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How was it to be back on WWE television?

Getting to spray the milk again - that had to be a big deal did it not?

How did the idea come about for you to return?

Any funny stories or anything you can share from backstage?

Let’s get into our topic…Kurt your 2012! 10 years ago you were about to enter your 4th year with TNA…what did you think of where the company was at this point?

We covered your start of 2012 in TNA earlier this year on the show with the Genesis PPV, where you defeated James Storm on January 8th.

But we didn’t talk about the UK Tour on January 26-27.

You were part of Hulk Hogan’s final ever matches!

In what ended up as two 6-man tags, Hogan, James Storm & Sting defeated Bully Ray and Bobby Roode in Nottingham and Manchester.

Looking back - did you know you were a part of Hulk’s last wrestling matches?

Is that a big feather in your cap in your career?

We have covered in the past year your feud with Jeff Hardy at Victory Road and your cage match at Lockdown and you can check out all those matches at impactwrestling.com/packages/ with the code KURT - sign up today!

You somehow get in the middle of the Claire Lynch angle with AJ Styles - as during a match with AJ, Kazarian & Daniels interfere to screw over AJ. Claire Lynch is often looked at a low point in TNA’s creative history - what did you think of all that?

You would team up with Daniels & Kazarian in a 6-man against Samoa Joe, Magnus & AJ for Impact. Where was your body at around this time - and does being in these 6 men matches help?

At Sacrifice you took on AJ in a singles match…

From the Observer:

“Kurt Angle pinned A.J. Styles in 20:42.

This was a face vs. face match, and an excellent

bout. For the finish…Kazarian and Daniels then came out. Styles knocked Kazarian down but Daniels took out Styles’ leg. Angle didn’t see him, and hit the Olympic slam, but Styles kicked out again. Angle then used the ankle lock and grapevined it for the submission. After it was over, Daniels & Kazarian beat down Styles until Angle made the save for him.

Angle and Styles hugged when it was over. ****”

This is one of the few times you’ll be on the same side as AJ…you had to be excited about working against and with him right?

At the end of May, Impact live on TV ends for every week and they’ll only air live every other week from this point forward. Why do you think it failed running live every week?

Did the company's money problems ever happen to you? Like were you ever short on a check or having any issues with checks bouncing?

From this point forward you’re in a tag team with AJ and you win the tag team titles from Kazarian & Daniels at Slammiversary. Did you think at this point - you were rounding up your time in TNA?

You would lose the tag team titles in June back to Daniels & Kazrian - were some of these the best tag team matches you had in your career do you think?

From the Observer:

“Daniels & Kazarian beat Angle & Styles to regain the tag titles in 11:46.

The storyline was Kazarian and Daniels not getting along and Kazarian not wanting to be there. Ref Brian Hebner got bumped. Daniels clotheslined Angle over the top. Then came one of those finishes that I hate, because it’s the booker “I want to fool the fans on a finish so I make it make no sense.” Aside from the fact this was so predictable to begin with, then what’s wrong with it making sense. Daniels had a chair and Kazarian took it from him. Styles hit the Pele kick on Daniels. Kazarian flipped off Daniels and told Styles to pin him. Then, Kazarian hit Styles with a chair and Daniels pinned him.”

This is a silly finish isn’t it? Did TNA enjoy booking too cute?

The Bound for Glory series begins at Destination X - and the first match is between you & Joe. This is a way to launch the series - but it’s hard to get better than this is it not?

From the Observer:

“6. Samoa Joe beat Kurt Angle in 14:36 in the Bound for Glory series, winning via choke, which as a submission, meant a ten point win.

Mike Tenay said Joe vs. Angle was the best rivalry in TNA history. At the finish with the ankle lock Angle pulled Joe to the center but Joe used the trunks to break the hold and got behind Angle and put on the choke with a body scissors. Angle was using elbows to the thigh, but couldn’t get Joe off. Finally Angle got to his feet, hit the Olympic slam and got a near fall. Angle tried the ankle lock again, but Joe kicked him off. Angle went for the Olympic slam again, but Joe got behind him and got the choke. This time Joe choked Angle all the way out and ref Earl Hebner stopped the match. After Angle got up to protest, saying that he had never tapped. They played it up that Angle had passed out and not that Hebner screwed him on the call. ***¾”

Did you think you’d be wrestling Joe in the middle of the card 5 years after your debut in TNA with your epic rivalry between the two of you?

The Bound for Glory series - with points for different endings, and all that - too complicated right? Or were you a fan of the gimmick?

You would wrestle in Mexico at TripleMania XX - what was your experience like when you went to Mexico for AAA?

In another TNA overbooking moment - at a 4-way ladder match in the Bound for Glory series at Hardcore Justice - AJ Styles would win over you, Joe & Daniels…a 4-way ladder match Kurt.

Tell me Kurt - what the hell is putting together a 4-way ladder match like?

Is this just too many gimmicks?

