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This week we spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool! Carlos Colon is a legend in the wrestling business so it's a no-brainer to get his son in the WWE and push him to the moon right? But why didn't it last? What went wrong? What was the word on him coming out of developmental? Who saw something in him on the main roster? We discuss his debut, the US title run, the draft, the IC title run, the WrestleMania moment with Piper and Austin, working against Hogan and Michaels, the infamous promo Ric Flair cut on him, the "stabbing" angle with Cena, whether or not that should have been done, when he asked for his release and why, how Vince managed to convince him to stay, and then ultimately how it all came to an end for a guy who beat John Cena for the US title on his first night on TV.



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