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We’re coming off Slammiversary 2009 - which we covered last month and you can check it out in the archives!

There’s some interesting things going on in the world of wrestling - and not just TNA.

Ken Anderson - or Ken Kennedy - is found released coming off his return to WWE TV on Raw where he drops Randy Orton on a back suplex IN THE MAIN EVENT. When you hear Kennedy is released - is that someone that immediately strikes you as a player for TNA?

What did you think - did you ever see the move in question and Orton’s reaction?

Also in other talent news - Vickie Guerrero & Umaga both quit the WWE. Were you immediately interested in these big time players coming right off TV?

Is that a Dixie conversation about talent budget?

Mitsuharu Misawa tragically passes away in an in-ring accident in NOAH after taking a suplex that sadly killed him. Did you have any time with Misawa spent?

When something like that happens - does it raise your concern about what’s going on in-ring in your own company?

Donald Trump returns to the WWE as a character - a new owner of Raw - looking back at what went in 2009 compared to today - what a change right?

Let’s get into TV coming off Slammiversary’

From the Observer:

“The Mafia came out. Even though Sting hadn’t been kicked out, Jenna Morasca and Sharmell were back. The story is that Morasca put up the money (I guess from her Playboy shoot or winning Survivor so we’re supposed to think she’s rich) and made a deal with Joe. It wouldn’t surprise me that the story is he made a deal with Taz, who debuts as Victory Road since his non-compete is up at the end of this month, although he could be inserted into the TVs with something taped next week in Nashville but I’m guessing they’ll hold off until the PPV. Unless they do a swerve but TNA usually doesn’t like to do that kind of swerve against the long-term storyline plan. Jeff Jarrett’s feeling is that when you start to swerve you screw up your long-term plans and then have to figure out a way to get back to the original goal and it’s more harm than good. Anyway, Angle said this was all the master plan. Joe hugged everyone. Sting wasn’t there but Angle apologized for not telling him in advance.”

Is that your thought process Jeff? Do you think this helped or hurt?

Scott Steiner & Booker T are put together as the tag team of the Main Event Mafia - combining two of the greatest tag teams ever - STeiners & Harlem Heat. Was this to help Scott more than anything else with his injury troubles?

Taylor Wilde defeated Daffney at TV in a 10,000 thumbtack match. There’s been some talk about the closing angle in AEW about the blood between Toni Storm & Mariah May - but here you guys are putting these two out there in thumbtacks. What is your thoughts on this?

Sting is essentially kicked out of the Mafia. From the Observer: “Styles called out Joe. Styles did the usual interview about how Joe turned his back on everyone and wanted to know who made him do it. Joe said he can ask the person at Victory Road, so I guess that means Taz debuts on that show. Morgan, who wants to be in the Mafia, came out and attacked Styles and Morgan & Joe beat him down until Daniels made the save. Nash, Booker and Steiner and came out and beat down Daniels and Styles. Sting came out and the Mafia stopped the beatdown. Sting said he’s not surprised by Angle or by Joe because he always thought Joe was a punk. He said he started the Mafia because of people like Joe. But he told Nash, Steiner and Booker that he expected more from them. Nash said that Sting’s ideas weren’t working but Angle’s were, and that the business is all about money, not friendship. Nash said Sting’s plan of honor, dignity and respect is bullshit. Sting then brought up Oz. Dear God. He handed Nash his bat and turned his back. Before Nash could do anything, Sting pulled out a second bat and cleaned house on the Mafia until Joe grabbed the bat Nash dropped and hit Sting with it. They all beat down Sting. Nash finally power bombed Sting.”

This is a lot going on - was it all too much?

In your second to last match in TNA in 2009 - you team with AJ Styles to take on Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe in a TNA title match - yes you read that right. A tag team TNA title match…Angle makes you pass out from the ankle lock for the victory and he retains the title. The show ends with Sting making the save and disappearing with the TNA title belt.

Jeff - we are going to get into the drama of everything that was going on backstage at this point in time NEXT WEEK - but did you know at this point that this was the second to last match for you?

TNA continues to be consistent in its ratings, drawing a 1.23 rating on June 18th - with 1.6 million viewers and a .82 in males 18-34 and a .92 in males 35-49. Spike had to be thrilled with you guys at this point right?

This was an interesting note from the Observer: “they flew in Jeff Jarrett’s doctor for the PPV shows (a kinesiologist) who does non-traditional therapy, fixes everyone up, and Kurt Angle said he had never felt better getting out of bed Monday morning.”

Who’s this doctor Jeff?