You got into a bit of a Twitter war with CM Punk it looks like…

From the Observer:

“After C.M. Punk at the Wizard World Chicago convention dismissed TNA as an indie league, Kurt Angle responded on twitter, saying, “Punk wants to say TNA is an indie league? I was on top in WWE when you were trying to get a job anywhere. It was my choice to go to TNA. If I ever see you Punk, hide, bitch.” It was only Angle’s choice to go to TNA after WWE made it clear they didn’t want him anymore. Angle later tweeted an apology to WWE and TNA fans saying he didn’t want to disrespect them, but said he didn’t apologize to Punk. “Punk disrespected TNA. He has a lot to learn about fame and responsibility.”

Did you ever see or run into CM Punk after this? Do you still feel this way about Punk?

“Angle earlier in the week tweeted how he wanted to run for political office, starting as a mayor and working his way up to governor, senator, etc., saying he admitted he had made mistakes but had also accomplished great things.”

Is this still a thought in your head 10 years later?

Your final match in the BFG series is against Jeff Hardy on Impact. Did you feel like you were wrestling the same guys over and over again in Impact?

The Bound for Glory final standings after this show some interesting things…so I want to do some word association about them and then I’ll ask you about it..

First is James Storm. What is the first thing you think of when I say his name?

Second is Samoa Joe.

Third is Rob Van Dam.

Fourth is Bully Ray.

Fifth is AJ Styles.

Sixth is Jeff Hardy

Now you’re 7th and after you is Mr. Anderson…

Christopher Daniels.


Robbie E.

The Pope.

Meltzer is critical of your standing…

“Angle finishing 7th out of 12 makes no sense as he should be in the final four, both because as a star, he and Hardy are the two biggest, and also, he’s the guy most likely to be able to give the winner the kind of a great win that would give them momentum.

It’s notable the two best guys in the ring, Styles and Angle, aren’t in the final four. Well, Styles isn’t dead, but since on TV they only listed five guys still alive and Styles wasn’t one of them, I don’t see him in the final four. Angle does have a pulled right hamstring but when this was booked out, they didn’t know it, and he still looked great in the Hardy TV match. I could see Ray okay as a fourth guy or Joe as a fourth guy, but no way RVD should be ahead of Styles or Angle”.

Hard to disagree with Dave here don’t you think?

At No Surrender on September 9 we’re back to you and AJ challenging for the tag titles:

From the Observer:

7. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian beat A.J. Styles & Kurt Angle to keep the tag titles in 19:28.

Angle started and was limping before it even started. I figured Styles would work most of the way. No such happening. Somebody in wrestling needs to start thinking about the health of these performers. If you’re injured, you really should rest injuries instead of go out and do four-star matches.

It was a great match but I’d rather see a healthy Angle live a normal life than see him past the point of no return because he never took time off to rest when his hamstring was shot. For the finish…Kazarian hit the Spanish fly on Styles, but he kicked out. Angle gave Kazarian another German suplex, but Angle ended up being thrown out of the ring and started selling like his leg was big-time injured. Styles went for the Styles clash on Kazarian, but Daniels threw a drink in his face and Kazarian got the schoolboy on Styles to keep the title. Not as good as their first PPV match, which was off the charts, but easily the best thing on the show. ***¾”

Kurt - any worry about your hamstring? Looking back do you think you could’ve taken a few more nights off instead of pushing yourself to the limit?

You’re starting to venture into outside opportunities with broadcasting with the World Series of Fighting but it seems to have fallen through due to a conflict of interest. Do you remember what happened here?

You ended up getting replaced by Renzo Gracie! That’s pretty cool is it not?

Do you feel like you’re treading water in a tag team with AJ? Is everyone kind of paused because of the Aces & Eights storyline?

At Bound for Glory there’s a 3-way tag team title match between the tag champs of Daniels & Kazarian taking on yourself & AJ and Chavo & Hernandez.

Hernandez has developed quite the reputation for being stiff…did you feel like that when working with him?

Chavo & Hernandez would win the titles - let’s take a look at the end…


“5. Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Hernandez won the tag titles in a three-way over champs Christopher Daniels & Kazarian and Kurt Angle & A.J. Styles in 15:33.

It was technically good early but no crowd. Then it got really good and the crowd was up for the second half. Towards the end Guerrero went for the three Amigos on Angle, but Angle blocked the third and gave him an Olympic slam. Hernandez went to give Angle the border toss but Styles blocked it. Angle missed a tackle and flew out of the ring. Kazarian hit a diamond cutter on Styles and Daniels hit his best moonsault ever on Styles for a near fall. Kazarian tackled Angle out of the ring to the floor. Guerrero then hit Kazarian outside the ring with a plancha. Daniels tried the Angel's wings on Styles, but Styles got out and did his quebrada into a reverse DDT on Daniels.

