a big push for Amazing Red begins, more ECW wrestlers come in, Clockwork Orange House of Fun, Bart Gunn debuts, Dusty Rhodes in a ladder match, D'Lo Brown in the main event plus New Jack, more heat with Vince Russo and more!

What Happened When - Nitro 4/20/98. The night after Spring Stampede, Hollywood Hogan is challenging Randy Savage for the WCW Title as the nWo implosion continues, Buff Bagwell & Scott Steiner taking on the Public Enemy, Goldberg challenges Raven for the US title plus more!

Grilling JR - Rob Van Dam. The biggest star to come out of ECW in the WWE was always outspoken, and his WWE run and dealings with JR will be covered!

Oh...You Didn't Know? - The Greatest Royal Rumble. The controversy with Chris Jericho, Rusev & The Undertaker, the first show in Saudi Arabia, putting together a 50-man battle royal, the steel cage match with Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar and more!

Foley is Pod - Ask Mick Anything. Now's the time to ask Mick your questions about ANYTHING!

The Kurt Angle Show - Ask Kurt Anything. Ask the Olympic Gold Medalist your questions!

Arn - February 1992: SuperBrawl. Liger vs Pillman, working with the Steiners, Rude vs. Steamboat for the US Title, Luger leaving the company, Sting is the champ again and more!

Arn - March 1992. Working with the Steiners, building the feud between Sting's Allies and The Dangerous Alliance, Madusa, the beginning of Big Van Vader, Cactus Jack as a challenger to Sting and more!


Joey, The Tori Amos Guy

Oh You Didn’t Know - do you think the winner should have gotten a title shot at maybe like SummerSlam or the next PLE after?

Nick Lenz

Foley is pod-ask Mick anything-who came up with the catuas jack wanted shirt? Kurt Angle-ask Kurt-did you know that you appearing on Impact for the 1st time was my intro into tna Impact? Arn show-February 1992-Arn how did you feel about Lexington leaving for the wbf at this point in time? Arn Show-March 1992-Arn how did you feel the chemistry between you and Bobby as a team as a opposed to being on opposite sides of the ring


Grilling JR- How do you feel about RVD getting the title from Cena at One Night Stand 2006?


For Mick...Mick do you think it would of been fun to have some type of match against the undertaker as Cactus Jack?

Bryant Haremza

Foley is Pod - What would Mick say is the difference between putting together a hardcore match in Japan and a hardcore match he would do in ECW?

Bryant Haremza

Kurt Angle Show - I always thought the Main Event Mafia was a great group. They tried to reform the group again in 2011 but Booker and Nash had left TNA. If they had let you reform the group who would you of wanted in with you?

Carl Hayes

Foley Is Pod - how did you first discover Santa’s village and have you visited StoryLand?

Loren Eason

Foley is Pod ~ does Mick have any stories he can share with working with the Great Power Utti in Nigeri 🤔 Kurt Angle Show ~ what is something that would have told your younger self today?

Eric Saadon

OYDK: Is it true that the Saudi's wanted Yokozuna and that's why there waas a random sumo entrant. Foley is Pod: Any Fred the Elephant Boy stories or memories?

Brian Fuller

83 Weeks - What is the best "on a pole" match? I think WCW missed the boat not doing a "Judy Bagwell wearing a coal miners glove with a world title contract" on a pole match My World - Dusty Rhodes or Ric Flair who would you have bet against ever having a ladder match when you started out in Memphis? What Happened When - Do you think Savage should have been kick out of the NWO re-joined WCW after he and Hogan had their feud? Oh...You Didn't Know? - Did you realize how close Titus came to breaking his neck on his tumble under the ring? Or was it just hilarious to you like it was to Vince? Foley is Pod - Mick I was at your show in Sydney last year. Other than the tourette syndrome kid, what was the highlight of your trip "down under", did you learn anything cool about Australia? Arn - February 1992- So Lex could get those teeth looking "oh so" white for his Narcissist run, did you gift Lex a industrial sized toilet brush on his way out?, Arn - March 1992- Other than Bobby who did you hang out with socially the most from The Dangerous Alliance?

Ryan Connely

83 Weeks - Hey Eric, Psychosis and La Parka had a fun, short match on this PPV. Did you know either of these men at all backstage? Any thoughts? They both seemed to consistently deliver great entertaining matches. Without their ring attire would you be able to pick out who was who?

Ted the Hillbilly Heel

AskArn- What could todays young "high flyers" learn from Liger vs Pillman in adding to their development in ring?

Augie Perna

Foley- what is your favorite depiction of Santa's elves in a Christmas film?

Michael McLanahan

Foley is Pod- If Mick and Conrad each had to choose from one of the following Iconic Moments from Mick’s Career which would you say was the defining moment that solidified Mick’s Career as a Hall of Famer? 1) Mankind Interview with JR. 2) Three Faces of Foley Interview in MSG 3) Hell in a Cell King of the Ring 1998 4) Mankind Winning the WWE Title

Michael McLanahan

Kurt Angle: If Kurt had the opportunity to train anyone currently getting started in the wrestling industry who would he select and why?

Jeremy Strunk

Foley - does Mick have a favorite piece of merch of his that was released over the years? I’ve heard him talk favorably of the Funko pops but wondering if maybe his first action figure or shirt or something along those lines has a special place in his heart and if he collects that stuff at all.


Foley is Pod - what does Mick miss the most about living on Long Island?


83 Weeks - How would you have had Randy Savage be WCW Champion if Hulk Hogan didn't want The Title back so soon? Thanks in advance. Foley Is Pod - What did you think of The Main Event Mafia? Thanks in advance. Kurt Angle Show - I enjoyed the Kurt Goes To Hollywood episode. What did you think of Chasing Molly and any stories from filming the movie? Thanks in advance.

Terrell Lewis

Arn: how great did it feel teaming with your real life best friend, Bobby Eaton? And how awful did it feel bumping for the Steiners every night?

Luis Mendoza

@grilling jr: Can you let us know how many people bitched about RVD and his stiffness and on a scale 1 to 10, how big of a deal was it in your opinion. Also, do you think RVD had a right to bitch about RYBACK using similar gear or do u think he should be grateful that someone is carrying on his look

Luis Mendoza

Ask mick anything: For as well of a self deprecating humor u have, you frequently talk about times where your feeling got hurt such as when your HOF speech got nixed. In turn, can you please do a self reflection and let us know where you stand on a scale 1 to 10 in terms of how sensitive you are and are you comfortable with your self rating

Adam Arpin

Kurt Angle Show: once upon a time Sgt Slaughter became an Iraqi sympathizer while Jim Duggan joined Team Canada showing that in the world of pro wrestling our greatest American heroes were capable of betraying their country. That being said if creative called for our favorite Olympic Hero to turn on the United States which country is Kurt turning to and who are his running mates? Paulie read this part after Kurt's answer please: My choice would be having him be the manager for Gunther and Imperium.

Nick Milks

Random question, did WrestleRoasts become bonus content? Haven't seen an episode in the main feed since St Patty's Day. I love that show.