From the Observer: “Foley came out for an interview and said TNA shouldn’t have two people making decisions and that one of the two needs to step down. Jarrett came out and asked Foley if he ever thinks before he talks. Jarrett talked about how Foley has put TNA in serious danger. Did he call up Spike and tell them that they should be getting 2.0 ratings with all the star power they have now? They have a heart-to-heart as Jarrett talks about how they need to work together for the future of the company and so all the young wrestlers can have a place to learn. Foley said that he has to prove his title win over Sting wasn’t a fluke and needed to beat Angle to show that. Foley then booked Angle vs. Jarrett as the TV main event. Jarrett liked the idea, but added Foley. Foley said that he accepts that and will add his own new stipulation. There will be a special referee, and that Angle can choose the special ref, but it can’t be anyone in the Mafia nor Matt Morgan.”

This…this is a lot Jeff isn’t it?

Angle gets the win in the match when Eric Young - chosen as the referee - rings the bell when Foley is in the ankle lock like it’s Montreal. Was this angle way over done at this point?

Raven & Shane Douglas find themselves out of the company at this point in time. Why was now the time to move on from the former ECW stars?

“Warner Brothers, the only company bidding, was able to purchase Midway for $33 million in bankruptcy court when there were no other offers made. There are still delays in question regarding the plight of creditors before the deal can be finalized. As noted, Warner Brothers was not interested in the TNA game, which right now appears to be homeless. Another buyer could pick it up, but nobody up to this point has made an offer for it.”

How disappointing was this for TNA?

What did this mean for the company itself?

Were there any other discussions regarding the video game at any point in time?

Your final appearance on TV was this:

“Main event was Angle vs. Sting in a cage match. Jeff Jarrett was doing commentary. Samoa Joe attacked Jarrett, then beat up Rudy Charles and got the key to the cage. A video with the term “FTW” (the name of the title belt Taz used for a time in ECW) was on the wall. Joe put Sting in Taz’s choke. Jarrett and Foley tried to save Sting but couldn’t get in the cage. Nash, Steiner and Booker attacked Jarrett and Foley and the show ends with the faces down.”

Were you excited about Taz coming in?

Were you happy how the Mafia story had gone all along?

It’s reported in the run up to Victory Road that Jacqueline Moore was no longer witht he company. Why was it time to move on from Jackie?

Meltzer would report: “Rudy Charles (real name Dan Engler) was fired in a cost cutting move. The move shocked a lot of people, both because he was popular with management and had been with the company from the start, and because he did so many different jobs. The feeling is they will hire a local referee to replace him, and that others in the office will pick up the jobs he was doing, but they’ll have to be trained at it. Besides being a referee and involved in timing of the shows, he also sat in on creative meetings. The feeling was they could save on trans by using a referee who lived in Florida.”

what can you tell us about the end of Dan in the company - and his roles in the company and what he brought to TNA?

From the Observer:

“The decision has been made a cost saver to do almost all the PPV shows out of Orlando. Between now and the end of the year, only Bound for Glory, being held in a 5,000-seat gym in Irvine, CA, on 10/18, will be held outside Orlando. TNA was successful in getting second dibs on Sundays (WWE gets first dibs) and able to avoid Sundays after UFC, as only the 11/15 show would be the day after a UFC PPV, which is something they try to avoid. They are going back to doing TV’s every other week again starting after the August PPV. The first four shows taped in three days had a lot of problems when it came to continuity that weren’t visible on television. They can’t do five shows in three days so they’ll do two shows and then three shows a couple of weeks later in August. My impression is that in September and October they will do two days twice instead of three days once, even though it’s a four-week break, but that could change”

What can you tell us about this change and what all went into it?

What were some of the issues with so many tapings so close together?

Sharmell vs. Jenna Morasca is announced as taking place at Victory Road. Who in the world thought this was a good idea?

The main event of Foley vs. Kurt has some concerns voiced raised by Mick in an Orlando Sentinel interview, “He said he was even considering making his doubts of being able to hang with Angle was part of the television storyline for the match. Foley admits he’s getting by on a combination of smoke, mirrors and guts. When talking about taping in Orlando, he has surmised that in town some people think going to TNA tapings isn’t the cool thing to do, plus that not enough local people know they tape there. He said it’s a combination of theme park patrons and fans who are regulars and who have seen everything and it’s hard to get that fan base excited. He said the company appreciates the fans who always come (well, usually, there are both good days and bad days) but he says they’ve seen everything and he wishes since the shows are free that more casual fans in the community would give the tapings a try.