He set up the Styles clash on Daniels but Daniels blocked it and drove Styles to the floor. Hernandez then gave Daniels a border toss and Guerrero hit the frog splash off the top on Daniels. Hernandez pinned Daniels to win the titles. ****”

Is this one of the better tag team title matches you were involved in because Meltzer giving **** for a TNA match is super rare…

Is Chavo Guerrero super underrated?

Can you compare him & Eddie together?

So of course from there…you go to challenge Jeff Hardy for the TNA World Title on Impact!


“Hardy pinned Angle to retain the title in 13:59. Very good match, at the ***3/4 level. Hardy used a clothesline off the ring apron and then a Whisper in the wind in the ring for a near fall. Angle got a near fall after three German suplexes. Angle kicked out of a twist of fate. Hardy kicked out of a power bomb and got away from the ankle lock. Hardy missed a swanton. Hardy kicked out of an Olympic slam. Hardy hit two twist of fates and a swanton and Angle kicked out. Fans were chanting “This is awesome” at that point. Angle back dropped Hardy over the top rope and he landed hard.

Then Angle was either throwing up or spitting up blood. Well, that’s the perils of going live because that was sick. Hardy won quickly after that with a sunset flip.”

Did you get hurt Kurt? Was it the swanton?

Were you excited to be getting involved in the Aces & Eights storyline? Did you think it was something you could dig into creatively?

This is one of the first big pushes for Brother Devon - or D-Von Dudley as he’s more well known. Did you think D-Von had a big singles run in him?

At Turning Point you would take Devon on one-on-one…from the Observer:

“7. Kurt Angle beat Devon in 11:47 with the ankle lock. This was weak for an Angle match, as it showed Devon’s limitations. Devon also hurt his knee early which could have played a part in it. There was also a miscommunication spot as it appeared Angle gave Devon a back drop and Devon took the bump all wrong, like he was expecting a different move.

Angle at one point did three German suplexes. Devon did a power bomb coming out of the corner. The finish saw Devon missed a splash off the top. Angle hit the Olympic slam. Then the ring was surrounded with masked bikers. Angle was distracted and Devon hit a spear for a near fall. But Angle got the ankle lock on and Devon submitted. They teased the idea of a beat down for Angle, but he jumped out of the ring and left. **½”

What did you think of working with D-Von here? Was he up to the task?

Were there issues in the matches with miscommunications?

Was there ever any talk of putting you with Aces & Eights?

Was Aces & Eights too much like the nWo do you think?

A lot of the guys wear masks and they’re not well known workers like CJ O’Doyle who is a Florida indie wrestler - and then guys like Doc Gallows - now known as Luke Gallows and also Mike Knox. Do you think the plan was to give some guys that weren’t well known more exposure?

At Final Resolution you team with Samoa Joe, Wes Brisco & Garett Bischoff to take on Aces & Eights in an 8-man match.

First things first - let’s talk about their respective fathers - Gerald Brisco. Gerald gets a lot of credit for discovering a lot of talent in the WWE - what’s your relationship like with him way back when - and now?

Now what did you think of his son Wes wrestling?

Let’s discuss Eric Bischoff. Not sure you’ve seen what’s going on but Eric & Ric Flair have been going back and forth on their podcasts - have you seen any of this? Can you believe all these years later they’re still going at it?

Now Eric’s son Garett - did you think he could make it in the business?

Now for the match from the Observer:

“Match was okay. Angle didn’t work much, only tagging in at the end. He claimed he suffered a groin injury in this match, but considering he never even tagged in until the end, I would think maybe he had it going in and that’s why he was limited here. The match was mostly good when Joe was in, but bad when Bischoff was in and nothing much when Brisco was. Angle then suplexed O’Doyle and put him in the ankle lock. Doc grabbed a hammer and was about to hit Angle with it. Bischoff jumped in and got the hammer away. I thought for sure Bischoff would use it on Angle but I guess there are still chapters left in that story. Brisco then speared Doc, while Angle used the Olympic slam on the masked O’Doyle for the pin. **¼

Kurt - every match it seems like you’re hurt. Did anyone ever come to you and say - go home?

Your final match for 2012 was during the Open Fight Night gimmick…

Kurt’s final match of 2012 is on Impact December 20th vs Devon:


“It was Open Fight Night, and it opened with Kurt Angle calling out Devon for the TV title. The match was better than their PPV match, largely because Angle was working a leg injury (and he actually was hurt) so there was drama to the match. They had a big brawl at ringside with Aces and 8s members against Garett Bischoff, Wes Brisco and Samoa Joe. The ref kicked all of them out from ringside. Devon worked on the bad leg. Angle came back, and Aces and 8s came out. Given they were kicked out, that should have been a DQ right there. Angle put on the ankle lock and Devon was tapping. Bischoff, Brisco and Joe were back out and in the confusion the masked Mike Knox hit Angle with a pipe and Devon pinned him in 11:05.”

This seems like a…I don’t know…lackluster way to end the year. Seems like you had a year of really good matches that didn’t mean much and creative that never really helped you. Is that a fair way to describe your 2012?


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