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On this edition of Monday Mailbag, Mike and Paul discuss the WWE Hall of Fame, reffing live events, The Stooges, NFL free agency, Bob Holly confrontation, and much more!




G-day from Perth! Mike, have you got any stories about Andre and Taker interacting whether it be backstage or socially? GO STEELERS!


Would the WWF fine you if you took down or put up the ring without wearing the ring crew jumpsuit?


Hey guys, any good stories of Bobby and Gorilla hang out on the road? They had perfect chemistry on camera, so I figured they did hang out social on the road too. Although, I can't see Bobby sitting down and risking $10,000 at the blackjack tables like Gorilla legendarily did all the time.


Can Mike Chioda name a 5 man dream team that can guy up against Andre in a drinking competition?


Hey Mike and Paul! Long time listener, first time asking a question. Love the show. Thank you for all the entertainment. Any good road stories from shows in Maine? Go Cowboys!


Hey Mike and Pauly! I recently listened to Refin' It Up with yourself, Brian Hebner and Jimmy Korderas and really enjoyed you guys talking about today's refereeing and reminiscing your careers in WWE. Do you have any stories of those guys that maybe you didn't talk about on their podcast that you wished you had spoken about?


Alright guys. I’m a big Dallas Cowboys mark and I’m curious what you think of all of the moves they made over the last week or so. Personally I thought it was well past time to let Zeke go so was glad to see that. And don’t give me any shit about my choice in teams please. I suffer enough watching them choke every year. 😂


Pauly B and Mike C - great show every week, as always! For me, being a WCW guy who started watching wrestling in 1997, my question for Mike is - when did you notice that things were getting bad in WWE and did you consider jumping to WCW? Pauly B - when Hogan signed with WCW in 1994, who did you think "if this guy signs with WCW, that will be the end of WWE"?


Whaddup guys! This may have been asked before, but Mike around when did you start making the elbow pad a regular part of your ref gear and was one of those elbow pads ever one of Rocky's when he'd do the People's Elbow?

Leland patterson

Hey Mike with you having been friends with umaga, do you know how long it took him to do his face paint every night? Would he take it off after every show or put it on once for the weekend and leave it? Also today is Wednesday the 22nd so who know if this is already answered by now. Anyways do you guys think Goldberg will end up in AEW? News came out this week his contract is expired and he has expressed desire to wrestle again. Maybe him vs sting one more time?


Do Mike and Pauly think that the NFL will be scouting players from the XFL to pull into their ranks, and perhaps vice versa with the XFL looking to get people from the NFL? 🤔 So Mike... How's the progress of your book coming along? 😉


Hey mike and pauly!!! First and for most I passed my road test! This shit was long over due. It was interesting hearing you you guys saying that you bowled a few 200 games yourself which is awesome, my highest game was a 269 in tournament back in 2014 and i believe I still hold the high school record for a high game of 263. I haven’t be close since then but I have 2 upcoming tournaments in my area soon so I have to prep for them. My question is about the free agent signings so far what teams have Impressive you both so far? As I’m a die hard lions fan Im loving the signings we just got so far from Cameron Sutton, C.J. Gardner Johnson, and David Montgomery I think was the best free agent signings we got so far. Thanks boys! this needs to be a weekly podcast I’m just gonna leave it there.