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Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been Soo quiet! My life has thrown me around so much this year I hate it, I’ve been having to deal with so much lately and it’s been taking it’s toll. From work to doctors visits to making new appointents and even had the possibility of going to court (not certain on that yet) but just everything has been so busy for me lately even my arm started bothering me again last week, and I’m doing everything I can to keep it from flaring up, because if my nerve flares up again, I don’t know how long it will put me out for. (FYI the last flare up lasted over 4 months) Soo, again sorry for those expecting more from me, this comic I have going on is the last thing I’ll ever post here and I’m nearly done with it, just may take more time from me, but again, ALL CURRENT PATRONS WILL NOT BE CHARGED! So you can stay as long as you want and still have benefits! Once you leave you’ll be charged again if you ever want to come back. Just saying and reminding you all cause I know a few people left.

im doing my best to finish what I started while my body allows, just remember I’m human too and I have a lot on my plate currently.



It's alright, please don't feel pressured! We're not even paying anything! Please take your time and take care of yourself! I'm just really sad to hear you won't or can't continue with your marvelous art. It brought me, and I'm sure many other a lot of joy!


Shame that you can't continue to show us your awesome talent after the comic, but please take all the time you need! I may speak for only myself here, but charged or not I want to see all your hard work wrapped up at your pace! We're all behind you and thank you for being so open with us!


No worries dude, your health comes first


Thanks pal, and I’m going to try everything in my ability to try and stay drawing in the future, but I’ve removed myself from the fandom (for now) and won’t prioritize furry stuff when/if I get back drawing.


I really appreciate hearing that pal! Thank you. And if I ever start drawing again I want a fresh start as I’ve dealt with way to much in the past that I want to forget everything. Though I don’t regret choosing the path I did.


It's alright. Wish you good health.


It's good to hear from you again buddy, and take all the time you need for yourself no matter what, you always come first! Your amazing work will be missed, it brought so much happiness and grabbed me at first sight. I'll be here till you finish cause your work is inspiring❤✨✨


You 'da man! Just relax, take care of your stuff, heal, and draw Olaf. <3


Hi! Just saw this on tumbler. Thought it might help: https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/sketched-circles-gm940394616-257076957