On his myspace page, he said he knew that at some point he’d have the singles match with Angle. “I’m not sure I’m completely ready for it. I’ve had some big matches over the last few years, but there was always some kind of security blanket for me–thumb tacks, barbed wire, camera man I could drop kick, etc.” This time it’s just me and one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time, no gimmicks, no tricks.” He said he’s looking at doing some things he hasn’t done in ten years “

Kurt is no easy person to be in the ring with was he Jeff? Was there real concern of Mick’s?

Hulk Hogan says this about TNA at the time as well in the media:

““I watch both products. (TNA) is like the little engine that could. Everybody thought they wouldn’t be around for long, and they’ve been chugging along for seven years. They gain momentum every week. They seem to be real fresh. When a lot of guys go over to that side of the fence, they seem to get a spring in their step (evidently he doesn’t watch Booker T).” He also put over WWE and Vince. “TNA is lacking that one momentum shifting move, that one big name that would even the playing field, the brand (could be) just as powerful as the WWE brand. (TNA) is lacking the big piece of the puzzle. It wouldn’t matter who did what in the past. It will be a totally even playing field. You never know.”

Do you think you would’ve ever had Hulk in the company at this point?

Now’s the time for Victory Road - and the response isn’t great.

80.3% thumbs down, 18.8% in teh middle and ONLY 1 VOTE THUMBS UP in the Observer

Jeff - you were not at this pay-per-view were you?

Did you watch it from home?

We will get into EVERYTHING next week regarding what was going on with you, Karen, Kurt & Dixie - but for now let’s discuss the show.

“Victory Road, which may have been the worst PPV show the company has ever done, only had some minor changes from the original scripting with Jarrett not there. The plan had already been in place to build the show around the Main Event Mafia winning all the major titles (which was the reason the Homicide vs. Suicide X Division title match was pulled from the show, since it would interfere with the main story they were telling). When the Mafia angle started months ago, the idea was for them to win everything at first and then build for the TNA Front Line to make a recovery. The original thought is they had to make strong heels first, and the make babyfaces. The concept was copied from the NWO angle, offshoots of which Dutch Mantel booked successfully years ago in Puerto Rico. However, the Front Line became so synonymous with losers that the idea was dropped. This show was an attempt to go back to square one, but give the babyface side the benefit of having Sting as the top gun to go with Foley and Jarrett. The pep talk segment during the show with Foley talking with Beer Money and A.J. Styles was scheduled to be Jarrett in the role. There was also a doctrine that they wanted more “clean finishes” on the show. Right now, it’s Vince Russo and Mantel in charge, but nobody knows where it will go from there.”

Were you kept in the loop at the time of what was going on?

“The show was a classic example of how the mentality of the company has changed over the past few years. When TNA started doing three-hour PPV shows, they quickly garnered a reputation for doing the best PPV shows in the business. The reason is that, at the time, those in charge made that a priority. Matches were put together with the mentality of having mostly good matches on a show. If for storyline reasons there was to be a bad match, an attempt was made to balance it out in other ways on the show. Even in recent years, when it’s become clear that they’ve dropped all pretense of putting on great matches, the timing, which is the job of Mike Tenay, has always been to give the matches that on paper would provide the best action more time, and the matches that look bad, give them as little time as possible.

This show looked bad on paper because there wasn’t that one match you could point to and give 20 minutes to pick up the slack for the bad matches.”

I mean - when you look at the card - it’s hard to disagree with that assessment right?

“1. Angelina Love won the Knockouts title from Tara in 7:02. Sky went to spray Tara with hair spray, but she ducked and it got in the face of Love. Velvet Sky distracted ref Slick Johnson, but Johnson then kicked Sky and Madison Rayne out of ringside. Tara missed a moonsault and Love went for the pin. Tara got her foot on the ropes and Johnson “didn’t see it” and counted three. They did two spots later in the show on that. The first was Johnson admitting he had blown the call, but that he couldn’t change the ruling (like refs have never done that before in TNA), but that he was going to Jim Cornette to campaign for Tara getting a rematch. But later in the show, in just an embarrassingly bad spot, Lauren was in the women’s locker room to interview Tara, when Johnson came out of the shower area putting on his shirt. Then Rayne came out of the same shower area. Keep in mind she was fully clothed with not a hair out of place, but the implication we were supposed to go with was that she was doing sexual favors for him. Not good, but acceptable given it was a women’s match. *¼”

This is not the Knockouts division of old is it? And look at Slick Johnson getting play!

“At this point Kurt Angle did an interview telling people not to expect a PPV quality main event. They didn’t acknowledge his injury, just saying that he was out to beat Foley as quickly as possible. He also said that if anyone in the Mafia loses on the show, they will be fired on the spot. It was nice to tell everyone the finishes ahead of time.”

Kurt was hurt filming a movie - and that just made it all worse for his match with Mick later that night right?

