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On this episode of Grilling JR, JR and Paul go back 20 years to revisit WWF’s last PPV ever, Backlash 2002! Topics include Steve Austin walking out for the first time and his ultimate return, the brand split, Hulk Hogan returning to the red & yellow and winning his 6th WWF Title, Brock Lesnar’s pay-per-view debut, and much more!




I love that the opening song is back I think they help idk if I’m alone on this, but especially STW’s always just set the mood … just my opinion


Really nice to hear jR shit all over peoples questions in the q&a. Sure they may not be all great, but don’t forget these people pay good money to hear these shows.


I’m pretty sure that’s the gimmick at this point lol. We pay to hear red ass JR.