“2. Matt Morgan pinned Daniels in 10:31. The two didn’t work well together. The size difference was an issue. It started off pretty well but the crowd was flat later in the match. Morgan did a funny spot where he picked Daniels up for a side slam and then dropped him on purpose and laughed about it. That showed a little personality. They did a storyline where Daniels had an injured left knee stemming from a TV angle. Morgan won clean with the Hellevator. The idea is since they were setting him up for a possible title match, he had to score a big win. *”

Its tough to have a bad match with Christopher Daniels right?

“3. Abyss pinned Dr. Stevie in 9:51 in a match announced at the last minute as a no DQ. Abyss has a new outfit as he’s no longer playing a mental patient. Daffney is apparently Stevie’s new love interest. Stevie got early heat using a retractable baton. Abyss came back and destroyed Stevie, throwing him into the wall a few times. Stevie bled heavily. Abyss had him pinned with the shock treatment (torture rack drop) but picked him up at two. Daffney gave Abyss a low blow and Lauren ran out. Daffney then went to give Stevie a taser gun. Lauren then attacked Daffney, and shoved her down. Lauren ran away with Daffney chasing which distracted Abyss so Stevie could get the taser gun. Before he could use it, Abyss laid out Stevie with a black hole slam. Abyss grabbed the taser, used it on Stevie and there was all kinds of smoke, and got the pin. *¼”

Stevie Richards has found new fame in his role on YouTube - what did you think of Stevie in this gimmick and his work with Abyss?

“4. Team 3-D retained the IWGP tag team titles over Doug Williams & Brutus Magnus of the British Invasion in 10:16. The early part of the match with Williams and Devon was decent, but Magnus was green and they lost the crowd. Crowd was dead until the finish until they started chanting for tables. The tables were brought in and set up, but never used in the match itself. Finish saw Rob Terry accidentally clothesline Williams, and then they used the 3-D on Williams for the pin. Post-match saw Sheik Abdul Bashir and Kiyoshi attack 3-D. They made their own comeback, throwing Kiyoshi out of the ring and doing a double-
team Bubba bomb off the middle rope putting Bashir through the table. *”

The current SmackDown GM Nick Aldis here looked great - but do you think Team 3D had run its course at this point?

“5. Jenna Morasca pinned Sharmell in what could win worst match of the decade on PPV in 5:49. Morasca came out in ultra-short dress and had this look like she was a wasted stripper as she was doing her stripper dance. Sojo Bolt was in Sharmell’s corner and Awesome Kong was in Morasca’s. The idea was that Kong was going to somehow save this match, which didn’t happen. Sharmell worked on Morasca early, limited by her evening gown and Morasca’s bad selling. But then it really got bad as Morasca made her comeback. She couldn’t run the ropes, which does take time to learn. She couldn’t go into the ropes, which also takes time to learn. But she couldn’t even run in a straight line to the ropes and not bounce off them. Usually seven year olds who do fake pro wrestling in their bedroom and use the walls for ropes can at least run a straight line and stop at the wall to bounce off them. This was like watching two first graders playing pretend pro wrestling. Her slaps were a new definition of horrible. Morasca pulled out some of Sharmell’s hair extensions and first teased putting them down her top. That was creepy. Then she gave them to Kong. The difference between WWE and TNA is that WWE’s women are always presented as hot and glamorous while TNA’s women, who are also pretty, are presented as fakes, with the references to fake hair, and making it clear that Sharmell has fake hair. Most divas in both promotions do, but I doubt you’ll ever see an angle in WWE calling attention to fake breasts or making sure the public knows the women have fake hair, or trying to present them as actually ugly if they don’t have all their makeup on. Sharmell wanted her hair extensions back from Kong. Kong gave them to her, then decked her. Morasca waited forever, gyrating her butt like she was getting to perform a sex act on the KO’d Sharmell, which would have at least been more entertaining than a match with the two, and got the pin. After the match, Morasca told Kong to pick her up and put her on her shoulder. Kong did, but Morasca was still yelling at her. The argument was so contrived looking, and it ended with Kong laying out Morasca. -****”

This is the infamous BRYAN ALVAREZ SAYING MINUS FIVE STARS - how did this end up being the worst match ever and why did no one stop it?

“6. Kevin Nash pinned A.J. Styles to win the Legends title in 14:07. Nash said that if he lost the match, not only would he be fired, but he would retire from wrestling. That sure added interest. It’s like not one person cared because who believes a pro wrestling stipulation? At the beginning of the match, Mike Tenay said that what was cut out of Nash’s interview where he buried Styles on television was him comparing Styles to Shawn Michaels. Styles took a big bump when Nash kicked him off the top rope, and in falling to the floor he hit his head on the guard rail. Styles always works hard and Nash did as much as he could given he had to go long and there isn’t a lot he can do. Styles got a near fall with the Pele kick, and the finish saw Styles do a springboard move over the referee, but Nash moved out of the way. Styles landed on his feet, but Nash choke slammed him for the pin. This came with little build and was a flat finish. That said, it was the best thing so far on the show. *½”

Was there more for AJ & Nash to do here?

“7. Scott Steiner & Booker T beat Beer Money to win the TNA tag titles in 12:29. Most of the matches thus far didn’t promise much. Not that this did, but Booker is at least physically talented even at his age, though he’s largely on cruise control now. Steiner tries, but is so limited by his size and injuries, but Beer Money is one of the company’s best and most over acts. But the crowd was dead here until they did their Pavlovian reaction to the “Beer—Money.” spot. Storm was beaten on until he did a DDT out of the corner and hot tagged Roode. The finish saw Storm spit beer in Steiner’s eyes. Some of the beer apparently got in Earl Hebner’s eyes, or at least was supposed to. He was selling like he was blinded by the beer. They did the DWI finish on Steiner but Hebner was outside the ring. He finally got in, but before he could count three, Booker pulled Hebner out of the ring. I still can’t get over how stupid that spot is. Hebner and Storm were arguing and behind the refs back, Booker gave Roode an ax kick and Steiner pinned him. Match was decent, tho lacking the heat you’d expect, but the finish didn’t come off well. *¼”

Was this too overbooked? 

“8. Samoa Joe beat Sting in 11:36. Joe suplexed Sting on the ramp and later gave him a tope. Joe beat on Sting most of the way until Sting came back with a Stinger splash and the scorpion deathlock. They teased the idea of Joe tapping, but then Taz came out. Everyone expected this huge babyface pop for Taz like every near star gets in TNA, but he got no reaction. It wasn’t exactly clear if Sting let go of the hold for no reason, or Joe powered out of the hold. Sting then delivered some moves that Joe would sell, but then pop up from. The idea was that he was given inspiration by his mentor being there. What kind of psychology is this? Sting climbed to the top and Joe shook the ropes, so Sting crotched himself. The finish was supposed to be Joe doing the muscle buster off the ropes. So Joe went to do it, but Sting wouldn’t go up, and they both collapsed. Then Joe went for a regular muscle buster, and again Sting wouldn’t go up, and they both fell down. Then, Joe just put the choke on and told Sting to tap, which he did. The finish killed what had been at least a slightly better than average match. *½”

What could’ve been Jeff - right?

“Before the main event, Mike Tenay announced the signing of Bobby Lashley, calling him both a pro wrestling and MMA superstar. Keep in mind that Lashley was actually at the show. Instead of having him do a pre-tape, or having a big deal in the ring over him signing, they played a tape from a few days earlier of him doing an ESPN radio interview where he mentioned signing. The interview saw him talk more about MMA, but that he also loves pro wrestling but made it clear MMA was his focus. That’s fine to say in public, but saying that on a wrestling show? Then, he focused his interview talking about a match with Brock Lesnar and they even put up a graphic for Lashley vs. Lesnar. I was told in the arena, that got a big pop, but it’s TNA pushing a match that may never happen, and even if it does, TNA isn’t going to have a part in it. The only way UFC is signing Lashley is if he quits TNA. I’ve never understood the idea of using your time to promote and get your audience hyped up over something you will never deliver.”

Were you a part of this deal? What did you think of bringing Lashley in?

“9. Kurt Angle beat Mick Foley in 14:06 to retain the TNA title. Crowd was dead here as well. They did the best they could. Angle even did a missed moonsault spot. Foley used a DDT for a near fall. Foley pulled out the sock, but Angle threw Foley into ref Andrew Thomas. Angle used a low blow and Olympic slam, but Foley kicked out. Angle blamed Thomas and gave him an elbow drop. That made no sense that there wasn’t a DQ. Foley used an elbow drop off the apron onto the floor. He was probably feeling that one the next day. Foley threw him in the ring and went for the pin, but Angle kicked out. Foley put the Socko claw on again. Angle powered out, landed on top, and did ground and pound like an MMA match, and grabbed an ankle lock. Foley made the ropes the first time. Angle put the hold on again, and Foley took the sock off his hand, but still didn’t escape and Angle did the heel hook which led Foley to tap. The entire Mafia got in the ring to celebrate all their wins as the show went off the air. **½”

Well Jeff - looking back - do you think this was the worst TNA pay-per-view of all-time?


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